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open Highschool Singing Club

LunaKitty R5

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"Well, if you swear like that they would...no offense. There are better ways to say things Star, yet some ponies think it's cool to selwear like that. I say it's rude, offensive and disrespectful. As I always say:"Ponies will treat you like the way you carry yourself." Thunder stated. "Oh sure you can be angry, but you're in control of you." Thunder stated. One thing that turned him off was ponies swearing and cursing.

Starshine said. "Oh I'm sorry! I don't swear often! My worse can be DANGIT! It was just a quote from some ponies. And I carry myself like that cause I'm nervous inside. I've had a very hard life. I don't know my backstory, I've been adopted. My father is a busy man. I've had to raise myself with no mother! I'm very confident but I add to my 'fake persona' so then ponies think I'm strong. But inside a little piece of me is just shattered!" During that whole speech her voice didn't waver or crack. No tears in her eyes. She had dead determination in her eyes. She wanted to share her feelings with somepony. And she just felt like everything had poured out. Thunder Dash just made her do that!

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(Can i join in with my ponysona? i like singing and i'm not into glee and i'm praticing on singing and my ponysona is me ponyfied the one in my icon and idk where too start my ponyfied shelf on here.I also love Frozen and i love music too just please tell me where i can start at.)


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(Can i join in with my ponysona? i like singing and i'm not into glee and i'm praticing on singing and my ponysona is me ponyfied the one in my icon and idk where too start my ponyfied shelf on here.I also love Frozen and i love music too just please tell me where i can start at.)

(Yeah. I gave you the green light a while ago! Sooooo go ahead and join in!)


Starshine watched Thunder Dash's reaction to that speech. She wasn't expecting a huge reaction. She just enjoyed doing so. "I'm sorry if I freaked you out!" She took a quick bite from her sandwich. Which tasted amazing. She loved how the cheese melted in her mouth. She smiled and closed her eyes. "These sandwiches are sooooo good!"


"Well, if you swear like that they would...no offense. There are better ways to say things Star, yet some ponies think it's cool to selwear like that. I say it's rude, offensive and disrespectful. As I always say:"Ponies will treat you like the way you carry yourself." Thunder stated. "Oh sure you can be angry, but you're in control of you." Thunder stated. One thing that turned him off was ponies swearing and cursing.

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"Nah, you didn't really freak me out. I just didn't expect a beautiful mare like you say something like that, that's all." Thunder Dash stated as he blushed very lightly and took another bite out of his sandwich. StarShine was indeed beautiful to Thunder, and Thunder wanted to help her resolve her problems.   

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"Of course. You can come over when ever" Skull Dust said while writing down her address and phone number. When she was done writing it she handed it to him. "So like I said. Any time you can come over. My sister holds these party's on Saturday if you would like to come than. We are usually free"

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"I'll make sure to come over, thank you Skull Dust" Shiranui said before he was about to leave, he stopped. "Um...hey if you want I can walk you home if t-that's okay" He asked her. "Of course I'm going to start stuttering now....especially in front of  a cute mare like her" He said to himself which unfortunately was a bit audible

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Skull Dust smiled and said "I would love you to" She grabbed her stuff and went over to him. 'I wonder what my sister is going to think of this. Oh well it doesn't matter. I made a friend and that's all that counts' she thought to herself. "I'm ready to go when you are," skull dust said.

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Star shine said to Thunder-Dash "Well thanks for taking me out for lunch! It was fun! But I have to go practice! We'll I'm going back to the choir room." She walked out of the deli and walked slowly to the high school. She walked into the choir room. And started playing the violin. The beautiful sound playing softly through the room.

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"Let go then" He said as he left the class room and waited for Skull Dust. "I guess I am a luck stallion to meet somepony as nice as her: He said to himself. "If you don't mind me asking, why is your sister pushing you to join a club" He decided to ask. "That probably wasnt the smart thing to ask her"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"She wants me to be more social. She told me it wasn't healthy for me to lock myself in my room all the time" she answered. She followed him out the door and she had a smile on her face while walking with him. 'This is really great. I made a friend that is really cute and I joined a club' she thought.

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"See you later Star!" Thunder stated as he finished his sandwich, left the Deli and went to work on some acapella arrangements. He then dug up a good one he made a while ago. It was "Magic" by BYOB. It was one of his favorites. He then went to a piano room and started to sing it. "I've got the magic in me..." He started to sing.  

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(Ok thank you sorry i did not know)


Felicia:*Walks in and joins the glee club and she sees a ponies* "Hi my name is Felicia so is this the glee club? i would like too be in you're club" She saids shyly.She starts singing let it go "Let it go i don't care what there going too say" as she sings.


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(Ok thank you sorry i did not know)


Felicia:*Walks in and joins the glee club and she sees a ponies* "Hi my name is Felicia so is this the glee club? i would like too be in you're club" She saids shyly.She starts singing let it go "Let it go i don't care what there going too say" as she sings.

(Um you don't have to have your name at the beginning of each post! You just just make it easier and rp like us! And your sorta rushing!)


Starshine's ears flop down and she puts her violin away. Se said "Felicia your rushing! Your more rushed then Star Ruby! So let's take it slow! I'm Starshine the leader. Now I will show you how to join a club. Cause if I wasn't in a good mood I would have just sent you back out!" Starshine spreads her wings and flies out of the room into the Highschool hallway. She walks back in slowly but confidently. She walked on stage "Hello my name is Starshine and I will be auditioning for A spot in this glee club." She plays her Ipod connected to the sound system.


(She sounds like this. She's a carbon copy of Lea Michele. http://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=kp&v=cuycKKYDrpY)

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"She wants me to be more social. She told me it wasn't healthy for me to lock myself in my room all the time" she answered. She followed him out the door and she had a smile on her face while walking with him. 'This is really great. I made a friend that is really cute and I joined a club' she thought.



"Thats what my brother is like except he messes with me and calls me a loner at times" he said. "I mostly stay in my room and usually draw or make my haikus or something and after a few years of doing so my brother decided to try and make me get friends" He said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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(Um you don't have to have your name at the beginning of each post! You just just make it easier and rp like us! And your sorta rushing!)


Starshine's ears flop down and she puts her violin away. Se said "Felicia your rushing! Your more rushed then Star Ruby! So let's take it slow! I'm Starshine the leader. Now I will show you how to join a club. Cause if I wasn't in a good mood I would have just sent you back out!" Starshine spreads her wings and flies out of the room into the Highschool hallway. She walks back in slowly but confidently. She walked on stage "Hello my name is Starshine and I will be auditioning for A spot in this glee club." She plays her Ipod connected to the sound system.


(She sounds like this. She's a carbon copy of Lea Michele.


(Opps sorry i just roleplay that way i guess)


Felicia saids:"I'm sorry i just have problems too so i don't want too be out of my good mood because i just got off of this site called deviantart away from hassle! and i like singing and I'm kinda of paticnet". Felicia flies away crying.


(That devainart part is true)


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(Opps sorry i just roleplay that way i guess)


Felicia saids:"I'm sorry i just have problems too so i don't want too be out of my good mood because i just got off of this site called deviantart away from hassle! and i like singing and I'm kinda of paticnet". Felicia flies away crying.


(That devainart part is true)

(Wow mood swing! :P and why are you randomly crying? SO MUCH FREAKING WATERWORKS! Lol and Star sorta just sang to you. If you watched the video link! And sorry guys for poofing for a few days. I'm having some major tests and I was studying like crazy!)


Starshine finished singing to see that Felicia was gone. She drew a sharp breath and turned off the mic. She sighed "Not everypony likes my singing.." She trotted over to her violin and packed it up.

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Thunder soon found himself back at the stage. He then saw StarShine. "Star, what did I tell you earlier? You're letting your ego get the best of you again! Look what you did to that pony, who had a potential. Look Star, I hate to break it to you, but you're a little too inmature to be the leader of this club. A leader is supposed to humble, not prideful. They are supposed to be an example for the group. If the leader just spends their time wallowing in their own glories saying "I'm the leader! I'm the best!" then...what's the point of even forming a group? Do you get it?" Thunder asked a little irritated looking into StarShine's eyes.  

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Thunder soon found himself back at the stage. He then saw StarShine. "Star, what did I tell you earlier? You're letting your ego get the best of you again! Look what you did to that pony, who had a potential. Look Star, I hate to break it to you, but you're a little too inmature to be the leader of this club. A leader is supposed to humble, not prideful. They are supposed to be an example for the group. If the leader just spends their time wallowing in their own glories saying "I'm the leader! I'm the best!" then...what's the point of even forming a group? Do you get it?" Thunder asked a little irritated looking into StarShine's eyes.


Starshine whipped around "What did I DO?!?! I was just confused on how she just loaded everything into me! I barely heard a word she said! I was just showing her how to properly audition so she could get far in life! Cause I think she had great potential! I THOGHT WE WERE FRIENDS!" She huffed and went back to packing up her violin.

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"Yeah...we still are. But your example's not really good one, which is what I'm trying to say. You've got to stop being so...sensative to what I say and accept advice. Just because I may sound a little irritated doesn't mean I'm gonna be nasty. All I'm trying to do is help you become a better pony, that's all." Thunder stated. 

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"Yeah...we still are. But your example's not really good one, which is what I'm trying to say. You've got to stop being so...sensative to what I say and accept advice. Just because I may sound a little irritated doesn't mean I'm gonna be nasty. All I'm trying to do is help you become a better pony, that's all." Thunder stated.


Starshine still had her back turned to him. She was currently cleaning the E strong that had Rosen on it. The clothe moving up and down quickly. "Yeah fine! I will.. I was just sooooo confused at what was going on!" She rolled her eyes and remembered how fast Felecia was in here and on that stage.

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"Oh...okay." Thunder stated. "Hey...if you don't mind...could I be...a co-leader?" Thunder asked. He wanted to do this to help StarShine keep control over her ego and didn't want her to upset ponies with her loudness, which came from it. He then thought about other ways he could help. 

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"Oh...okay." Thunder stated. "Hey...if you don't mind...could I be...a co-leader?" Thunder asked. He wanted to do this to help StarShine keep control over her ego and didn't want her to upset ponies with her loudness, which came from it. He then thought about other ways he could help.


Starshine got up and slowly walked over to him. A stern look on her face. "I dunno.." She looked him up and down and walked behind him the back around. "Just kidding! I would be stupid not to! Your very helpful and smart and very talented!" She gave a cute giggle and smiled at her co-leader.

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"Thanks!" Thunder stated blushing a little lightly. In all honesty, he was glad that StarShine appointed him as co-leader. "So...you got time to jam a little?" Thunder asked as he went to the grand piano that was on stage and sat down. He waited for StarShine's answer.  

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"Thanks!" Thunder stated blushing a little lightly. In all honesty, he was glad that StarShine appointed him as co-leader. "So...you got time to jam a little?" Thunder asked as he went to the grand piano that was on stage and sat down. He waited for StarShine's answer.


Starshine deadpaned jokingly "Duh! Thats like asking me if I want to breath!" She gave another adorable giggle and flew lightly over to the piano. She started playing a tune and then sang "You wont find him drinking under tables.. Rolling dice or staying out till 3! You wont find unfaithful. You will find him, you'll find him next to me!"

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(OOC: I don't know that song. :P)


Thunder cued himself in and did a solo over the song. He was still thinking about asking StarShine out again, but was afraid that she was still in that singing mood. So, he just continued to play over what StarShine was singing, all the while thinking about ponies joining the club. 

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