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open Highschool Singing Club

LunaKitty R5

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Starshhine ndded "Come on in! I was just singing will working! And thats great!" She smiled warmly and went to Thunder-Dash. She said t him "Im sorry about earlier.. I shouldn't have been so rude.. I was just caught in the moment.. and I was remembering memories and I didn't want you seeing me like that.." She gave him an apologetic look.

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"Thunder continued to play. He could hear that mare singing in the distance. "Wow...she so needs a reality check..." Thunder thought to himself as he continued to play. He then got to a certain point and led right into "My Heart Will Go On". "Near...far..." He started to sing the chorus as he continued to play both instruments.

(...I think I know what you're talking about, but I'm not sure, so I'm just gonna go with what I think.) Shadow recognizes the song and starts singing the next line. "Wherever you are!..." She stops and hums the rest of the tune and listens to him play.


(like I said, I'm not sure if that's the song you mean.) 



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He opened the case and pulled out a violin. "I wonder what I should try singing first" He said to him self as he placed the bow on the strings before stopping. "I don't want to play while he is doing the same..." He said to himself as he put the violin down and started silently singing. 



(If you must know he is singing an old Japanese children song called Kagome Kagome)

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Thunder continued to sing and looked at the mare as he sang "I believe that the heart does go on!" He sang out as he continued to play. He still had his electric abilities on the violin. As he sang, he continued to think about that other mare, how he could teach her that being prideful is not always the best. 


(OOC: I'm a bit rusty on that song in terms of lyrics, so...I had to look them up.) 

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Thunder continued to sing and looked at the mare as he sang "I believe that the heart does go on!" He sang out as he continued to play. He still had his electric abilities on the violin. As he sang, he continued to think about that other mare, how he could teach her that being prideful is not always the best.


(OOC: I'm a bit rusty on that song in terms of lyrics, so...I had to look them up.)

"Near far.. Where ever you are.." She sang beside him. She played the next key and let him sing the next line. Showing she knew the song to and was cheering him on. "Once more you open to door.." And she finished singing so he could finish the song. She just sat on the piano bench watching.


(Celine dion I see.. Shes amazing! Ive been to like 6 concerts! SHes amazing! But in the future Star is gonna be singing "Its all coming back to me now". P.S SHes a small pony. Like small. If she were human she would be 5'2. And piano benches are huge. And I hope you don't mind. She was apologizing in song. By helping him out.)

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Thunder continued to sing and looked at the mare as he sang "I believe that the heart does go on!" He sang out as he continued to play. He still had his electric abilities on the violin. As he sang, he continued to think about that other mare, how he could teach her that being prideful is not always the best.


(OOC: I'm a bit rusty on that song in terms of lyrics, so...I had to look them up.)

"Near far.. Where ever you are.." She sang beside him. She played the next key and let him sing the next line. Showing she knew the song to and was cheering him on. "Once more you open to door.." And she finished singing so he could finish the song. She just sat on the piano bench watching.


(Celine dion I see.. Shes amazing! Ive been to like 6 concerts! SHes amazing! But in the future Star is gonna be singing "Its all coming back to me now". P.S SHes a small pony. Like small. If she were human she would be 5'2. And piano benches are huge. And I hope you don't mind. She was apologizing in song. By helping him out.)



Thunder continued to sing and looked at the mare as he sang "I believe that the heart does go on!" He sang out as he continued to play. He still had his electric abilities on the violin. As he sang, he continued to think about that other mare, how he could teach her that being prideful is not always the best.


(OOC: I'm a bit rusty on that song in terms of lyrics, so...I had to look them up.)

"Near far.. Where ever you are.." She sang beside him. She played the next key and let him sing the next line. Showing she knew the song to and was cheering him on. "Once more you open to door.." And she finished singing so he could finish the song. She just sat on the piano bench watching.


(Celine dion I see.. Shes amazing! Ive been to like 6 concerts! SHes amazing! But in the future Star is gonna be singing "Its all coming back to me now". P.S SHes a small pony. Like small. If she were human she would be 5'2. And piano benches are huge. And I hope you don't mind. She was apologizing in song. By helping him out.)

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(Uh you did it again! WAIT! PATIENCE!! I"M INTERACTING WITH SHADOW!! If you keep on doing this...then I'm gonna have to drop out, because you godmodded again. One more time and I'm outta it, that's final. Do get the fact that every time you godmod you screw up everything?!) 

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(Uh you did it again! WAIT! PATIENCE!! I"M INTERACTING WITH SHADOW!! If you keep on doing this...then I'm gonna have to drop out, because you godmodded again. One more time and I'm outta it, that's final. Do get the fact that every time you godmod you screw up everything?!) 

Edited by Thunder-Dash
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(Uh you did it again! WAIT! PATIENCE!! I"M INTERACTING WITH SHADOW!! If you keep on doing this...then I'm gonna have to drop out, because you godmodded again. One more time and I'm outta it, that's final. Do get the fact that every time you godmod you screw up everything?!)




Starshine gave him a sad look as he shot daggers out of his eyes with looks. She backed away and went to Shiriauni.

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(I thought that you left the room because Thunder annoyed you...remember? Shadow was with me singing; therefore, I thought that you godmodded her. That was my fault.)


Thunder continued to play and sing, noticing that mare who slowly backed away. He eyed her, making sure that she had the right attitude. 

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(Sorry I yelled at you! THe moment I posted that I was like. WHOA THE CAPS WERE ON!! Come back! And I shouldn't have said that stuff!!!!!! NOooooO! That was me! I was Pinkie! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I MEAN YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Except I meant NO! Sorry.. Cinnamon Bun? *Gives him the treat*)


Starshine smiled and pulled up a chair. She continued to listen as the read through her theory work that her vocal students had given her. She Taught fillies music.

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(OOC: Also, hope this doesn't bug you, but...your posts are just a teeny bit unorganized and don't flow right, which comes across as confusing to me. Try to organize your thoughts just a little more.)


A faint smile could be seen on Thunder's face. He finished up "My Heart Will Go On." He then snickered a little and lead right into an upbeat classic rock song. "Just a smalltown girl. Livin' in a lonely world! She took the midnight train goin' everywhere!" Thunder sang energetically. 

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(Ok! Sorry I've got a crappy keyboard so its weird! AND OMFG! You didn't just start playing that! Thats my favourite song like EVER!)


Starshine felt something in her. She smiled and looked Thunder-dash in the eye. As if he was cueing her she sang "Just a city boy! Born and raised in south Detroit! He took the midnight train going anywhhhheeeerrrreee!"


(Just picture her having the voice of Rachael Berry ((Lea Michele))

(And this should be their song. Like how they first knew they were gonna be good friends. Like how people have a song thats theirs! It would be sweet! :3)


Starshine listened to him sing the next line. She loved this song with all her heart. His beautiful voice filled the room as she listened.

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(OOC: Imagine Thunder Dash having a voice that is actually a fusion of the singers from Journey and Dragonforce, which means Thunder Dash can sing some high notes)


Thunder continued to sing. "A singer in a smokey room! A smell of wine and cheap perfume. For a smile they can share the night it goes on and on and on and on!" Thunder continued to sing. He then eyed the mare with a smile, meaning for them to sing the next part together. 

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She got up and sang with him "Strangers..! Waiting.....! Up and down the boulevard! Their shadows! Searching in the Niiii iiii igggghhhtttt! Whoooa! Street lights! People! Living just to find emotion! Hiding! Somewhere in the NIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHTTTTTTTTTT!" She belted Night with Thunder. She smiled and laughed.

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Thunder started the next verse. "Workin' hard to get my fill. Everypony wants a thrill. Payin' everything to roll the dice just one more time." Thunder sang as he continued to play


(You know what would be cool...if we do a jam to this song over skype! :D I'll have to get one really soon.) 

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(I don't have skype.. And I kinda don't want to talk to random people! Im so sorry im just sorta shy... :( Its a thing.. I can't deal with the thought of givin people infrmation about me.. I'm so sorry...)


Starshine sang "Some win! Some will loooo-ooossseee! Some are born to sing the blues! The movie never end it goes on and on and n and oo oo onnnnnnn!" She belted. She sang the chorus with him while dancing around the room. "OOOOHHHHHH Don't STOP! Believing! Hold to that feeling yeah yeah! STreet lights people ooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh!" She held the last note while Thunder sang the next line. "Dont stop believeing! Hold onto that feeling! Street lights people! DONT STOP!"


(Maybe we should end the song with them dancing with eachother? :3)

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(Well, we could make a PM where we share each other's stuff through youtube and stuff)


Thunder Dash then gathered some electricity and made the violin levitate. He then pulled a crazy piano and violin solo over the chords of the chorus. "Last chorus! Here we go...1, 2, 3, 4, Don't stop believin!" Thunder Dash started to sing again after he modulated up a whole step.


(OOC: I'm a theory buff...:P

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When they finished they were panting. She looked up and smiled "That was so much fun! Maybe you should join the glee club!" She smiled warmly. Star added "We only have 2 peple.." She frowned and looked down embarrased.


(Yeah Im gonna be posting covers on my channel soon! But my voice sunds young for my age! I sound like im 14 but im older! xD)

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"Glee? Well, I guess it won't hurt. When are auditions?" Thunder asked as he gathered electricity and made the violin disappear. "Boy, Glee club sounds really fun. I wasn't really a fan of Glee, and if I want to make Star Shine happy, after what seemed like I upset her, then so be it." Thunder thought to himself.  

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"Glee? Well, I guess it won't hurt. When are auditions?" Thunder asked as he gathered electricity and made the violin disappear. "Boy, Glee club sounds really fun. I wasn't really a fan of Glee, and if I want to make Star Shine happy, after what seemed like I upset her, then so be it." Thunder thought to himself.


(Sorry just got back from school! Let's do this! :D I'm excited!


Starshine said "Their now! It's just the other person is setting up! And It would be stupid to make you audition! You clearly have talent!" She elbowed him lightly. Se giggled with glee as she had 3 members.

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Thunder giggled lightly. "Well...I guess I'll wait until we've got enough members then. So...what else do you want to jam to?" Thunder asked. He was thinking about another song at the same time. He then started to play a familiar tune that popped in his head. "You are...my fire..." He started to sing.  

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Thunder giggled lightly. "Well...I guess I'll wait until we've got enough members then. So...what else do you want to jam to?" Thunder asked. He was thinking about another song at the same time. He then started to play a familiar tune that popped in his head. "You are...my fire..." He started to sing.


Starshine nodded "Yeah and OMFG THE BACKSTREET COLTS!" She squealed as he started playing. She grabbed the electric guitar near her and played chords to the song "My one! DESIER!" She smiled and continued playing chords. She loved this song.



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"Believe...when I say..." Thunder sang. He then eyed Star for them to sing the next line that way. He then noticed some ponies who had joined in as well.


(OOC: Tell me about it...I used to spell things the way I heard them. So if I were to spell the word desire, back then, it would be just like you have it. :P

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(HOLY CRAP I missed some stuff. Alright, let's see....)


Shadow decided to leave the room to the other two, for they seemed to be having a good time. She decided to go rest up for the audition. A glee club shouldn't be that bad for her, she's always loved to sing, and she's gotten really good at it too. While she walked down the hallway, she starting singing  to herself. "Take a look inside your heart.....with what seems fair today....tomorrow it may noooot."


(10 points to anyone who can guess what song I'm singing.)



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