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Leaving civilisation behind


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I never really entertained the idea of abandoning civilization. However, ask anyone (myself included) how long I would be able to last without civilization, and they'd probably say:


Edited by Toaster Bot


I don't like you.

My OC's thus far: Feverfew

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Life today under concrete might be easy for a lot of things, but it is unsustainable, just like all past great civilisations like the Romans, Mayans, Ancient Greek and Egyptians...you only have to look at the population growth to see what the issue is.


Tribal/Nomadic life might be hard, but when you're at it you don't end up thinking about life like that. It has been proven to work for humans for hundreds of thousands of years, compared to just ten-thousand for our current civilisation. You may laugh now but when the time comes we'll all realise this is the best way, the only way, to survive.

@, @@Polaris,


yeah after getting graduated i am gonna do the Mongol Rally with some friends! HELL YEAH! with a fiat Panda from Europe to Mongolia without gps! 2 months of fun, alchool and desert! we already found a suitable old car XD we are planning the route already probably the year following the next we gonna do it!

I think you misunderstood the topic, or have come to the wrong thread. A primitive life definitely isn't about riding around, drunk, in metal boxes. :/
  • Brohoof 1
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ehi it is not driving around drunk, but driving toward a point in the moddle of nothing drunk! this is so out of civilization to me XD oh well.. that is imho.. no problems.. anyway nope.. i am an engineer, i can't live without metal boxes XD


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Life without internet, electricity, transportation or technology?!



Yeah, the thought of leaving civilisation and living by nature, to me, is a fucking joke. I don't think I could do it for one day without going insane. In fact, of my family said "We're leaving this perfect life with good things and moving on to live by nature in the woods", this is how I'd react XD


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Tribal/Nomadic life might be hard, but when you're at it you don't end up thinking about life like that. It has been proven to work for humans for hundreds of thousands of years, compared to just ten-thousand for our current civilisation. You may laugh now but when the time comes we'll all realise this is the best way, the only way, to survive.


You mean, to die? 

If you roll back to THOSE time, without tech and our methods.. you would be effectively killing about... 19/20 of current population? 

Okay, 9/10 minimum. No medicine, no abundant food -> child death rates go skyrocket, average life expectation plummets to 30-40 years.

No thanks. If by surviving you mean killing off others - that's worse than what we try to do now. 

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You most likely would have ended up like this guy.


What you seem to lack is that when you enter that system you will have absolutely none to defend you, protect you, help you... It's another thing moving to a more isolated town and another thing going in the jungle.

Say you're prepared... i don't get it... you really think that living in nature is the best thing? I mean sure it sounds more ideal but is it truly better? Let's face it life near "civilization" has more choices to give you, and is less tiring.

You think you are gonna escape our materialistic society by going into a jungle or an abandoned area? What do you think is gonna happen then? You're gonna be spending all day either fighting the elements of nature, the animals, building your home, gathering your food... Which means in the end you will become utterly materialistic more than you are before. You will spend each day thinking about your daily needs, and the material goods you need to survive rather than live a life of peaceful contemplation.

I am sorry but... even if you succeed that's your response to the problem of materialism? Why do you think none has tried it yet? Because it's not the way to face our problems! We should have the "guts" to actually go out there and face them! Change our education! Change the people! "Cowardly" scooping off our problems and avoiding them solves NOTHING.

I don't think you appreciate today's society enough... Today's society has given you clothes to wear, internet, education (however flawed all these  and those that follow are), justice, protection e.t.c. It has given you those things so that you may use your mind to advance human society a bit further by your life. So the one thing that allows you to think a bit further than you already do, is also the one thing you shun and despise... the materialistic society!

I am sorry if i sounded "agressive" in any way. I do not wish to offend you in any way.

@, ((OFF TOPIC:I don't think using so many memes helps your arguement though. Just saying you do it often.))

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As somebody who has camped in remote wilderness for days/a week and has seen remote tribes in Southeast Asia (mostly in Thailand and Cambodia); there's nothing glamorous about it. It's a HARD life without luxury and people live in abject poverty. Things you take for granted do not exist in such conditions. Your life is simplified, but it's also made complicated by the never ending struggle to even survive and scrape by in the first place. Perspective is important, and after seeing and experiencing it, I'll take a first world life over that any day.

Edited by K.K. Slider
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Apparently this guy(s) found value in it...

This site has also been a great read.


I hope no one is butt-hurt that I'm simply interested in the whole thing, I'm definitely not about to go out any time soon. I just enjoy searching up on it.

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@, I'm not butt-hurt that you're interested. I am annoyed by the fact that most of those that "Go primitive" haven't appreciated in the least bit what they already have.

I am annoyed that hippies, hermits, and generally people who go primitive are generally made saints and become movies like MCCandles. Mr McCandles had all the money in the world is a prime example of people that don't appreciate what they have.

There's a saying in my country... "There is no greater enemy, than the one that has seen benefit and is ungrateful." Of course it's not the exact translation but you get my point.

It's one thing going in the forests of Europe where no dangerous wildlife exists, the wolf and bear have almost been eradicated, and another thing going in Alaska and the Amazon.

The man described in the first link seemed like the man that would find it easier and much more enjoyable living in my home village, on another note the name of the village translates to "Little Rain", Agricultural life isn't much different than going primitive... and it's a very useful middle ground that can help prepare yourself to live in the forest. 

People have died, teenagers have died because they idolised people like McCandles. The most annoying thing is that despite the fact that he was ungrateful, that he pushed a bunch of children to death, he was glorified, made into a movie, and once he died you couldn't say shit about him because you'd be "Insulting the dead". No offense to the dead but if a hippie was a bad person i don't care if i'm insulting the dead by calling him and idiot... because he's still an idiot.

Feel free to experiment, to go camping, to do this thing for a year or so... don't just abandon what you have... that's reckless. 

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Leaving civilization? Oh no, no. That is something I am too accustomed to, and I like to live longer. I like to know that I can call or go to the doctor if I have a disease and such.

One may claim, herbs and stuff! Let me tell you, if it was that simple, then we don't have to worry about disease. How about a condition and such? Modern society is very useful, just be careful.

  • Brohoof 1


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Given how many 'moving to Equestria' threads we have I'm surprised this is hit and miss with so many people on here. I mean, do they have the internet? Or...much technology? They've got agriculture granted, but it seems nowhere near as destructive...


Almost every anthropologist who studied ancient peoples found that they were happier, healthier (mentally and physically) and weren't trying to materialise explanations of life matters. This is how we're supposed to live, and I hope to whatever spirits there are that it is the future.

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Almost every anthropologist who studied ancient peoples found that they were happier, healthier (mentally and physically) and weren't trying to materialise explanations of life matters. This is how we're supposed to live, and I hope to whatever spirits there are that it is the future.


30-year average lifespan does not seem particulary healthy... 

And if they were not.. our current life would not be here. 


This is how animals are supposed to live, not people. 


Moving to Equestria.. they do have tech (not as much as us, but.. building a dam, railroads and powering kitchen and scientific equipment is not an easy task you know) and they have magic.  That's closer to moving to an island with regular shipments of goods and satellite internet than to going into forest and dying from malaria.

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And our lifespan heavily depends on the climates anyway. In most environments, I definitely wouldn't mind not living past 40.


A huge proportion of our population our living in societies where it is not uncommon for people to die at five years or less. We haven't progressed, what we've widened is the gap between the rich and the poor.


This sort of thing shouldn't be an indicator of health anyway.

Edited by Paspie
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I definitely wouldn't mind not living past 40.


A huge proportion of our population our living in societies where it is not uncommon for people to die at five years or less. We haven't progressed, what we've widened is the gap between the rich and the poor.

And your idea of finding dying at 40 good is entirely subjective. I find it however questionable how you would choose to avoid the problem that this gap exists and start anew. Wouldn't it be preferable if you used this potential to change the world around you? Think of those that CANT go primitive simply because they don't have the money.


The amazonian tribes and Africans don't "Go primitive" they "Are Primitive". And not out of choice... and i don't see them living in absolute harmony and happiness. They are plagued by numerous diseases and not only that but their social structure is questionable. Meaning they adhere to cruel and often ridiculous customs, there is no notion of equality there... just the notion of the "Survival of the fittest". Now i am not saying that this is bad... and in fact in some way today's society also applies that... But think about it a bit... when you spend each day fighting for your material possessions, your home, your stick that helps you fight, your bowl... do you really think you're escaping materialism? Or is it that materialism just changes form and becomes this way? Think of it as a change of perspective.




Actually i went on the Internet and did a very brief search about what differentiates humans from animals. I found something interesting i think i have to quote here.


"The distinction between the human form of life and the animal form of life is not that humans sleep on beds and animals sleep on the ground; it’s not that humans walk on two legs and many animals walk on four legs; it’s not that humans eat at a dining table with utensils and napkins while animals just eat with their mouth to the ground in some way. Humans are not meant to simply be refined animals. There is a much deeper and meaningful difference between humans and animals."


http://www.scienceofidentityfoundation.net/ancient-wisdom-for-modern-living/what-is-the-difference-between-humans-and-animals.html What you make out of this is your own opinion but i have to say that humans have conscience, they ponder on their actions, they aspire to be things... an animal wouldn't think of "going to the city" or "going primitive"... an animal would follow it's instincts and act on it's genetic code. Humans are better than that, without this making them superior. But under NO circumstance can you equalize us to animals.

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the moving to equestria thread also implies we'd be ponies not men. Least we'd be able to eat the grass even if we couldn't have a house and stuff straight away XD


My OC's:  MalinterRahl, Vengeful impact & alias-the-marked-one

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"Defeating a sandwich only makes it tastier." most legendary quote ever.

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And our lifespan heavily depends on the climates anyway. In most environments, I definitely wouldn't mind not living past 40.


A huge proportion of our population our living in societies where it is not uncommon for people to die at five years or less. We haven't progressed, what we've widened is the gap between the rich and the poor.


This sort of thing shouldn't be an indicator of health anyway.


Not anymore. 

Ever heard of noosphere? 


Not living beyond 40? You dont really like yourself do you?

Just because there's a gap doesn't mean we should just throw everyone into abyss. Some populations had struggles and got inventive. Some were living relatively the same for thousands of years, meaning they did not had enough of them in the past. Inventions grow out of necessity and creativity not out of good living.

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First of all, I personally don't mind dying at 40 if it means I don't have to question life.


Second, if these Amazonian tribes weren't living how they are out of choice, then how come so many of them go into defense mode when a helicopter flies overhead? How come they didn't become neolithic several thousand years ago? They know the dangers of life outside from the crap that gets washed up on their shores, to the machines they can see overhead. Some have even been known to attack modern people who have tried to make contact.

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First of all, I personally don't mind dying at 40 if it means I can enjoy life.


Second, if these Amazonian tribes weren't living how they are out of choice, then how come so many of them go into defense mode when a helicopter flies overhead? How come they didn't become neolithic several thousand years ago? They know the dangers of life outside from the crap that gets washed up on their shores, to the machines they can see overhead. Some have even been known to attack modern people who have tried to make contact.


Depends what you mean under "enjoy" 

I cant see spending 80 to 90% of time for getting food/shelter/etc enjoyable, at all. 


Because thy're less human and more animal, as you said before. 

Animals do defend their lair too 

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(above post edited)


We'll never know how enjoyable other wild animals find their lives, all we know is that through natural selection they have endured the test of time. Our current way of life did not come about through natural selection and is therefore not sustainable.


Science can't prove what makes humans 'special' because it is subjective. We can only measure what we can see, we have no idea if there is something we can't see.

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We'll never know how enjoyable other wild animals find their lives

Science can't prove what makes humans 'special' because it is subjective. We can only measure what we can see, we have no idea if there is something we can't see.


They dont even have the concept of life, let alone much of the feelings. 

It can, just by fact that you're questioning whether humans are special, makes them special.

No other specie does that. So, by definition of special - we're special at least in that (and in everything related to cognitive activity)

That was correct several thousands years ago, not now. Just because you're ignorant of most of the scientific world does not mean that humans have no idea about things they cant see. If you want a rough example - take calculus and other complex areas of mathematics. People can't see it, yet people can understand it and measure it.

Edited by LunarWave

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But we don't understand this sort of thing. We think we do, or getting there, but we never will. It's an illusion caused by our incapable 'hands' so to speak.


I'd prefer not to argue much longer, in the last week or so my roster of interests have gone utterly crazy and I feel quite shaken up, TBH with everyone. I have no idea how long it will last but for now I'm going to remain quite turbulent.

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But we don't understand this sort of thing. We think we do, or getting there, but we never will. It's an illusion caused by our incapable 'hands' so to speak.


I'd prefer not to argue much longer, in the last week or so my roster of interests have gone utterly crazy and I feel quite shaken up, TBH with everyone. I have no idea how long it will last but for now I'm going to remain quite turbulent.


what kind of "thing" are we talking about, exactly? 

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But we don't understand this sort of thing. We think we do, or getting there, but we never will. It's an illusion caused by our incapable 'hands' so to speak.


I'd prefer not to argue much longer, in the last week or so my roster of interests have gone utterly crazy and I feel quite shaken up, TBH with everyone. I have no idea how long it will last but for now I'm going to remain quite turbulent.


It's really simple. Life is good. Death is bad.


There are longer life spans in modernized societies than ancient societies. Modern society ensures greater Life and is therefore better than ancient society.

Edited by Sekhayet



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I'd prefer not to argue much longer, in the last week or so my roster of interests have gone utterly crazy and I feel quite shaken up, TBH with everyone. I have no idea how long it will last but for now I'm going to remain quite turbulent.
Oh oh i see... don't be discouraged by negative opinions. It is productive to search one's self. But i would advise however that you first come to appreciate the things you already have.

If you want to escape materialism a bit look at the people around you, make connection with them, strengthen the ones you already have. I believe you are too young to just let everything go... i am not saying you will but... think of the ones that will miss you. I am sure if you come to that understand it will become a bit harder for you to just let everything go.

I however would like to point that during the summer and vacations i tend to return to my much less industrialized home city, cut grapes, and swim, and stuff... it's good to have a resort of sorts. That's what most people do when it comes to "escaping" for a bit.
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