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searching Harmony University (OOC)


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Hey everyone who decided to drop by this thread. I'm going to college soon and had the idea that, "Hey, why not role-play about it?"


So that is what I am doing. This thread will be your application post. I will read through the posts and either accept you, or decline you, just like a real college. I will check this thread and the RP thread daily and throw scenarios at you to see what you will do.


If I accept you, then you are free to post in the thread when it opens.


Now, please fill out this application to apply for Harmony University!














Civil Statues: Married? Single?




Ethnic Origin: Earth? Pegasus? Unicorn? Other?


Have you ever been arrested: Y/N


Name of High School(Make one up if you choose to):






Extracurricular Activities:











Now, once I review your application and I accept you, I will then send you a PM regarding your class schedule. The schedule will not represent real life time. I will be posting time, events, rallies, games, and other shenanigans that goes on in college.


Everyone will be living in a double. A double is a room that can accommodate two ponies. The dorms will have a bed, mattress, computer desk, and computer chair. It is up to the RPer to bring other things. Also, there is a full kitchen, and a single bathroom.


If I missed anything, please do not hesitate to ask.

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