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private 1x1 Hearts of Metal and Courage

Mr. Critical

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Peace swiftly returned to Aaron and smiled to see he had replaced the creepy mask with the bandana she gave him. "On second thought, the general is all the way over in Canterlot, and that is quite a way away. Let me find a guard and tell him to give the news to the general. Then I'll find you something to eat.. unless you don't mind traveling to Canterlot, that is" she says with a smile, "Aaron's going to need somewhere to stay, I don't really trust ponies at the inns, motels or hotels to react well at first, even if I say he is with me. My house sure is big enough, and it would be nice enough to have some company" she thinks to herself with a smile, as she offers him her hoof again.


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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He took her hand again, this time without hesitation. "I don't mind. I'll just follow you." he began to look over the town and saw their heat signatures through the ground as they huddled in the basement at the coming storm. "Shall we be off then, Blossom? This storm looks to grow in intensity anytime soon."

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Peace nods, "We shall, the train station is a fair way away, but with my status, I can hail a chariot." She says with a smile, then sees the local guard station, "ah good, I knew the guard station was here somewhere, wait here" she says as she goes inside, a few seconds later she comes back outside. "A chariot will be here to pick us up in about five minutes." She says, sitting down on the bench outside the station.


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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Aaron with Peace on the bench. Looking to her. Her dark coat and her uniform. The two sat waiting for this chariot to retrieve them. He was amazed that something would be out here at this time during such weather. He hated awkward silences, but he didn't know what to talk about with a new species he knew nothing about.

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Peace noticed the look on his face, "Is there anything you'd like to know, about Equestria...about me?" she asks him as they waited for the chariot, which took a little less time then expected. She got onto it and waited for Aaron to get on with her. "You can ask anything you like"


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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"Well, while we do have technology, it is not as advanced as anything like cybernetics or anything like that. I've been trying to push our technology department for more advancements but they're pretty slow about it. And we have four rulers really, all princesses. The first two, are the sisters. Princess Luna ad Princess Celestia. They're duties, not only include ruling over all of Equestria, but Princess Celestia is responsible for raising and lowering the sun, where as Princess Luna is responsible for raising and lowering the moon and stars. Then there's Princess Cadence, she rules over the Crystal Empire and is the Princess of Love. And last but not least, is Princess Twilight Sparkle, she... well she and her friends are in charge of protecting the realm from threats that are beyond the Guard's jurisdiction." Peace takes in a deep breath, she had never spoke that much in one sentence ever before, not even when she was tipsy or drunk. The chariot lifted off the ground and they made their way to Canterlot.


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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The chariot took off as Aaron reacted with a short jump. This triggered a reaction and his fingers dug into the chariot via talons that triggered and embedded into the chariot. He struggled a bit and managed to free himself. He looked to them as they retracted into his fingers. 'Huh, that was weird.' He thought to himself. "Well that sounds... like an interesting ring of characters. So, what about you, Peace? What is my new companion like?"

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Peace smiled, it was about time he asked her about herself. "Well, as you already know, I take my career very seriously, how-ever, that does not mean that I don't know how to have fun. In fact, before I was give the order to investigate your appearance, I was on my way to my favorite bar. I'll take you there tonight." she says, "I've been told that I'm quite fun to have around when I'm not at work, that I'm quite bubbly and friendly." She smiles, and tosses up whether or not to tell him that she's single, she decides to wait a while longer.


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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He gave a smile behind his bandana. "Really. Well then, I may like hanging around you." He looked out over the edge, trying to think of another question. He hated asking questions, he was more accustomed to answering them. "Okay, what do you do for fun? Like what do you like doing the most?" his red eyes became a bit softer, looking to Peace.

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Peace gave him a warm smile, "Well I like to go out to the bar occasionally, but I really enjoy a good book, or watching a movie." She says, "would be nice to have someone to snuggle up with too" she thinks to herself, "I also like going for walks through the forest, and visiting my friend Zecora, she's quite an interesting character, but believe it or not, I really enjoy my training, it not only keeps me physically fit, but also mentally fit." She smiles again at him, hesitating to reach a hoof out to touch his hand. "What about you? What do you like to do for fun?"

Edited by Raiden NightSong


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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Aaron began to think and try to remember of what he liked to do. He sat there pondering until he remembered something. "Actually, I like movies too. I loved to watch them all the time." He tried to remember a little more. "In fact, I think... I was studying how to make movies. A-Animation." Being with Peace had helped him remember some of his past before they locked him away. "I also..." He began to remember his previous life, but his facial features grew sad behind the bandana. "I also remember... being so lonely. My parents... died at an early age. I was sent to an orphanage." His memories came flooding back. He remembered all the time he spent alone. Doing nothing. He tried making friends but the others kept away for some reason. "I was... U-um, Peace, I don't want to talk anymore about myself. I would actually like to talk about you instead. I like hearing about yourself much more than about me."

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@@Mr. Critical,


"Poor thing" Peace thinks to herself, she decides to make the first move and reaches a hoof over and strokes his hand, "You poor dear, what ever they did to you sounds horrible." She continues to stroke his hand and gaze into his red eyes. She was about to lean in and kiss him, but the chariot pulled up at the headquarters, she sighs and gets out. "Well, we're here" she says, offering him her hoof again.


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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Aaron slightly jumped at the touch of her hand. She felt warm to the touch. Aaron liked this. He looked to her with glad eyes. "Thank you, Peace. You're a good friend." Aaron looked saw that the chariot had stopped. They both got out as the cart sped off. Aaron looked to Peace. 'Shes really nice. And she's pretty cute, for an alien.' He thought to himself. He stood next to Peace, enjoying her presence. "So, what exactly is this place that were going to? Is it your favorite bar you mentioned?

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(OOC:do you think it possible for just Tangent to join in?)


Peace smiles, "Well first of all, I need to take you to my general, so he sees you are no threat. Then we need to go back to my place so I can change, and then we can go to the bar." She says taking a hold of his hand and leading him to the front office. She takes him to the front desk and gets him a visitor's badge then goes to the general's office. "Well, here goes nothing"


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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(I don't know? I originally intended to make this a one on one. But if you want to, I guess I will allow it.)

Aaron gave a nod. She followed her through the city, the other ponies giving odd looks to him. They were all varied in colors and shapes. He was utterly fascinated. But his new friend caught his attention most. She had grown on him in such a short time. Peace was one in a few to show him affection of a positive emotion. And as of yet, no ulterior motive. They walked to the steps of Canterlot castle. They were close to making his introduction.

  • Brohoof 1
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(thanks, im thinking at the bar one of Peace's friends falls for his OC)


Peace smiled and they walked in, she then knocks on the general's office door.


She enters with Aaron behind her. "General, sir. This is Aaron, he's the being that you sent me to investigate."

"I see, and I assume that by the fact that he is here, alive, that he is no threat to our world?"

Peace shakes her head, "You'd be correct sir."

"Very well, I trust your judgment Captain, you may go."

"thank you sir."


She then takes Aaron's hand again and leads him to her home.

  • Brohoof 1


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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Aaron was stunned. "Well, that was a lot shorter than I expected." Peace had brought him along, grabbing his hand as they sped off. Aaron liked the feeling of her touch. She was soft. She seemed to be in a hurry as well. Then again, he was hungry, so a little speed wasn't that bad. She led him through the streets again, eventually reaching the outside of her home.


(So be it then.)

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(Ok cool, and thinking of making this really embarassing, but Aaron goes looking for the toilet or something, and he accidentally opens Peace's bedroom door while she's bare butt naked and getting changed :P)

Peace opened her front door and took Aaron inside, "Make yourself at home Aaron, the kitchen is just over there" She says pointing to the kitchen, "Won't be long, I just need to get changed"


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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(Okay then. Let awkward and quirky shenanigans commence.)




Aaron gave her a nod. He took off his bandana and placed it on the couch. He sat down, waiting for Peace to come back. He stayed there for a minute or two and felt a sensation. "Bollocks. Gotta find the bathroom." He got up and went searching for the bathroom. He went to the hall with various doors. "Christ. Its like a Scooby doo cartoon here. He started on the left three. He opened one at a time. Finding a closet, a guest room, and another closet. He opened another door to find another guest room. He was getting frustrated now. He went to the next room and he opened the door. But what he saw made him wish it was another closet. Standing there, bare naked was Peace Blossom. His cheeks started to redden like a tomato at the site of her nicely toned body. He was utterly frozen and shocked. He wanted to look away, but at the same time, he wanted to keep looking. She looked utterly incredible.

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@@Mr. Critical,


Peace had this huge grin on her face, "Like what you see from the back?" she asks, and without waiting for a reply, turns around and shows Aaron the front of her naked body. "You caught me in a rather good time" she says, walking over to him and leans in, she decides now is better than never, she leans in really close, her bare body pressing against his body and kisses him on the mouth, holding the kiss for a full two minutes.


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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Aaron had no idea what was going on. He had walked in on her in a private moment and was expecting to be chewed out about it. But instead, she was kissing him. Then again, he couldn't complain. He felt her soft lips against his lip and metal jaw. She was warm to the touch. She separated from him, Aaron was slightly panting. "... Well. That was... amazing." he tried to look for another word to better fit the situation, but he would settle for that later. "But, if I may ask. Why do you have an attraction to me? I figured that no living thing would find me a suitable mate. At least in the physical feature department." Aaron looked to Peace, analyzing her bombshell of a body. But, he did admit to himself he did feel something for her.

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Peace smiled at him, "Do I need to have a reason to be attracted to you? In any case, I find you very attractive, not just physically, but I find you very...interesting. There's also the fact that you actually want to hear about me and not talk about yourself. There aren't a lot of stallions here that are like that, so I like that about you. Not to mention, you're a soldier like me, and a very clever, cunning one. Not like the clumsy ones I have to constantly put up with." She leans in and kisses him again, then goes to get dressed.


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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He smiles as she broke the kiss, he turned around to give her some privacy. "Well, I am honored that a warrior such as yourself finds me attractive. And I prefer to listen than talk. I like hearing what others have to say." he wanted to turn around and get a better look at her, but he would let her get dressed in peace. He calmly waited in place as she got dressed. The sensation of her lips burned into his mind. "So this place you are taking me, what should I expect?"

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Peace smiles, and turns around, still naked, "Aaron dear, you can look if you want" she says as she slowly starts to get dressed in front of him, She smiles as she slips her bra and tank top on, then her underwear and miniskirt on, "Okay, ready." She says, turning around and kissing him. "As for the bar, it's not like your average bar, it's one of those classy types"


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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