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open Sim Ponies High School


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(Never mind *face hoof* try too look on goggle and I'm saying some stuff right.)


Light Fire saids "We'll I'm worried about here"."We'll lets see" as Light Fire said.


Felicia wakes up as a full zombie agin then really ate Light Fire's brains then she fell back down.


Light Fire falls from Felicia eating her brains then she wakes up as a half zombie and saids "Uhhhh".


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((Its okay))   ((This better not turn to no high school of the dead))

Flame sighed. "Of course....crazy stuff always happens" Flame said as he floated above them. "Okay...either do a superman and reverse time to before Felicia cut her self or go get the blood of a phoenix and cure them both..." Flame said as he felt a tear fell from his eyes. "Or kill them both"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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((Its okay))   ((This better not turn to no high school of the dead))


Flame sighed. "Of course....crazy stuff always happens" Flame said as he floated above them. "Okay...either do a superman and reverse time to before Felicia cut her self or go get the blood of a phoenix and cure them both..." Flame said as he felt a tear fell from his eyes. "Or kill them both"

(Ok.) (No it wount also this sims ponies high school is related too ea game's the sims and mlpfim and in the sims night life with cheats for a pc and the sims suppernatural as they have zombies and werewolves and witch's and fairies.)


Light Fire saids "Uhhhh" and cries (she means don't kill us!)


Zombie Pony translator hear's Light Fire as a half zombie saying something so she appers too Flame too tell him and she saids this "Light said don't kill us! and i heard her so i came too poof here too tell you and she was crying from you saying something and choese for you're shelf" Zombie Translator pony leaves.


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"Only Phoenix is Philomena and I don't think Celestia will give me it's blood....I can't fly a 9999 miles a millisecond" Flame said as he kept in the air. "What should I even do..." Flame asked. "Light...what do you think I should even do..." Flame asked her sounding rally sad and depressed.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Light Fire *Grabs a potion that is half way so she had too grab it and drink all of the half too get her too talk normal but she is still half zombie as this potion can't change her into a reglaur pony* "I don't know and i grabed a half potion too make me talk normal and i only had enough of half of it saved for me if that happened so it wount change me back into a reglaur pony and it wear's out later so i only got some time too talk too you with it" Light Fire said this.


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"Well...that's good to know...." Flame said as he got on the floor. "I swear though I will fix this...if I can't...then I don't know what I'll do" Flame said as he looked at her. "You know I love you Light Fire...I don't want to loose you and become a zombie" Flame said before he almost collapsed to the ground. 

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Well...that's good to know...." Flame said as he got on the floor. "I swear though I will fix this...if I can't...then I don't know what I'll do" Flame said as he looked at her. "You know I love you Light Fire...I don't want to loose you and become a zombie" Flame said before he almost collapsed to the ground. 

Light Fire saids"Yeah it is good"."Try too" as Light Fire said."Yeah i know you love me but what if i turn back into a zombie and i guess we lost the tilpus!" as she said."Flame! are you ok?" As Light Fire said and Light Fire picks Flame up.


Light Fire saids "It's wearing off and i feel like falling down the zombie translator might translate my zombie language for you" she falls down and gets conise as a full zombie this time.


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"I'm fine" Flame said as he stepped back. "I'll...see if the Phoenix Down idea will work...if that doesn't work well..." Before he finished he left the school. "I need to ask for the blood of the Phoenix from Celestia" He said to himself before he almost collapsed again. 

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"I'm fine" Flame said as he stepped back. "I'll...see if the Phoenix Down idea will work...if that doesn't work well..." Before he finished he left the school. "I need to ask for the blood of the Phoenix from Celestia" He said to himself before he almost collapsed again. 

Felicia woke up and Light Fire got out of here coness and they turned back as half zombies saying something too each other.


Felicia saids "Uhhhhh uhhhh uhhh" (shes saying what happened too you Light Fire?)


Light Fire saids "Uhhhhhhhh uhhhhhh uhhhh uhhh" (Shes saying Felicia you bit me and i turned into a zombie)


Felicia and Light Fire turned into full zombies but they did not want brains anymore as they got tired of them and got quartrs in there backpack and grabs candy bars for them.


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Flame tried to open his wings but felt pain as he tried to do so. "Why do I feel so weak all of a sudden..." Flame asked himself before seeing a trail of blood following him. "Did I get injured or something" He looks over himself and sees various wounds near his wings for some reason

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Flame tried to open his wings but felt pain as he tried to do so. "Why do I feel so weak all of a sudden..." Flame asked himself before seeing a trail of blood following him. "Did I get injured or something" He looks over himself and sees various wounds near his wings for some reason

Nurse comes out from her break as she noticed a teenage stallion named Flame looks inducred and she saids "Flame are you hurt? come too the nurse office where i work i was taking a break but i saw you looked hurt".


As in the halway of the school Felicia and Light Fire were still talking as full zombies.


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"I'm fine...just leave me be" Flame said ignoring the pain that he is in at the moment and passed the nurse as he kept collapsing every now and then. "How much blood did I even loose...I keep coming close...my vision is getting blurry" Flame said to himself before passing out on the ground

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Nurse saids "You need help" but she was too late too tell him then she rushed too pick him up and put him into the hospitail bed and tries too get him back alive but she found this werid sign that she never knew of such thing (It means he must of became a zombie! 0.0) then she heard a heart beat and try too heal Flame's wound.


(I guess hes not a zombie)

Edited by Felicia


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"I have been injured...I don't know how but I have been injured" Flame said slowly as he tried to sit up. "I need to get to Celestia" Flame said. "I don't care if I am injured and still bleeding" Flame tried to get up but felt a really sharp pain again causing him to flop back down on the bed

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Nurse saids "Just stay here Flame i hope celistia will hear you from her power too see how ponies are doing in the pony world"


Celsita hears Flame and poofs into the nurse's office and saids "Here Flame heres the pheniox and nurse i can take care of it" She uses her healing power on Flame."There you go Flame now go help Felicia and Light Fire" as Celstia saids then she returns back too here castle.


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"T-thank you...wait...she does know I n-" Flame stopped when he remembered. "I don't just need the blood...I need the Phoenix it's self...hopefully this works" Flame said as he got up and went to look for Light Fire and Felicia. "Excuse me but do you know where I can find two mares that look like zombies" Flame asked and was pointed towards where he needed to go

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"T-thank you...wait...she does know I n-" Flame stopped when he remembered. "I don't just need the blood...I need the Phoenix it's self...hopefully this works" Flame said as he got up and went to look for Light Fire and Felicia. "Excuse me but do you know where I can find two mares that look like zombies" Flame asked and was pointed towards where he needed to go

Felicia and Light Fire were still talking load from the hallway they were in as full zombie ponies eating candy bars and eating sasuage they found on the floor.


(They wount eat brains anymore so they still eat candy bars...and no the sasuage is not that dirty and it's not old)


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Light Fire, Felicia" Flame called out to them and showed them the Phoenix. "I believe the Phoenix will help...you both be normal again" Flame said. "Okay I really hope this works because if it doesn't....well then I don't know what to do" Flame said looking at the two mares. 

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Felicia and Light Fire saids "uhhh" and gives Flame the pony translator gadget they found hidden somewhere so Flame can hear them.


Felicia saids "Can you hear us now Flame? we are full zombies know and we are tired of brains so we eat candy bars and we ate sasuage from the floor and we found this gadget so you can hear us it saids zombie pony tranlslator gadget it was hidden somewhere and idk why it looks very old" (Other ponies can't hear them they can only hear uhhhhh from them.)


(They never heard this scary legened why it was hidden there in the first place this only happened in the very old pony days but the gadget still works and maybe the creator of that gadget might be still alive from one of his invention that really worked but i will tell the rest if Flame ask's then the cerator might poof there if he turns out too be alive.)


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"Okay first off that is great to hear, second: You ate sausage on the floor, third: Do you want me to use the Phoenix or not and fourth: Is the creator of this gadget thing still alove....now after saying that he's going to appear out of nowhere is he" Flame asked himself as he looked around

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Felicia saids "Yes we want you too use the pheniox! right Light Fire?"


Light Fire saids "Yes we want too use the pheniox!"


John the zombie translator gadget creator poofs into the hallway alive but he still looks old and he speaks as him shelf from the old times and he says "Why are you holding my old invention?" as he gets nervous because that invention he created then was not fully invented as much and there was something wrong with it.


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(Ugh. I never knew that you would using the addons for the sims. I thought it would just be a school one. Nothing more. If you wamt I can play celestia.)


Hank sighs as he got out early and heads back to the group to see how they are doing "um.. what happened?" He asked them seeing two zombies



Thank you Party_Cannon for the signature!

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(Celestia was never going to be a long term character so don't worry about plying as her)

Because I was given it so I can understand them" Flame said as he holding the gadget still. "Also  I found a way to fix the two ponies so don't.....do anything Hank...please" Flame said as the Phoenix circled around the two mare before they were surrounded in flames, once the flames die the Two mare were still there but they looked normal, like they never were injure, killed or anything

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(Aww. I thought it would have been nice to have celestia in. Oh well and can we just keep like. The school format.. not really any of the dlcs)

Hank is shocked "wow! Its like. They are new." He said shocked as he walked to them and examine them with a smile "so. They are fine."



Thank you Party_Cannon for the signature!

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the lunch bell rang it was time for lunch she trotted to the lunch room she found a nice table for both of them she learned a spell to make thing fancy so she cast the spell on the table a blue table cloth was on the table she got two cups two plates and two seats with nice pillows on them she made a mini buffet of all their favortie foods finally it was done "this will be a nice lunch with hank" 

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