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open The Final Expense: Wrath Of The Crystal Empire (Romance/Action/Drama)

Paladin Butters

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@@Charcoal Embers @@Mirage X Dash @@RainbowDashie @


As ponies in the Audience dispersed. Zachary and the other Senators stayed in the room. Miss Hinrich went over to talk with Gerrit. Miss Hinrich's Captains followed her. Two guards came in from a door to the east of the room, they trotted over to the podium and talked with Zachary.


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After the conference Mirage had another flashback, but this time he saw a dark pony, he couldn't make out any details, just looked like a black pony and somthing blue as the pony's cutie mark. He snapped back into reality. He saw a black pegasus sitting in the same row as him and Poe. He said to himself "do I know that pony, I've never met her before, but why would she be in my memories?" He walked up to the black mare and introduced him self. "Hello my name is Mirage Flame but my friends call me Mirage. I normally don't just walk up to random ponies and say hello, but I just woke up here recently with no memory but, I just had a flashback and you were in it, I think so what I'm trying to say is have we met before?" Asking the black mare with a confused look.


@Charcoal Embers

Charcoal was about ready to leave the conferance when somepony approached her. She turned to say hello when she noticed it was a stallion. She immediatly felt her heart beat faster and sweat begin to form. Oh... why a stallion? Charcoal thought to herself as she forced herself to look the stallion in the eye. She listened to what he had to say before also giving him a curious look. "Wait... you lost your memory as well?"

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@@Charcoal Embers @ @@Mirage X Dash @@RainbowDashie


Just then, an explosion hit the main door of the Court Room. And five Figures dashed in.

The whole room was silent, and Zachary looked at them. "Who are you?" he asked.

the Figures looked at one another. Gerrit pulled out his sword and rushed at the Figures. One of the Figures pulled out the gun that was stolen earlier. And shot it at Gerrit. As soon as it hit him he disintegrated. Miss Hinrich and her Captains ran for it. One of the Figures pulled up their hoof, and it had some sort of Glove on it. It picked up Rock Del Tor' and threw him against a wall. Sarah Del Tor' ran towards Rock. Nichole pulled out her knifes and met the Figures head on. "What do you want?" She asked.


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Charcoal was about ready to leave the conferance when somepony approached her. She turned to say hello when she noticed it was a stallion. She immediatly felt her heart beat faster and sweat begin to form. Oh... why a stallion? Charcoal thought to herself as she forced herself to look the stallion in the eye. She listened to what he had to say before also giving him a curious look. "Wait... you lost your memory as well?"

"Yes I was flying around one day when I caught sight of a shadow I flew into the forest to get a better look and then I wake up here. I've been getting these flashbacks and it's restoring my memory a little bit." Mirage said scratching his head with his hoof. "Wait you lost your memory too?"


@Charcoal Embers

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The five Figures looked at Nichole, they didn't seem impressed. One of the Figures with the glove lifted Nichole up and threw her against the wall behind the Podium, knocking her out. The same Figure with the glove lifted Zachary and started to pull him towards the Figures. "Uh.. NO!" Zachary yelled. When Zachary was right next to them he closed his eyes. The Figure with the glove pulled out a needle and shot it into Zachary. Then the figures vanished.


Sarah was crying, as two Guards came into the room with a Medic. Sarah looked at the Medic, "Help him!" Sarah Demanded. When the Medic ran up to the couple. He put his head down. "There's nothing I can do, there's internal bleeding" The Medic told Sarah.


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David's eyes blazed with emerald fire as rage overtook him. He ran at the figures, but they disappeared before he could do anything. "D'ARVIT!" he swore loudly. Changing directions, he continued running towards Nichole where she was laying on the ground. "Nichole! Are you ok? Brazul! I swear if they hurt you..." his horn had started to glow unconsciously as his anger raged.

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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The Medic ran over to Nichole to make sure there wasn't any bleeding. "She's knocked out, but she looks like she'll awake with a headache. "Get Sarah to another place please." The Medic asked the Guards. The Guards took Sarah out of the room.


The medic sat on the ground he knew not what to do now. Gavin ran inside the Court Room. when he saw that ponies were dead and some missing. He closed his eyes and pinched his nose. "What the hell happened here?" Gavin demanded.


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David walked up to Gavin. "Changeling strike team. They attacked Beneson's farm before and recovered the gun that controls the storm. They attacked just now using the gun to kill and one had some kind of glove that allowed it to grab ponies." His anger was still simmering, his hate for changelings reawoken by recent events.

@@Paladin Butters

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Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Gavin looked at the pony's who remained in the room. He thought to himself for a second. "Well It looks like I have no other choice..." Gavin said. "As protocol dictates. There always must be a ruler.. Charcoal Embers, you are hereby appointed to Head Senator." Gavin said as he bowed in her direction.


@@Charcoal Embers


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David blinked at him, then at Charcoal. "Not to be rude, your newly appointed highness, but who the buck are you?" He looked back at Gavin. "Sir, permission to keep an eye on Nichole? She's one of the last remaining senators and I have a bone to pick with chsngelings. I assure you that I'll do my best to keep her safe if youll allow it.


"@@Paladin Butters

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Two Guards at the edge of the room tightened their grip on their weapons.

Gavin looked towards David. "Very well." Gavin said nodding towards him.

"Charcoal Embers has the most experience with The Storm, then even I can admit." Gavin finished.


Gavin looked at Charcoal Embers. "M' Lord, you now have over three hundred troops at your disposal. And I am appointed to be your assistant with the matter at hand."


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Mirage trotted up next to David and nodded his head "I will help him protect Nicole, you never know when you need the extra help" Mirage looked at David with a smile and a hooves up and said, "Don't worry I got your back. I just can't believe that changelings have become so violent that they have a hunger to kill ponies?"


@The Author @Paladin Butters

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David nodded. "In my experience, only one thing makes changelings this intense. A King. I encountered one once, and that experience was not something I wish to repeat. King Metamorphosis. When a hive has a king, the become much more hostile, and much more willing to attack to conquer. If whatever hive those changelinfs are from has a king, then we could be in trouble." He starts following Nichole as they take her to the medical wing, still speaking to Mirage."I'd much rather face Queen Spellbinder then a king again, and she's the one that broke me."

@@Paladin Butters

@@Mirage X Dash

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Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Helping Nicole to the medical wing Mirage asked, "Broke you? What happened when you encountered the queen?" Mirage paused for a second then spoke up, "well I'm here to help you in any way I can, if it means working or fighting then I'll do it." He said with a smile.


@The Author

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David helped settle Nichole on to the hospital bed, then turned to face Mirage. "Remember what I said about Poe? How in was tortured until I went crazy? Started talking to my self, and Poe started talking back? That was the Queen. And if you think that's bad, Changeling Kings are worse."

@@Mirage X Dash

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Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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@Charcoal Embers @Mirage X Dash

Time: 10:59AM


The Crystal Empire



The five Figures appeared in the keep. The Figure who had Zachary, dropped him on the floor. "We have killed most of the Senators, My Lord! and brought this one like you wanted." said The Figure. "Very good job Meralis." The Dark Figure said, as he sat in the throne. Meralis looked up at his King. "What is that you require of us next, my King?" Meralis asked. "The gun you took from them, destroy it." The Dark Figure replied. "That artifact was the only thing that was stopping us from taking over bavik... Those stupid ponies had no idea Nex sold them out." he laughed. Meralis looked at his King. "What should happen to this one, my King?" Meralis asked as he pointed to Zachary. "Since you brought him here, he is of use to us. Cut off his head and tie it to our main gate. Show our enemy's that well kill them all." The Dark Figure replied.


As Meralis walked off with the other figures The Dark Figure got off the Throne, and walked towards the patio of the keep. He looked out and saw his huge army. The Savage's looked up to their King. The Changelings looked up at their King and cheered.

Edited by Paladin Butters


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"Oh so that explains the split personality, is there anyway we can do to cure you or is this permanent?" Mirage looked at the floor, "Now you said the king is worse than the queen. But what I want to know is, is there any way we can stop them?" Mirage looked over at Nicole in the hospital bed with sadness in his eyes. "There has to be a way. I can't just sit here while another pony out there could be dying right now. We need to find some way to stop them."

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Shrugging David replies, "Oh, Poe's not to bad. A bit...ok, strike that. Completely unpredictable, but he's okay. I actually have kinda come to rely on him. I'm better at using my head to think of a way out of a problem while Poe is better at blasting his way out. Plus, if I get lonely, it's nice to have someone to talk to. I've even stopped believing that he's not real. He's as real to me as you are." Looking down at his hooves, David cringes at the mention of the king. "Well, they're not invincible, no changeling is, they're just very very fast. And the royal blood line is usually much stronger physically then normal changeling drones are. Still though, a good knife through the eye or sword through the chest will kill them just as easily as any other pony. The only problem is Changelings seem to become much more aggressive when around their king." He looks over, thinking he heard Nichole stirring. "Hey, you awake?"

@@Paladin Butters

@@Mirage X Dash

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Mirage trotted over toward the bed where Nicole was laying, "you need to lay down and recover your strength. You've been through a lot today. Me and my friend here are here to protect and help you in any way we can." Mirage looked at David "We'll go though this together. I did say I will help you any way I can so I will.

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@@Paladin Butters, @,


Charcoal looked around in shock. So much was happening so quickly that she couldn't handle it. "Okay, woah! Everypony just calm down and take a deep breath. Now explain to me what the heck is going on here? Who just attacked us and killed somepony? Why am I being appointed as leader? Why not have somepony more capable be the leader?"

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@@Paladin Butters, @,


Charcoal looked around in shock. So much was happening so quickly that she couldn't handle it. "Okay, woah! Everypony just calm down and take a deep breath. Now explain to me what the heck is going on here? Who just attacked us and killed somepony? Why am I being appointed as leader? Why not have somepony more capable be the leader?"

OOC - I already posted where Gavin explained why you were made leader. He can't be leader as it is. Because he was denounced from being evil in the previous roleplay.


Gavin looked at Charcoal Embers. "You know more about the storm then anypony else here." 

Edited by Paladin Butters


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OOC - I already posted where Gavin explained why you were made leader. He can't be leader as it is. Because he was denounced from being evil in the previous roleplay.


Gavin looked at Charcoal Embers. "You know more about the storm then anypony else here."

Charcoal shook her head violently. "No, I don't. I don't know anything more about the forbidden lands then you do. I don't remember anything about them. According to what everypony is telling me I lost my memory." Charcoal admitted. "And not only that, but I am.not a good leader."

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Mirage walked up to Charcoal and said "You said you lost your memory as well right? What is the last thing you remember?" He thought to himself maybe she had the same problem I did, rubbing his hoof against his chin. "How long have you been here in this world?"

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Gavin shook his head. "Well somepony needs to be a Leader."

Miss Hinrich and Michelle and Lily came back into the room.

"I'll do it!" Miss Hinrich said with a faint smile.


Gavin looked at Miss Hinrich's "Fine, what is it you want to do M' Lord." Gavin asked.

Miss Hinrich looked at Charcoal Embers and smiled. "Triple security, we need to asses what has happened. And make sure our own land is safe first, before we retaliate." Miss Hinrich replied.

Gavin bowed "Alright, M' Lord. As your assistant we'll need to check back up with Nichole and Sarah later today."

"We need to head to Port Karin, they have some problem that needs to be addressed." Gavin stated.

Miss Hinrich and Gavin trotted off. A guard was cleaning up the ashes from Gerrit.


Nichole was still unconscious.


Sarah Del Tor' was crying on a bed.

"You need to talk to them!" Paladin Rick commanded.

"No...not with Rock gone." Sarah replied.

"M' Lord, we need a ruler." Paladin Rick

Sarah smacked Paladin Rick.

"NO!" Sarah screamed.

tears were going down her face like a waterfall.


"Sarah, my own sister... PLEASE we need you." Paladin Rick replied.

"BUCK Jason! BUCK Pheonix! And BUCK YOU" Sarah cried.

Paladin Rick sighed. "Sister.. I'll leave you be."

As he left the room Sarah was still freaking out.



The Crystal Empire


Meralis was feeling wheezy and he had a flash back...


The days were long, the nights were cold. I never thought the day would come… a wedding. How wonderful I thought. But when the Savage solders attacked The Crystal Empire I was scared for my people. I may be young but I hath not the power to save these brave citizens if attacked. My Father Alexander is too despiteful to ask for aide from the Paladins. My mother fears if we ask for aide, the Knights will not come. We haven’t heard from them since we last saw of Sedric. I sit on my chair as I see my sister kiss her husband. Funny how Pony emotions corrupt the mind, frank gave warning to this wedding. Yet he hosted the entire thing.  When her husband sat down on a chair to drink some red wine, I trotted over to have a word with the bride… “Sister, I hath not know the answer… why now?” I asked. “I am in love dear Brother.” She replies. “Francis is in the Guard. Do you think the citizens will agree with your decision?” I asked. “I don’t care. Love isn’t blind dear Brother.” She said upset.  “Sister, Francis isn’t the best choice because he follows Fathers command. He’ll follow my orders eventually.” I said in despite.
My Sister scoffs to my comment. “You are not even ruler yet. Father has agreed with my wedding. And I know Francis will love me for as long as I live.” She replied.
Before I had a chance to speak I heard a cough behind me.
“Father!” My Sister said happily
King Alexander Howard gave a faint smile, and reached his Hoofs out to embrace my sister. “I’ve missed you.” My sister whispered into his ear. “Forgive me… my daughter I have not good news.” He said sadly.
My sister sat down on a chair nearby as my Father sat near her. Francis noticed and a serious look frowned on his face to the look of his bride.
“The Northern Outpost has fallen.” Alexander said.
“Who did it Father?” Sarah asks.
“The Savage...” Alexander said.
Once Alexander mentioned the Savage the room fell silent. And faces of distress and sadness took place. The laughter immediately stopped.
Francis came by and sat down next to his bride. “My King, how can I help you?” Francis asked.
The king’s face lit up with no emotion. “Captain Lingon is on his way now from The Crystal Empire.”
The Guards of the party started to disperse the guests and settle their fear. Telling them it will be okay.
A few hours later we all sat in darkness and silence. Thinking quietly, footsteps broke the silence. We noticed that there was a lot more than just one pony approaching. General Teo and Captain Lingon stopped in front of us.
“My king, it’s good to see you again, how may we assist you?” Captain Lingon asked. King Alexander looked up at the three Knights standing in front of us. “How long do we have until we’re attacked?” King Alexander asked. “We’re not sure my King, I’ve sent out a few of our finest to see if they can find were their located.” King Alexander stands up and looks out the window to his right. “I cannot… With all my blood, tell my citizens a lie.” King Alexander said. “The Savage is coming, but I do not wish for this being the last action I take to end this war.” He finishes. Captain Lingon looks at me, and then turns his attention back to his King. “We can hold off the Savage long enough for Citizens to escape.” Captain Lingon said doubtfully.
“General, Teo.” The King said quietly. “Yes my King?” He Replied.
“I need you to follow your Coordinator Captains plans for this course of action.” King Alexander replied.
General Teo looked at Captain Lingon, they both gave each other a nod. They started to turn away and trot out of the ball room. Before Captain Lingon turned away he looked at me again with a stern face.
I turned my attention to my Sister who was crying quietly with her Husband comforting her. My Father gave me a serious look. “Son, we need to show our worth to this kingdom. I need you to go with Captain Lingon and follow through with his plans.” King Alexander commanded. I stood up and nodded in response. I started to walk to the door at the end of the hall, before I left I heard a call from my Sister “be careful brother!”.
I walked outside the front Castle gate to see Citizens running around gathering supplies, Guards were running past me to get to the Front Gate. A small child was picked up by his Mother. Fear had taken her. To my surprise I see distress in my faith in these Citizens, to give up so easily. It’s un-natural. I reach the secondary gate with two archers at the patrol stop. “Sir Meralis! We need help!” The archer exclaimed. “What can I do for you Stallions?” I asked, “Sir, the Savage is coming. We haven’t heard from General Teo, or Captain Lingon.”. “What do you mean?” I asked. “They haven’t returned!” The Archer said with a choke of his voice. “Alright then, we’ll need to advance to the outward Gate and meet the enemy head on. What do you say?” I finish. Both Guards looked at me and started to head towards the main gate. “COME WITH ME GUARDS...TO ARMS!” I yelled. As we walked by the Auction house the massive two doors closed and their lights went out quickly after. I didn’t see any smoke from their chimney. This City is extreme scared of the Savage.  After all, the Savage is the scariest force in all of the land. I watch to see the final amount of Guards reach the outer wall. There’s silence for an un-expected amount of time. And an old trusted wizard by the name of Ghandza appears in front of Kingshield. 
“You fools can’t possibly think you will outlast us?” Ghandza spoke braggingly.
“You are the fool, Ghandza Nelrisk Del Tor!” I said in return.
Ghandza looked at all my Knights. He didn’t look surprised at their numbers.
“YOU WILL FACE THE RATH OF THE SAVAGE!” Ghandza said loudly.
Just over the hill five catapults came into view, the pony’s controlling them had strong knight armor on, and they bared the mark of The Dark King. Ghandza yelled “ATTACK!” and the five catapults fired toward the outer wall.
“Brace yourselves!” I yelled.
The rocks came in with fire and lava. CRASH and seven knights fell off the outer wall. Some of the Knights near me looked in distress. “Fire the FLAMING ARROWS!” I yelled. Once they  heard my command the pony’s rushed to the nearby flames and put their arrow tips in tar, then stuck the arrows tips in the fire, causing a chain reaction leading too Fire Arrows. The Knights shot their arrows towards the catapults, as two knights ran head on down below towards Ghandza who was standing alone. The two knights were twins; they had lost their family in The Crystal Empire and had nothing left. As they approached Ghandza, he pulled out a long 2-Hand Sword. The sword had a crimson trim and two snakes in the center of the blade, the snakes glowed like a sapphire in the moon light. Ghandza stuck the sword into the ground, and as one of the two twins approached him, he pulled the sword out of the ground in the direction of the first twin, the sword went straight through his helmet and the twin fell. The other twin hit the ground after his brother went down. “KEVIN!” said a nearby mare picking up her filly, andrunning into the city from the farmlands. Ghandza brought his sword back for another swing and lashed it at the first twins head, breaking his skull with the impact. The second twin lied on the ground breathless, not knowing what to do without the other. Ghandza started to walk over to the second twin. As Fire Arrows and rocks with lava was filling the air. I noticed Ghandza walking towards a Knight of my own Father’s Army. “Knights, fire your arrows towards Ghandza do it now!” I commanded. Only three knights heard my command and pointed their arrows towards Ghandza and fired one after the other. Ghandza reached the second twin and lifted up his sword ready to strike. An Arrow hit him in the shoulder causing him to back up. “GAH!” Ghanza yelled. Ghandza looked up at the wall where the first arrow came from, as a arrow flew right into his left leg. “Ugrgh” Ghandza murmured as he finally hit the ground. The last arrow missed and landed to the right of his head. Ghandza looked at the final arrow and passed out. “YES!” I cheered. “Ghandza, is dead!” I assumed. Just then a rock hit the wall to the left of me, the sudden thud made me jump. A knight who was directly hit was knocked back 4 feet, I ran to his aide. “Can you hear me Paladin?” I yelled. Since I got no response I called over a trusty Medic. The Medic picked him up and carried him off. “PONY’S! TAKE IT ON HOOF!” I said, “HALF OF YOU GO ON HOOF TOWARDS THE CATAPULTS, THE REST STAY HERE AND CREATE A PIRIMITER AROUND THE CITY’S WALLS!”  As I finished a rock landed on the outer wall right on top of me. And I fell of the wall into a river of water…


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David stood next to Nichole's bed, glaring at each and every pony that walked by. Ponies that lingered to long got hit with a spell that would reveal them if they were a changeling. So far so good. He'd scared a doctor though and made a nurse that had gotten to close cry, but with changelings, you couldn't be to careful.

@@Paladin Butters

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Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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