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open The Final Expense: Wrath Of The Crystal Empire (Romance/Action/Drama)

Paladin Butters

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@@Charcoal Embers @


Gavin nodded towards stone and headed off to find some big logs that were dry enough to use for firewood.




The ships headed off into the sea the darkness and the wind with the fog thickened greatly. As some of the crew members on Captain Megreggor ship went to sleep the boat got quiet.


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@, @@Paladin Butters,


Charcoal continued shivering and got closer to Stone as she was desperate for warmth. "S... Stop... p-please..." Charcoal mumbled to herself as she shivered from the cold. Her tail wrapped around herself in a desperate attempt to try to keep herself warmer and when she got her tail around her she wrapped the end of it around Stone's hoof.

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@@Charcoal Embers, @@Paladin Butters,

Stonewall lead her further into the thicket of trees, settling in a sheltered area where on a few stray snowflakes entered. When Gavin brought the wood, Stonewall wasted no time in lighting it. He even went so far as to supply a trick of magic to cultivate the small beginning flames. Within a couple of minutes a decent sized fire was going. He laid Charcoal down so that she was close to the fire with him pressed up against her to ward off the outside cold. He produced a blanket from one of his bags and draped it over her. "Ms Charcoal, can you hear what I'm saying?"


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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@, @@Paladin Butters,


Charcoal looked up at Stone. She nodded her head at his question and smiled up at him. "T-Thank you..." Charcoal said before getting a bit closer to the fire, but making sure the blanket was not close to the fire. "Oh... um... and just so you know... you don't need to call me Miss. Just Charcoal is fine with me."

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@@Charcoal Embers @


Gavin got up "I'm gonna go have a look around here, I like snow.." He said as he got a cloak out of satchel and put it on and went out into snow.


As Gavin trotted through the forest, he heared somepony singing. He went towards the noise, he seemed bufezzeled. He came to an opening and there she was.


Fluttershy's Blessing

The tree's were so small.

The bee's flew so tall.


The snow hit the land.

The glow of the sand.

The night's moon was so high.

It made love with the sky.


I gave you my heart.

Befuddled apart.

The blessing I give to you.


When she finished Gavin noticed who this pony was. "Oh..m-" Gavin said.

Edited by Paladin Butters


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@@Charcoal Embers, @@Paladin Butters,

((I suppose it bares stating before hand: In my experience unicorns are able to sense powerful magic/energy when it's nearby. If you don't want me to rp that way, I'll desist from doing so in the future.))

"Oh... if that's what you desire, then very well," Stonewall replied politely. On the inside he was a little flustered due to their recent proximity. It made him uncomfortable, being so close to a mare. Romantic thoughts had not entered his head, but some small seedlings had been sown. Abruptly he turned his head and looked off into the forest in the direction Gavin had gone. Though Charcoal would not be able to see it, his eyes gained a steely glint along with the predator nature of a wolf. "I think... something is out there with us," he whispered softly. It felt to him like a pack of wolves were howling in his mind, straining to burst forward against the leash of his will. He could feel power close by and his instincts roared to find it and make it his own. Yet for now he remained where he was, watching and waiting.


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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@, @@Paladin Butters,


Charcoal nodded. "Thanks..." Charcoal looked out as well in the direction Gavin had gone. "So... do you think it would be a bad idea for Gavin to have gone out on his own without help?" Charcoal asked, worried for his... friends safety. "I mean... I don't want to see him getting hurt."

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@@Charcoal Embers @


((OOC - haven't ever heard that. Plus this forest doesn't have wolves. ))


Fluttershy opened her eyes slightly and she sat still. "You shouldn't of come into these forests. It's not safe." Fluttershy said looking in the direction of Gavin. "Why..?" Gavin asked.


"These lands are guarded by the Ranger's..." Fluttershy replied.


Fluttershy got up from where she was sitting and moved over to Gavin. "So... Why did you come here? I told your boss Francis to stay out of here." Fluttershy said as she glared at Gavin.


"What, wha-" Gavin complained.

"Don't try me Gavin, your deeds sink your mind where you stand!" Fluttershy interrupted.


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@@Paladin Butters,


Thunder was still following the ship. The mist had been getting a lot thickerand he now had a hard time seeing the ship he was following.

Thunder took his spyglass to take a look at the other ship and he couldn't see anything but the lights. He decided to go a little closer.

Edited by RainbowDashie
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@@Charcoal Embers, @@Paladin Butters,

"I wouldn't say that it was a bad idea," Stonewall mused. "More that there were unexpected circumstances." He got up off the ground to his hooves and cast his eye's about the thicket. Something was tugging at the back of his mind, just out of his range of thought. It felt like a wriggling worm, seeking some manner of exit. All the while the insatiable hunger for power continued to whine and snap in the forefront of his mind. "I'm not going to leave you alone... so he will likely have to sort out whatever it is on his own or return to us." He glanced to the side as something flickered in the edge of his vision, but there were only trees. As the moments passed, it felt like a pressure was building in his skull. A faint wisp of something nostalgic passed his nose. What it was, he could not identify.


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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@@Charcoal Embers @


Fluttershy got extremely close to Gavin. "Do you not remember what he caused? Meralis knew that..." Fluttershy snared. Gavin fell down and his body vanished, all that was left was his cloak. Fluttershy looked up at the moon, then back at the cloak, ha she thought. She trotted off away from the cloak and she vanished as snow came by vanished as she did.


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@, @@Paladin Butters,


Charcoal nodded. "Well... I can't say that I am ungrateful for the company, but..." Charcoal flinched ass she got a sudden headache and she swore she heard a faint whisper of the voice from before, but she couldn't be sure. She sighed and rested her head in her hooves. "Um... Stone... would you mind if I got some rest?"

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Thunder still followed the ship, but he started considering to leave it be and get his own booty. The other ship was boring and Thunder thought he'd probably been better off staying at the tavern getting pissed than sailing on a misty sea with nothing to do.

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@@Charcoal Embers @

The local snow storm was getting worse, and the "place" they were in had snow starting to fall all around them. A gast of wind came into the cave and put out the fire. And there was a screech from outside. And the wind overcame the noise of the screech. The ground started to shake and it stopped after a few minutes. Edited by Paladin Butters


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@@Paladin Butters, @@Charcoal Embers,

((To my knowledge PB, we're not in a cave. I've been operating under the impression that we were in a protected clearing.))

"I don't mind," he said softly. "I'll keep watch until your attendant-" He was cut off by the screeching from outside the clearing. As the first was extinguished, a fairly bright light emanated from his horn via magic. He narrowed his eyes at the trees as they groaned and shook. Standing to his hooves, he cast his gaze around their surroundings. His legs spread slightly and his mane rose up slightly as a slight growl echoed from his throat.


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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@@Charcoal Embers @


(( I wasn't certain where they were, but I never did give you permission earlier to say that Gavin came back like that how he did. He was suppose to run into Fluttershy and vanish earlier. That's why I had him leave the way he did. ))


The ground shook and tree's fell as the screeching continued.



@ @@RainbowDashie @@Mirage X Dash


Captain Vincent and Megreggor's ships kept going in their direction and the fog thickened even more, and snow started to fall intensely. Captain Megreggor looked at some of the members of his crew that were still awake. "Men, we're now in the Forbidden Lands!" he said as he smiled. Captain Vincent's ship had some men who cheered. Captain Vincent looked at his crew "Men, we maybe be in the forbidden lands, but we're no were near land, we merely crossed the border. DO NOT take these Krakens for granted, we are so close to where we found the baby." Captain Vincent told his men with a smirk.


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Thunder still followed the ship. He heard men cheer and knew that they were onto something that he could take. But he still needed a crew. Maybe if the other ship were to sink he would be able to rescue the sailors and they'd be his new crew. A brilliant idea!

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@, @@Paladin Butters,


Charcoal perked up a bit at the same sound that Stone had hear. She was starting to get freaked out by this. Why was all this happening to her? Why? I was just wanting to help out all the ponies who lived here. Charcoal thought to herself as she began shivering again from the cold and snow. Where was the snow coming from anyway?

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@@Charcoal Embers, @@Paladin Butters,

Stonewall sighed and rubbed a forehoof across his nose. "Ugh, it's too late for this kind of thing," he muttered to himself. Looking over to Charcoal and frowned. "There isn't much other cover after we leave the woods, but we might be forced to move if this gets much worse." His horn glowed slightly brighter and the snow began to swirl away from them; as if an invisible barrier was deflecting it. Eyes narrowing, he looked out into the darkness again and huffed before moving over closer to Charcoal.


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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@@Charcoal Embers @



There was a huge screech, and finally all the snow stopped and it fell extremely silent. All that could be heard was the small wind, and the occasional breathing from the two ponies. The ground was covered in snow and the tree's that feel over were covered in snow and the tree's that were still up had snow piled on top of them. There was once last tree that fell over breaking the forest quietness. "Who, do you serve?" A dark voice asked with a crackle to it. As Charcoal's head turned to see what it was, it was a huge Dragon.

Edited by Paladin Butters


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@@Paladin Butters, @,


Charcoal's eyes widened when she saw the giant dragon in the trees of where the trees had been moments ago. Why in the wide world of Equestria was there a dragon in the forest? She wasn't sure who the dragon was talking to, but now Charcoal was shaking less from the cold and more from the fear of the dragon. She didn't say a word and moved as little as she could while still shaking a bit.

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@@Paladin Butters, @@Charcoal Embers,

Stonewall was not what could even remotely be called chivalrous. While he was not one to shirk burdens or shy away from challenges, there'd been many times when running had been his best and only plan. As such he somewhat surprised himself when his legs placed his body between Charcoal and the Dragon. Sure, it was what could be considered the 'right thing to do'. What surprised him was how he'd done so without even thinking about it. Holding his head high, he looked the Dragon in the eyes. Though his back legs tensed up unconciously as if to flee, his gaze was steel with grit. "Though it may be not to me that you query dragon," he said. "I am beholden to none. What is your purpose?"


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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((Sorry, the stupid forum kept dropping.))

@@Charcoal Embers @



The Dragon looked at Charcoal Embers with yellow glowing eyes. "WHO, DO YOU SERVE!" The Dragon demanded, as he slammed his claw into the ground, knocking down three tree's to the right of him. When he slammed his claw, snow started to fall again really hard. The Dragon had silver scales and most of his scales were white.

Edited by Paladin Butters


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@@Paladin Butters, @,


Charcoal actually smiled a bit from Stone standing in front of her to protect her. If she wasn't blushing from the cold she was blushing from Stone trying to protect her. She almost could imagine Stone running out to face the dragon, but then her fantasy was interupted by the dragon slamming down on the ground and shouting at her. "I... I... n-no one..."

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@@Charcoal Embers @


The Dragon was about to shoot fire from his mouth, when there was a voice from behind him. The Dragon's neck flipped around, facing the disturbance. "Not now Fluttershy!" The Dragon demanded. Fluttershy flew above the Dragon and landed on his head. The Dragon turned his neck to face the two ponies. "These are the intruder's.." The Dragon told Fluttershy. Fluttershy flew down softly from the top of the Dragons head. "Sorry for my friend, he's not exactly friendly.." Fluttershy said softly. 


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