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private The Land Of Power


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Moon Beam's smile disappeared as quickly as Steel's had. She slowly descended, keeping a hoof on the vines to keep them open.


"Well, I'm gonna take a walk.." She said, an angry, yet dissapointed look on her face.


She turned away, getting as far away from the four as she could.


"He just had to ruin a good time with that hard-plot act of his.. Whatever. Like I should care.." Moon mumbled to herself, dragging her hooves as she walked.

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Steel sighed "look I'll be civil but I'm not your friend" steel told hank as he flew past heading for moonbeam once he caught up up with her he spoke " I'm sorry but I'm not a friendly pony I'm still not sure how you not only got a smile out of me but a laugh as well but I'll be civil"

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stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Moon Beam stood staring at the ground as Steel talked to her, and only looked up once he was finished. She stated at him blankly, coldly, for a few moments before finally speaking.


"Oh, I know you're not a friendly pony. Everypony knows that. But you dont have to be such a plot about it. They have been nice enough to bring you here, and Hank makes one mistake and you treat him like he pissed in your cheerios.


"I don't know what your deal is, and why you have such an attitude, but you need to fix it. I wanted to have a good time. I wanted everypony to. But you and your unfriendliness just killed my mood. And most likely theirs, too. All because you 'aren't a friendly pony'." Moon Beam spat.


Flapped her wings hard and lifted above his head, flying just behind him. She then turned and looked down at him, sadness evident on her face.


"I'm going to go find Violette and Lune. Stay with them for the night." Moon began to fly away, then paused again, turning only her head to look back at Steel.


"Don't talk to me for a while. I doubt we'll see each other anyway." She said, then dashed through the tree tops quickly, leaving a storm of leaves trailing behind her.

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Steel sighed and took fight anger fuelling him his wings ignited and began to grow he soon shot past moonbeam leaving a faint trail of smoke as he did he went higher trying to calm down -no pony understands me and they never will - steel thought he couldn't calm down and was beginning to look draconic

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Moon Beam glanced at the thing that flew past her, not noticing that it was Steel. She coughed, the smoke filling her lungs. She swerved off, avoiding the trail.


Rolling her eyes, she flicked her tail, letting her eyescrren come into view. She scrolled by motioning her tail different ways, watching the sky ahead and her screen.


"Violette" Moon stated.


A map popped up, and then a marker showing Violette's location and Moon's. She banked quickly, going in the direction the marker pointed.


"She's not too far. This won't take long." Moon said quietly to herself.


Sighing, she remembered the fact that Hank and Celestia were still at the vine room.


"M.M. Celestia." She said, then waited for a page to show up on her screen.


"We won't be going back to the room. Neither me nor Steel. If you would like to stay there the night, feel free. It doesn't matter to me. However, either way, can you keep my bag safe for me? I'll find you tomorrow. Have a good night, both you and Hank." She said, then watched a little message pop up on the screen.


It read: "Send? Cancel? Save?"


"Send." Moon stated, then flicked her tail to make the eyescreen fade away.


"I hope that won't freak her out.. Randomly hearing a voice.. I think she will get it." She shrugged, then picked up speed.

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Steel kept going flying fighting the transformation he exploded into a ball of bright white flames (white fire is the hottest typically you see red and blue fire) giving off large amount of light so bright you in fact it would blind a pony if they looked at it for more then a few minutes

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Moon knew she was nearing the marker by the three pings she heard. That meant she was less than a mile from Violette. She picked up speed, excited to talk to the both Lune and Violette. By sundown tomorrow, they would know how they were related.


She heard another three pings, indicating that she would be able to see her destination. Which was correct. She saw a medium sized, castle looking house.


Moon was soon at the door, and knocked loudly.


"Its Moon Beam!" She called, hoping that they weren't asleep.

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Celestia heard the voice and nods as she got the bag Moon had and puts it on as she leaves the woods with Hank. 


Hank walked next to Celestia with all his AI's around his head "I just wish ponies aren't so messed up like that.." he said to Celestia.


Celestia nods "I know.. its okay though.. lets just get a nice room in the inn.." she said with a smile.


Hank nods "okay. I will keep you safe Princess.. always." he hugged her



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  • 3 months later...

After a while, Moon was starting to feel discouraged.


"They have to be awake. Viol-" She began, but was interrupted when the door opened suddenly. She jumped back, startled.


"Oh, Moon." It was Lune. "I was so scared. I didn't know who was banging at the door at this time of night."


"I said it was me, Lune" Moon giggled.


"Lets just put it this way: Im practically deaf, especially according to Vio. But come on in. What happened to you bunking with Steel?" He asked as he stepped back and motioned for her to come in.


She stepped in and sighed. "He got a little mad at me.. He flew off and I haven't seen him in about an hour..." Moon explained.


"Ah. Well youre obviously welcome to stay here the night. You want to go straight to the guest room and get your rest?" Lune asked as he walked ahead of her and turned to look over his shoulder.


"Uhm, Id like to stay up for a little. But only if you guys are going to stay awake and keep me company." Moon smiled.


"Ill go see if Vio wants to come down and chat. Unfortunately, im ready to crash. And when you want, the guest room is down that hall. Blue door. Good night, Moon." Lune said as he walked up a long, spirally staircase.


She took the opportunity in that moment alone to take in how beautiful the house is. It was pretty large, and gorgeously decorated. She gawked at how lovely it really was, with all the unique furniture and paintings and artwork.


They really are royalty... She thought. And then it hit her.


And if we are really related, that means im royalty as well... She sat there, frozen in that moment until Violette flew down off of the balcony and landed next to her.


"Hey." She smiled.


"Hi, Vio." Moon said, giggling.

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Hank and Princess Celestia walked around in the town "i hope everything is going fine." princess Celestia said as she looked at the stars "it is such a lovely night."  They were able to see the castle nearby as they saw something on the the castle. Hank frowned "lets go check it out." he said as they flew to the castle.



Thank you Party_Cannon for the signature!

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"Oh. I wonder where he is now.. Hope he's okay." Vio said after listening to Moon explain why she wasn't with Steel like she said she would be.


The two were sitting on the couch in the main living room downstairs. The couch was woven from very tiny blades of tan grass and looked like it might have taken days to make the entire thing. There was a short coffee table in front of them that looked as if the forest was willing to make it itself. It was wooden, but had vines crawling up the legs and standing tall above the table. There were flowers budding and still growing on the vines as well, and at the top of the vines, large pink, blue, and green flowers poked their heads up with pride.


"Yeah, me too. Funny thing though, I cant even remember why either of us got mad.." Moon looked down as her face scrunched up with thought.


"Youre probably just tired."


"But that's just it. I feel so wide awake right now I could chase down a Wonderbolt. At least, that's what I feel like... I probably couldn't physically do that."


"Well I'm here, Moon. And I'll listen if you need to talk." Vio smiled warmly as she patted Moon's back.


"Thanks, Vio. That really means a lot. I haven't had many real friends in the past couple of years. Everypony who talks to me is only doing it because I'm popular or business... Its not exactly fun. And my only real friends are my sister, Star Catcher, and Linia, who's somepony I met through my work. She's off on a mission somewhere, and it was so confidential she couldn't even tell her family where she was going." Moon explained, a tears forming in the corner of her eyes.


"Well it looks like your job is pretty interesting.. What are you, a secret agent?" Vio asked, looking a little worried.


"Not technically. You could say assassin. But that's not what we really call ourselves. Its confusing. I'm only telling you because we are supposed to be family."


"I really do hope we are, you know? I kind of feel it deep down. Like a connection." Vio said as she looked not quite at, but more through Moon.


"Yeah.. I feel that too.. Maybe that's why I could tell you so much so easily.." Moon looked down.


"Well its getting late. Maybe we should crash." Vio suggested.


"Alright. I already know where the guest room is." Moon said as she hopped down off of the couch.


"The blue door?" Vio asked as she slid down and stood next to Moon.




"No, you can sleep in the best guest room we have. Not the blue door. That ones the one we use for pretty much everypony. Follow me."


Moon followed Vio as she flew up to the second floor and walked her down a long hallway. She stopped at a set of large purple doors.


"Here it is. Good night, Moon." She said as she hugged Moon Beam.


"Good night, Vio. Slee-" Moon began, but was interrupted when she heard a loud roar. It sounded like it had come from pretty far away.


Vio looked at Moon, a puzzled look on her face. Silently, the two of them flew downstairs and made their way outside. They looked around, but found nothing but trees.


Vio and Lune lived pretty far from the rest of the city, but there were some small cottages that lonely alicorns come to live, away from the hustle and bustle of the main town. However, some couples did live out here also, and some come to the little hotels and rentable cottages for honeymoons or getaways. Some ponies came and set up tents and camped for a while. Sometimes there were travelers who come to settle down for a few days. It was simply a quiet place outside of everything else. Vio was the one who chose this spot. She liked the silence and the trees.


"That came from the town." Vio said, looking off through the trees.


"Well then. Lets get going." Moon said, and took off immediately.


Vio tried to protest, but Moon was already flying high and couldn't have heard her if she yelled as loud as she could. So, she lifted herself into the air and followed Moon's lead.


They were soon at the city, flying above the houses, and not seeing much yet. However, they did see many of the alicorns poking out of their windows and doors and walking around on the streets below.


"Look!" Moon said, pointing to the sky ahead. "Celestia and Hank."


"They are flying towards the castle."


"More like they are flying to what's on the castle."




"See." Moon pointed to the roof of the castle, where a figure stood.




Moon began to fly faster, a horrible feeling forming in the pit of her stomach.


They caught up with Hank and Celestia in no time.


"What's going on and what is that... pony, maybe, thing... on the castle?" Moon asked as soon as she was next to Celestia.




((sorry I type so much all the time, its just kind of a habit..))

Edited by DashieHeart
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hank and Celestia gasps seeing the bolt of fire. Hank yelled "hey! what do you think you are doing?!" he said as he lands in front of him. "why do you want to do this?" he said as he watched him hoping he can get a response from him. "There is no reason for you to do this!" he yelled at him



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