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I have no clue on how to answer that, so BALLS OF STEEL


What if what Slenderman said is true (about matrix n shit)


lol derp, I was on second page when I said that


idk how to answer that either


what if my theory on life were true


(that none of us ever truly live our life because we are already on our death beds simply dreaming of how our lives were)

Edited by XxZomBloxxorxX
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Evil'd probably be more interesting.


What if Discord returned in the middle of Season 2?


he cant! the middle has already been reached LOLMAO!!!! :3


what if there was a underwater temple somewhere in the middle of the sea, with a portal to ponyville?

Edited by leader darkspore
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I would be out scaring people even more! XD (more tasty souls for me to steal, nom nom nom)


What will happen when I change my username back in two days?

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Then I will no longer be able to tell people I can contact the Slenderman.


What if, in Equestria, there's a site called 'Human Forums', and the Mane 6 are posting humans right now?

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I would wonder if I have ended up becoming a meme over there! B)


What if all of us became memes?

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It's okay, he's not wearing a suit. :lol:


What if There was a tiny civilization of warriors living inside my sketchbook (My mind is the first thing to go when I draw...)

Edited by F I R E F L Y
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Then I would want to see them, a paper based civilization would make for an interesting study! *puts on learning cap*


What if that civilization conquered a small country?

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Then they would re-name the land the helm of the Paperling Empire, and expand their tiny and adorable conquest to larger areas.


What if paperlings took over the world?

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I would ask them if I could join their mighty empire!


What if we are just characters in a TV show and we just don't know it?

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Then they sure are taking their sweet time with the commercial breaks....


What if our tv lives getting renewed for another season meant another 40 to 50 years on our lives?

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I'd try to improve my standup routine.


What if instead of watching My Little Pony all this time, we've been watching





What if real life was exactly like Candle Cove?

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All I can say is, may Celestia have mercy on our souls... 0-o


What if this is Patrick?

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then it would be Slenderman sneaking around to


what if I didn't just decide that from now on (the above) is Slenderman's theme song?

Edited by XxZomBloxxorxX
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Then this would be my theme song:



Made by our very own Arkane! :D


What if you I couldn't write poetry?

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