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private A New Adventure (1x1 RP)


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Lightwing was stranged by that question,but she responded anyways

"Well,i've been living with you for 2 weeks,and now we're dating(?) each other...I can define it as,Well!Pretty much well! :3 "

She started to nibble a random apple that she found on the floor,laying,waiting to be eaten...

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Embers chuckled as he looked up at the sky "Mmmm, its a really nice day" "He said with a smile as he looked back down, he glanced over at lightwing who was eating her apple. He picked up his own apple, and started to nibble it as he looked back up at the sky. It was mostly cloudy, and he guessed it would rain

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Suddenly,an apple fell over Embers.But this apple had a more goled color,unlile his red counterparts

"Hmmm...What we have there..."

She picked up the golden apple,and tried to munch it,but then,she felt a burst of...something,and the apple fell again to the floor,without any scratch

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Embers raised an eye as he looked over at lightwing "Mmmm, what did it taste like?" He said with a laugh as he picked it up "Also, something golden falls from the sky, you bite into it? Do you have a death wish or something?" He said with a another laugh as he tossed it next to her

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Lightwing giggled and picked up again the apple

"Dunno.Sometimes is fun to try new things,even if they're dangerous"

She put a catface,and tried to eat it again,but the apple didn't wanted to be eaten by her

"Hmmm...Why don't you try to eat it?"

She handles Embers the golden apple

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Embers raised an eye "I dunno, I might try...I think you have eaten much more food then me" He said with a smirk as he took the apple. He slowly bit into it, his teeth sinking into it. Somehow, he could eat it. He face litup, he smiled as he took another bite "This...this....oh my gosh..."

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Lightwing instantly becomes jelly of how Embers could eat that apple

"How???How can you eat that apple???"

She picks up it,and tries to eat it,but,again,the apples rejects her

"Aaaww....Well,anyways...How foes it tasred?"

She was with a sad face,knowing that she qould never taste that apple

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Embers was thinking in his mind, what did he have that she did not? Then it came to him, and he smiled "Alright, I got this" He was thinking that the apple could be eaten by him because he was a unicorn, so if he made lightwings aura thing be like a unicorn, she should be able to eat the apple. He sent the spell at her "Try eating it now"

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Lightwing tried again,but a bit scared...

She slowly touched the apple with her teeth and,surpringsly,she coukd eat it!!!

"Oh my gosh..."

She started to smile more and more

"Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my fosh oh my gosh!!!!"

She fell to the floor,and rolled on the floor from pure happiness

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Embers smiled as he looked at lightwing "It tastes really good" He said with a laugh as he looked up at the sky. He smiled as he looked back down at lightwing, thinking to himself "I cant beleave that Im living here, with such an amazing mare..How did I ever get so lucky?" he laugh

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Lightwing started to laugh,and then she sat in the tree

"Luck is like a coin...One side is good,and another is bad..."

She threw a coin to the air,and it fell to the floor,showing a horseshoe

"Lucky can be a stupid bitch sometimes but,on a few ocassions,it can make you happier than ever...That"s your cade,Embers"

She poked his nose,and gave him the coin

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Embers smiled as he fliped the coin, it landed on the other side then lightwing had gotten. He raised his eyes and looked over at her "And what does this mean then?" He said as he looked over at his back pack, a few of his drawings were sticking out of it. One for a blowdart, the other for a sword

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Lightwing looked at the coin.It had the face of a pony

"Well,I can't tell it...Everypony has its own meaning for a lucky memento.I've choosen the Horseshoe...Maybe yours is the...Face of a pony...hehe"

She giggled a bit,and picked up again the coin,and tossed it up,just to fall again with the pony face

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Embers chuckled as he looked over at lightwing "Alright, Ill guess ill have to find out for myself" He said with a laugh as he looked back down at his feet. He walked over to lightwing and looked into her eyes "Mmmmm, Well, Might as well make the most of my luck" He said as he kissed her

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Lightwing picked up again the coin

"Onr man told me something a long timr ago...Luck is the only true power of this world.If luck turns bad,you'll always have problems...If is good,you'll always be happy"

She started to laugh at the memory of that pony,and gave the coin to Embers

"Keep it.You can need it one day"

She hugged him and then kissed his lips quickly

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Embers blushed and kissed her back with a huge smile on his face as he took the coin "Well thank you" He said with a laugh as he looked up at the sky. It was kinda cloudy, and he felt very happy as he turned over to look at lightwing "So light, were would you like to go now?" He said with a smile

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lightwing looked at a letter on her desk,and then smiled at Embers

"There's a place that we could go..."

She walked next to a map on the wall,and pointed to a little lake on the edge of the Everfree Forest

"I'll not tell more,but you'll love it"

She opened the door and walked outside,waiting for Embers

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Embers shrugged and grabbed his scarf, and a few books just incase he got tierd. He smiled and walked off, after lightwing "Lets not fly or teleport there, OK?" He said with a laugh as he looked over at lightwing. He started walking side by side with her and with a smile on his face

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Lightwing smiled and booped Embers's nose,and winked an eye at him

"That was my plan,darling..."

They started to walk through th Everfree Forest's depths,watching at the trees and the animals from the forest

"So...Aren't you curious about where are we going?"

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Embers chuckled and shrugged as he walked. He was looking up at the sky with a smug look on his face when he turned back down to lightwing to looked at her "Naw, not really, I just kinda thought you know what your doing, So I could trust and follow you"  He said with a chuckle

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They walked through the Everfree Forest,until a bright light crossed the trees that covered the forest...It sounded like water...and the ambient was heat...

"This is my secret place.Nopony knows this place,but me...Can I trust you to not tell my little secret?"

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Embers looked up at the trees, a look of pure awe on his face as he smiled, twisting around to look at lightwing and nodded "Yeah, We can keep this too me and you" He said with another chuckle as he looked back forward, stopping to just stare at what he was seeing

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Lightwing winked an eye to him,and sat next to the water

"Just try this lake,and you'll see why is so special..."

She jumped on the lake,and then a cloud of steam appeared,and she was enjoying it

"This is a natural hot spring...There're not a lot of them on Equestria,so this is my little secret..,"

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Embers raised an eye with a huge grin on his face. He put down his pack next to him, and jumped in next to lightwing. He smiled and looked up, feeling how warm he was as he planted his hoofs on the ground. He then glanced over at lightwing "Wow, this is amaaaaazing!" He said with a smile

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Lightwing started to swim through the lake,until she found the hot spot from the Hot Spring

"Oh my!!!So hot!!!...Oooooh...yeaaaaah...."

She put a relaxed face,and quickly disconnected from the world,and everything that was happening around herself

"Eeembeers...Try this...Is sooooo relasxing...."

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