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private Trapped! (Action, Adventure, Romance, Survival, Mystery)

Courageous Thunder Dash

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Link to OOC: http://mlpforums.com/topic/92983-trapped-action-adventure-romance-survival-mystery/


@,@@Scribblegroove, @@Miss Reaper, @, @


It was a clear and starry night. Melody was heading to bed for the night...not knowing that a new adventure awaited her. She yawned as she climbed into bed. "What a long day...time to get some sleep." She said tucking herself in. She soon started nodding off. That is, until a mysterious letter appeared. It read:



"Have you ever wanted to go on an adventure of a lifetime? Have you ever wanted to achieve the impossible? Well my foal, look no further. I, Princess Luna, can take you on an adventure...through YOUR dreams. Close your eyes...go to sleep...and meet me...in the dream chamber." 


Princess Luna


"Mmmm...sounds lovely..." Melody said as she put the letter to the side and drifted off into sleep. She soon was in a deep sleep. In her dream state, she was walking in what seemed like blackness, until she bumped into two large doors. "Wha...?" She asked. Her voice reverberated all around. She pushed open the doors. Through the doors was a large chamber with a big shiny crystal in the center. "Wha...what is this place?" She asked as her voice continued to echo. 

Edited by Thunder-Dash
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It had been a long - but otherwise average - day for Galatea, and finally it was time for her to get some sleep. Normally, sleep wasn't too welcome a thing, for the dreams that came to her; but that was part of the reason she worked so hard and tried to exhaust herself before it was time for bed, so that she could simply fall into a deep, dreamless stupor. Little did she know that tonight was going to be so different.


She received that same note as she was curling up beneath the covers on her bed, her sleepy eyes glancing over the words. "Adventure of a lifetime... Dream chamber...?" The mare scoffed softly, crumpling the note and tossing it away before closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep.


Galatea knew something was wrong the instant she found herself wandering about in darkness. What was this? Was this... a dream? That couldn't be right; she rarely ever dreamed. She was hesitant when she came across the doors, and yet something compelled her to see what was on the other side. She pushed the doors open, and went into the strange chamber with a large crystal as its centerpiece. "Hello?" she called out uncertainly, immediately hearing her voice thrown back at her as the sound echoed.

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@@Miss Reaper,


Melody was looking around until she heard a another voice echoing. "Wha...who's there? Sh...show yourself..." Melody said as her voice reverberated in the chamber. She looked around and couldn't find anypony. She started to quiver and made a small squeaking noise of fear.  

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Blaze had shoved the message off like it was nothing, but a simple gimmick designed to steal his money. Blaze had drifted off to sleep late at night and now faced utter darkness. He only had a small flame that was able to light the way. Everything was blurry, it was a dream after all, or was it? Blaze couldn't tell, Blaze had lucid dreamed before, but this wasn't lucid dreaming, this dream seems to be dragging on forever, with no end in sight.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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After finishing the last chapter for his new book, he realized, that it's going to be late. He went to his bed room, laying down on his bed. But then he realized a note.

He read the note and start to wonder, what this could be. Still thinking about the note, he falling asleep.

When he wake up, he see only darkness. He can control his body by his own.

"Woah, lucid dreaming?"

Rising walk through the darkness, until he see a door. He push the door open and is now in a chamber. A crystal is in the middle.

"Woah, that looks wonderful!"

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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@, @,


Galatea's ears flicked up in surprise at the sound of another voice before swiveling towards its source. Taking a few steps further in, Galatea looked around, and spotted Melody. Needless to say, she was somewhat shocked to find another pony here, though she couldn't say why. Something within her told her that something was off about this situation; but was it just a bout of paranoia? Was she so unused to dreaming that it made her uneasy without cause? She couldn't tell.


And then another pony showed up! Where were they coming from? Were they constructs of her subconscious mind? That kind of was how dreams worked, right? At least, something to do with the subconscious... Galatea was, to say the least, confused. She wanted to know what exactly was going on, or at least have something to go by where she could reason out an answer. But she had nothing in this... strange dream realm.

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@@Miss Reaper,\


Melody saw the other pony. "Wh...who are you?" She asked still quivering a bit. She still couldn't believe that all of this was a dream. She continued to eye the brown mare that was walking towards her. Melody then turned and saw another pony, but she kept her eyes on the brown mare.  

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"Who is talking?!"

A bit confused, he look closer and see two other ponies in here.

"Mayby they know something ..."

He make his way to them, he never really lucid dreaming and now he do and seeing 2 other ponies? They looking so ... real.

"Uhm ..."

He don't know them, so he got a bit scared, it feels so real, if this would be really a dream, he wouldn't become so shy to ask.

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Blaze sat patiently on the floor with nothing, but a small ember keeping him warm, he didn't know why he bothered with the fire, but it made him feel better. He thought he heard small voices coming from a little ways away. Blaze got up and started moving towards the voices, Blaze carried his small ember in front of him. He soon came up to a few ponies talking amongst themselves, "Hey....is every pony okay?"


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Rising hearing again a voice. He turn around to see another pony there.

"W-well, I'm fine, I think."

Dream or reality? He still can't say it really ... and the note ... had it to do something with this? Mayby they all real ponies who get an note and are now here. Or is my body not accepting, that this is just a dream ... he don't know, what to think.

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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"That's good" Blaze said while placing the small ember down in front of the group. "I for one.... Can't tell if this is a dream or not....it sure doesn't feel like it....but then again...when can your ever be sure" Blaze looked around for a second, "There's not much we can do right now, and I can't think of anything...does any pony else have an idea?"


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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@, @, @,


"I'm Galatea," the mare said gently to the timid pony. She then glanced at Rising before looking to the pony that asked if everypony was okay. "I'm okay... More than a little confused, though." The more she observed the other ponies, the stranger things got to her. They were talking about dreams, as well? But wasn't she the one dreaming? Unless...


Galatea shook her head. This was getting far too strange for her tastes. "I have no idea where this is... I thought it was a dream. I mean, the last thing I remember is falling asleep..."

Edited by Miss Reaper
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"There shouldn't be a need to get frantic, if this is a dream, then one of us is dreaming, right? Meaning one of us should wake up soon, and none of this will have ever happened" Blaze sat down. "I'm glad you two are okay, for all we know, which isn't much, is that this is a dream, we shouldn't be able to get hurt, or anything else along those lines....we should be fine in here.....where ever here is"


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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"Mayby you right ... W-Wait ... did you say falling asleep? Same for me here."


And then he get an idea ... could it be? That ...


"Just out of curiousity ... did you all falling asleep and start in darkness before landing here? Well that's how I came here ..."


Rising start to think again about it.


"Or ... just forget it, it's definitly a dream ..."

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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@@Miss Reaper,@, @,


"I got a letter from Luna about this...this...place. I don't know what's going on here. Maybe...Luna? Do you really think she is here?" Melody asked still looking at the ponies all around her. She was scared. Her shyness had completely taken over, which wasn't helping one bit.  

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@, @, @,


"I guess if this is a dream - and it probably is - then, yeah, eventually we'll wake up. That is, given that it is all of us that are dreaming..." Galatea thought aloud, trying to puzzle out some sense from this situation. Her ears then perked as Rising described the dreamscape before entering this particular chamber. "Wait, that sounds awfully familiar..."


Then her eyes widened when a note from Luna was mentioned. "N-No way... That note I saw before I fell asleep... Was it for real?" Galatea was stunned somewhat, if only for the thought that Princess Luna herself may have had something to do with this. Considering that she'd never had the opportunity to encounter the princesses before, merely being part of such a scheme was a little mind-boggling to the mare.

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@@Miss Reaper@, @,  


(OOC: Okay, so I originally planned to bring in Luna when everyone had made at least one post. Haven't heard from Scribblegroove, Emerald, nor the last person who signed up. I will bring in Luna, but have her just chat with the ponies and not do any big things yet)


"...Indeed...it was..." A voice echoed. Lo and behold, Princess Luna was revealed. "Do not fear my ponies. This is in fact the place I told you about in that letter I sent out..." Luna said approaching the group. 

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Blaze stopped looking at the others and fixed on Luna, the flame had went out. Blaze stood up, "Princess Luna....it's an honor......I've only heard stories" Blaze was in awe that the note had some meaning to it and to his surprise was kept by the Princess of the Moon. Blaze bowed respectively to the royalty standing before him.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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@, @, @,


Galatea was, needless to say, shocked to see the princess. She never had the opportunity to see any of the royal alicorns in her home in the future, because the princesses were gone; yes, she knew it was a different case in this time period, but it was still something of a surreal thing for the mare. "P-Princess Luna..."


After a moment to recover from the shock, she almost threw herself into a bow. "Princess! I'm sorry for doubting your word about this... this dream chamber!" she said with her head lowered, recalling how she'd tossed the Lunar Princess's note aside as if it were nothing. The last thing she wanted to do was anger one of the royal sisters - she knew of their power only through stories, but those stories alone inspired a fearsome yet highly respectable image of the princesses.

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@,@@Miss Reaper,


"No need, young Alicorn. And you're right, earth pony mare, this is the dream chamber, where you can enter any dream, anytime. That crystal you see in the center, is what keeps this place pure. If however, somepony with a dark heart enters this place, their magic should possess that crystal, turning this place into an everlasting nightmare." Luna explained. "I am still expecting a couple more ponies though." She said.  

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Blaze stood up on his hooves and proceeded to stare at the crystal, "Any dream?" Blaze repeats to himself. "Quite the power I could imagine.....If I may Princess....why us? Why not trusted guards or someone of the elements of harmony? Surely they could precede through these chambers with pure hearts."


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Rising was surprised, when Princess Luna arrives.


"My Princess."


He bows. After that he stand up again, listening to everypony, what they going to say.


"Good question, why us? Do we all have something special in or on us? I mean, I'm known because of my books, but still a regular pegasi. Never saved Equestria or something else ..."

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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"You do. But you will have to figure it out. It's something to do with your talents, that can influence how a dream plays out. As I said earlier, we must wait until everypony is here before we get to going into a dream." Luna stated. "Hmmm, my talent is...music..." Melody thought to herself.  

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"I've not many talents, but fighting and controlling fire, this seems more of a task of tranquility Luna, I don't know if I will be suitable here." Blaze didn't like the darkness, he started to muster a tiny ember again to light a bit of the darkness, perhaps just to see who he was speaking to better, Royalty, Princess Luna.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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@, @, @,


Any dream...? Maybe I'd be able to see...


No. Let's not go there. Galatea shook her head slightly, smothering the thought and wherever it was going to lead. Focusing on the Princess once more, the mare wondered whatever it could be that made her special; what it was that made the Princess choose her, of all ponies. Her talent was engineering... perhaps it had to do with the ingenuity that inherently came with such a talent? Because surely it wasn't solely for her heart.


Her heart was pure, indeed - upon first impression. But there was so much pain that she had buried deep within her own heart - so deep down, she hardly realized that it was still there. Would her subconscious bring it out into the open? Hopefully not.

Edited by Miss Reaper
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