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open Wrath of Sombra (RP)

Drago Ryder

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Brother March went up to Golden Flames, "Would you like me to heal you miss?" He asked kindly. @,


Cherry followed Surefire, "Allow me to help you search Brother Surefire." She said to the Stallion.


"Fine, I'll get the bedrooms first." He said.


Cherry nodded, "I'll search the kitchen and living room and dining room." She limped into the kitchen and searched about, expecting to see Tulip crouched on the floor, instead it was empty. She looked in the draws and pantries and finally found the filly scared stiff in the cupboard. "Stay really quiet." She whispered.


Tulip nodded.


Cherry finished her search and regrouped with surefire in the hallway, "all of the main rooms are clear sir." She said with a salute.


"Good, very good." Surefire said, "we'll send out a warning signal on the three that live here," she listed off the 3 names, the last being Tulip "if they are not found by the end of the year we'll assume them dead. Now, get that leg healed solder." She led her back to the living room.

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Golden nodded and watched March get to work. March applied bandages to the multiple lacerations and cleaned up her face as best he could. March noticed the scars that covered her face: one that started near the maneline, went over the left eye and finished somewhere near her muzzle. Another one went around the top half of the muzzle and the other multiple scars crisscrossed over her face.


"Those scars seem to be permanent miss." March frowned but deeming that she was healed, March then walked over to Cherry. "Do you want to be healed miss?" He asked her kindly.

Edited by XANA



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"Oh absolutely March deer." She said with a bit of a jump knowing what was coming next.


March got to work. "This will hurt." He said, than he proceeded to set her leg. Cherry let out a little scream when he set it. March gave her an encouraging smile as he pulled supplies from his medical bag, putting the leg in a cast. "It will take a very long time to heal, I recommend seeing a unicorn doctor about the bone itself." He said gently. Than he cleaned out the scratches and cuts and left them in bandages. "You two should rest," He said to the pair, "stay here as long as you like, if anypony who lives here comes back you have permission to report them. Be at the meeting in the morning, 8am sharp, understood?"


"Yes sir." Cherry said.


The two stallions took their leave. Cherry sighed, "You get some sleep hon." She said to Golden, "I'm gonna watch Tulip." @,

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Golden shifted a bit on the couch, being careful to not get any bandages caught. "Righto I just hope we don't get interrupted again." Golden muttered. That was a close call. She closed her eyes and hoped that Tulip would be okay. Shengently ruhbed her face and felt the ridges of the multiple scars. "These scsrs are permanent apparently." Golden murmured before finally falling asleep.



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Cherry pulled Tulip from the cabinet and gave her a hug, the two started talking quietly so not to wake Golden. "We're safe now, but the bad ponies are back. When the moon's up we'll leave. We need to be far away from here, okay?" She asked the filly.


"y-ya, that's fine." Tulip said back. "I heard the bad ponies talking, they said that they haven't found mommy or daddy yet. That's good right?"


Cherry gave a timid nod. The fact that Tulip was left home alone and neither of the other ponies had came back for her was pretty telling to what happened to them. But she needed to keep her spirits high, she said with a choked voice, "Yes, that's good."


Tulip looked a little scared, "they sounded like they knew you." She said, "are you and Golden with them."


Cherry stuttered and thought of a lie quick, "we...we...we're something called double agents." She gulped, "do you know what a double agent is?"


Tulip shook her head, "No." She whimpered.


"A double agent is a pony who pretends to be a bad guy so they can take the bad guy down from the inside and report information back to the good guys." She nearly gagged at the last word, in this world, nopony was a good guy. But for the sake of keeping the child safe she played along with her own lie.


"Like a secret superhero?" The filly asked.


"Yes, like a secret super hero. Now let's finish with this food, shall we?"


Tulip nodded and the two got to work finishing the sandwiches. When the two were finished they had a who bunch of sandwiches and Juice boxes packed into the backpack. The moon was high in the sky,  and they were both tired. They went to wake Golden, Tulip carrying her saddlebag and Cherry with the camping supplies and the backpack. 


"Golden, wake up." Cherry said gently, "time to go." @,

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Golden opened one eye and saw that the moon was high up in the sky. She opened the other and yawned slightly. "What have you two been doing? You should have been getting some rest." Golden said concernedly. "Doesn't matter. May as well get started as soon as possible right?" Golden smiled and walked out the door, making sure that she had her sword and armor with her. "Cherry, I'm going to do something very stupid. I'm going to put both our sets of armor in bags. Just hang on a minute."


Golden dashed back inside and grabbed a couple of bags. She covered Cherry's armor in golden flames so that it could disintegrate. She was glad that the dust particles were easy to see because she grabbed the entire dust pile and slowly placed it in a bag. Tying the bag up, she put it down and then did the same thing with her own armor. She grabbed both bags and placed them on her back, acting as makeshift saddle bags. "Now we can go." Golden smiled. She then walked out the door again.

Edited by XANA



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Cherry smiled and told Tulip to follow. The night time air was icy cold and carried the smell of war. Tulip walked close to Cherry as the group began to leave the house. "We should take a back road." she said to Golden, "I memorized the battle maps, there's an ally that leads to the tundra that the guards aren't watching, we can sneak there. Or we can try for the train station, they might let us through on a train to another place if we tell them we're on a mission. well you were sleeping, I did find our cloaks and stuff them in the bags in case we want to go undercover. Your choice. I'm good with either." @,

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"Take the back roads, see if we can get on the train at a different station. I/m not sure if we can get on the train just yet." Golden said. She then turned around and gestured for Cherry to lead the way. "You're the one that memorised the maps. You lead the way." Golden said. She crinkled her nose and smelled the blood in the air. "The faster we get out of here, the better." Golden said.



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Tempest glanced at Lightning Bliss, and nodded. "I'm fine. I just have a lot going through my head right now." He said. The bat pony then shrugged, and smirked slightly. "So, how are you holding up with all of this?" There was a twinge of sadness mixed into Tempest's voice, but he didn't really care.

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"Oh..." she nodded, he sounded just as sad as she was, if she not being worse, "Not so good honestly...I attacked another pony back at the Empire...She...she tried to kill me...while I was trying to help two young stallions who were just trying to take shelter...She pushed me and.." She sat down for a second, feeling embrassed to continue.


"I'm sorry...This is silly I guess for a warrior like you to hear...I just wish I could have done something...that didn't require violence..." She turned back in the direction of the Empire, "alot of ponies died back there...and one of them maybe by my own hooves..." She turned back to him then, "why did so many have to die? Why did that pony help in making them die..?"

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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Cherry nodded, "sounds good. The ally is this way. Little one," she addressed the filly, "The tundra is freezing cold, did you bring something warm to wear?"


Tulip nodded, "Ya, I'll put it n when we're outside the city though.


Cherry nodded. "Alright stay close to us, if you see any of the bad ponies hide. Okay?"


Tulip nodded, "Got it."


The three all wondered the empty streets, sticking to the shadows and keeping their head down. Tulip decided to leave the navigator alone, and instead trotted beside Golden Flame. "Ar you ponies really secret superheroes?" She asked Golden, "Chewwy said you're double agents." @,

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"Did she now?" Golden asked softly. She looked at the back of Cherry's head and raised an eyebrow. "Double agents ... Suppose we are. Why? What did Cherry say about us?" Golden asked as she turned her head to look back at Tulip. This was news to her. 'Cherry didn't say anything about it to me. Maybe it was when I was sleeping.' Golden thought to herself.



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Cherry heard the conversation and sent a 'just roll with it' expression at Golden before marching on.


"W-well," Tulip said, "when the bad ponies came into the house, I heard you guys talking and they sounded like you knew them, and that you were friends. So I askeded Cherry and she said that you DID know them cuz you were spies and stuff." The filly blushed, "Sorry if I'm not sposed to know that. But it's twoo right? You guys are good ponies?"


Cherry frowned at this, she wanted to explain to the girl that there were no 'good ponies' in this fight. But Tulip's dad was one of the 'good ponies' in her eyes. She couldn't explain that, it would crush the little ones heart. She just marched on, wondering what Flames would say. @,

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Golden closed her eyes but opened them just as quickly to see where she was going. She thought about the best way to answer Tulip. "It's okay for you knowing that. We were going to tell you eventually, you just brought it on a bit quicker. Yes. It is true." Golden answered Tuip with a smile. 'For now, we'll keep her hopes up. Then somehow break it to her when we're at the castle.' Golden thought sadly to herself.



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The group approached the back ally and started walking though the entrance into the tundra. Tulip pulled her winter coat from her bag and offered two soft warm blankets to the older ponies. "These are warm." She said with big sad eyes.


Cherry accepted the blanket and draped it around herself. It was soft polar fleece with advertising on it for some kids show. But it was warm nonetheless. "Thanks kid." She said.


Tulip smiled and offered the other blanket to Golden flames. @,

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Golden smiled and levitated the blanket over herself. It felt like fleece wool with some sort of comic hero on it. "Thanks, Tulip. In return, let me add some extra warmth. Hopefully it won't be too hot for you two." Golden said. Then she lit up her horn with a soft red aura swirling around it. Thinking about the spell, she cast it over the three of them but just there upper bodies, so that the snow doesn't melt when they walk. "That should be warm enough for you two." Golden smiled.



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Tempest nodded slightly, and sighed. "To be honest, I know how you feel. Sometimes, I can lose control of my emotions. That's when the real beast comes out, and I can't tell who I'm even supposed to be fighting anymore." He said. The bat pony didn't know if he could trust Lightning enough, but he felt like he could. 

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Cherry smiled, "Thanks Flames." She said. It was weird under the spell, the air around her upper body was warm and comforting, but her legs were frozen cold. Marching trough the tundra beyond felt like watching a TV show in the comfort of her home. Almost like it wasn't there, or like she was traveling in a train.


"What do we do now?" Tulip asked, she seemed kinda scared, like she was realizing just how dire things really were. After a moment of no answer she said timidly, "is there a war?" @,

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Golden looked at Cherry worriedly but realised that she had to be the one. "No problem, Blossom. Tulip. There's sort of a war going on. Think of it like ... what do you kids do nowadays? Play video games and that? Think of it as uuuh, Blossom, can you explain to Tulip what's going on? I don't think I'll do it well." Golden asked Cherry, trying to hint that she wouldn't be able to keep it a secret.



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Cherry frowned. "Sweet heart, do you know what a war is?"

Tulip gave a little nod, "It's when good guys and bad guys fight. Like today."

Cherry shifted, "sort of. It's when two sides fight for what they think is right. Do you understand that?"

Tulip looked confused, "no. there's only one right, right?"

Cherry shook her head and looked the filly in the eyes. "What's the very best color whole wide world?" She asked.

Tulip looked off guard, "pink." She said confusedly.

"Alright. Now say I think that blue is the best color ever. Who's right? You or me?"

"Me." Tulip said determined.

"But I think I'm right." Cherry insisted. "why do you think that is?"

"Cuz you don't know how cool pink is." Tulip grinned.

"You don't know how cool blue is." Cherry said bluntly.

Tulip stared.

"You see," Cherry went on, "some ponies have different ways of viewing the world. They have different opinions. When ponies don't agree about how the world should be, when their opinions are too different, they go to war. Now I'm not going to fight you over what color is best, that's silly." She chuckled. "But recently, some ponies thought that the world was being run badly. They had different opinions on how things should be. So yes, they started a war so that they could change how things were run. Do you understand that?"

Tulip looked confused, "I guess so. But who's the good guys?" She asked.

Cherry looked to Golden for help. @, ((OOC, you can write Tulip if needed.))

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Golden's ear flicked as she thought she heard something. She slowly looked around but found nothing. Golden just gulped and tried to answer Tulip as best she could. "The good guys are the ponies who want to stop the bad guys from taking over. The bad guys are trying to bring King Sombra back and the Princesses don't want that." Golden quickly shut her mouth and just looked at the ground, trying to avoid the eyes of Tulip and Cherry.


Tulip's eyes widened and she looked at the navigator. "Is it twoo? Is King Sombwa really back?" Tulip asked her, seeming really scared now.


Golden just sat in the snow and watched them walk ahead a bit.



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"Yes." Cherry told Tulip. "He's back."

Tulip was terrified. "How? What happened?"

"The other ponies," she shifted, uncomfortable "the, bad ponies, brought him back."

"How?" The filly asked, starting to hyperventilate. "why?"

"I'ts okay. it's okay. Calm down." She shushed the foal. "They brought him back with magic because they believed he would be a better leader." She said carefully.

"No, that's wrong." The filly said. "Why would they believe that? The princesses are great right?"

Cherry came close to shaking her head and telling the foal exactly why the princesses were bad. But she swallowed her opinion and said, "yes. The princesses are better than Sombra." She bit her lip, not knowing how to explain the delicate zones between good and evil to a six year old. Instead she said, "let's just focus on staying safe. It's bad luck to argue about war well escaping it." She sighed, "How about we talk about something else. Any ideas?" She asked Golden and Tulip. Tulip said nothing. @,

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Golden caught up to them. "How about a game of I Spy? That'll be a nice little game to take our minds of things?" Golden suggested. She really didn't want to see the filly's face when they tell her that they really are the 'bad guys. "I spy definitely sounds good. Who would like to start?"



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The filly gave a small sad smile, "Um, okay. I spy with my two little eyes something...white."

"Is it...the snow?"

Tulip gasped, "Ya it is! Okay, your turn."

Cherry smiled. "I spy with my two little eyes, somethiiiing, blue."

Tulip grinned, "is it Golden's coat?" "eeeyep." Cherry laughed. "Your turn then."

"I spy with my little eyes, sometiiing...shiny." Tulip giggled. @,

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"My coat isn't blue. It's torquoise. Good try though." Golden grinned and thought about what Tulip had seen. "Shiny ... Can't be the armor because they're just a couple piles of dust. Is it the train?" Golden asked hesitantly. She saw that they were near the train tracks and the train was in the distance so it could have been that.



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