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private The Land of Death. ~Zombie RP~


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Silverheart maybe or was it silver clubs

(Sir, you have just made an enemy!)


@@Lighting Star


Silver smiled and nodded his head, happy to share what little he knew. He looked around them, making sure that the cost was clear, before he show Book a bell. "Well, in honesty, I have such a wide variety of things that make noise here because... They react to almost anything." He continued to explain, "It's not like I've seen as many of these creatures as other ponies poor excesses of a poker face; but from what I've observed, they react to anything out of the ordinary for them." 


(Long explanation/ observation)


'The creatures are surrounded by two noises: a low moan, and the sound of quiet hoof steps. They would notice If a healthy pony, like you or I, were to breath too deeply or walk too roughly. It's not  proven of course, but I think they swarm towards anything that isn't a noise of one of their own (I.e. a soft hoof step or low moan). That also leads me to believe that any sound louder than the noise you would make, while near a creature, should give them the idea of a much better target.' - idea sketch book 1


Edited by Dreamless
  • Brohoof 1

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Book Worm was ecstatic. Not only was finally talking to somepony, but he was also an intellectual too. He jumped on the chance to add on to that statement. "That's actually a great explanation! I've noticed no levels of higher thinking from them and this explains why they're attracted to noise. But as I said earlier, they're also attracted to bright things. They'll stop and stare at shiny things as long as there isn't a living pony near them." He was on a roll now. "And I've also noticed that over time the infected seem to change and get weaker; or as I call it rot. Freshly infected ones seem to have a sense of smell, sharper hearing, and can run. But over time they seem to rot and lose those abilities. So the ones that have been infected longer are actually the ones that are the safest to fight. And also..." He paused for a second and realized that he was rambling on again.


"Oh I'm sorry," He said embarrassed. "I'm just happy I finally get to talk to somepony that's not my brother."

On a one-stallion war against all trolls

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@@Lighting Star,


Silver eyes lit up at the new information he had just learned, and he started to speak in a much happier happy tone. It nearly sounded like he did before all of this began. "Don't worry, there's no reason to apologize." He smiled and looked up at the sky, this time in thought. "I'm actually enjoying this conversation. I had started to think about like their sight and hearing after... death I suppose, but I've never gotten the chance to examine or look into it. Not to mention decay!" In all honesty, he may have sounded a little to happy about something rotting; but, "That thought had never even crossed my mind?"


He looked over to Book, now that his mind had seemed to settle. "Also, I'm sure your brother just as fun to talk to..." There was a slight pause, "It must even be nice to have family still around in these times..."

Edited by Dreamless

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Book Worm laughed. "I love him to death but it's nice to talk to somepony who's actually smart sometimes." Double Side suddenly cocked his head to the left, his entire expression changed from a happy on to an annoyed one. 


"And just what is that supposed to mean?" He said in a slightly deeper voice. He didn't seemed to be addressing Silver anymore.


His head cocked to the right again. "I mean that you like to hit first and think about it later. It's nice to find another pony who actually likes to think about them too."


"They're bad and they kill ponies, what's there to think about?"


"Maybe why they kill ponies? Maybe if there's a way to stop them from killing ponies?"


"I've got all the ways I need to stop them right here." He taped his baseball bat with his hooves.


Book Worm sighed. "See what I have to deal with sometimes?"

On a one-stallion war against all trolls

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@@Lighting Star,


When the stallion's head shifted to left, Silver had started to take note of the sudden change in his actions; although, it didn't take any real observation to see that this stallion was angry. Silver made sure to hide his shock, but in his mind. 'What happened? He was kind and friendly a moment ago... I didn't say something did I?' 


As the stallion spoke, a few of the object in Silver's hooves could be seen shaking slightly. 

watched as the group tore through most of the horde. He wasn't sure if he should feel happy they were on his side or scarred of who to tick off.


Thankfully, the stallion's anger was directed at something else... Himself? "...?" Silver silently watched in utter confusion, until he was addressed again. 

"See what I have to deal with sometimes?"

He looked up and thought for a moment before speaking. "Well, Maybe I do... not!" The last part seemed to be added quickly. "I'm sorry, I guess I could see how a chat with your brother might be a bit hard."

Edited by Dreamless

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Double Side laughed. "Yeah he might be a pain in the plot sometimes but I love him. And for the longest time he was the only pony I could talk to. But we..." His face seemed to be cringing from the mere mention of the subject. "Don't like talking about that time." Book Worm's face suddenly lit up with realization. "Oh you and Strikeout haven't been properly introduced yet!" He took Silver's free hoof and started to shake it. "Silver, this is my twin brother Strikeout."


"It's a pleasure to meet you." He said in his deeper tone of voice. "But I'm not sure how much better it'll be talking to TWO eggheads now."


Book Worm grunted. "You do not know how happy I am to get to talk to somepony like you. Everypony calls us "Double Side" for some reason. I think it's so that other ponies don't risk mixing us up."


"Speaking of other ponies," Strikeout said. "What do you think of the rest of our group?"


"That Domino pony, I don't like him."

On a one-stallion war against all trolls

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Domino snorted at the other pony's reaction towards him. This was only proving his point that the ground dwellers were too uppity and stupid. Walking away from the group, he rolled his eyes as he heard their banal conversations.


Oh great, out of all the groups I could've been stuck with, I get the Friendship Brigade, determined to help anypony in danger. It's still better than Raiders, I suppose. I just wish they weren't so...happy...

  • Brohoof 2

I'm bad because I listen to music with swears.

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@@Lighting Star, (sorry for the inactivity, hope this post's alright.)


Before Spades could answer, a bush nearby rustled softly. It could have been one of many things that made the sudden noise in the night, although, in this case it was a simple rabbit. Unfortunately, spade had no idea of what it could have been? 


Spade eyes drifted towards one of the objects near his hooves and was reminded of why he came out here. 'So I wouldn't have to worry about what that noise might have been...' Who knows how close sunrise is, and he had already used a lot of his time.


"Domino," He looked slightly past Side and started to pick up material as he spoke. "Well, he seems like an interesting pony to play a few hands with." He finished collecting his things, "Other than that, I have no idea though? I guess I have to properly meet all of the others as well...." A thought seemed to cross his mind before snapping back to reality. "Oh! and I'm sorry to cut the short, but I have to get back to my business out here soon. I'll have to see you around." 


He knew it was slightly rude, but Silver didn't wait for a response. He turned around and quickly started to walk towards the camp, now deciding to find a quiet place are the defended area.

Edited by Dreamless

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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  • 2 weeks later...




Stellar opened her eyes groggily. Her head was pounding brutally, and her lips were parched and her throat dry. As she pulled herself up from her sleeping bag, she licked her dry lips in an attempt to wet them, but there was no saliva left in her mouth. She searched for her saddlebag trying to get her water flash, it took her longer than it should have, but she eventually found it hidden under the cover of a log. She’d put it there the night before so somepony didn’t accidentally step on it. How had she not remembered that she’d put it there? It wasn’t like her to forget things. Her head throbbed even harder as she leant down to her bag, and pulled out her water flasks. Using her magic she unscrewed the top, she opened her mouth in anticipation, already trying to imagine the cool water trickle soothingly down her throat. The pop came off with satisfying pop, and she attacked the water flask. The water cascaded down her dry throat, the cool liquid felt so good, but then the trickle slowed and then stopped altogether. Stellar shook the water flask desperately trying to get a few more drops out of it, to no avail. As soon as the water had stopped, she could feel her throat begin to dry up once more. I need more water, she said to herself. There was no river for miles around, it would take her half a day to fill it up at the Everfree River, and there had been no rain recently. She could barely think straight with the pounding headache she had, it had at least been subdued a little from the water she’d drunk, but she needed more. She scratched at her side inattentively, a nagging itch that seemed to spread across her right flank, from beneath her cape. She continued scratching it as she wandered off to find the other members of the camp.



Dovashy makes me think of soap xD.

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Soul watched desperately towards the east. "C'mon... C'mon..." he whispered, as if it would do something. He waited. The princesses HAD to be alive, or else the sun would not rise. it gave him comfort each morning to see them move, to know the kingdom was not dead.


Daylight broke across the blackness of night, illuminating the night before's battle. He listened quietly, hearing only a few ponies move around in the camp. Some were still asleep. He turned around and looked at the group. "Up! Up! Get up, all of ya! Day only lasts so long!" He stopped himself. He almost said 'Front and center', but this was not some military platoon.


While they were waking up and getting ready, he went over and checked their supplies, only to see the mare that had attracted the horde drink the last of the water. He sighed. there's today's first chore... he thought.


"Alright, when y'all are ready to introduce yourselves again, we're ready. everyone kinda shuffled off to bed before we got a full name roster. Again, I am Soul Survivor. I was a retired Royal Guard, given alicorn status due to my rank. though, as you can see.." he motioned to his braces on his wings and his broken horn "...not everything went according to plan. You only have to say as much as you want to. I know this world has not been very nice the past week."

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"My name's Strikeout." Double Said said and he slowly stretched awake. "My brother and I are grateful that you're letting us stay with you guys." Though his joy of finding new friends was cut short when his stomach reminded him that it had been three days since he had eaten anything proper. Out of everything Book Worm threw into their backpack that he said they would need to take with them the only thing he had packed to eat was a single can of beans. Strikeout scanned the camp but seemed to see no proper food cache. He noticed the one pony who was being chased by the infected earlier was scratching at her sides. Alarm bells were ringing in his head as he vaguely recalled Book Worm saying that meant something bad. But he couldn't quite remember it and his stomach was taking priority over his brain at the moment. "Is there anything for breakfast?" 

On a one-stallion war against all trolls

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Night Drake stood at the back of the small crowd around soul survivor. the pony with that journal came forward and introduced himself as strikeout. As I looked out into the crowd as he explained himself and his so-called brother. I was thinking of calling him out when he than mentioned food. At the mention of food I look towards our rations I saw that we had a couple pieces of food but all out of water and the food we did have was not going to last the whole day. I ran a mental check of the map in my head. Applewood was the closest town but it being a entertainment-based town I thought it would be worth the extra miles to go back the ponyville which was a Farming town before the apocalypse started. With the process of water at the south end of this forest there was a river where we could resupply on water. I walked toward soul survivor and said "I noticed our food was running low so I have a suggestion on how to fix that. I suggest we send out two small teams one team to go to Ponyville to resupply on food and one to the south end of this forest where there's a river to get more water. Now on Huff Ponyville is a two day walk but if we flew we'd cut the time in half be back before dark hopefully. You may choose who goes but I'd choose Pegasus or myself for the trip to Ponyville."and with my thoughts said I went back towards the end the group.

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You only have to say as much as you want to. I know this world has not been very nice the past week.

Silver Spades' started to wake when he heard Soul speak. Most of his body was rested on a makeshift table he had made during the night, and from the looks of it, he stayed up very late working on his invention and fell asleep where he was. 


He yawned loudly and passed a hoof over his eyes, before mumbling. "Silver Spades," to the group. He stretched and pocketed what he thought was the project from last night, and started to slowly make his way to where the group was gathering. As he sat down, the realization that he hadn't eaten since early yesterday mourning hit him. 'Maybe I'll ask about how we should scavenge later?' It was hard to recall at the moment, but he did remember noticing something about the group rations from the afternoon before. 'It was running low... right?'

Edited by Dreamless

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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As Strikeout looked at the grim faces of his companions and heard no response to his question he could only conclude that there wasn't going to be anything for breakfast. He tried to remember if there was a place nearby that would have food. Then an idea struck in his head.


"Well if we don't have any food guys, I think I know a place where we could get some. My brother and I passed one of those convenience stores in the country side that they put for hikers and campers. The place didn't look like it had been picked yet .We saw like ten infected wandering around outside and my brother's rule of hoof is that more than three in one place is a no go. So we're not sure how many are inside. But we've been to those places before and they usually carry a lot of good stuff. So if a couple of us could go and clear it out, we could have something to eat."

On a one-stallion war against all trolls

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