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open Wolves Vs. Ponies


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Blaze makes a loud thud as she lands and tries to not anger the wolf, She gets curious about talking wolves and asks "Hey, Do you talk, I just want to make peace with you, i don't like many ponies in my life, i want to kill them like you do, but i can't, I'll get killed if i did. If you just want to go, just go and I'll leave you."

Edited by Octavia91
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Blaze hovers in the tree line and follows Razor "WHY ARE YOU NOT TALKING TO ME!" she shouts down to him using her good ability to know how wolfs communicate from double his jumping range

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Titan, who had noticed the fight when it was ending and had been trotting towards them, skidded to a stop in front of the pegasus with his shield drawn and raised. He spoke back to the pony behind him, "What are you trying to do? Get yourself killed?"

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Blaze suddenly becomes insane and attacks titan with brutal force of her wing drops and her magic, wounding him badly "Stay away!" she screams then suddenly smacks into the ground and is unconscious.

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Night Flash flies towards Blaze and tries to reason with her,''What the hay are you doing Blaze?!Were on the same side remember?Now calm down I know you just want to be friends with the wolves but they don't reciprocate your feelings.Now come on help get Titan back to the dorm room.''Said Night Flash as he looked at Blaze with disaproval.



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Blaze gets more angry and lifts Night Flash high into the sky along with Titan and drops them both to the ground forcing them faster and faster in-till something surges and hurts her and she crashes Tearing her wings and grazing her hoofs, and generating enough friction to light her mane and tail on fire, which she does.

Edited by Octavia91
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Shaken by the assualt Night Flash get's up and then flies high up into the sky and comes diving down at the speed of sound.''Your going down now Blaze'' though Night Flash as he delivered a powerful blow to Blaze which knocks her out of consciousness''Great now have to drag both of them back to the building''.Night Flash picked both the knocked out ponies and flew back to his dorm room and put them down on his bed.



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"You tried to make friends with a wolf now get up and wake up Titan after all,your the one who knocked him out!'' Said Night Flash with serious face.''We need to fortify this place and lock all the doors and windows so none of those wolves get in and we'll take turns taking guard.I'll go first since it was my idea.''And with that Night Flash flew up to a cloud right above the school and started looking around for anything suspicious.



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Hearing Blaze's cries Night Flash dives down from his cloud and makes short work of the wolf with one quick kick to the face followed by another blow to the neck.''That's one down,plenty more to go!'' and with that Night Flash returns to his cloud this time with a pair of night vision goggles he picked up from his room and returns to his cloud.



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"Wolf?" Haste muttered as she flew downstairs, a wolf apparently unconscious was on the floor **better get him out of here before he wakes up....** she carried the wolf outside and looked at the other ponies "what happened here?"




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Night Flash,injured and sleepy attempts to struggle back to safety and calls out for help,''Hey!I'm hurt I need some help I can't move one of my wings!''Said Night Flash as loud as he could still trying to crawl back to the safety of the school.



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Blaze heard the call for help, And mobilized, she flew to Night Flash, And using the same immense wing power she used on the wolf, she takes off carrying Night Flash to the school "Dude, Your Heavy, But, What Happened?"

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''Uhh...A wolf...he...ughh..guess I shouldn't be so over confident next time'' Said Night Flash as he tried to use his one working wing to ease the load on Blaze.''Guess I'll be out of action for a while so take my goggles,they'll help you see better.''



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''Hey Blaze it's almost sun-rise!I can see the sun coming up from the horizon!'' Cried Night Flash in a loud voice so Blaze could hear him.''You won't be needing the goggles now and I can walk just fine but I can't fly but I can still fight.'' Said Night Flash as he got up from his bed and started walking towards the window to keep an eye out.



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"Thank goodness." Blaze said as she spotted a lone wolf and asked Night Flash "Do you see the wolf near the gates, he's alone, he seems a good target for the wing drop i used on you."

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