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open In Canterlot (SoL/Romance)


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"It's nice to meet you Elipsis. I'm Code Junkie, or Code for short." Code said, introducing himself. He watched as Elipses was bouncing in her chair. "You know coffee probably wasn't the best idea." He said with a smile.


(OOC: @, Make sure if you are speaking to certain people, you mention them. Otherwise it seems like you're talking to random ponies.)

(OOC Coffee is always the best idea!!!)


"*pshaw* Naaaah, Its not the coffee, it just me." She said chuckling. "Hey! I was about to go walk around Canterlot, I was just planning on doing that today." Elipsia said as she got off her seat. "Do you wanna join me?" She asked while throwing away her coffee cup.

Then another stallion shows up and introduces himself... Kind of "Oh hi" Elipsis said with a greeting smile.

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"Umm...I'm Midnight. What's your names?" He asked. He took note of what they looked like. He was nervous, he hadn't really had a friend in years, and he didn't want to mess this up. He silently waited for one of them to answer.
(lol Coffee is pretty amazing. But Midnight likes tea.) 

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Gear was pulling his cart along. "Free gems, see the spectacle that is this show." He stopped I front of a coffe shop, with 2 people in it, just my luck, he thought. "Free gems, witness the spectrical of cystal. See the magic within this show, and come home with a new gift."

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 Code drank down the rest of his milkshake and licked his lips of any leftovers. "Sure. I was gonna go sight seeing today anyway." Code replied to Elipsis's question. He got out of his seat and threw his cup away, but before he walked out, another stallion had come and greeted them. "Hello Midnight. I'm Code." He said to this new stallion.

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@@Pinkamena Dianne Pie,

"Hi Code. I was wondering if you guys were doing anything. I don't have anything to do today and no friends to talk to so, I thought I might come say hi and try and make friends." He said, still nervous. The last time he introduced himself he was rejected as a friend.

@Pinkamena Dianne Pie

"Oh, w-We were just about to go on a walk around Canterlot, do you wanna come with us?" Elipsis asked, with an excited expression on her face. "And I'm Elipsis by the way, nice to meet you" she said even more happy to be meeting more ponies, this day was getting better and better for her, she stood there with a big grin.

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@@Pelate, He smiled.
"Nice to meet you too. And that sounds like fun. I'd love to come with you. " He said happilly He had finnaly made friends!  Plus one of them looked....beautiful...in his eyes. But he wouldn't say that to her. They just met. He didn't want to seem like a pervert.

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@@Pinkamena Dianne Pie


(OOC: ...I'm sensing a love triangle

FYI I'm going to bed after this post)


Elipsis went ahead for the door (guessing the two follow) she was ready to explore the wondress city with her new friends "where do we go first? I'm so excited There's so much to see here!" She blurted out loudly, as she looked around herself, she was more energetic than ever by now.

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Code left a couple bits on the table and followed behind Elipsis out the door. He smiled at Elipsis' enthusiasm and nearly laughed a little. While outside, he heard someone yelling out about some show and wondered what it was was about. "Hey, you wanna go see that street show over there?" Code asked Elipsis, pointing over to a stallion with his cart.

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 Winter's ears flicker; "Oh, oh that's not good. I was actually looking at moving to Ponyville some day soon. Are a lot of them mean? Or just like one or two? You know what? Are you willing to talk with me a bit over a cup of tea? It'll be much more comfortable than standing in the street."

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"Well...particularly, some of the young foals like Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon can be quite rude and disrespectful. I've learned to stand up for myself when they come. Otherwise, most ponies are quite nice there. Canterlot is a great place to be, but some of the upperclass ponies can be somewhat rude toward lower class ponies." Addie stated.  

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   Winter nods; "Oh, good. I was afraid it was something worse, not that that isn't bad but it is normal. You should never take that personally, they usually do it out of fear. Well that's what my grandmother always told me at least. So Addie, will you join me for a nice tea and dessert? My treat."

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Gear had saw some ponies come to his show. "So, you little ponys want to see the show. Come forth, and see the majesty of what I can do with crystal." Gearhart said. Gear was happy to see customers this early in the day. He prepared his cart for the show, and prepared.

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@@Pinkamena Dianne Pie



Elipsis looked at the cart *gasp* "ooooo, that looks awesome!" She shouted "What is he going to do? I can't wait" like usual Elipsis was easily excited about something like this, she stood in front of the stallion with the cart and stared with an intrigued look.

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As Gear saw the rest of them come, he prepared his trick. He had summoned a large crystal from his hooves and gave it to the eager one. "And you two, if you are a couple I suggest you take these," Gear said as he made two rings, "It might come in handy later, you never know."

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 Winter would start to lead the way but shake his head; "It isn't about being cowards...the problem is that everyone sees the rich as being rich but rarely anything else. Also they are usually taught that being rich is their main quality, their main definition, even by their own families. If they aren't doing anything special they tend to remind themselves and everyone else that they are rich because if they don't then they are nothing...at least in their own eyes.

  Doesn't make it right, but to me at least it also makes it sad. I would hate to be rich."

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"Well then if so, here you go," Gearhart said, giving her a small bag of crystal. "There is one more trick," Gear said, spawned two dolls and gave them a tiny sword. "Sentience," Gear said. The dolls them started to fight, on of them got there arms cut off, then was beheaded. 

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 Winter would walk a few steps before answering; "They may not feel entitled they may simply have been told they are entitled too much. Their parents, their friends, the parents of their friends, those that work for them, they will always treat a young colt or filly as entitled and when the foal tries to act in a way that an entitled pony shouldn't they will be reminded time and again that they are and that not being entitled or not viewing themselves as better for them is wrong.
They grow up get married, have foals of their own and teach them what they were taught as most parents do."

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  "Oh its not right, there are many wrong things that parents pass along to their children..." Winter seems to get really sad but shakes his head; "But we are to talk about Ponyville today, so..."


  The waiter would come over, and greet Winter by name. Without saying anything, the waiter would motion you both to follow him to a table in the corner. The waiter would even pull out the chair for you.

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 The waiter looks to Winter, "And your usual Winter?"
 The stallion nods enthusiastically; "Oh please and thank you. Also I am hoping you could bring us a dessert plate?"
 The waiter would nod, giving a smile to Addie and then move off to fill the order.
  "So...tell me about Ponyville." 
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