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searching The Mane Six Play Sburb

Lighting Star

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I had thought of this one day while I was bored out of my mind: "Why not start an RP where the mane six all play Sburb?" Then I told myself that that was a great idea and I should try it. So here I am.


So this thread is here right now to hold auditions for the characters. I want auditions for the mane six for the time being. I'm debating whether or not I should add six trolls to the mix or not. If you wanna audition for a a troll and try and convince me to do so just go ahead.


On another note, I will be taking the role of Twilight.


Rules for audition


1.) Write coherently
2.) Have a knowledge of Homestuck

3.) Audition for a mane six character (or troll-pony) only
4.) Provide what you want your character's role to be and a description of what they will do (i.e. Dave is the Knight of Time and he fights using time traveling. Use the wiki if you're not exactly sure)
5.) Create a chumhandle for your character (quirk optional)

6.) Give an example script of your character. This is so I can see how well you can portray the character as well as get some ideas

7.) Create a Fetch Modus and Strife Specibus for your character



Rules for RP


1.) Stay in character, if there is a point you want to bring up do it in the OOC thread (this one)

2.) Be respectful of the other RP'ers

3.) If it is someone else's turn to be in the spotlight, then let them have their turn don't try and change it to yours. 

4.) Don't hog the spotlight for too long. Try to have a transition to another character to keep the RP flowing and let everyone have their fun

5.) If there are trolls in the RP, they are only aloud to troll one pony (pick that in your audition)



Sample of audition (aka my audition for Twilight)


Pony: Twilight


Role: Seer of Time


Details: Twilight receives her knowledge of the game through alternate versions of herself from doomed timelines. She uses this knowledge to guide her characters through the game


Fetch Modus: Jumble - Will scramble the name of any item she picks up (the name is decided by her, similar to Dave). Has to unscramble the name of whatever she wants to retrieve.


Strife Specibus: Book-kind


Chumhandle: occultLiberian [OL]



[OL] This game never ceases to amaze me on what it can do. It's breaking any form of logic there is. I mean, I just made a book detailing the entire history of chocolate milk. A book like that has never been written and yet here it is, in vibrant detail. The possibilities for this are limitless. Applejack could make something that lets her buck her entire orchard at once, or you could make a dress entirely out of cheese. I need to experiment with this more and see what purpose it actually holds


On a one-stallion war against all trolls

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