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searching Safe In the Dark? [Action, Zombies]

Anon In Equestria

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To all that receive this message, you have been chosen to help reclaim the white house from the rogue national guard force, this assault is of the utmost importance, the renegades cannot be aloud to access the nuclear button, please meet lieutenant chase in the command tent at 2300 hours for mission briefing.


Now Quick for a quick brief on the setting for this rp.


The location: washington D.C, the white house, and other locations that shall be unclassified as the mission goes on.


The state of our home soil: most of the mainland US has been infected with a virus that mutates the victim and turns them into "Zombies" as most people have taken to calling them, they have been classified as being like the zombies from that old show "the walking dead" A large amount of our armed forces are ether infected, MIA or have gone rogue. Some government sanctioned forces such as the police, the CIA and the FBI, have managed to hold their own so far, and most of them are trying to reclaim their towns. Also most civilians that survived the infection have turned into raiders and bandits.


The state of the world: most countries have gone dark and are assumed over run, China, Russia and the United kingdom have managed to survive mostly intact but still have a large amount of infected within their borders and are unable to give support at this time.


The tech level: our government had been developing advanced tech for the upcoming war with that was breaking out with china but due to the spread of infection that war has been postponed but a lot of new tech has been developed including laser rifles and active camo suits, jump packs and of course the ion cannon system was developed, and the new body replacement program, has helped create stronger replacements for regular body parts, most soldiers have had replacements installed to improve battlefield performance, also we have the iron soldiers, a fully robotic army.



Basic site rules apply.

Romance is allowed, but no NSFW posts, take it to the PMs.

No god modding.

No mary sues.

You will turn if bit, and you will die if you are wounded to much.


Positions available:

Fire team squad leader: Connor Corrigan

Fire team medic:

Fire team tech:

Fire team heavy:

Fire team scout:


Squad leaders Gear:

Standard US combat uniform.

Basic US Assault rifle.

Basic US Handgun.

Wrist mounted command device.

Wrist blade.


Medics Gear:

Light US combat uniform.

Basic US Assault rifle.

Basic US machine pistol.

Advanced medical supplies.

Wrist blade.


Techs Gear:

US combat uniform with over shield.

Basic US laser rifle.

Basic US laser pistol.

Wrist mounted super computer.

wrist blade.


Heavy's gear:

Heavy US power armor.

Basic US heavy machine gun.

Basic US Shotgun.

Shoulder mounted rocket launcher.


Scouts gear:

Light US combat uniform with active camo.

Basic US sniper rifle.

Basic US handgun.

Radar blocker.

Wrist blades.



OC Form:





Parts replaced:(arm leg organs)

Team Position:




Name: Connor Corrigan

Description: six foot three inches tall, has short black spiky hair and short messy stubble, is well built and healthy.

Personality: A Calm and relaxed person at heart but when the lead starts flying, or the dead start shuffling he quickly becomes a stern and fast thinking soldier.

Background: Born in washington DC he was raised by his father a US marine, to be a proud american and to become a soldier, he went through school and collage without incident and joined the army, while he was in the army he got wounded fighting Chinese soldiers and had to have parts of his body replaced, he then carried on in the army, the outbreak happened.

Parts replaced: left side of body has been replace with terminator like parts, including his jaw and left eye.

Team Position: squad leader

Rank: second lieutenant

Edited by lonewolf1735
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