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How has the show positively affected your life?


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Yeah yes it has! It's given me many new friends and some of the best times I've ever had, watching this show has made my life so very well, and I love it dearly. It's taught me lessons that have helped over come things and helps me feel happy when I'm down!

Don't be a dweeb


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You guys are lucky. :(

I don't think the show affected me a lot.

...I like Saturdays more than before, and I sometimes have some MLP songs in my head, but that's all.

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If I'm being honest, this show changed my life, twice. Incoming ramble!


Firstly, when I lived back in the UK, I didn't have the greatest social life (though I do still have a few really close friends from there). Aside from being generally viewed as a bit weird, I'm quite susceptible to paranoia, and living on my own as I did amplified its effects. I ended up quite down and quite ill, not really going out, feeling generally uneasy pretty much all of the time.The insomnia from my childhood returned, and I would stay up late at night just trying to find things to occupy my brain - coding, gaming, cartoons, etc.


One night someone from America in an IRC chat sent me a link to the new MLP, and I watched half a diozen episodes straight. It's weird to describe the effect, but the show was like pure joy, all bright colours and devoid of cynical restraint. I'd come down on a morning before work and throw an episode onto my TV from my network share, and it'd fill the room with colour. It...helped. It wasn't the only factor, but it helped me get over myself, helped me realise what I was missing. I started to push myself out of the door more often, force myself to leave and not worry. I went back to hanging out with the local furries, made a ton of friends, had a ton of laughs. I realised that I'd been stagnant in my ambitions, too, so I applied for the move to Canada I always wanted, and I got it!


The second time the show made my life better was once I got to Canada.  You have to understand, when I walked off that plane, I had nothing. Two suitcases of clothes, my cat in a carrier, and my laptop bag. Nothing else. Not a single thing. I didn't know anyone, I didn't know where anything was, and I wasn't sure what to do next. I met some of the local furs, including my now roommate, and started looking for somewhere permanent to live. And then I figured, "there's got to be bronies in this town, right?"


Holy shit...are there ever bronies in Vancouver!


I've never met such a welcoming group of people. I made a whole swathe of new friends, almost instantly. We started hanging out every single week, laughing and shouting, finding fun things to do and chaos to cause. I got involved in BronyCAN, I worked for them to help make it a fun event, and it was brilliant. Before I knew what the hell was going on, they'd handed me the reins to the convention! I was blown away. I even met my girlfriend through the brony group, and we're dotty for each other.


So yeah, being a brony really changed my life. I went from a fearful, upset recluse living in some hellhole town in England, to a happy and confident (if still kinda rant-y) guy living in a great city, in a better country, with great friends. When you get right down to it, those guys are why I run BronyCAN. I don't deserve to be this fortunate, so I want to throw all my friends one massive pony party, to say thank-you, for everything.

DUDE! I live in Hull (the epitomy of "some hellhole town in England") and I've wanted to move to Canada after uni for ages (Vancouver in particular). How is the difference?

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DUDE! I live in Hull (the epitomy of "some hellhole town in England") and I've wanted to move to Canada after uni for ages (Vancouver in particular). How is the difference?

Do it, filly. Seriously. The city is great, the people are great, the food is great. If you like the big outdoors then the size of this place will keep surprising you. If you like skiing, there's four ski locations within reach. Public transport is better and cheaper than back home (within the Metro area), and there's tons to do. Vancouver Island is a ferry ride away, there's seaplanes landing in the bay, an international airport a $4 Skytrain ride away, it's just great. Plus, if you want to visit the US, you're really close to the border. (Can you tell I like to travel?)


The downside is that housing here is very expensive, and rents go up sharply the closer you get to downtown. If you've got a decent job and you live in somewhere like Burnaby then it's reasonable, but I highly recommend finding a roommate to split costs with. Also, the city has no well-maintained well-kitted laser tag arenas, which for an addict like me is painful.


But the biggest upside has nothing to do with the location. You don't realise what an insular, paranoid, fearful person Britain can make you until you're not there, or how reactionary, traditionalist, and downright racist the place can be (though those are some of the reasons I left).


Oh, and I think I have you beat on "biggest hellhole". I went to school in......Dewsbury. *Shudder* :ph34r:

BronyCAN II: BronyCAN Harder

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Who I am is a person that continuously breaks stereotypes. I am 5' 11'' 145lbs and I'd say an "average" build. I also have 12 tattoos all over my body and long hair. This look gives people one impression of me regardless, but when you speak to me I'm the nicest person ever. I like to make people laugh, help other in anyway I can and hang out with my friends and family. You'd never expect someone like me to do or be who I am, and that's the point. 

When I found out about MLP really it was right up my alley. There was already a following of people who like the show, regardless of what people think. Sure there are still some that hide their affection for MLP, but those that don't made me interested. I watched the show, saw the values they teach and great animation. I also had recently finished Breaking Bad which also has John De Lancie, so that also intrigued me.  These things all made me realize that anyone can be a Brony and like MLP, so why not me? Then before I knew it I was hooked, so now I look even more controversial lol. Tattoos, long hair and a pony T. Can't touch this! :)

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MLP hasn't changed much of my life though it did let me make a few good brony friends (the sane ones at least). I'm still my normal, cynical, fiction-writing self and hey, it's the way I like. But there is one thing I agree with the show is that Friendship, in a way, is magic. No human lives alone after all and a group of friends can change the world :)

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