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private When in Manehattan RP

Jack Baker

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@@Harmony Cube,

"Oh, well, then you already know the gist of why I was there," Raze said, a slight smile on his face. "I didn't mutter anything else weird, did I?" Finally they arrived back at the hotel restaurant.


"Hey there guys," the same pony behind the podium from yesterday greeted them. "Back again I see! Let me guess, table for two?"


"You got it," Raze said, following the mare to their table.

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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@Adept Aiden Pearce

He did ask. Might as well tell him. Shooting thought. Her heart raced, although she didn't know why. "You did say something about marrying me." Shooting said, her voice getting smaller as she said the sentence. She felt her heart slow to a normal pace.


Shooting followed as they were showed to their table.


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@@Harmony Cube,


Gaaaaahhh!!! I knew it! Now she knows what I was planning all along... Raze thought, blushing red.


"Did I? Aw man, I meant to say that to you at a different time, maybe a different place. I always imagined maybe at a park in front a big fountain or something cliche like that... but yeah, I really want to be with you, and that's why I said that." He smiled at her, kissing her cheek.

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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@Adept Aiden Pearce

Shooting's eyes went wide and she felt as if her entire face turned red. She looked at the ground, hoping her mane would cover her blush from Raze. I can't hide myself then. Shooting thought as Raze kissed her cheek. A huge grin excaped her lips. She felt her blush retreat. Shooting looked back at Raze, still smiling.


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@@Harmony Cube

Raze smiled back at her, as they arrived at their table. "Enjoy you guys!" The mare smiled and left, leaving Raze and Shooting alone.


"So..." Raze said, looking at Shooting. "How do you feel about me saying all of this to you?"


((OOC: Just a polite question: Are you still up for getting Shooting drunk?))

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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@Adept Aiden Pearce

Shooting thanked the greeter quietly and sat down, still comprehending everything.


"I feel like I should be glad and excited, but something tells me otherwise. Let's see, we met on a train, you work for the royal guard basically, and I've known you less than a week, and you want to marry me already? If I've known you longer, I'd be happy, but a few days? It's crazy Raze!" Shooting said, figuring everything out slowly.


(OOC: Yeah, it's why I'm trying to rush all the things she needs to say before Raze isn't sure if she's meaning it or not.)


Sig made by Kyoshi

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@@Harmony Cube

"Yeah I know... I would've told you later, once we knew each other better. It's all just the ramblings of a love-blind idiot."

Raze said, his head drooping. "I... think it would be better if I kept my mouth shut about that for a while. God, I'm

a fucking idiot for saying something like that..." He sighed in anger.


((OOC:Do what you must.))

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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@Adept Aiden Pearce

"It's my fault, I should have just been quiet. I shouldn't have asked about your dream." Shooting said, sighing. A strand of her mane fell out of place again. She didn't bother pushing it back into place. Shooting rested her face on the table, mentally calling herself names. They were right, oh so right. I am an idiotic, stupid mare. I am surprised he hasn't hit me at all. Shooting thought, sighing.


(OOC: You can do it anytime now. How could you break her like that?!)


Sig made by Kyoshi

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@@Harmony Cube

((OOC: I am creating drama. I want to try to steer away from them having a too perfect relationship. And how could crush the love-blind dreams of Raze? Ah, it just goes to show, sometimes no matter how high you hope, reality will always come to smash your hopes into bite size pieces with a sledgehammer.))


Raze looked at Shooting. "No, it's not your fault, it's mine, for making idiotic rambling in my sleep and dreaming of the impossible. I'm sorry... Hey, don't look so sad. It's my fault, not yours."

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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@Adept Aiden Pearce

(OOC: Or a chainsaw! Also, since Shooting typically doesn't drink, a few rounds should get her drunk enough.)

"I-it's not impossible, just there's the fact of I haven't known you very long." Shooting said, looking up, a bigger strand of her mane was in her face. She didn't move the strand at all. "It was my fault for asking and telling you about the whole marriage thing, blame me, not you." Shooting said.


Sig made by Kyoshi

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@@Harmony Cube

Raze smiled. "It's ok, don't worry about it; let's just move on from this, yeah?" He fixed the strand of hair in Shooting's face for her, then, as if by cue, the waiter came and asked them if they wanted anything to drink.


"Just give me a lemonade." Raze told the waiter.


((OOC: So... is this your cue for ordering alcohol?))

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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@Adept Aiden Pearce

"Alright. We'll never speak of this to anyone else right?" Shooting asked. Shooting went through the menu again real fast and looked at the first thing that looked interesting and ordered it. She put the menu down after her ordered.


(OOC: As long as the waiter doesn't ask her age, she'll keep the order.)


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@@Harmony Cube,

The waiter wrote both of their orders down and left their table. "It will just be a moment," he said before leaving. 


Raze smiled at her. "Of course not; it'll just be between us, and only us. Besides, I don't see any reason as to why we should speak of it to anyone else." After a couple minutes, the waiter came back with their drinks, and put them down on the table. "We'll need some time before we're ready to order anything else," Raze said to the waiter, who nodded and left. 

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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@Adept Aiden Pearce

"I guess I'm just over-thinking things." Shooting said. She looked at the bottle her drink came in, surprised it wasn't in a cup. Shooting took a drink and smiled. "This is actually pretty good." Shooting said. She took a longer drink. I feel a little lightheaded but that doesn't matter much. Shooting thought.


Sig made by Kyoshi

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@@Harmony Cube,

Raze began to start sipping on his lemonade, then looked at Shooting. Immediately, he could tell something was wrong with her. She looked a bit groggy, and her eyes looked diluted.


"You okay there, hun? Is something wrong?" Raze asked her, concerned about her.


((OOC: And so it begins...)))

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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@Adept Aiden Pearce

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a bit lightheaded." Shooting said, smiling. Why would he ask s-such a dumb question? Shooting thought. She looked over the bottle, her eyes skipping the word 'alcohol' every time it popped up on the bottle. Something seems wrong, I just don't know what. I'll I'll figure it out sooner or later later. Shooting thought, unfazed by the fact she was repeating words in her thoughts.


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@@Harmony Cube

"Alright then..." Raze said with a raised brow. Of course I know that's not true, there's something not right with her... oh well... I'll just give her the benefit of the doubt.


He called the waiter over. "We're, uh, ready to order," Raze said to him, still looking at Shooting in a concerned manner.


"Alright, mares first. What will you have?" he asked Shooting.

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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@Adept Aiden Pearce

"I'm I'm fine, see?" Shooting said. She held her hoof out, not trembling. Why am I acting acting like this?! Why my hoof hoof, and not another way? Shooting thought, mentally frustrated at herself.


Shooting put her hoof back when the waiter came over.


"I'll have a hayburger." Shooting said, doing her best to keep herself normal.


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@@Harmony Cube,

The waiter wrote it down. "And you sir?" he asked Raze.


"Hmm... I'm not that hungry, so I'll just have the hay fries... extra crispy, please," Raze said politely, and the waiter wrote that down as well.


"Alright, it'll only be a few minutes," the waiter said, disappearing into the kitchen.


Raze exhaled deeply, then looked at Shooting. "Hey, you're wobbling quite a bit there..." 

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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@Adept Aiden Pearce

Shooting looked at Raze after his comment to her. "I am not. I'm just fine." Shooting snapped. Realizing what she said, her ears pulled back. "Sorry, sorry, sorry." Shooting apologized. She took another drink. Shooting noticed the bottle was empty.


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@@Harmony Cube

Raze wasn't offended at all at Shooting snapping at him. He was just concerned, but thought he might as well play along with it.



"Hmm, seems like you're drink's finished, I'll get you another one. Excuse me!" He called another waiter. "Give me another bottle of this," he showed the bottle to the waiter. Within a minute, it arrived. "Here you are, sir," he said, setting it down on the table.

"Here you go," Raze said, handing the bottle to Shooting.

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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@Adept Aiden Pearce

Shooting looked at the empty bottle compared to the new one. She grabbed the new one and tried to open it. It took her a few minutes to remember she had magic and opened it with her magic very clumsily. I'm n-n-not hungry anymore. Shooting thought, her thoughts starting to slur.


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@@Harmony Cube

Raze knew already that she was piss drunk, but still had trouble deciding whether or not to confront her about it.

If I tell her she's drunk, she might deny it and then make an angry scene... and I don't think I want that... We might get thrown out.

Suddenly, their food arrived, and was set down in front of them. "Enjoy your meal," the waiter said and left.


Raze began to eat silently, watching Shooting with concern and a bit of amusement.

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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@Adept Aiden Pearce

Shooting looked at the food for a moment before taking it and taking a small bite. Shooting put it back on the plate and sat quietly. I'm n-n-not h-hungry! Shooting thought, getting frustrated at how hard it seemed to make a clear thought. She took another drink. She saw Raze watching her. "What?" Shooting complained.


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@@Harmony Cube

"Oh, it's nothing... just... spaced out for a bit, that's all," Raze said, hiding the fact that he was still concerned about her. He looked at the way she was struggling to eat her food.


"Not feeling hungry? You want me to tell them to put it in a container to bring upstairs?" he asked her.

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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