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open Strange place


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Sketch awoke with many ponies surrounding him and he was confused? " How did I get here?, What day is it?, Who are these ponies?" He could tell there where other ponies since he was in the dark and he could see in the dark (check my oc's page) He was the only pony awake at the moment so he figured to walk around and see if there was a way out. But he kept looking for anything he found a door and tried opening it but found it was locked. He sat there for what felt like forever but then somepony began to rustle and stand to there hooves. "Hello I am sketch" he addressed the pony now standing perfectly balanced. This pony was as confused as he was and they to began to freak out. "Hey calm down please." "DID YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO DO WITH THIS?" yelled the very scared and unblinking pony. "not at all" said sketch "do you know how you got here or what happened at all?" No replied the pony sketch had to sit down and think this through. I need to figure out what happened to everypony here. He decided to look for the key again.

(continue V(^-^)) 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Brick awoke to the sound of ponies freaking out he stood up wanting to say somthng but he bumped his head to the ceiling clearly this place was not build for a ponie of his size. He took a deep breath and said, can everypony stop freaking out for one second and lisen i know we cant see anything but thats no reason to panic. The room went silent, now is there any pony here that i can calmly talk to to get to know how we ended up here. If so let me introduce my self first my name is brick ,another pony speaks up my name is chello and all i am thinking about is how we all got here. Hearing from the voice this pony was a stallion, oke mister chello what were you doing before waking up here?, hello replied: let me think for a moment, i was at a concert peforming, and after the show a hooded pony said that she loved my show and wanted to give me a gift she gave me a flower and she walkt away, and thats all i remember as brick was lisening he noticed he said somthing about a flower for it was also his last memory he remembers getting a flower from a hooded pony as well as a thank you for repairing her chimney, anypony else here that remembers a flower as their last memory?
(Sorry for not using comas and dots at the right spot and sorry for my spelling i have dyslecxia)

Edited by Brick


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Faron gazed upon the crowd of confused ponies. "Hmm, It seems she has brought more of them here. If this gets too far out of hand they may never be able to be sent back to their world. Soon they all be trapped here, in this dimension. I may not be able to stop her alone." Faron then used his magic to open a hidden door, and just as quickly sealed it off again. "I have to consult master about this! This has gone on for too long!" As Faron traveled through the tunnel he entered, he heard the footsteps of another pony. "Who's There?" He could see a mare, wearing a hood similar to his. She started to slowly step toward him and spoke with a gentle voice "Now Faron, there's no need to worry... all of these ponies will be converted very soon... Heheehee!" "You know the master would never approve of what your doing!" "Oh Faron, loosen up! A few bent rules won't hurt anyone will it? Anyways these ponies will become our ultimate source of power! Isn't that what you wanted? To be stronger then that little Griffon that killed your parents?" Faron froze. He has never mentioned his past to her, how would she know that? "Now Faron, be a dear and keep quiet about this, kay?" She slowly leaned towards him and kissed him on the cheek, and then walked away into what seemed to be a never ending tunnel to him. "What am I going to do?... Shes too powerful for me to handle alone."


And I won't allow you to blind those who are important to me!

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OCs: Faron Trail Burning Ash Wendy Skies

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Sketch noticed that a door opened very fast he could see this due to his night vision. He flew so fast that the pony that opened didn't see him go through. He watched as the two pony's had there conversation. (Oh my gosh) sketch thought (his parents were killed by griffins!) Sketch stayed flying in the top right corner of the room so that the pony could not see him. Sketch was so skilled in the way of stealth he was certain that the pony was not going to know of his presence. He noticed he was very scared of something. (What is he scared of?) thought sketch. (Who was that in the hood?) He sat there waiting for the other pony to start walking. ( I will wait until he moves then I will make sure it is the right time for me to show myself) Sketch stuck to the shadows and followed the pony. They both appeared at a split to two different rooms. The unknown pony took a left (I should take the right I am a fast enough fly back to him in time) Sketch flown so quietly he thought that he wasn't flapping his wings anymore. He found himself inside a room full of hooded pony's. He flew up into another corner and decided to take more time from the other pony to see what was going on. Just then another pony came from the door that he was just at. (Is that one of the ponies from the first room?) He hoped that this pony knew what he was doing because he is walking into the room not noticing the others. (I will give him backup) Sketch pulled out some knockout darts and a bow and some poison tipped arrows.

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Brick noticed a light and a pony in a hood cascaded in the light he ran up to the pony yelling HE WHERE ARE YOU GOING but the door shut before the pony heard. brick walked up to the door and lisend he heard 2 voices a females and a males he waited untill he did not hear them anymore and bucked the door open he ran in but was greeted by an empty hall way with to doors one on the right and one on the left the ponies wanted to get out brick told them to stay where they were, Its not safe to come out yet let me see whats going on the i will come back for you chello objected but looking at brick finaly able to see what he looks like he was about the size of celestia and looked strong enough to buck a house down brick gave him a stern look and chello backed down, brick went to the right door and opened it slightly to see what was going on he saw a large chamber filled with hooded ponies and one pony on the stage preaching somthing he could not understand and in a vase on stage he saw the same flowers he recieved brick got a little agitated he opened the door and yelled WHAT IS GOING ON HERE the room went silent the group of hood ponies stood up and started staring at brick he bucked the door lose and grabbed it wielding it like a weapon yelling YOU WANT A PIECE OF ME! WELL YOUR GOING UP AGAINTS A BRICK WALL! 

  • Brohoof 1


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" Jeez that pony knows how to make an entrance" said sketch. The pony on the ground looked up but couldn't see anything. (oh my gosh that was very unprofessional of me) thought sketch (why did I say that out loud!!) All at once every hooded pony in the room began to charge at the pony wielding the door. "Come and get!" me he yelled. Right before the ponies got to the muscular pony WOOSH! 6 ponies lay on the ground and everypony stops. They stare at them arrows in each of there necks. (continue fighting continue fighting CONTINUE FIGHTING PLEASE) thought sketch. He drank an invisibility potion since everypony was looking into the sky now because of what he did. The pony with the door took a swing and hit 4 ponies with the door. He was mowing down ponies left and right but more were coming in from behind him. WOOSH! 4 more arrows into ponies necks behind him. The pony thought they were bad arrows and began looking around. "SHOW YOURSELF!" yelled the pony. Distracted 7 ponies jumped onto him and he could not throw them off. WOOSH all ponies lay dead around the pony. " WHERE ARE YOU!" yelled the pony. But before he knew it he passed out. "Ah jeez what have I gotten myself into.." said sketch as he dragged the feinted pony behind the stage and took care of his wounds and sat there quietly waiting to give his explanation for doing what he did to this pony.

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brick wakes up to see a bat pony infront of him hes blind rage is gone and he blinked ones or twice to see if it was indeed a bat pony (because he never seen one in real life he only heard tales) he tried getting up but he felt very weak: what did you do to me and is this permanent : the bat pony blinkt and smiled :brick yelled behind you as a hooded pony tried to sneak up on the pony but he quickly flew up and shot a dart in the hooded pony he fell down almost instantly brick was shocked how fast this pony was and how silent he flew up who are you? and do you have any idea where we are and did you see what happend to me ? i know these are a lot of qeustions but i need to know Brick felt his body returning to its normal state he could not move yet brick spoke again : before you awnser those questions go check on the ponies in the dark room i told them to wait on my command to come out please get them over here so we can get a big group together look i dont know you and i am putting alot of fate into you so dont let me down because if you do i am going to be way worse with you then with those hooded fellows now please Either awnser my questions or help the ponies first and then awnser but you must choose quickly!


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The bat pony sat there quietly waiting for the pony to regain stability. He began asking sketch questions all sorts of ones. "shh" sketch said " Just call me sketch"  "what happened to you was you and I took on many hooded ponies...I had to shoot you with a tranquilizer so you would keep quiet and not attract more hooded ponies" said sketch " I had to patch you up with some supplies I had in my bag" Sketch opens up his bag and lets the pony look inside. The pony was amazed on how many different things were inside. ( I could take you on easily) thought sketch. After there conversation of clarification sketch flew off to get the other ponies. He could find each one easily thanks to his sonar. He was moving his hoof in a motion commanding the other ponies to come into the room. In a matter of seconds there were about 30 ponies in the room all scared and yelling about the dead body's around. The door wielding pony began to speak up. " I- We had to do what was done." Sketch stayed competently silent. He just waved and then flew up into the corner of the room where it was dark since the sun was coming in through the windows. All of the ponies went back into the hallway and went to the right. Sketch was flying upside down next to the pony's head. (Where did the first pony go?) He thought. Since the whole hallway was filled with doors. Sketch flew back to the shadows and waited for the pony to pick a door.

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A crowed formed around brick in the hallway all the ponies afraid and shivering chello asked brick if he this all by him self brick places a hoof on his head and says noo, i had a gaurdian pony i would have died with out this pony chello lookt confused but you were the only one we saw leave, well apperantly not brick was looking for the sketch fellow but he could not find him as if he just vanished hmmm alright every pony line up unicorns on the left pegasuses in th middle and earth ponies on the right he asked everypony their talent only a few mattered to his plan ne unicorn was a tailor her name was miss patches two of the pegasuses were post ponies and 3 of the earth ponies were field workers thus used to pull plows oke chellomy little friend how charismatic are you, chello said well i am pretty good with the lady, yea yea i get it well you have a very importend roll as brickholds up a robe he said with a smile you will be our spy pony chello's eyes became as big as melon WHAT! You got to be kidding me right brick lookt him straight in the eye and said do i look like i am kidding?


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Sketch watched how brick sorted each pony. He was listening to them speak.( Hmm talents?) thought sketch. Those aren't very useful here except maybe the tailor for ripped clothing after the fights. He watched as everypony single filedly walk in a line as brick was behind them. Sketch came up behind him flying up side down but brick didn't notice at all. They came upon a hallway with 6 doors on each side. "Be very quiet" whispered sketch to brick witch made him jump a little. All of the ponies walked down the hallway while sketch flew silently above. Crash somebody knocked a painting over. A ton of hooded ponies came rushing out of the doors after everypony. Brick jumped in front of them and pulled out the door "COME GET ME!" he yelled "SKETCH HOPE YAH CAN HERE ME KEEP ME COVERED!" Ponies still confused about why brick was saying this name. Brick began hitting ponies with his door. WOOSH 12 arrows came by bricks head and hit hooded ponies in front of him. But one seemed strange to brick it had a fuse. " GET DOWN!" he yelled BOOM the explosion knocked back alot of the hooded ponies. There were about a dozen left and brick got them all in one swing. " SKETCH COULDN'T YOU HAVE USED YOUR EXPLOSIVE ARROWS AT A BETTER TIME!?" Hehehe" gotta calm down" said brick under his breath. Every pony was  cowering in fear. "Stay here I am gonna check the rooms for supplies." Brick went into one room and began looking for supplies. The crowd of ponies outside shriek in fear as something flew by so fast they thought is was the wind. "What were you thinking!" said to Sketch. " I used my best arrows at the most appropriate time, you see I am very accurate with my shots but I didn't wanna hit you or any other ponies" " It is fine" said Brick " just help find supplies" Fwoosh Sketch flew off and in no time at all came back with three things. " I found these a rope, A rusty weak knife, and what looks like some numbers on a piece of paper, Do you have anything to carry these in?" "No" said Brick. " I guess I will just keep them in my bag then" said Sketch. And they were off to the next room to search.

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Faron watched from the shadows. "Nightwalker is taking this way too far. She's using her private division as a pawn! I need to cause a diversion to get this to stop, but how?" Faron thought to himself. "Ah ha! The transformation potion! If I just find it..." Just then a group of Nightwalker's diversion spotted Faron sitting down. "Faron! Get up! All units need to be working together! They are resisting the magic transformation that the Master ordered!" "He would never do that..." Faron thought. "Yes sir! I will be on the battlefield as soon as possible! I am injured and need a bit of time to rest." Faron lied. As the group started heading towards the battle Faron started searching through his bag. Almost immediately he spotted the vial. It contained a silver liquid inside that sparkled. He drank it and almost immediately started to wail in pain. The transformation has begun. Faron started to grow, not only in body size, but he grew claws. Horns even. His body started to grow some sort of red scale like armor, with green along his chest. Once the pain stopped Faron charged into the battle, but saw two ponies fighting off the division pretty well, but alone. "They are who I need to defeat Nightwalker!" Faron thought. "I can't let them activate the Tower of Heaven!" Faron started to ram into the hooded ponies, frightening most of them away being a giant beast. He kept on fighting the rest of the diversion that stayed.


And I won't allow you to blind those who are important to me!

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Show me who I am HERE.

OCs: Faron Trail Burning Ash Wendy Skies

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  • 2 weeks later...

Before brick and sketch returned with supplies sketch flew into the shadows. "Here is what w- I mean I found in these rooms" said Brick. He handed out some food some blankets and some bottles of water. (not very good supplies) grieved sketch. (I am so hungry I need to find some food, and some for brick to I guess he is getting hungry.) No one noticed that sketch left. ( Oh i hope brick can take care off them when I am gone..) "ok everypony lets get going" said Brick. They walked for what seemed forever and ended up in yet another big empty room but this one had a single door in it. Brick tried to open it but couldn't and out of rage tried ripping it off its hinges. "COME ON" yelled brick. "Heh get it together get it together" said brick under his breath. "Hmmm seems like we need a code for this door..." "Ah Sketch please will you give me that piece of paper that we gathered" He waited for a minute. "Sketch..." nopony said anything. "Sketch really you had to leave at such an important time like this!?" BANG BANG!. Something was banging on a door that wasn't there before. BANG BANG!. It sounded huge. "get behind me everypony I got this...YAHHH WANT SOME?" (ok ok hurry up he is probably in trouble) thought sketch. Sketch flew into a different room and it also had only one door. It also had a keypad with a three digit code on it. (AH!) thought sketch ( this is what the code is for!) Sketch pulled out the code from his bag and put it into the keypad. (7..0...3) Bing the keypad's screen turned green and the door opened up. It revealed a room full of hooded ponies. (Oooo they have food ok ok keep it together you will just have to steal it with out them seeing you) Sketch flew up into the corner of the room nopony saw him (good) thought sketch. He flew down when hooded ponies were occupied and stole 3 loaves of bread and some flowers and hay. *cuts to brick and the other ponies* SMASH the door that appeared was no longer on it hinges but was on the floor. "oh no.." worried brick. A giant monster stood in front of brick. Brick swung his door at the monster but the monster caught it mid swing and crushed it with his hand. "RAWRRRRRR" it roared. "everypony stay back" He said but with a worried voice. (oh gosh what is that I better get back) sketch heard the monster roar in anger. Sketch began flying back to where brick was. (oh gosh be ok be ok we need to get out of here!) Sketch noticed some hooded ponies come from the room he was just in toward the same room he was going for. (oh jeez I dont need more things to fight right now) Sketch grabbed his bow and shot another explosive arrow but not at the ponies but on the ceiling. BOOM the arrow went off and dropped alot of rubble in the path of the hooded ponies and has blocked the hallway. Sketch flew into the room and into the corner of the room and he looked at the monster mouth oped in aw. (he crushed the steel door that brick had!) sketch thought. (ok I will just have to shoot it with some sleep poison) Sketch grabbed a blow dart gun off of his belt. And he inserted a bright purple liquid tube into it. HE blew it right into the neck of the monster and it fell asleep. All of the ponies behind brick thought that he did something but they didn't notice the dart enter the monster but brick did. "god your back" said brick. (heh wasn't gone for long) thought sketch. Sketch flew over the scared crowd of ponies and threw a jar down into the middle of the crowd with the same but less bright purple liquid. They all fell to the ground. "what are you doing!?" Yelled Brick.

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