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private Vampires in Equestria


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Atlas's body flopped onto the ground like a ragdoll. Yep. He was stronger than him. He had deep cuts in his chest from the wolf's striking paw. Yet more scars. That wolf could tear him apart and Atlas knew it. He reached for his knife still laying on the ground to find it not there. It was still with his bags. All he had were hooves and that wouldn't do.



Where was Sidewinder when you needed him?


The wolf was in rage. He was acting on impulse. It should be easy to sway his rage at something else. But that wasn't Seth. That was something else. Seth was gone and another creature had taken his place. He was unpredictable. His every move was a guessing game. Atlas took the chance to limp away. Yeah the cuts hurt but he had another plan. Boom would have to hold out for a few. He began to make his way to the nearest group of ponies.

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It definitely wasn't a common site, but with all she'd had pent up, it was about time. Her newest friend, Atlas, being cast aside seemingly effortlessly in combination with yet more insults was just the push Badaboom needed. "You've done goofed." She said darkly as her own eyes took on their Vampiric red appearance her teeth growing out from between her lips. Badaboom noted Atlas limping away from the impending battlefield, he was still not up to full strength as he hadn't fed yet. Meaning his healing abilities were still not what they could be. Though she figured he'd still be fine, so long as he didn't try and be a hero.


Given her experience it was clear to her that Seth had fully turned, but even then something seemed off. The wolf carried himself and spoke like a pure blood, but that was..impossible. Just what was it inside that vile? Badaboom held her glowing gaze on his, though she'd just been filled with an anger that could rival that of taking a knife to the chest after betrail, she had an unusual way to show it. Her smile hadn't faded, in fact it grew to one that could easily be described as psychotic.


"I don't know how I could possibly blame you?" Badaboom's voice echoed again the way it had demonically the night previous. "Bliss...Run. Don't argue with me, just run. I'll be right behind you, now run!" She laughed to herself after speaking Seth's own words in his own voice. "Could it possibly be that, I base my judgment on?" She asked feeling her hooves lift off the ground as she levatated in place to gain the high ground, giving a bit more distance between her and the changed Seth. Ignoring every other statement he'd just thrown at he she had time to fit in one more question before the gap between them would close. "What exactly do you base your accusations on, hmm?" She's been wanting this question answered for a growing while now, weather she'd receive an answer or not, was doubtful. It was clear that Seth's anger had reached it's limit.

Edited by Bada3oom Box
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Atlas limped toward the group of ponies appearing to be pilots and mechanics. Once within a few feet one actually batted an eye toward him and noticed his condition. Half of Atlas's attention was put on keeping his vampire impulses down. Atlas put on his best desperate dying pony act. 

"Hey! You ponies! Help!" By now the rest of them had taken notice of him and were already over one of them running to the medical station.

They began to help Atlas in that direction as well. 

"You've got to help her!" His acting surprised even him.

"Who?" Asked a gruff stallion half covered in motor oil.

"Boom! That wolf will tear her apart" 

"What wolf?" The questions continued. Atlas began to fake going into shock. He tried to imitate the effects of when he had gone into shock himself.

"Hey!" A mare wearing a aviator's coat got next to him. "Snap out of it! You're going to be alright. What happened?" 

"T-The wolf. It came out of the woods and attacked me. Last I saw it the thing was about to attack Boom" A pony with a medical bag along with the pilot who had run off approached. 

"What's his story?" Asked the blue unicorn mare with the bag. 

"He says he was attacked by a wolf" answered the filthy stallion. 

"Appears right" Atlas began to breath as fast as he could.

"He looks like he's going into shock" Added another one of the ponies. The medical mare raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything. 

"Those are deep wounds. I'm surprised he isn't bleeding much" Atlas saw the flaw in his plan. Hopefully the doctor wouldn't press on his lack of bleeding or even blood.


The group arrived at the small wooden building near building B. It was a sad excuse for an aid station. The two roomed shack had a heater, the doctor's personal quarters, and a bed for any patients. It wasn't exactly able to treat anyone long term. Any injures would most likely be cycled to the nearest hospital. Why hadn't Seth just gone here? It was a bit hidden though... He could have easily missed it. The doctor laid Atlas on the bed. The group of ponies who had brought Atlas to the medical hut were already off. The pilots had produced switchblades and the mechanics wrenches.


@@Bada3oom Box,@@arkman575,  

They ran off to go find this wolf. It would only be a matter of time before they arrived. Atlas's plan was in action. Unfortunately Atlas hadn't told them were to go. They could be searching the whole airfield for the two long after a fight would have ended.


The doctor was already at work with Atlas. Her techniques were crude almost battlefield medicine.

"Allergic to anything?" She asked with a straight face giving no emotion in her voice.

"No" She stuck a shot of morphine into one of Atlas's forelegs. The fast numbing from drug was good. The pain was at the point where it was ignoreable to an extent. The doctor left the building for a second and came back with a pack of plasma. Atlas wondered where she had gotten it. He wouldn't have been surprised is she was using the ice outside as a refrigerator for the stuff.

She stuck an IV in his leg letting the plasma drip into him. It felt weird, blood entering his empty arteries. 

"Thanks, doc" She responded with a grunt. She worked in silence. Her needlework was excellent as she stitched Atlas's cuts. She worked with the atmosphere and skill of an experienced doctor. Injures like this couldn't be common at an airfield? 


Atlas laid there quietly. Hopefully he would be out of here soon. The doctor checked on him ever once and a while. Something seemed to be bugging her.

"Do you have any conditions?"

"No... Not that I know of..." Atlas said. Did vampirism count? She nodded and took note of his response and went back to what she was doing beforehand. 

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@@Bada3oom Box


At the cruel mocking of Seth's words he had said to Bliss, Seth was finished talking. It didn't mater that she had the power to fly, it was only a distraction. With his fangs bared, Seth lunged forward, colliding with the mare in mid-air. They landed 10 feet away, the wolf slamming Boom against the cold ground. Without hesitation, he sunk his claws into her forearms, beginning to tear into her muscles as he pinned her down.


"I know what you plan, Boom. It will not see the light of day. You plan to enslave Blight's force for your own, taking her life force and becoming a queen... You truly were pathetic. Blight is more powerful than you ever could be... she will cast you aside like the filth you are. I should know... I was the one to bring her to power!" Seth barked in a demonic voice. With one paw, he slashed at her chest, digging deep into the recently healed knife wound. Then he pressed down on the new cuts, inflicting much force as he could. 

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"Let me go!" Bliss whinnied as she tried to kick off the nurse who held her by her one back leg as she opened the window, "My friend Seth...Diplomat Seth of the Wolven Empire! Nhhhggg! I have to get to him! *Coughs violently*


"Your Highness please! You are in no shape to fly! You can barely stand!" The white earth pony struggled with the weakly, yet determined alicorn mare to keep her from flying out of her bedroom.


"Gah! Stop it! My deci-*coughs*sion! As Princess of Peace...I order you to release me!" Bliss tried, for once, to use her sense of authority on the earth pony nurse. Though she felt bad for doing so, she felt this was a life threatening situation.


"And I'm your nurse, responsible for the Princess's safety... the doctor won't allow this! Even if you are a ruler! NOW PLEASE...Gah!" She felt the alicorn's tail slap against her face. "YOUR HIGHNESS!" Realizing the alicorn wasn't going to take no for answer, the earth pony kicked the alert button that was next to the bed. "Assistance in room 5! The patient is trying to escape!"


"GAH STOP IT!" Bliss whinnied as she felt the nurse put all her weight into her leg, holding her from flying.


Three stallions entered the room hasitly, one of them being a purple unicorn in his medical coat, holding a syringe and levitating a table with various medicines to help with sleeping. Before she could stop them, the other two staff stallions helped the nurse restrain her wings, tighting them down with belts, then proceeded to carry her back to her bed, and tied her down as well.


"YOU WILL ALL BE ARRESSTED FOR THIS!" Bliss whinnied desperatly trying to get free, "STOP IT! OUCH *coughs coughs*" she whinnied more as she felt her back legs being buckled down. Her coughing got worse as she fought.


"You're Highness please..." the purple unicorn doctor approached, levitating a syringe with a special cocktail to lower her to sleep, "you are very sick...and not well enough to take flight... Look," he pointed to the machines they rehooked her to, "your fever has come back with a vengeful force from your outburst... I have to sedate you...to calm your nerves and-"


"YOU STICK ME WITH THAT AND I'LL SEE TO IT YOU'LL NEVER WORK IN ANY HOSPITAL AGAIN!" She whinnied violently, this time her emotions went out the door, she didn't care what she said at this point.


The doctor signed, not taking it personally knowing her fever was making her dellusional. He nodded to the two stallions and nurse to keep her still, while he lowered the syringe down to stick her near her cutiemark.


"STOP IT! I ORDER YOU, STOP IT *coughs and begins to cry* SETH IS OUT THERE *Coughs coughs* OUCH!" She whinnied feeling the syringe stick her deep, then abruptly pulled out. "Noooooooooooo...." she sobbed and coughed violently.


"There...that should take effect soon..." The doctor nodded to the stallions and nurse, giving them confident pats on the shoulders seeing they felt guilty for what they had to do for the sake of the Princess's well being. "I'll check on you in a few hours your Highness...please try to rest."

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It was true that Badaboom underestimated her opponent, as Seth leapt into the air, at far swifter speeds than she was expecting. Then with his sheer over powering strength she almost instantly found herself back on the ground with a hard barely muffled thud. The pain of the impact was still easy enough to shrug off with a gasp of shock, but that accompanied by the sharp pain in both her arms prevented her from reacting as quickly as she'd hoped.


Badaboom felt the stinging increase as Seth pressed his claws through her muscle tissue tearing away at them as if they were tenderized. The wolf then went on to carry out a one-sided conversation on Boom's intentions, or his assumptions there of. That name he mentioned, Blight?, Lightning Bliss's darker half. Badaboom knew that much, but what did she have to do with Boom herself? Stupid questions filled the pinned mare's head as she finally began to wriggle in attempt to break free.


"What you talkin' abo-" Badaboom's unfitting inquiry was cut short as Seth sliced into her chest ripping her pink hoodie and reopening her previous wound simultaneously. This warranted at least a cry of pain, that were only intensified as the canine drove his paw deeper, with more pressure down on her now collapsing chest.


Blight, I was the one to bring her to power. Badaboom's eyes widened slightly as Seth's words replayed through her head. Did he change Blissy? Now? Where was she? More random useless bits of confusion shrouded Boom's thought process. That not right, why would he be here trying to kill me if he'd turned her? Badaboom tried to position her back hooves up under the wolf in desperate attempt to press him back, but she couldn't get the leverage.


Just as Badaboom could feel her chest giving way. Life force, queen, pathetic... Legends! In a strange way of sudden recollection, Badaboom suddenly knew what Seth had been going on about. Throwing as much upward force as she could with both hind hooves, Boom finally managed to fling her opponent over head and in to the wall of Building C, which was now, no more than a couple more feet. Rolling onto her stomach, she tried to press herself back up. Managing to do so, but without much stability.


There was no point in trying to reason with Seth now. He seemed to believe the legend from her book as much as Blissy herself. Instead she decided on an action more obsurd than words. Forcing herself to leap forward onto Seth's back she wrapped her weakend hooves around his shoulders to his chest, while clamping her back hooves around his hind haunches. Finishing by snapping her fangs down on his neck. Not to try and change him as it was obvious he already had, more so just to hang on, but still her mouth was greeted with the bitter metallic tang of blood.

Edited by Bada3oom Box
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After shaking his head from the kick, Seth only had a second of freedom before being tackled by the mare. When the weak vampire clapped her hooves around him, the wolf thought it as a joke. But when she dove her fangs into the wolf's neck, it stuck his spine. Hard. Feeling something break in his neck, Seth roared out in emended pain. He tried to free himself from Booms grasp, but felt his limbs grow numb as the pain enveloped the wolf's entire body. The venom from Boom was interacting with Seth's own. As his body twitched in pain, Seth was able to mutter one phrase.


"The... True blood king... Will... rise..." He finished as his eyes turned back to green and the wolf fell under.

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Tied to her bed, groggier then a bear that just woke from hibernation, Bliss laid there, struggling to keep her eyes open, even just a few flickers open...But her vision was burry, her body ached for sleep, mixed with the illness that seemed to be plaguing her intentionally now. There was no point in denying it... Blight was right, it almost felt like this illness was being egged on by some unknown force. Regardless, she knew she had to escape....but obviouisly couldn't do so without help.


"I'm...just...want to...go *cough cough* home..." she attempted to plea with the nurse that sat in a chair next to her. She noticed the nurse was reading a familiar book, Magical Cures of some sort.


"Your Highness...shuu...rest now, it will be ok. Soon as your illness is dealt with, we will happily release you from our hospital." The nurse smiled to her, then went back to reading her book.


Bliss shrugged and faced the other side of the room, much as she could with her head...struggling to stay awake once more.


Will they come for me? She thought to herself in the midst of groggy panic, will they...really...hunt me down in this hospital? Or was Blight just pulling my wings...They don't know where I am, how could they find me?

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Badaboom raimained latched to Seth for a time, even after going limp while weakly muttering a final statement. Slowly the EarthPony mare let up her grip retracting her fangs in the process of standing up onto her wobbly hooves. Breathing heavily Boom's eyes flickered back to being a bright lime still filled with confusion and pain. Limping back away from the wolf's body she felt a wave of regret. She knew she didn't end his life, it was the fact she let her anger get the best of her.


"Blood King?" Badaboom repeated not recalling the mentioning of such in her book. Did Seth have a separate source of vampiric information. That was unless he knew the conclusion of the chapter that seemed magically barricaded from reading. These questions at the moment were not important, she hadn't known how much time she had bought herself, and friends. Boom turned towards the hanger where she assumed Sidewinder and Breezy still worked.


The sun was hovering slightly above the mountains surrounding the airstrip. The damage to her front hooves and chest was more than her adrenaline rush led on to believe. Now that it subsided she could barely progress towards the building. Sure she was already healing but it wasn't as smoothly as normal. This made especially apparent when an audible crack sounded from her chest as her crushed ribs attempted to shift. Badaboom let out a call of surprised pain before dropping back to the ground.


Cuts and bruises were one thing, but when bones needed healing even to a vampire it was a painful ordeal. Unfortunately for Boom primarily those protecting vital organs such as the heart of lungs. Even if she didn't have to breath her lungs could still be punctured, which would explain her panting that escalated to pathetic weezes. Still on the ground she felt the urge for a nap, it would hasten the healing process and relieve her of the real world. Just before closing her eyes willingly she noticed two faces peering out back at her, her friends.

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The pilots and mechanics never did find Boom. They did however find Seth. After a few moments of discussion they dragged him away and threw him into the woods a good ways away from the airfield. They all scurried back tot here positions hoping no one noticed their absents.


Atlas had fallen asleep on the bed provided to him. The doctor was perplexed by his condition. The stallion lying on her bed was From what little blood she could muster she had a nice needle of blood form the pegasus. She realized she had never gotten his name. Oh well. She placed the needle in a case to give him once he got up for him to give to an actual hospital for testing. One this stallion was out of her shack he was out of her mane.


Atlas's sleep wasn't perfect. In his head he tossed an turned with the horror that was himself. A long road.

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When the first rays of light came over the mountain, Seth grew restless as he slowly opened his eyes. Everything was a blur to him, as he had one hell of a migraine. At the first attempt to stand up, he only fell into more powdery snow. 'Wait... snow?' Last thing Seth remembered he was at the airstrip... it was fuzzy, but he remembered that much. Blinking his eyes, he noticed he was in some woods, about half way to the hospital. What the hell was he doing here?


Standing again, Seth began to stumble his way to the small village, wanting to make sure Bliss made it though the night. With his ears ringing and his head pounding, he trudged through the powder. Along the way, he had felt the back of his neck to reveal small punctures, the source unknown.

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Atlas sat up from the bed. The doctor sat nearby looking over some books. She glanced over at him then went back to her books.

"I see you're awake. I got you some coffee" She flouted the mug to him from her desk. 

"Thank you" He took up the cup in his wings as her magic let it go. He sipped the hot liquid. Hard black. It would do. 

"You should get going. I did all I could" Her voice was just as neutral as it was the night before. "And give this to your doctor. I can't do blood test here"

Atlas jugged the rest of the coffee and placed the mug on her desk. He was a bit sore. His muscles were tight. His wounds weren't that bad even for a living pony. A few deep cuts and bruises. He had visible stitches in a couple places on his legs and chest. He tucked the case with his blood in it under his wing.

"Thanks again"

"It's my job"


Atlas trotted off out the door. The cold air embraced him. A new day. A new beginning. Today his new life would really begin. for one blissful moment the world seemed good. The mountain air was clean. No pony was out yet. The sun shinned down. 

What about Boom?

He had completely forgotten about her. He made the quick gallop to grab his bags from building C then onto the hanger where Sidewinder's plane was. 

"Side!" He shouted into building as he entered the building. He spared a glace at the plane. It was certainly a pretty thing to look at. How as he supposed to keep up with that though? 

He found the group around some scrap with Boom still lying down. 

"Mornin'. At least you weren't beaten silly by Seth. How bad is Boom?" He asked concerned for her undead health. 

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Besides the periodic bone cracking, wimpers of accompanied pain, and a dream involving a winged shadowy figure that spoke in a red light Badaboom's rest was good, and certainly what she needed. The specifics of her dream seemed based again around the same chapter in her book, but was instantly forgotten the moment she tiredly opened her eyes to see both Sidewinder and Atlas standing around her. It was a relief to see that Seth hadn't gotten to them.


The light shining into the room made it obvious it had reached morning. Atlas was bandaged up and seemed to be fine, while Sidewinder and the still sleeping Breezy remained untouched. Rubbing her eyes Boom opened her mouth in a yawn. Once she managed to clear her vision and fully wake up she looked down to her torn shirt. "Not another!" She whinnied her complaints, that seemed unimportant given the events that led up to the present. Putting her attention on her friends she smiled. "So I take it that the course is clear? Might finally be on our way, huh? Oh, and Sidewinder gotta thank you in particular for watching over me." Not wanting to leave the other Pegasus feel unappreciated she spoke to Atlas as well. "And you too, for standing up to Seth for me. Thanks."

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"I was wondering about that" Atlas responded to the speed of the aircraft. "Sounds good. I'd rather fly myself thank you" He said with a smile about ridding on top of the wing the ride. "Canterlot or bust. Is there any room in there for my bags. If I'm going to be flying at my top speed, which sure ain't as fast as this, I still need my bags somewhere. They'll fly right off me once I'm fast enough. Not to mention if I get a bad headwind. Speaking of which we may need to stop for me" He stopped a moment. "I forgot I can't get tired anymore, if we hit a headwind we'll just be slower"


Atlas looked over the aircraft. Pony engineering. Nice and solid. He wanted to hit it to reassure his own thoughts but stopped knowing that for everyone else it would look like he was just punching the plane for no reason. He flew up to looking into the cockpit. It didn't look THAT hard to fly one of these. Then again last time he said that he had shot a Griffon through the leg with one off those fancy flintlock thingys. Better leave the flying to Sidewinder.


"Um... Question. Once we get to Canterlot where do you plan to land? I've never seen an airstrip there..." He asked raising a hoof still hovering over the plane.

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As the time of day reached mid-morning, Seth had made it to the village. He still had a blur on how he was injured or how he wound up in the forest, but at least the head ack was clearing. When he arrived at the hospital, Seth requested to see the Princess. He was granted, under the condition that he didn't aid in her escape. The addition confused the wolf, but when he entered the room, it was obvious. He knelt down to the bound mare, feeling her forehead for a fever. It was present, but from what a med tech mention, it was lowering. "Oh lightning Bliss... I need you now more than ever..." He muttered as he rested his head on her bed.

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Her eyes bursted open, the groggy effects of the sedative had finally worn off during the night. The sound of his soft whimpering voice, made her joyous, as well as panicked.


"SETH!" She whinnied, nearly throwing his head off her bed by the wiggling of her torso, "they won't let me go! They won't! They said the illness I have is only...its only stable...but any efforts I make..." the machines went off in a high pitched urgency, showing signs of her fever spiking and her blood pressure off the scale...She took a look at them for a moment...and finally made herself relax. "*Breathes* I keep...having visions Seth...nightmares...about...Bl-"


She squenched her eyes as the tears flowed.


"Tell them to let me go..." she begged.

Edited by Lightning Bliss
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Badaboom Box laughed a little bit as she retrieved the offered goggles. "Mmhmm, don't wanna lose an eye from a wayward bug." Strapping the eye protection around her head so that the goggles themselves rested on her forehead, lifting her bangs up, the mare trotted towards the open doors and out toward Building C. Atlas's mentioning of where to put his bags reminded Boom of her own.


With her inguries again now almost fully healed there was a bit of pressure that remained in Boom's chest, however it was easily ignored. She pressed over to her saddlebags and fished out yet another hoodie, this one red. Replacing her ruined one Boom left the pink shirt balled up on her bed, not like she had a particular use in saving it. Badaboom looked down at her red top with a miniture frown. "This one's bound to get dirty during the flight, but hopefully besides needing a wash it'll remain salvageable." She sighed.


All set with her own belongings Boom then started to make her way back to the hanger. Thoughts of the rules of flying replaying in her head. Wear goggles, keep my mouth shut, wear goggles, don't touch the exposed cords while I'm sittin' up front, and of course wear goggles. with another slight giggle she lowered the ocular protectors down into place just before reentering to join the group.

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Atlas nodded and threw his bags into the plane. "I'm ready when you are" He stretched out his wings. This was going to be the long haul. Canterlot was a good ways south from the mountains but nothing he couldn't handle now that he was tireless. 

"I could get a head start if you don't need me here"

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Quickly realizing that she was the only one holding them up now, Badaboom climbed up into the front seat of the biplane as Sidewinder checked to make sure all was a go. Atlas mentioned getting a headstart, which considering the speed of the Jenny he more than likely would need one. "Yep, see ya up ahead, Atlas. Probably won't take long to catch up and then some." She turned to blink an eye to the pilot. Stuffing her bags down in front of her next to Atlas's, Boom was careful not to crowd it too much, especially where there was cords exposed. The other half of her stuff was placed on either side of herself, and her BoomBox though there was not visable. As if it had materialized inside one of her saddlebags.


With her head over the side of the Jenny, Badaboom waved down to Breezy. "Thanks for the stay! Maybe see ya around sometime! I'll send tickets to one of my shows, VIP!" The mare offered before looking out forward towards the clear skies that awaited just outside the hanger doors.

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@@Lightning Bliss,


Seth looked to the mare as he saw her in great pain. It was torture to see the once powerful mare crippled by an unknown illness. She had little strength to move, let alone fight. "We need to get you to canterlot asap." He said, placing a paw on her hoof. "I'll be right back."


Going to the front desk, Seth gestured to the mare. "We need to get the princess to a proper fatality. I believe her illness is magic-related." He ordered.


"Sir, as you can tell, we are in the middle of the mountains. How on earth are you going to get her to canterlot?" The mare questioned.

"Dog sled?"

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