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Your Nightly Spectre

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Re blacked out for a moment, his 'comrade' was already inside and all of the guards on the wall were dead. What happened to him was usual occurrence. When his mind becomes too faded from reality, it creates a new one. The daydream began once more where he had become an immortal, gazing infinite space and time. Nothing mattered here, not even mattering. His sword hilt rolled down his jaw and glided down at a slow motion. The world he imagined.was about to take him, take him so that he won't come back quickly. This is known only to him a imagination coma, taking 24 hours to relieve. He'd be dead if he stopped now.

"No..." The sword clang rung the unconsciousness from his body. "Thank celestial."

Re ran into the control center and saw two new faces, a Griffin lacking wings and earth pony with a yellow coat and hoof blades. "Hello... there."

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"What am I doing here?" Moon Beam asked herself, trying to remember why she ventured here. "Oh, uh, just looking for the comfort of a familiar place in such a terrible one." She said, smiling at him. She couldn't help but look at him, studying him up and down. It had been forever it seemed. She wanted to know if anything had changed on him. Any new scars or scratches or bruises... or signed of infection. She hoped with all her heart that he wasnt infected.

"As for forgetting anything, I dont think so. I mean, not that I know of, you know?" Moon Beam walked over to wall closest to her as she spoke, studying some words that had been scribbled on the wall years before.

"I mean, its not like you forgot me or anything. How long has it been now, Star? Heh, I wouldn't know..." She said as she reached up and touched the words with her hoof. She stared at them for a long time before speaking again.

"I thought I meant something to you." she snapped, standing up and looking at him, now with anger and sorrow in her eyes. "I thought you wouldn't have left. Everypony left, and I had hope that you wouldn't! But you did! And I almost hate you for that.." Her head dropped to look at the floor, and a tear drop ran down her cheek.

Best friends forever. I'll be there for you, and you never leave me." She said, quoting the words on the wall. Suddenly, she broke down, sitting on the cold, hard floor, tears rolling from the corners of her eyes and down her face.

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Steel grell and Soundwave left Soundwave and grell went to the junk yard steel however began to wonder aimlessly he had nothing planned and he'd already robbed the market he sighed

((Sorry for not posting just trying to figure out how I can get involved in the rp))

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Humbug was interrupted by the sound one of mare barking. It was obvious that it was something crucial yet menial, perhaps an entrance into the Junkyard or the infected concentration was getting too high or... She stopped thinking about what she was going to do. Because, orders are orders and duties are duties, and humbug had both. She couldn't hear the distinctive words from all the way up on her ceramic dome, nor did she try. As the humming mare journeyed her way down, the words and the anger become clear.


"...We've been calling you. Why aren't you at your post?...." The words jumbled together into a nothingness. Humbug got the gist of she was saying. She wasn't at her post and she wasn't doing her routine dispersal of infected around the compound.


Like a siren's scream that parted the waves, Humbug sat in the cramped quarantine barrel and hummed her highest pitch to part the infected that gathered around. They ran, trying to cover their ears. It was alarm, shock, panic. Everything the infected feared in sound, because their sight was no more.

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Fe'are stood over Trident's limp body, with an air of victory. The bullet took her completely by surprise, from an Operator who had jumped from his hiding spot behind a control panel, and cowardly shot her from behind. Fe'are felt the force of the bullet as it hit her in the back, causing her to stumble forwards. The bullet continued clean through, where it rooted itself into the brickwork of the control room wall. There was no pain, as Fe'are looked down at the hole in her chest, where a river of red blood gushed out. It took her a few moments to process the situation, her eyes glassy and her expression vacant. She swivelled her neck around just as her shooter, the Operator fell to the ground as Sunsets pistol went off. Her front legs were the first to go, unable to sustain her weight, the knees hit the control room floor. Hard. The bullet had just missed her lungs, and vital organs, but blood was pouring out of the wound. A small puddle of red had already formed on the floor. Fe'ares hind legs were the next to go, and as they gave out she fell onto her side. Unable to pick herself up, she lay there bleeding. Finally her brain kicked in, and she fumbled for the wound with her front hooves, attempting to apply pressure on it. She knew that was her only chance of survival. When she found the wound, she pressed down on it hard, but the world around her was beginning to blur, the lights fuzzing at first, then the room becoming a mixture of indistinguishable shapes, the corners of her vision blackened. Until finally her vision disappeared completely, the pressure on her wound stopping as her hoof fell limply onto the ground. The blood continued to flow again, unrestrained. Her fate was no longer in her control. 

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"Guess it's two I have to save today. You're welcome, life." Mister Re gathered the gunpowder from the dead guard who shot her. Blood splattered as he ran from the dead guard back to Fe'are, carrying gunpowder. Re searched and found the exit wound and coated it with the black dust, then took his sword and placed it inside her mouth.


"Bite down if you can, because this is going to hurt." With a clash of sword and stone, Re ignited the powder. Her body shook with intense pain though she was within a haze-like state. "That's one."


Mister Re extinguished the small ember on the mare's body and investigated for the entrance wound. He found it and almost instantly poured some gunpowder inside. And then, for the last time he ignited the cleansing flame. "That's two."


The pony was alive, breathing but barely awake, and so was he. Re shouldn't have skipped sleep for the past couple days. He began to feel the sleep catching up on him. The intense sequences he'd been through lately exhausted the last of his reserve energy. He crawled onto the only warm belly, a life just saved, and made it his pillow; or her, he would add. However in his overcoming daze, he managed to lastly say something to Sunset. "Let the flood gates of our fury open...."

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_____as Sunset Sands_____



Sunset ran over to the shot and unconscious mare, kneeling down and embracing her limp body with his hooves. Looking closely and inspecting her wound he started feeling guilt. He was too slow, there were so many better ways he could have used that would have saved her, but he chose the wrong one. 


His mind stared going threw all the healing spells he knew, which were very few. Nothing came to his mind that he could actually perform in this situation. What surprised him was Mr. Re's intervention, he was a bit calmed until he saw what method he was going to use. His horn lit up and a powerful shockwave hit Mr. Re pushing him far away from the mare. 


The stallion turned towards the gate opening device, making his way to it as fast as possible he started pushing and turning it, loud clanks heard inside the control room. Soon he was done, and taunts and sounds of fighting could be heard from below. 


He came up back to the mare, checking her pulse if she was still alive and was she breathing, tears started dripping down his eyes. He took off his and hers gas masks and lowered her hood. Lighting up his horn he did the very basic things he knew how to do. Taking out his bottled water he spilled it into the wound. The next thing he did was that he tore out a part of his cloak and wrapped it around the wound like bandage. 


He felt as if what was done for her already was not enough, and started giving up on himself. But at least it was better then cleaning the wound with GUNPOWDER. 


Suddenly loud magic poof noises begun being heard threw out the battle. Two unicorns teleported in followed by one more, and that one extra was enough to shock Sunset. 


_____As Lord Commander_____ 

The Lord Commander was moving alongside the rooftops with his squad, it was time to deal the final strike, and leave. Others from his bodyguard teleported alongside the wall or into the battlefield while two ponies followed him unto the control room. 


He was a bit surprised when he saw what had happened. He spoke:

"Take the wounded mare back to The Hive. " 


One of the unicorns didn't wait a second further, he walked up and grabbed the body, and seconds later disappeared in a big cloud of magic. 

"Sunset, you may also return to the hive, you are in no shape to fight further. " He continued looking at all his burn wounds. 


____As Sunset Sands____

Sunset knew his team partner was in a safer place, but what he wandered about was the Commanders words, suddenly he remembered as his adrenaline started dropping and all the pain begun returning to him, he really abused his wounds and could feel it now, a powerful stinging. Not being capable of standing anymore he also fell to the floor, pain overwhelming his body. The Lord Commander nodded at the second unicorn who came up to Sunset and took hold of him.. the next second they were both gone. 


______As Dark Star______


Dark Star looked at Moon Beam. Sure he remembered his promises, and he knew he broke them. He felt a bit broken on the inside once she started crying. The stallion kneeled down beside her and ran his hoof threw her mane, trying to calm her down. 

"Look, I am sorry. " He gave her a warm hug. 

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"'Sorry' just won't cut it this time, Star." Moon Beam said, although she hugged him back. "I thought, you were different from everyone else.. I mean, I never really put much thought into this until now. Now, when I haven't seen you in... I cant even remember how long but.." she said, trailing off as she couldn't find anything more to say. She simply sat there, not wanting to let go of Dark Star, happy that she was there with him, sad because of the past they had.

Moon Beam pulled away from him, looking into his eyes. She had always believed that a pony's eyes were the pathway to the soul. If they really were, then there was a lot that stallion could see that she didnt want anypony seeing. Thats why she rarely ever looked into another pony's eyes for long. But some were an exception.

"Just, dont leave me like that again, okay? I mean, it cant be hard. We are both in the Feather Pub, so I bet we will see each other." Moon said, smiling at him and wiping away some of the tears in the corners of her eyes. Then she stopped, and looked at him with a confused yet determined look.

"What happened to you anyway? I mean, we were both there, not even a few years into being in the Feather Pub. You seemed to.. disappear.." Moon Beam looked away, fearing both the answer to her question and the tears she felt welling up in her eyes. Her throat began to hurt as she fought the tears, and she could feel the heat spreading across her face and chest.

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(Since I was asleep when all this happened, I'll just post Roac's reactions to everything that happened.)





Roac attempts to catch the Syndicate mare as she falls to the ground, while who appeared to be the leader of the group (Sunset) returned fire. He slowly slid her to the ground, being as careful as he could around the mare's wound.

Stepping away as her comrades worked to heal her wounds, he saw the leader suddenly collapse, his face screwed up with a pained expression. Just as Roac moved to attempt to help him up, two stallions, one looking extremely important, teleported in with a flash of light. They grabbed the two wounded ponies and teleported away.


~An extraction team? For them? Who did I just fight with?~


The wingless griffon stood back, having got no recognition. He was just another grunt, completely invisible.


And that was just how he was, in a way. He was so good at what he did, that he was able to remain unseen without even trying.

It brought a tinge of regret and sadness to him, but also a small laugh as he disappeared into the darkness of the building.

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Earth pony resilience, that was the only reason why he was only out for a couple seconds. Re couldn't believe what just happened. After he saved his life, why couldn't he trust him to save her? Must be that he really cares about her. But it was his fault why. Re knew in his heart that it was his fault that most of his squad were killed. The conciliation prize was a shock blast to the body. Guess it was better than being dead. He woke up with two pangs of magical poofs. One thing stood before him now. The one thing he'd been looking for.




"Lord commander?"

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___As Lord Commander___


The Commander turned to Mr. Re

"Don't try and fool me, I know all my troops well, and I know you ain't one of them. You are dressing up as one of us to probably try and infiltrate our base and gain our trust thinking we are stupid enough to fall for it. And don't tell me it is any way other, I can see it in your posture and eyes. " 


Looking deep into the shadows he also spoke. 

"And you wingless griffon have no reason to disappear, if you keep it up I might consider you a threat..." he paused looking at a dead guard " but seeing that one of your arrows is already on our side, I won't. " 


He turned away and walked outside, the unicorns that left earlier came back, a lot more tired from the use of so much magic. 


Outside and below the area no longer looked like a battle but more like a huge execution, the guards were no longer holding their own and were slowly being pushed back... while being slaughtered by the Syndicate.

Fire spread between houses and ponies who surrendered were being regrouped, most of them civilians and a few guards.


The feeling of accomplishment reached him, and he watched with pride as his plan and strategy succeeded. 



___As Dark Star___


"It... it was complicated... I got captured by the City Guard and placed in the dungeons, I was tortured on a daily basis in order to give them the secrets of the Feather Pub, this meant betraying and possibly dooming everyone close to me... once I broke I told them everything I knew, and against all odds they decided that the gang is of no threat, having all that pain to be useless, the Dead-Watch wanted to exchange me for a captured guard, and later exchange me for one of their troops captured by the Pub, but the prisoner escape was turned into a trap set by the guards. I was no longer of any need and was tossed into one of the highly infected, blocked off districts. " He knew what he was about to say would sting deeply. "Once I somehow got back, I am sorry to say this...but... my friends were the last thing that came to my mind.

He paused, starting to be overwhelmed with guilt. 

"I don't know why... I just couldn't face anyone I knew again, like some sort of fear... so I became a guide threw the city, knowing every crevice and secret passage helped me with the job and the more I left the pub the free-er I felt. After a while I begun coming back to my senses and started visiting the pub more often, that was actually not that long ago..." 

Dark Star looked deep into the mares eyes "Shortly saying I abandoned you because of my personal fears, please forgive me. 

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Roac steps back into the light, his bow hanging on his shoulder. He looks at the Lord Commander with an intrigued expression, like that of a scientist who has discovered something new in his microscope.


~This pony saw me... Impressive. Perhaps investing in this group could prove to be... profitable ...~


"Well well... I assume that you've seen my "wanted" posters, so you know about our... Mutual enemy."


Roac slipped off his eye patch, revealing an ethereal, blue eye, glowing in the dim light of the control room. He sized the stallion up, noting that his aura hinted that the Lord Commander wasn't hostile towards him. All the while, Roac listened to the things quietly being whispered to him.

(Darky, you've played Dishonored, so you'll recognize what I'm drawing from here. Feel free to fill in whatever information you want.)

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MIster Re spoke aloud to the Lord Commander outside.


"Smart, but dumb. I didn't think it was possible but an alicorn would be my equal. At first, I thought that bulge in the photo I found was nothing but a mistake but now I see, in real time, that it wasn't. Forgive me. If I was holding back before I won't now." Re bucked the weakened wall behind him. "I sure do like a game of chess. My favorite piece is the horse, it's so expendable."


Re fell back into exit he had made but nothing touched the ground but the mask and its matching cloak.


"Be a shame if you were to lose your wings like him." The voice seemingly came from no source but echoed in the chamber.



Red dew withdrew from the battle, seeing no point in helping the guards anymore. They being slaughtered like lambs and the bloodshed became too much for her. A real problem for her was regarding her blood lust. Literally, she can use ponies' blood and turn it against them, draining, clotting, changing blood for her own desire. Can, though, is different than will. She promised never to use other's blood for her spells but her own. All the while after that 'incident'. It was hard sometimes but an ethics book from a sparkly vampire had taught her well.


"Guess he's dead." She watched as the battle raged from one of the roofs on the outside. "Nah, I'll find him. Later though this is too good."

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___As Lord Commander___

The Commander was not amused by what MisterRe said, to him his secret didn't matter anymore. And his threats were of no importance to him. The two unicorns were ready to pursue the earth pony, but were calmed down with a hoof gesture wave. 


He turned to the griffon once more. 

"I don't pay attention to such trifles as "wanted posters". So if that is your way of trying to convince me that you are my ally then you are doing it terribly wrong. "


The Lord Commander went back to watching the battle, it was time for him to reveal the truth. He took off his cloak/cape and tossed it to the side, revealing a glorious set of dark cyan wings matching his horn. He expanded them fully letting the calm breeze flow between them. 

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The wingless griffon chuckled inwardly, slipping his eye patch back onto his eye . "If everypony in Equestria was like you, then my job would be so much easier... *exhales*... Well... If you happen to need a thief or a bow, then pay a visit to the Clocktower. In the meantime, I think I might help out the colts downstairs in mopping up the remains of this sorry excuse for a guard post.

Free of charge."


The griffon started to move towards the battle, when the Lord Commander threw off his cloak and cape, revealing a horn and a beautiful set of wings. Roac burned with envy behind his cowl, slipping past the alicorn to ready an incendiary arrow at a larger group of guards. He paused and changed his target, aiming at the wall behind the guards.


~A warning shot, because I'm feeling merciful tonight. Enjoy it while you can, sodheads.~


That arrow did the trick, as the sudden pool of liquid fire, dripping off the wall, causes a panic within the ranks, along with startling a few Syndicate fighters. The guards are routed, scattering to escape out of any nearby exits.


"... I hate watching massacres.", Roac grumbles, before climbing up the wall to continue home, back to his Clocktower.

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(OOC: My new OC whilst Fe'are is incapacitated.) 

Fleet was no fighter, so when the first Syndicate ponies had clambered onto the walls, he'd simply run and hid, waiting for the skirmish to blow over. He peered through a tiny hole, from the only hiding spot he could think of at the time. The battle that raged around him was enough of a distraction for him to forget about the smell of pony manure which filled the small space of the Fleet's eyes shrunk in horror as he saw the City Guards getting massacred out in the courtyard of the marketplace. The walls had already been taken by the Syndicate. He almost fell into the longdrop behind him when a City Guardspony was thrown against the lavatory door, as a gigantic spear broke through the wood. It's tip merely inches from Fleet's face, dripping with wet, sticky blood. As he was pulled back with a crunch of wood, and the slicing of flesh. The cityguardspony who'd been speared slumped to the ground, as the victorious Syndicate soldier returned back to the fray. That was enough to make up Fleet's mind. He needed to get out of here, and fast. He pushed open the wooden lavatory door, pushing against the dead weight of the guard slumped before it. When the crack was just wide enough, he squirmed through, and as fast as his hooves could carry him made a dash. He hoped to get through an open gate, the syndicate had opened them, but since all the sundicate had entered, they were now left unprotected. 

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Roac, who is standing on the roof of the control room, looks directly at you as you run to the gate with the rest of the remaining Watchponies. His golden eye bores into you, giving you a mixed look of scientific interest and disappointment at your cowardice. But, no matter what, he does not draw an arrow to shoot at you, nodding as you make your escape.


~... I have a feeling that I'll be seeing more of that one...~

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The guard outpost fell, body after body. They were good; They were evil. But none deserved death. Merciless evil, unjust massacre, conniving acts all is all Re saw. He rested with a cracked rib on the roofs outside of the falling fortress because he could do no more. In his plan he took a step back from square one, saving two syndicate members hoping to earn trust but their leader knew other wise. The Lord Commander was smart, he knew that too well but there was nothing he could do for now. All was well done but now is burnt. Mister Re climbed down into the wreckage of his current residing as he thought...




With this thought, he repressed the disappointment in himself and all the unnecessary pain that came hauling with it. He controlled his emotions and actions with simple words, though not lately because his mind became etched into a worldly haze that made him the center. A wrong choice and it cost him his wife. Mister Re didn't seem to think of anything that could effect him, beside his own mind. Thoughts produce emotion and then on feeling, then disposition and, at last, morality. Thinking is a start of self discovery, and self destruction. Re wouldn't like to think right about now, seeing that his digressions put him in this path of avenging his love. On the bright side, there is always a fish in the sea of infected.


Mister Re made his way down and started walking away from everything; his life, his goals, his... What were his goals? What did he live for? A cure? A cure, he needed to live the normal life. One without chaos, unfair loss of life, apathy. Re dreamt of the past and hoped that history would repeat. Hope isn't the only thing, however. He managed to isolate the chemical that causes blindness from the stool samples collected from Misery's liver. The treatment for blindness was alcohol, surprisingly. Re needs more research to confirm but the statement is far from wild speculation.




The hospital had four stories and one he wanted to forget. When the plague started, Mr. Re was quarantined inside the same, now in ruins, Senic Canterlot hospital. Doctors couldn't figure out the cause and were getting sick simultaneously . Both patients and medical staff alike were seen lying in the hospital beds. The whole building was surrounded by a 'health' bubble, or so they told, which vaporized any pony within the inside coming out. A horrible experience that none deserved. Few survived after the first couple days, even fewer the next weeks onward. He survived the scarcity of food by an iv and a medically induced coma. Three weeks and the barrier was lifted, having no one else to take care of it. Now the chaos was the same on the outside.


"Ashes to ashes, ruins to ruins. I remember this place well."

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Tears running down her face, Moon Beam couldn't find anything to say. Not wanting Dark Star to see her tear stained face, she turned her head away from him and looked at the words on the wall. She stared for a long time, hoping that if she waited long enough, Dark Star would go away. However, she realized that she had a friend with her, not some random infected she was hiding from.

Moon Beam turned her head, looking him in the eyes, not caring of he saw her like this anymore. She had a caring look on her face, with a wide smile spread across it. She giggled, then nuzzled her head into the side of his neck.

"I understand. To be honest, I probably would've done the same. No matter how strong you try to stay in a time like this, it wont work. So your fears and your weaknesses can get to you. Its okay." Moon said, then pulled away, looking into his eyes. Her expression was soft and comforting.

"But hey, we are here now. Lets just pick up where we left off. Best friends forever, right?" She said as she stood and walked over to his side, then nudged him with her hoof playfully. "Want to go on an adventure? For old times sake?"

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___As Lord Commander___


The Lord Commander teleported downwards, to where all the prisoners were being held. As he arrived one of the Syndicate ponies stepped forward and spoke up.

"Sir, we rounded up everyone we captured, we are awaiting your command. "


He didn't respond to him, he just walked around and investigated his catch. Mostly civilians, and a few guards.

Amongst them a mare, all covered in tears and pain, her legs badly cut, even tho she was an enemy the Syndicate soldiers made sure she was somewhat comforted, the medic fixed her leg and she was given a make do bed out of pillows found in house ruins. Everyone knew she was as innocent as could be, sure she was a guard and fought against them, but she was clearly regretting it, she watched earlier as two fellow guards passed her wounded body, they noticed her, stopped, but then left not wanting to get slowed down, after all their own lives depended on it, then The Syndicate found her, and were nicer to her then any of the guards have ever been, tending to her needs. 


The Commander understood his troops, he pitied the poor pony too. But he couldn't say the same for anyone else in the group of prisoners. After a short time of thinking he finally decided upon the next orders. 


"Kill the aristocrat scum right away, stallion and mare, nobody adult who lived in this district is innocent.... Leave the foals, escort them to the new "guarded district" borders."

Then he turned to the captured soldiers.

"Take the remaining high ranking officers and crucify them on the border of the district. As for the others, tend to their wounds and escort them with the remaining foals. " 


The soldiers quickly obliged without saying a word, all sorts of screams and cries could be heard from around the place once the prisoners knew what was going to happen, the only ponies who stayed quiet were the normal ranked guards, in fact they were too shocked from how well they were to be treated compared to the others. 




But to the Lord Commander this was all just a single move on the chessboard, a piece of a bigger plan... 






___As Dark Star___

Even after hearing all these words he did not feel any happier, in fact he felt worse. The playful mood of the mare put an uncertain smile of his face but everything for him felt wrong, maybe if this happened without the plague and current situation. This garden can is so well preserved that it can help you forget, but that was impossible in Dark Stars case. Every time he thought of the outside he thought of all the ways he could loose his currently only friend close to him. 


He didn't almost react at all exempt stare at her with concern trying to keep up a smile. He thought of the mare he just killed minutes ago in the sewer and an idea hit him. With the same concerned look at his face he spoke with a certain tone: 


"For old times sake... I promise I will get you out of this city... even if it costs me my life.

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Mister Re searched for the panic room that he used to survive in the several weeks in hell inside these hospital walls. The ward he searched resemblemed that of an abandoned asylum, complete with cobwebs, skeleton corpses and creaky floors. The only thing missing was a killer, but no evidence was found that can confirm it. No pony has step foot in this hospital since he left. Senic Hospital always gets you coming back. It was thier motto, but that didn't matter. Beds were strewn, flipped, toppled in front of his pathway. The wind here had a delightful play time in the coming months since he was gone. He procceded through either moving, throwing or chrushing the beds in congested hallway. Once through, Mister Re found the cheif of medicine's office. The room was as he remembered it. Half-full with a desk and bookcase. There was never a chair for some reason.


"1141." He searched for the book number, first checking the last book and the first book for a refernce. Book 1000 was the first; Book 2000 was the last. Each row contained 100 books and there were 10 shelfs, making a thousand. Re found it on the second self. "There you go."


The wall library repurposed itself to be a door, revealing a room with walls of a black metal. Nothing magic could escape nor penetrate this alloy. She told him well. Misery was a nurse here and knew the ins and outs of the hospital. She was outside when it happened. She was so worried. She was so beautiful. But all she was now was dead. "Misery, I miss you so much."


Food, cures to common ailments, water were supplied inside. Re didn't touch any part of it yet. It's better to save something like this for an emergency than to expend it at the wrong time. Now at that time wasn't appropriate he thought months ago when he first encountered the goods. The now that he now knew was appropriate.



Re scavenged the floors for supplies to be weaponized. Many syringes were found unbroken but unclean as well. He disinfected them and labled them. Syringes were marked West, East and North. The West needles were non-leathals, containing either tranquillizer or poison joke. The East were far beyond deadly, containing potent neurotoxins, cyanide or happiness, a deathly combination of barbituates. The North needles were self-serv: adrenaline, opiods and antibiotics. 45 darts in total, 15 each category.


"Time to make amends."


The high light of the day was waning. The sunset was on the horizion, a perfect time before nightfall to reclaim the body of his beloved. The streets were in an incompatible silence. This silence could swallow ponies whole: a trap. Mister Re wrung the buildings of information. They were in the disturbed cobwebs, the dusted doornobs and the uncurtained windows.


"My Celestia! Who would do this?" Re yelled, prompting creaks of interest and the ponies behind them. After that he sprinted toward the pony effigy and cut it down. Re couldn't see her face from the distance and neither when he carried her within his arms. The hair, covered in blood and burnt, had concealed her identity.


"This is not my Misery..." He whispered.


They were the same color coat and simmilarly tinted hair but not the same eyes. This mare's cutie mark was burnt beyond recognition, making it a hard tell but eye's never lie. The beloved one turned out to be a fake, or at least a misconstrued identification. All of this time. He was making mistakes, acting irrationally, risking his life... for a revenge plot that was unjust. Is injustice be downfall? Or his reactive state of being? Re didn't get time to answer as an arrow snuck its way into the dead pony's chest cavity. A little further up was Re's face. One. He became alert and aware of everything around him, even the projectile's origin.


"Dead watch or something... didn't know they were in the area. But just in case if they're syndicate." Mister Re jammed an adrenaline needle inside his upper foreleg, his pupils dialated, muscled tensed and anger spiked. "I'm ready."


The pony who shot took out his sword because his target came into the house he was hiding in. Now he was waiting on the edge of the stairs, only hearing the pony underneath him. Re rushed through the house breaking every possible foundation he could on the basement to the first floor. The rotting structure started to shake and tremble underneath the broken columns and weakened infrastructure. The final blow was struck nearing a window that Re jumped out of. The building collasped, killing the pony inside by suprise.


Two, Three. Mister Re dogded an arrow and a spell a couple seconds after running out of the house. Sprinting, he was traveling at the source of the arrow and not the spell. He waited for it. The teleportation, the mystical 'pang' that would end him if he were not careful. His ears tuned for it. Teleportation is roughly .35 seconds to complete and the average reaction time is .21 seconds. In calculation, he had to react at least .14 seconds if the attacker swung as he/she traversed or more than a half second if she/he choose not to.


"Pang." Re mimicked the sound as it went off.


The mare felt a needle stuck down her jugular as her spell finished. She fell unconsious and utterly limp. Luckily for her, Re purposely mixed the lethals and non lethals. Because, every pont derserves a chance. Re now set into the last house where the arrow was sourced from. He heard the motion of wings and rushed out side. Theairborne mare was pink and lavender, carrying crossbows on all of her limbs. She looked to be angry at the losses of her team and looked toward revenge.


"You've got to be joking me." Re dashed out of the intial barrage of the three arrows. The fouth was delayed and went through flesh. The last arrow tore the hind leg with its arrow head jutting out. The injured colt took a painkiller and broke the sharp end and pulled the rest of the arrow out. "She got me..."


Re cringed in horror as the mare dissapeared. Probably to reload. Re wrapped his cloak around the gushing wound. Planning wasn't easy in such short notice but he needed one. Earth pony vs. Air pony; air pony wins. He hid inside a building, knowing she couldn't see him.


"How am I supposed to deal with that?"

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"W-what?" Moon Beam stuttered as she stared at the stallion, a but surprised and also confused. She was expecting him to agree, the adventure with her like they used to. However, not promise to help her leave.


"Okay, I don't know what you're on, but you're definitely not thinking straight." she laughed. "Dark Star, I'm here for a reason, and you should know that reason well. I have a purpose here, and I'm happy. My home is up in the clouds, and I leave here and cone back as I please. Up there, the air is better though.." Moon adjusted the bandana on her mouth. "and I'm fine where I am. I don't need you to help me 'escape' or whatever, because I don't want to. I don't need to either."


Moon Beam began walking away towards the hole in the wall she entered through. She lowered herself to crawl into it, but stopped and turned back towards the stallion once more.


"And for 'old times sake', don't talk to me if you see me at the pub. I don't want to converse with some pony so naive to think that I needed help leaving this place, when if I wanted to, I could've years ago." She spat, then turned and crawled through the small space.




Once she was outside, she spread her wings and was about to take off when she heard hoof steps on cement. Quickly, she ran into a group of trees and bushes and expertly hid herself among them. Moon peered through the leaves, watching the approaching pony. Suddenly, she gasped, not able to believe what she was witnessing.


She stood there in shock for a moment, trying to grasp onto the situation. Was this real? Was she just seeing things? It couldn't be, she was a very stable pony, she couldn't be seeing things that weren't really there.


'Is it really him?' She thought, watching the stallion intently. As he got closer, she knew what she was seeing was real.


"Steel?" Moon Beam asked quietly, hoping he would hear her silent call.

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Steel stopped mid steep pulling out his daggers -it can't be her it's not possible it has to be a trick of the mind - steel thought looking around he spotted a pony -there it must be a pony with mental magics - "you have till the count of three to show yourself and get out of my head or I'll end you" steel growled loud enough for her to hear

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Winter Gust

[Just because I am growing to love this OC, I will make a profile in the OOC soon enough. ]


On the dark rooftops a lonely cloaked crystal Pegasus pony ran, jumping and gliding between roofs. The stallion felt the calm wind surrounding him as he ran, his brain fixed on a single target. 


Nothing hard, just an ordinary task, take out one or two ponies, silence them for good. But why did this feel different?


Because it was different, he was not getting payed but simply guided by revenge. Images of a slowly dying filly and mare infected his mind. 


Then as he reached his destination a single image came to him, a wealthy middle aged aristocrat. 


There he was, on the edge of a rooftop looking over a very open area, from which in the center was a mansion. 

Everywhere were guards. On the rooftops he noticed two ponies, supervising the area below them, both of them unicorns. 


Not taking second further to think he reached toward his frost bow which he quickly put to the ground. Within seconds the base froze around the area it touched and the bow was stable and simple to rotate. The second thing he did was that he took out an arrow, tensed the bow string and let go... then not taking a second longer he shot again. 


Two guards fell to the ground with a loud thump as guards begun shouting for reinforcements. 


The hooded pony took out a new arrow, this one having a rope attached to it. Taking a short while to look around he found his target, to a window came a grey maned pony, trying to catch a glimpse of what was happening down below. 


With one fast shot the frost archer attached the rope to one of the few wooded parts of the building and quickly slid down it. 

By the end he jumped off and curling up he broke in threw a window. Quickly getting up he found his target there where he wanted it. 


There he was, in front of him stood a well fed and clothed stallion, looking at the situation in front of him with shock. 


Winter Gust removed his cloak, letting his mane go free and his eyes fixing on the aristocrat.


"I have come here to collect a debt, a life that you threw away that was of much value to me. " he spoke in a calm but quick tone. 


"What, what do you-" The stallion froze once he took a look upon the attacker, recognizing him almost instantly. "-Son, why... don't...I AM SORRY!" 


"You are sorry? Sorry for throwing your family off onto the street? Why father... why? My sister... your daughter, she cried all day and then cried even more once she caught the plague. Mother committed suicide two days before that. Anyway, the guards will arrive here soon because as we all know you have none stationed inside the building, and you love locking your office. 


"I am sorry that I threw you away, I was angry... things were going bad... It was either I stay and live in comfort or I live out on the streets with my family... but I guess I chose wrong, sooner or later I would have ended up on the street anyway, dead or alive, please forgive me, we can live together, I promise. " 


Winter Gust felt those words burn even harder inside of him, without a second thought he took out his dagger, walked up to the helpless stallion and cut his throat, watching as his eyes wandered around the room and blood came out of his mouth. 


"You are forgiven... father.


The next thing he did was flew out the already broken window and made his way away from the crime scene as fast as possible, surprisingly he was not followed. 



[Ye, a bit of a weird post... but whatever... ]

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Giggling at Steel's reaction, happy to see he hadnt changed much, Moon Beam stepped our from behind the shrubbery. She smiled at him, hoping with all her heart that he would remember her. Something inside of her had this doubt about the moment, making her feel as if something would take a turn for the worse.


"Steel.. That's really you..." A wide smile spread across her face. "You're alive.." she breathed.

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