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Your Nightly Spectre

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Steel faltered seeing her he dropped his daggers he was so shocked "it can't be" steel said stepping forward in he couldn't control him self he ran at her and tackle hugged her "I thought you was dead" steel said holding her he almost cried at the sight of her but he didn't

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Re took out gauze and started to tended his wound properly. The gauze rolled around his foreleg, stinging each instance it touched the injury and layering it so no blood could be seen from the outside. The problem now was getting out of this scuttle once and for all. Planning wasn't his best strong suit, he usually goes by the edges of a sword and the hair trigger thinking under pressure. Everything he did was forced by something else. For a longest time, this still was true.


"I will wait."


There was sound outside and Re looked and saw the mare with injection in her neck slowly get up. I have a plan...

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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Moon Beam immediately hugged Steel back, holding him tight. She closed her eyes and giggled, a tear forming in the corner of her eye.


"I thought the same about you... I'm just so happy you're alive, Steel.." Moon said slowly, hanging onto every word, every letter, every second they stood there together.


She pulled away from him after a while, looking into his eyes. She laughed and her smile widened. Looking him over, she took in every detail of him, trying to remember everything about him. When she got back to his eyes, she smiled softly again.


"I'm so happy you're still here.." Moon Beam breathed. Slowly, the tears started falling from her eyes. Suddenly, she hugged him again, and began crying uncontrollably.


"I thought you were dead.. Gone.. But you're not.. If only I had known you were still alive, I would've tried to find you.." She sobbed, her thoughts everywhere.

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____Sunset Sands____



Sunset woke up and got up from bed, he felt tired and some pain could still be felt while moving, mostly his back legs and right side. 

He inspected himself and the room he was in. 


He was in the medical wing of The Hive, surrounded by wounded ponies from the attack. He felt a feeling of comfort and safeness inside the Syndicate base, was it because it was so heavily guarded or just because it became a home to him that he learned to care for. 

Sure he was fighting to return and help his mother, but over time he learned to like the group of royalists, making a few friends along the way. The experience changed him for the better, and he was glad of it.  


Then he looked upon himself, firm bandages were here and there, and his left side cutie mark was almost gone. Which brought an unsure feeling to himself and his talents and personality, but he repeated to himself that what is actually inside your mind that counts not your cutie mark. 


Sunset then remembered why he was here, and the events of not long ago returned to him. 


Remembering what happened he quickly turned around and look for his team partner "Fe'are". Not long of a search and he found her, in a bed right next to him, being tended to by one of the nurses, then the unicorn nurse turned back noticing him and facing him. She was dresses like an ordinary syndicate pony, a cloak upon her, but then again hood-less and without a gas mask. She spoke. 


"Good thing you have awakened Mr. Sands, you were out for a whole day. " She turned to the calm helpless creature that Fe'are was at the moment, sleeping it off looking as if nothing had happened. That is until you notice the huge bandage on her chest, but that is besides the point. "I can imagine you are caring about your team mates life, I am glad to report that she will live, the bullet missed all vital organs. Nothing we could have fixed. " She smiled and walked away before he could return a word, Sunset really couldn't tell if she enjoyed her job that much or if she was that optimistic to manage to smile in a room filled with wounded and tired ponies.




A day later Sunset was in the armory, preparing for a new strike, this time a solo mission. Fixing his mask and cloak he tended to his gear. A rapier, perfectly balanced for his needs, a hidden hoofbow with darts, two flintlock pistols and a grappling hook. 


Now all that was left was await orders, he was not called here without a reason. 

____As Dark Star____


Dark Star just stood there, staring at her as she left. "Fine, if you want to be like that, there is nothing left in this city for anyone. " he thought to himself.

By now he didn't feel anything anymore, darkness overtaking him. "I guess it is time to break an oath again... goodbye old friend.


In a manner unexplainable by himself an evil look appeared on his face. Lighting up his horn he concentrated and performed a long distance teleport to the tallest unguarded location in the city: The Clocktower. With a loud poof he was gone, evil thoughts going threw his mind and overtaking him, his recently damaged mental state leaking out. "There is nothing left for this city but death... and I will help and deliver.


Appearing inside the top of old Clock Tower he investigated his surroundings. 


Edited by TheDarkStar


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Mister Re twitched his muscles, having only a slight of adeniline left. As he ran toward the unicorn mare he caught a whiff of dust from a close encounter to ground. The mare's body had the compusure of jelly and the balance of a broken scale. Re calculated the recovery rate from the drug's after affects. Due to the smaller, less dense body of the mare, his self-injections must've knocked her out. Also that means that she has higher metabolic process. Within minutes she'll have her full awareness and control over her body.


"I have your comrade! Give up now or I'll kill her."


Re took out a pink needle and held it improperly to his hostage's neck. He was shaking now to the exhaustion he put on his body. He was half-conscious, half-hazed. Brink of sleep and were upon him.


"I mean it."


Time trudged on and cloud after cloud winded by. He didn't expect an attack so soon... from his captor. The mare bit Re's wrist and took the needle. The last two sounds he heard was a pang and a needle piercing flesh.


"Earth for earth... I was only trying to protect myself." Re spent last moments looking, while falling, at her. "Not bad."


"I can't believe that worked!" Re awoke where he was slain. "Oh happy dagger!" He exclaimed without the notice his supplies were gone.


"Dammit! Back to having no weapons. At least Misery is still alive."

Edited by MisterRe

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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(Hello again~)


As you teleport, you find yourself in a dark, smoky room. Beams of light weakly filter through the boarded-up windows, and small pouches litter the room.


You see a fireplace, but it's cold... However, it shows signs of recently being lit. Someone's been here, but they're obviously gone.

As you examine the room, you can't help but feel as if you're being watched...


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 Dark Star found himself in a dark, smoky room. Beams of lights weakly flitered threw the boarded-up windows. Small pouches littered the room. 


The next thing he noticed was a cold fireplace, some signs of it being recently lit were easily noticeable. Someone was here, but they seemed to be gone. 


Examining the room further he had a feeling as if he was being watched, but his thoughts clearly switched to why he came in the first place. 



Walking up to a window he quickly ripped one of the boards out with his magic, peeking out he was glad that he teleported into what seemed to have been the right place, the clocktower. 


As he calmed down a bit trying to plan his next moves he felt as if being watched again and decided to let his sword go loose, having it ready, magical aura surrounds its handle. The next thing he did was lit up his horn even harder trying to light up the room, but his sudden tiredness didn't allow him to light it completely and he only lit a small area around himself, most still being in shadows. 


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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You don't find anything with your spell, except for a small pigeon. She coos at you questioningly, as if to say, "What're you looking at, freak?".


At that precise moment, you feel a line of pain appear on the back of your head, blurring your vision if not knocking you out completely.


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Dark Star hit the ground hard, everything being blurry, but yet he was awake. Quickly turning on his back he tried and conjure up some sort of spell at what seemed to be an attacker. Sadly his headache didn't allow him to and a small amount of sparks shot out of his horn doing practically nothing. All he could do now was try and stare and focus his sight. 


[PS, keep in mind that Roac and Dark Star do know each other since I like connecting role-plays, but Dark Star has not seen Roac since that "incident" and totally forgot about his existence. ]


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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@,You hear a voice shouting in surprise. From what you can tell, it sounds apologetic.


"Oh, Celestia! Dammit, I thought you were someone else!"


You feel a claw pulling you back onto your hooves, and then your former assailant puts some sort of plant into your hoof.


"Here, chew on this. It'll help with the vision."

Edited by Roac


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He held the plant, but was very unsure of wether to trust the whatever it was or to not to. 


Without a second moment his eyes slowly begun to glow a mixture of green and black like a mist and his horn begun to light up the same way.


Hate and madness begun to try and spill out but he tried and fight it with any sense left in him. And after a short while of head shaking he calmed down.


His eyes slowly adjusting and being unblury he noticed the griffon in front of him, but didn't really recognize him because of his headache not allowing him to concentrate enough.


Dark Star weakly spoke.

" How about-" He stopped as the pain intensified a bit as he spoke. " -you, make sure who you are hitting first before actually doing it.


He rubbed his head, things slowly clearing out and all the pain and bad thoughts going away. 


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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"Hey, you teleported into my house. Oh, and in case you were wondering, that was a poppy petal. Not as powerful as the whole flower, but it's easier to get, less addictive, and should help with whatever's causing your aura to go crazy."

"As for me... Grand Galloping Gala ring any bells?"


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The couch in the break room supplied the comfort that the hospital beds couldn't muster. The firmness and the cushioning were lathered in a wrinkly brown and himself onto it was heaven. Dreams settled in the midst of the day and all thoughts went to fog as it drifted. Re woke up inside a dream.


"We become undone..." Canterlot was incomplete as if someone dug its hands into its puzzle pieces. A color of void filled its empty parts. The place smelled of ether and smoke and nothingness. A haze undone, Re smiled and began. Choas. Body after body, Pegasus bodies rained down from clouds destroying everything. "...ether, dead pegasi, attack. Kill the fool. Kill the fool."


"I understand. But why?"


"Insanity deems no reason to explain. No reason at all should come to you when slit his gut and throat." The voice was gone and burning embers encompassed the city.


"I'll find you."

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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Dark Star searched the deepest corners of his mind trying to remember who the Griffon was. Then it came to him. 


"Roac, the thief who hung out with that Princess. You wanted to rob her didn't you? Also you reported a fellow criminal to the guards, wasn't nice of you, you know?" He gave him an untrusted look. "Then there was a slight incident and you left the gala, that incident costing me a headache soon after and having to leave my date and the gala."


Some of his hate begun to return as he thought of his date that night, his horn and eyes dimly glowing again for a second but then returning to normal. 

He got up and walked back to the window, took a quick peek. He saw the horror that this city was from above, something that deeply depressed him. 

Star turned back to the griffon, inspecting him and seeing how he changed.


"I guess we both came out as different beings from that gala did we? " he smirked. "I also should thank you... if it wasn't for you getting in trouble then my trial wouldn't have went differently and I wouldn't be standing here now.

Edited by TheDarkStar


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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"No problem, friend. It's good to see a friendly face."


He seems stressed by what's going on around him, the gray in his feathers having grown. His beak wears a grin, and he does seem truly happy to see you.


As you can see, the plight of this city has not truly affected his trade. But, he seems to be feeling the city's pain on an emotional level, though he hides it.


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By everything he has been threw, and his extreme lonelyness lately he felt relatively happy to see a familiar face. 


"Heh, so I am a friend now am I? That is... nice to hear.


His horn flashed with the green-black glow follow by a slight headache. He suddenly remembered why he came up here in the first place. 


"You know, that thing happening with my horn and eyes is not something one of your herbs can fix. Long ago I used to illegally practice black magic just to get a better understanding of how to more effectively fight it. I resisted its corruption... but lately it has been spilling out. " He buried his head in his hooves. "Truth be told, the reason I came here was because of anger and lonelyness I decided to launch a full out war on Canterlot myself. Try and destroy this place and every living soul in it. This was suppose to be my high ground on which I would start it..."


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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He looks at you with alarm, his eyepatched face looking extremely concerned for you.


"This might seem like a silly question, but did it happen to be blood magic or necromancy?"


The issue that you two had with the necromancer at the Gala suddenly comes to your memory, causing you to wonder what actually happened to his eye.


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[Roac, I know what comes to my OCs mind, thank you[Not in any mean way] ^-^] 


"A bit of all I suppose, but I didn't practice them on a daily basis, I just studied them in order to know them better. Then I quit it. " 


He paused, sheathing his scimitar, feeling that there is no more threat. In fact he felt relatively safe in the walls of the clock-tower. 


"I guess that without that knowledge I wouldn't have been able to  save you" in those catacombs. But as I can see I didn't do that good of a job and it looks like it left a mark... "


He came up closer to him, inspecting his eye with big interest.


"Could I take a closer look at it?"  


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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(S-sorry ;_; )


Roac takes off his eye patch, revealing his eye. It looks more like a pale blue ball of magic than an eye.


"This... Is sorta the reason why I have so many flowers. Poppies seem to have some sort of connection to necromancy, and they let me use the abilities of this eye without having a bunch of ghosts try to kill me..."


As you examine the eye, it seems dead. Like how a dead pony's eyes are glassed over, or when someone is blind out of one eye because of a wound.

Edited by Roac


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Dark Star was surprised at the eye, thinking of how this could have happened. After a short while of staring at it and inspecting it he decided to step up to the situation.  


He lit up his horn. 


"This might hurt a little, and don't worry I am not lying. " 


A steam of pure magic struck his eye, syphoning out the leftovers of the dark magic like poison from a wound, the beam slowly turning black. 


Roac could have felt a bit of pain but it was very minimal, it was more of a weird uncomfortable feeling. 


As he finished everything the beam was lifted and the dark magic seemed to have evaporated into the air. The eye still remained a pale blue ball of magic.


"This didn't cause the anomaly in your head to go away, but it did syphon the bad spirits out, and you won't be seeing ghosts anymore... but... most of the other effects whatever they are stay. I do not know much about what happened to your eye, but I remember hearing about a similar case before. " 


[My mouse is being way too annoying so I won't be lighting up my chat text. 

Edited by TheDarkStar


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Misery felt the strokes of her counterpart as she left her to die. She was soft, young... but death was only fate for her. Misery liked to think that she didn't share her fate with her, but denying the possibility would further strengthen the truth. Then at the moment of departure, they all had smiles on their face, they all left their misery behind. More is to come, she knew all too well.


"I'm sorry Re. I can't burden you any longer." She disappeared amongst her peers.

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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"I have no clue... I mean, maybe because I'm always in the shadows, and my safe places are the pub and my house in the clouds. So usually I'm in one of those three places." Moon Beam said with a giggle as she wiped away a few tears.


Suddenly, a look of regret and sadness spread across her face, and she looked at the ground. She was so happy to see Steel alive, yet she was a bit upset about what she had said to Dark Star when she left.


Moon looked up at Steel, an apologetic look on her face now. "Uhm, this is such a great reunion and all.. But I kind of said some things I didn't mean to to a.. An old friend.. And I need to find him and say tell him I'm sorry for what I had said. I'd hate to leave things like this, when we just found each other again. Also, I hate to do this when I just found out you're alive. But, I feel terrible. Forgive me?" She explained, and smiled at him.

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Steel nodded then he realized something "by Pub do you mean feather Pub and just answer and you can go " steel said "I'll be at our home behind the devils Pub I'm sure you remember it" steel said -I hope I'm wrong but it doesn't matter I'll quit dead watch to be with her - he thought

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Moon Beam looked at Steel with a look of confusion, and tilted her head slightly.


"Uh, yeah.." She said, a bit hesitant. "But I'm going to go and try to find Dark Star. Wish me luck." Moon smiled, then walked back towards the building her and Dark Star were in not too long ago. She figured he was gone already, but she wanted to check anyway. Before she crawled through the hole, she turned to Steel.


"I'll stop by later and we can catch up or something. Sound good?" She asked.


Moon Beam then crawled through the hole in the wall and into the building. She stood up, looking around. She didn't see Dark Star anywhere.


"Dark Star? Hey! Where are you? Hello?! Dark Star!" She called, still looking around. "Huh.." She said, then turned to leave.

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