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Steel nodded and headed to their house he hadn't been there since he thought moonbeam died he walked in silence thinking about moonbeam and him and the gangs they where in soon he turned down an alley and went to the door he removed the large rusted chains and went inside and began to clean

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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"Pink Slips, So what have you stolen for me today?" Humbug gave a sultry stare with an ambiguous smile to the trades pony. She attempted to feel around inside his saddle bags but was met with sways and elusiveness.


"My name is Slips, Slips." He apathized while avoiding the harassing pick pocket. "You know I hate that. I'm not even remotely pink."


He was right, his name full name was Quill Slips. Before the plague hit he was but a common librarian, making ends meet with stamps and late fees. This colt traded books for lock picks because no one reads, like no one tells, tales or stories when they're dead. A mane cerulean blue and coat of teal, his personality matched his complexion. Cool with the the sense of calm. Humbug would always test his limits. The thing is Quill didn't have limits. He had nothing of anger, hate or any of the strong emotions, not even love. Maybe, just maybe he loves me. She thinks constantly around him.


"Fine. I'll stop, but you know'll forget." Brief shyness swept her words and hasted them. He noticed but didn't show a reaction.


"Irony and coincidence: a study of difference, one scientific journal, The Motions and Potions of Love and other random bits of scrolls and pieces of paper." His voice was kempt and methodical but now was playing in on Humbug's game.


"I'll taaaaaaa-..."


"I've read them all you know." He interjected. "And there's one part I'd like to show, its on page 69."


"Hmph." Humbug hadn't expected this exertion by him. She was in genuine surprise.      


"Let's see now." Slips fumbled around his knapsacks and found the journal instead of the implicit novel. The actual page was marked '13' but he added '56' for effect. He was a unicorn. Having reviewed countless 'implicits', he knew his fair share of charming a mare. For a librarian the colt was suave. The new page of 69 contained two things: a note and notes.


"Interesting... I haven't seen a point-five point-five time signature ever. Good job Pink Slips." The passive aggression continued and she read the note. " This is my final attempt before I die. That's right die. Not literally though, just metronomically. I can't figure out this sound. How is possible to oscillate two similar sounds in an opposing frequency while still retaining... Screw it. It makes sense mathematically but I cannot translate into a sheet music for my superiors. Last attempt. I am not a musician but a humble scientist. ~P.s I will continue tomorrow."


"Looks like a lullaby. Will you sing it to me?" His voice was sarcastic but she bypassed it to neg him of his power play.


"Hold on." She edited the piece to involve fortissimo and both crescendo and decrescendo at the same time, copying the sheet notes to both bottom and top clefs. It was done. "Okay. Done."


She hummed it and something happened... Quill felt an extreme pushing force inside earlobes and his magical aura dissipated instantly.





"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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___As Sunset Sands___ 


Sunset walked along a street, he knew the rooftops were no longer safe since they were heavily controlled by guards now, and he had to go off without his gas mask to not attract too much attention. 


His mission was simple, assassinate a vital parliament member. Everything seemed to have been on his side. 


Arising infection activity caused more often patrols, but less people actually guarding the VIP's who everyone knew were Vital at the moment and aimed at. So far the Syndicate was advancing, people disappearing, causing huge problems within the guards and making the situation more and more tense for ruling classes. 


After a longish walk he found his destines position, a big house by the street. It looked to be heavily guarded from the inside, but with only two guards on the outside guarding the door. 


Sunset sand down at a nearby bench and watched the building, inspecting everything that came to his eye and that he memorized from the buildings blueprints. 


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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"Agh!", he exclaims, covering his eye once you're done.


"...I've been trying to help out some ponies with what I earn, but... There's nothing I can do, nor is there a reason to be here..."


"... I'm thinking of trying to escape this city. Leave, and then find someone with a cure. I've got more than enough money to fund some research into that..."


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Star didn't really know the griffon well, but he could sense that he somewhat changed since the last time they met. 


"A noble cause. So, when are you planning to leave?


The stallion walked up to the fireplace, lit up his horn and created a magical fire in it, not really "fueled" by any wood or anything. 

Edited by TheDarkStar


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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The original piece and its edited version were observed with the single warmth of the candle on the mahogany table. Humbug took two separate increments of time to revising and redrafting a more subtle symphony from reading and reviewing the notes within the journal. There was no author, just an initial of 'P.'. Whoever it was, they wanted to keep their identity a secret. She didn't mind the anonymity but the hard work she exerted nicked a few hairs off her mane. It had to be perfect. It just had to be.


She spent an hour rewiring notes to hide the cacophony within, without it the music will cease to disable magic. She tested it once more. Humbug's throat sang again and the surroundings vibrated. Looking at Slip's reaction, it would need a little more tweaking. Another hour passed and she, finally, drafted a somewhat perfect composition, though her brain hurt from the heavy"


"Done." She rasped. "I need to lay down."

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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  • 2 weeks later...

Moon Beam left the small building, and began making her way through the small town, trying to find Dark Star.


"Where could he have gone? He can't be far.. Can he?" Moon thought to herself.


After searching a good portion of the town, Moon Beam realized it would take a while to find him. It had already been at least an hour, and Dark Star could be anywhere. She decided to head back to Steel and rest for a little, maybe catch up a bit, then continue her search.


Moon made her way to the house, and slowly walked up to the door. She looked it over, taking every detail in. Sighing, she stepped up to the door, and put her hoof to the door knob. She hesitated, not sure if she was prepared to see the inside of the old house again.


Suddenly, she heard a loud thud come from down the street. Her eyes widened, and she quickly turned the knob and pushed the door open. As she stepped inside, her eyes immediately fell to the floor. One of the floor boards was lifted slightly. She smiled, and nudged it with her hoof. She almost went to open it, but decided that could wait until later.


Looking up, she scanned the room. It was quite dusty and most of the things hadn't been touched in years. However, she could tell Steel had already been there.


"Steel?" Moon Beam called quietly. She turned and closed the door carefully, then began to walk through the rest of the house.


In the kitchen, she saw pictures hanging on the walls. Most of them were of landscapes, ones she had painted. She smiled, remembering the times when she was able to paint for hours on end.


Walking up to one of the paintings, she took a look around.


"Steel?" She called again.


Moon looked at the painting for a while, remembering everything about it. It was old and dusty and somewhat hard to make out, but she knew what she had painted.


It was a painting of Steel. He was in the center of an open field, facing away from her. He was on his hind legs, standing tall and proud, holding two daggers outwards, to his right. If you looked closely, you could see him smirking. You could also tell that he was looking back, almost as if he were staring at the one looking at the painting.


Suddenly, Moon Beam felt a tear fall down her cheek. That was a day she would have loved to remember a long time ago, but now is something she would love to forget.


She back away from the painting, shaking her head slowly.


"Steel?!" She called, looking away from the painting. Trying to compose herself and clear her mind, she began to breathe in and out steadily.


"1.. 2.... 3.. 4.. 5... 6....” she began to count quietly as she walked out of the kitchen, trying to find something less traumatic to discover.

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Dark Star was glad he had a being to talk to, the fake warmth of the fire-place begun to slowly fill the room.


Looking outside he realized how dark it was getting, after looking out the crevice he saw what was left of the city. It reminded him of the reason he came here, but now that begun to leave his mind, giving room for more rational ideas.


The room was calm and gave away a slight feel of safety, and that really helped with concentration and really begun to make him wonder why he hasn't thought of making this place his hideout before.


Thoughts of his plans as a filly begun to fill Dark Stars mind, all the noble things he used to try and stand for that he abandoned because of the plague, now it has reached to him that maybe this was not exactly what he had to do. He was not going to get changed by the plague... he was going to change the plague. 



Without a warning he could feel a strong horrible feeling of corruption going up his horn, he could really not explain it. His eyes lit up green and shadowy and so did his horn. Star tried and locate the griffon but before he could he felt a strong magic from inside of him, and quickly moving to his horn. 


"Ro-" He was cut off as his horn begun to feel like it was going to explode and break to a thousand peaces, but instead of breaking a powerful shockwave of dark and normal magic shot out, destroying anything in its way. It emitted a very loud magic breaking sound that echoed threwout every smallest crevice of the city. 


Withing seconds the clocktowers top was obliterated, chunks of the building landing all over the city around it, causing huge chaos. Part of it was on a blue fire, and it was slowly spreading to the lower halves of the building, heading for the city under it. 




Dark Star woke up on the floor inside a house 3 streets away, bruises covering him everywhere, but nothing that major that the fall should have done. It seemed like his magic must have somewhat cushioned the fall. As his vision got less blurry he noticed the broken roof threw which he must have came in. Still feeling a bit too injured to move he just kept his horn lit ready to engage any intruders if he needed to, his eyes going around the place to not miss a thing. 


@@DashieHeart, [i magically fell from the clocktower into your house, I think I fell on the top floor and broke your roof.]

Edited by TheDarkStar


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Steel was on the second floor he heard the commotion (in truth the house is more like a warehouse) he flew upstairs hidden in the shadows he seen the unicorn he quickly grabbed the unicorn and carried him downstairs the crystal from steels necklace light up faintly with orange "moonbeam" he muttered laying the pony on a bed in the second story "don't move you're gonna need some help I'll be right back" steel said he ran down to the main floor and was about to go find moonbeam when he saw her he caught her in his arms as he flew he went outside going high into the air whispering comforting words into her ear as he flew in a large decending circle hoping to calm her down

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Fe'are's eyes shot open, and her vision was met with a piercing bright white light. She groaned, raising a hoof to shield her eyes from the sunlight which pooled into the room through an open window. A pain shot up across her body when she moved, and she gave a hiss of pain. Almost as soon as she'd made the noise a bubbling nurse was at her side.

"Ah looks who's awake, doing something she shouldn't be," Said the nurse sternly, but with concern rather than irritation. "You're still injured it will be some time before you can move the left side of your body, until then try not to."

Fe'are turned to the nurse, batting her eyelids in an attempt to clear up her vision.

"Where am I?" Fe'are croaked. Her voice seemed disembodied, and not hers.

The nurse turned to her, while she examined the wound on Fe'are's chest. "You're at one of the last running hospitals in Canterlot."

It still didn't answer Fe'ares question, but any further interrogation was cut short when a sharp pang ran up her side. Fe'are winced.

"Sorry," said the nurse "The salve may sting but it works. Take a look."

Fe'are craned her neck to see. The gunshot wound to her chest was coated with a grimy green sludge, but from what Fe'are could see of her wound, it had scarred over nicely. The progress of the healing caused an ominous thought to flash into Fe'ares head.

"How long have I been here?"

The nurse gave a innocent cherry laugh. "Long enough dear. We'll have you on your hooves soon enough, don't you worry."

The nurse reapplied some new bandages around Fe'are's chest after applying the salve, and gave a wide smile. "Stay put now dear, only a few more days to go now."

With that the nurse disappeared behind a curtain, leaving Fe'are alone in the quiet room. When the hoof steps of the nurse disappeared into the distance, Fe'are sat up ignoring the low hum of pain on her left. She pulled the dirty hospital covers off herself, and lowered herself to the floor. She never did like hospitals.

Dovashy makes me think of soap xD.

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___As Sunset Sands____


Sunset sat there, looking at the building, trying to fit in as a random homeless pony. After a while the guards in front of the building found his activity suspicious, but as the very tip of the tension the stallion decided to leave. 


After entering an abandoned ruined house on the opposite street he found himself in a big-ish filthy room. It was one of the old noble houses, but the owner caught the plague and a band of bandits scavenged the building, to this day nobody knew who did it precisely, but this "tragedy" hit every corner of the city, since it was early on in the plague when these things were rare-er. 


After finding the stairs he eventually got the ladder that lead to the attic. Once he got up there he lit a candle on the table with his magic and next to it lay a blueprint of his target house. He came to inspect it closely, looking for any alternate exits that might have been left unguarded, and to his luck he found many, but the main problem remained that the Lord that lived inside kept his office heavily guarded, not the actual entrances to the building.  


With a loud sound of breaking magic a masked unicorn mare appeared in the building and spoke. 

"We heard the Old Grumps neighbor is having a party two days from now, Grump is invited as a honorary guest, this might be a good time to strike. "

The mare was Silver Whisper. her coat was Dark Blue with a low note as a cutie mark and had a medium sized black mane and tail.. She was part of Sunset Sands new squad that he was in command of, she was also one of his vital spies that seemed to know everything about everyone. Over the past time he seemed to have slowly felt more and more attached to her, but this was not going to distract him from his mission now, he was busy, and he knew it. 


"Thanks Whisper, that seems to make things so much easier. 


She slowly came up to the map, looking at his drawn out plan. 


"Well, you can scrap all these wasted hours of work. I would suggest something but I am yet to find out what Grump will be doing at the party. " 


"Well, it would be great if you could find that out. "


She turned away and begun walking towards the exit. 


"I will see what I can do. 


"Oh, and one more thing...


"What is it? " 


"...Thanks, for all of your support so far. 


Silver smiled. "Well, it is my job, Sir. " Finishing the sentence her horn lit up and she teleported away. 


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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"I guess its time to test this out, Do or Die style." Humbug peered through the wall of light and through it was a society separated from the others. The community inside looked less of an apocalypse but death had to be cheated to enter. The walls of the emanating glow look devious enough to fool some into the health preserving barrier, but those who know have seen the horror. Disintegrating horror.


"Hummmmm, hmphmphmmmnnnnh..." The simple symphony covered the anti-magical aura that her song emitted. She could see a perforation in the silken air that it was working. "HmmummumMMM" She pranced through the wall as the sound dissipated the barrier. No guard was set nearby since wall did the work all by itself, except the clean up.


Her name now was Chasity Lime, a kempt but quiet mistress with the ability to steal a heart and never give it back. Humbug was a commoner name but the rest were of noble's decent. Acting high and mighty was one thing, being high and mighty was another; But she was inept enough to be both. The streets were clean mostly but there was many abandoned houses to the side, reminding all of them the corrosion of the plague.


Guards were everywhere but weren't suspicious of Humbug. Often they would blush since the guards were male. She'd give them an apathetic look along with a seductive one. Attention allotted, suspicions diverted. She was the new mare in town, fancy hat and all.


"Excuse me miss."  The colt behind her had light polite tone. She stopped in her tracks to listen but didn't turn her around. From there she waited to a count to five.


"If you wanted to court me, you would first need to face me." As expected he was a step away from leaving in embarrassment. If social politics had a government, she'd be a treasurer or something that rhymed. It took a moment but they were faced to face. 


The colt was a guard.


"Who are you?"

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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Sunset has spent about most of the night planning things out, looking over maps and more maps. He was almost dropping of tiredness, but his job was not done, he still didn't know how to properly get in and out. 


Hearing a loud zap behind him he turned around quickly and saw Silver Whipser teleporting in. She spoke immediately and panting like she just went threw a lot. 


"Grump will be giving a speech for the birthday boy. Don't ask how I found out.


"Whisper... how did you find out? " 


"I told you not to ask.


"Well, you tell me now, it is an order. " 


She sighed and met his eyes with her own. " I kidnapped a guard and interrogated him. But his buddies found him sooner then I expected them to and I needed to run. I killed him and hardly ran away. There, happy?


"This will alert the guards that something is going on, meaning the guards will be more wary and expecting something, and possibly put even more guards on duty! " 


Silver was very disappointed in herself, and seeing her friend/boss all stressed out didn't help, she wanted to make things easier for him by doing missions and finding things out, but it clearly was not helping as much as she wanted it to. 


"So, when are you going to go get some sleep? You do realize it is midnight and you have been planning this since sunset. You should take a break.


"I don't have time for a break, the party is tomorrow. " He spoke knowing that a new day has started since the clock passed 12pm. 


"Yes, the party is tomorrow, and you need some rest Captain. 


"I can't rest with all these things still not done. " 


"How about, you get some sleep and I will help you do them tomorrow in the morning?


Sunset highly enjoyed the idea of finally going to sleep, and staying up all night and being tired tomorrow won't really help the cause. Deciding to follow Whispers advise he nodded with approval. 


"Fine, I will get some rest, but we start sunrise. " 


"So, shall we return to the hive?


"Fine. " 


Sunset walked away from his work space and towards the mare unicorn. Lighting up his horn he put up some sort of illusion ward to fake eyes to seeing that there is nothing on the desk. 


"So, think you can cast us a home teleport, I am so tired it might be dangerous if I did it. " 


Without even saying a word Silvers horn also lit up and with a zap they both dissapeared, appearing at a big hall room in the hive. Looking at the mare he saw how tiring the spell was, she was panting about two times harder then when she came back after being chased. With nodding each other good-bye they both went back towards their barracks, heading for some good nights sleep.  

Edited by TheDarkStar


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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"I am your best worst night mare. Chasity Lime, at your servitude." Her illustrious response was all but a facade. "I am what you call a mistress of the night. What's it to you?"


"I haven't seen you around here before, how do yo-..." Humbug slapped her hoove onto his golden armor where his shoulder would be.


"Let's say that my occupation gets me places, places more private than you could ever imagine." She leaned in as she spoke, her voice becoming ever so quiet. "I'm a spy..."  She clicked her tongue.


"What?" The stallion guard. "Why are you telling me this?" 


"Its my signature."

"So, you're a-..."


"I'd really prefer if you didn't speak it to the celestial heavens. It would be a shame if you were to be court-martialed in worst possible way. What I can tell them about you would have your sword taken away, both of them." 


"I-I don't believe you."


"I can do it myself... right here... right now. Unless you have something of worth, I suggest you start talking."  Though the last statement of hers couldn't have made sense. The mind putty in her hooves didn't notice. Fear shook the guard for his underside livelihood was at stake.


"W-what d-do you w-want?" The stallion was given the composition of a colt.


"Intel. Simple as that? I'm trying to prevent something... something disastrous. A murder maybe... a robbery as well... or lastly a plague infection."


"There's a party tomorrow at the Old Grumps neighborhood." The stallion sweated as he thought There's really something happening here. The dead guard, now this... 


"What else soldier?" 


"I think you should know there was dead guard an assassin on the loose. It looks like the mare wanted information due the wounds he succumbed to. We've reinforce our guards twice-fold due to the upcoming event."


"Okay, that is all. Keep your nose clean." Humbug had an itch for adventure, but a rash for the more serious side effects of it. Dead, he wasn't joking. I'll have to take my steps more carefully. By that I mean look for the suspicious ponies. 


Humbug lock picked a house in a nearby residential home and gathered what she needed for the next day. For a base of operations she broke the locks in one of the rooms and put 'quarantined' on the outside using spray paint and a template.


"Nap, then I will explore with my new attire."

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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Sunset nervously walked around the room inside the abandoned building. Next to him was Silver and two other members of his squad, two pegasi stallions who call themselves Flame and Bolt, not look alike twins. 


Sunset flipped the table with plans, all of them were useless now, wherever he found an opening it was now all shattered, with doubled guards and careful planning from the enemy it was clear that every single area of the party was watched. 


Papers were flying everywhere and Silver just kept following the stallion saying sorry and trying to calm him down. Things were not looking well, and he knew it. 


"Maybe we can wait a couple of days after the party, and then strike.


"No, we can't. Grump will be leaving Canterlot for a business trip, and he never leaves without a perfect escort, and as long as he is alive our plans cannot continue. We would be stuck and he would be out of our reach. Out of all ponies I am surprised you don't know this." 


"I - I am sorry, can't we call it off and continue our operation with taking out the parliament in any safer ways?


"Like I said, Grump needs to die, he is vital to the plan and without him dead we can't do anything. " 


"Well, if it makes you feel any better I am willing to go in alone and kill him myself, but I won't probably return. But I messed it up in the first place so I might as well take the punishment.


"No, I need my team alive, and I - I, can't afford to loose you. After all you - you are my lead informant. I can't get far without my lead spy, even if you do mess up some times. " 


"So, what do you suggest we do?


"Since planning it out won't work, we need to improvise... " 

Edited by TheDarkStar


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Mister Re

"I'm wanting to give up because there isn't really a reason to persue him. It was my fault and my fault only that my wife died or disapeared. But I can't give up looking for her nor not pursue him. Doing evil things, Murder, Genocidal murder. I found some ether canisters from before the plague. I have new plan. End journal"



Nothing from the wardrobe matched the color of her envy green coat, nor either fitted her gender. There wasn't any choices in fabric, but there was a ludicrous supply of precious metals. Gold, sliver, diamonds and other rarities had been hidden inside an unmarked carrying case. Unfortunate to the victim, lucky for her. She adorned her neck with a amethyst amulet about the half a horse shoe in size, nothing else had fit her style like the others. The mare exited the building with dazzling complexion.


"I like this. Now let's have a chat with our little guard on the inside."


Her backside went to and fro with the sway of a tightrope walker. She was looking for to start conversation which she wouldn't be a part of to listen to. With keen ears and a wandering gentle eye, she focused her mind to scrounge information. The power eavesdropping was on her side. She complied bits on conversation into following statements:


"That is the kind of mare Ol' Grumps would be into... She is going to the party right? Might as well with everything..."


To sell herself short, Humbug was given the title: Escort. She was going to be and have to be to get the best score in Dead Watch in a long time. If Ol' Grumps was rich as she heard, he'd be twice as venerable. Humbug was the type of mare to seduce and deduce. Easy, but something was bothering her.


"Hey what's-your-name. I need your... assistance." She sent sultriness down a line-of-sight. Humbug's message pulsated among the guards it hit, so to speak. One of them was sent chills instead, knowing her prowess in deceit.


"That's... for me..." The generic white stallion guard approached the felony green and all of the other peers cheered. "Hello... again... my friend."


"I need help getting inside. You've got the connections."


"No problem but this the last ting I'm helping you with."


"No problem from this side either. I don't have a problem getting out."

Mister Re



He heard the hoof steps of lone wandering pony. There was a chime of loneliness with him, he could tell both gender and condition due to time between steps and depth of that note made it. Mister carried two canisters of ether going to his target location coming from a corner toward the sound of the footsteps. Mister wasn't armed and decided to talk instead of walking by.


"Hello pony. Would you help a random stranger fight evil?"

Edited by MisterRe

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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"They call themselves the syndicate and they've take homage in market square or whatever hell hole they call it now. They slaughtered  the guards like pigs and citizens too. I saw bodies inside fortress both mare and colt alike. They spared the children... but I can't see how thats even a good thing. I'm on my way to stop them." Re clanked a canister from his behind. "This will level the playing field but I need help."

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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___As Silver Whisper___


Out of nowhere 4 Masked Syndicate ponies came out surrounding the two stallions who were chatting, weapons drawn. 


From the "circle" stepped out a mare, leaving her gas mask on she spoke out. 


"Dear Stallions, I think you are misunderstanding things. " Silver turned to Grell. 


"How about me, a Syndicate member tell my own version of the story? So maybe then you can decide weather you want to hunt us or not. " She spoke in a calm voice. 


"The citizens that were killed at the Town Square deserved their fates, all of them were wealthy aristocrats who lived off others pain. They were part of the reason lower class citizens are treated so much lower, practically living on the edge of the plague.


She stopped for a pause and then turned to Re. 


"Dear Mr Re, I do understand that you want revenge on the Syndicate for what we did to your wife, but that was your fault, and your fault only. You attacked, and Syndicate defended. "


She let out a small laugh.


"In fact, while all that slaughter happened in the Town Square, I was one of the guard ponies, after my life was spared and I went threw all my healing I decided to return to them and fight alongside them. And now I am part of the Syndicate, me, who once cried in pain from a wound dealt to me by a Syndicate soldier, who is now my Captain. "   


She gave Re a deadly look. 


"But if you wish to see this city rot further and more people suffer and having nothing done with it, then I suggest you pursue your dream of taking us out. I will just tell you, by the time someone else decides to act, it will be too late.


She put her sword higher in the air and got into combat position, being ready and expecting anything. All of the other Syndicate ponies followed her actions. 


"So, what will it be? Will you let go of your grudge? " She turned to Grel. "And will you re-think your decision before you join him if he decides to hold his ground? " She turned back to both. "Here is your chance, choose wisely or prepare to die.

Edited by TheDarkStar


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Humbug sat upon her thoughts and stuffed her face with desert. This mare began to ponder the serious consequences as less and less of her cheesecake remained. Short breaks of actual thought began between each serving of her favorite food. She was never adept at fighting, except in the case of passive-aggressiveness. If things were to go bad, that would mean goodbye Humbug. The guard told her about the guard who died some time ago, a gas mask and a cloak were his demise. She interrogated the guard then killed him when caught. She was an important factor, her gender was an important factor. 


"Haven't you had enough?" The server stallion took her plate and gave her another cheesecake.


"Well then, I didn't expect my servers had the gall to call me fat, right in front of my face. I'd like to see your supervisor, and stallion, bring me another plate will you please."


Soon enough another server appeared. Black was regulatory for the managing position.


"What seems to be the problem?" The colt was a large fellow with hard work compiled in his face, he'd do anything to keep his business from falling under.


"Could you tell your subservient that implying that my weight is moderately above average offends me greatly."


"What?" His mind didn't follow the verbal twists and turns of Humbug's statement then the stallion in question whispered to him. "Oh, I'm sorry and he is also sorry. Right?" "Right..." "What can we do to make it up to you?"


"Make my meal free and you will avoid sue-age." Humbug didn't have any money anyway.


"Madam, As you wish." Both servers left her sweating, like all stallions... so to speak.


Humbug was left alone with the pondering possibilities of another, more hostile infiltration. She was going to have to fight a black widow in a web the web of her lies, all inside an old stallion's pants... possibly. Confusing, interesting her endeavor but this cake was delicious.

Mister Re




Re head spun around as the Syndicate surrounded him. Again, he was surprised by the stealth of these assassins. Not the matter as his synapse kicked in with a plan. The mare talked and he listened, still with the tanks of flammable gas with its needle pointing to F. For Re's response, he took an exasperated deep breathe out and an siphoning inward heave in simultaneously cracking his neck onto one of the canisters, turning one of the valves. The seeping sleeping gas was covered by his infinite digression. He didn't stop to breathe to avoid unconsiousness.


"I surrender; Simple as that considering your numbers and your weapons. I guess I have to bury the hatchet along with my wife. But before you go, If your lord commander cross me in the slightest inch or his subservient minions, I will not-" The gas chamber was 3/4s empty. "-hesitate on denting this inquisition that he has offered me to cease fire and join him. And you, mind you my words are my only weaponry since I have laid all hostilities into my emotion and not physical acts, I thought I made a golden hero-" The tank was halved in both emptiness and capacity. "-avenging her lost kin and territory she prided to protect. But all I see is some pony who is lost to a dictatorship. Let me say I have been there before and the long time ever since I've regret it. And frankly my last comment to you before your go on your ruthless, but pointless crusade..." He took in a deep breath and started to feel the ether. The tank was empty. "...I-I can't speak no more. I've given up..." The sound of the moving gas faded for his last statement.


Re kneeled and laid his last plan, the tank of ether, before her, the perfect position to lunge. "GOKEN GULUBA!" He yelled giving him only a milli-second to lunge at the stranger pony, who was just stuck in the midst of this fight. An ignition was started by his iron hoof and the concrete street underneath it. Mister Re felt the flames trailing behind him but avoided panic. He grabbed the colt and blinked away a mere 10 meters, saving both of them from the initial blaze.


"Laugh and die. Sweet, sweet ignorance." There was screaming in agony then a secondary explosion. "Thank you... for once... for giving me this power, but taking all the rest." 


Re was skimped twice by the swords of the assassins and if the wounds were unchecked he would die. "I need a doctor... a real one..." He shortly fell unconscious at the hooves of the stranger pony with the crimson eyes.

Edited by MisterRe

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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Grell smirked feeling death coming he forced death to keep it's distance "you threaten me with death my own pet now feel my rath as it takes you" grell growled as re did his thing when re collapsed he sighed and began to work on re although he was a death master he had studied medicine and such

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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[Not re-read after posting, might have some errors]



Silver jumped away just in time, same like one of her partners, but sadly two didn't make it. 


Whisper got up, seeing Re, who was not aware that his plan did not work completely, looking around and seeing her team mates burning and screaming in pain set off and anger in her, and she was locked on stallion responsible. Just as she was about to run and jump him she felt the touch of a hoof on her back, turning around she saw a familliar masked pony, the other survivor of the attack, he spoke out. 


"Silver, we don't have time to kill him, you saw what he did, he might have more tricks up his sleeve. Besides, we need to get these two to the hospital wing ASAP. Also, we can't have you be seriously hurt, you still need to attend that party with Sunset and the others. " 


Letting go of her hate she felt some tears build up in her eyes. She was useless at the moment. Deciding to listen to her comrade Whisper turned and quickly came up to one of her severely burned partners. Fixing her gas mask on his broken burned one so he could breathe she cast a teleportation spell to the hive. 


She arrived in the hall, nurses quickly smelled out the situation and came up, and alongside the help of some of the guards they got the wounded pony to the hospital wing. 


Not long after a second pony appeared, but it was clear that for this ones load it was too late, the pony was passed out and his skin was almost crispy, breathing was also very heavy. 


Once she dropped off the wounded ponies she took off her mask but still holding it she once more concentrated to teleport and this time to Sunset Sands "office" in the abandoned building. Not even saying a word she just came up to him and gave him a hug, and cried into his shoulder. 

Edited by TheDarkStar


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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"After all you've done, after all of the things you've put me through and I chose to still follow you. Why is that?"


I wasn't a dictator to you. I was a friend. If you truly believed that I was wrong, you would've stopped me.


"Aren't you dead? It felt like years so I don't remember. My liege, forgive me if I couldn't remember. It's just-..."


As respectful as a lapdog, I remember you well. Don't be afraid. Ever since you couldn't remember, I couldn't.


"Your my death projection. I can't believe I'm about to die. I've been so strong, ever so weakening, ever so-..."


No doubt you've grown Repony. In intelligence and digression, few words could make a million for you.


"Simplicity isn't my strong suite. All of those plans we, I mean I made, were a success. I made you god-like"


But It didn't matter in the end didn't it. I still left in the end. And the peace you hoped to come never arrived


"My philosophy was wronged by the chaos that followed that fateful day. I wasn't some expendable pony anymore."


Looks like your waking up now. Good bye.


Mister saw the onyx pony go as went into consciousnesses. "Goodbye."


Mister Re woke to the pony tending his wounds.


"Thank you. I have to get going. You could follow me if you want. I just need to go somewhere peaceful. Do you know where i can get a drink?"

Edited by MisterRe

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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Grell seen the survivors and cast a tracker spell on silver so he could find her later once re you woke up he let him talk "I won't be following and here " grell said handing him half a bottle of whisky "grell said then he turned "take care I'll see you around " with that grell teleported to silver

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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