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"I saw you get into a fighting stance as and tried to intimidate Soundwave and grell and to show you that I was also unimpressed I took his flight" steel said "I'd hate to have to fight you right now three against one isn't fair I prefer fair fights" steel said

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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"That's a pile of elephant feces. Like anyone like you would know the meaning of honer." He then reached into his bag, pulled out a knife and put it in his mouth. "And I've fought more the three ponies at once countless times. And if any of you make a move to come at us I'll skin all of you and make a fur coat."

Edited by Gloomfury
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Steel sighed "before this I was Luna's persanol guard so I know about honer and second" steel said showing his cutie mark "look at my cutie mark do you think fighting me is your best option here" steel said

Soundwave watched ready to fight at a moments notice

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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"That must have been nice. Standing around all day guarding the princess. Never seeing the horror of war. Until now at least. And what did you do, became a thug." Trench takes off his coat, reviling his many scars of many sizes, his steel prosthetic leg and his cutie mark of a trench club. "Now you tell me, who do you think has a better chance at living?" The upper half moves lower and he slams his club on the ground three even times, cracking the stone he hit it on and rest it on his shoulder. Ready to kill if needed. 

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((Hope I didn't incidentally God Mod here I can replace your OC with a generic guard if need be. I also apologize in advance I struggle to write clear, and grammatically correct posts on a mobile.))


By the time Stellar recovered from Trench's sweep kick the thieving ponies were long gone. Gareth yelled an empty threat to their escaping prisoners, but to no avail. Despite this Stellar would not give up. "Guards!" Two guards who were harassing a small mare sprang to attention. "Yes Captain?"

"You," she said pointing to one of them "Alert the other City Guard garrisons and patrols of our escapees."

He scurried off to carry out the order. Stellar turned to the remaiming guard and then to Gareth. "You two follow me. We're catching those filthy scum."

The guard took a longing glance back to the mare he'd been chatting with, but she'd already escaped before more guards came to sweet talk her.



They were nearing the end of friendly territory, and Stellar considered heading back when sbe heard tbe distinct sounds of a fight. She followed it with a keen ear, and heard somepony shout, with an mighty thump as if falling a great distance. When they finally got to the fight scene they found way more than two ponies. In fact there was five of them. She took a glance back at Gareth and the guard, who was doing little to disguise his anxiety. They watched for a little while, as Stellar though of a plan of action. One of the ponies seemed to be gravely injured, and she recognised him as the thief from the market. The others were in better shape, but still recovering from their skirmish, regathering their breath.


"You take this flank," Stellar said to Gareth "When I give the krder we all charge, capture them if possible, alive."

Then she gestured for the guard to take the left flank, whilst she peeled off to take the right. When she got into position concealed in the darkness of the alley, and the receeding sun she waited for the perfect moment. They ponies were becoming agitated again, with one of them pulling out a gigantic club, and using it to vandalise the city footpaths. Stellar scoffed sourly, she'd go for him first. At the third hit of the bat, she bellowed her order, using a spell to amplify it four score. "Now!" she erupted from tbe shadows, tackling the club wielding vandal, and causing his weapon to fly from bis hand. She stood over the pony, her horn shining a blinding light into its eyes, and the glare shining off her plated armour.

"Vandalism of City property is a violation of The Canterlot Decree, verse 10, and is punishable by death," Her mouth was set in a snarl as she savoured the effect of the last word.

Edited by Dovashy

Dovashy makes me think of soap xD.

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The three loud bangs against the ground woke Red up. Slowly opening his eyes, he saw a guard take down the fellow with the club, but the picture was too blurry to clearly tell who the guard was.

Trying to move, Red immediately felt massive pain in his wing and his head wasn't in that great of a shape as well. He shook off the blurryness, which helped a bit. Red knew that it was only a matter of time till the guards get to him.

*I can't help anyone in this situation... a single kick would bring me down again.* He thought to himself while trying to crawl away.

*Why didn't I just tell the guards about that one guy? Why did I ran away with the pony I don't even know or trust? Why did I steal those bits in the first place?*

Red had nearly made it out of the alley. The dark light that covered the streets never seemed so light...

*Come on, hooves, just a little more....*


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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Trench was to focused on Steel that he didn't see the unicorn guard when she took him town and made him let go of his club. But she didn't know the knife from his mouth. AS she pointed her horn at him he pointed his knife at her throat."That is a joke. Next there'll be a law against spitting on the grass. Damnation on you power mad royal guard scumdogs. Only death can chose my fate. Not you." He gritted his teeth tightly on the handle of the knife in anger.

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Stellar felt the cold tinge of the metal blade against the softness of her throat and scowl dissipitated into one of helplessness. She looked at the vandal who held the knife to her throat, his eyes ablaze with hatred.

Stellar was afraid, but she would not give this criminal the satisfaction of seeing it. Her heart beat loudly in her chest, and she could hear the beating echoing in her ears. "The City Guard is no joke," she hissed back "It's the only thing standing between us and people like you."

Edited by Dovashy

Dovashy makes me think of soap xD.

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He went down into the sewers, after a long climb down the stallion reached the bottom. 


The sewers did not look as ordinary as they used to, the brick walls were covered in paint and the smell of rotting bodies filled the air. 


This was at once the safest and at once the least safe way to enter the guarded districts. Safe because you were out of the sight of the Guard. And dangerous because some other people sometimes have the same idea, not to mention sometimes infected accidentally find themselves down here. 


Dark Star continued walking down the rather wide sewer. Somewhere what he felt was halfway his destination he found himself at a crossroad. The first thing that caught his eye was a weak body on the floor, not dead but breathing. And second was the sound of coughing, echoing threw out everywhere. The stallion froze, trying not to attract any attention. Trying to figure out how to solve the situation. 


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Steel seen what happened "finally the guard is here I tried to stop them I seen what happened me and my friends here gave chase I had to use force on that one he tried to fly away and I tried to keep them Close so that you'd find us" steel said slowly approaching as to not give them a reason to attack him when he seem the blade against the guards throat he flicked two blades at tench aiming for his leg and hoof hoping to knock the blade away

Soundwave and grell not stood still grell banishing his scythe

Edited by dashian500

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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"People like me?!" She shouted.  "And what kind of pony am I? All my life I've had to fight to survive. I've saved ponies, I've killed ponies who thought just because they had strength they had the right to pray on the weak. I am nothing but just or my death himself come take me." He started to sit up showing not a shred of fear, and kept the knife to her throat. "Those who think power and authority makes them strong, are nothing but weak." By now he was back on his hooves staring right into Stellar's soul. He then spit out his knife at her hooves not looking away. "So I'll ask you again, what kind of pony am I?" 

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The stallion quickly crept up to a wall, slowly moving up at what he thought was the source. Putting a part of his cloak to his muzzle and using it as a mask. 


Once he got close enough he could inspect the pony lying on the group closer. It was a mare, thin and poor. Clearly in the ending phases of the infection. Slowly dying out. Having no power to move whatsoever. 


Dark Star inspected all the sides of the sewer crossroad finding them clear. He walked up closer to the poor being. Slowly pulling his short-sword out. Aiming it at the head. This was all he could do, end her suffering. 


With a swift lunge he did so, leaving a small hole in the mares head. Quickly pulling out he hoped the noise hadn't attracted the other infect. 


The Stallion felt horrible about killing infected, to him they were people. He wished to spare as many as possible, so when time comes and a cure if found, they will be saved. Unlike the Guard, who murder and burn the infected, sometimes taking live samples for study. Or Death Watch who abuse and sometimes use them as simple toys for amusement.  


Suddenly he felt something wrong, the morns of the other infect have been silent for the past seconds. Suddenly he could recognize fast footsteps. Turning around Dark Star noticed a stallion running at him, the "Show mercy" look in his eyes.


Quickly reacting his horn lit up, a powerful purple beam shooting from it and hitting the infect. 


As soon as the spell hit the poor pony's skin quickly turned charred and everything slowly melting away in him. It caused great pain and he rolled into water trying to have it go away. Passing way within seconds. 


Dark Star looked at what he had done, he simply reacted, he didn't even precisely choose a spell, he just did. 

He felt like a beast, a horrible person. No-being ever should suffer like that, even if he died quickly after. 


Deciding to look down the stallion found a letter. It clearly belonged to the mare, seeing it was right next to her now limp body. 

He quickly read it. 

"Astral, I found a way to get us out of the city, I will meet you at the Lunar District at our secret hideout from when we were fillies the very next day you write back. Soon we will be reunited. Stay strong. "


Dark Star could only guess this was from her special somepony, and that the poor pony caught the plague before she received it. 


Putting the letter into one of his cloak pockets he continued heading toward his target. Quickly finding it he found the way out. Climbing up a ladder he opened the manhole and came out in one of the city gardens in a sealed off house. 


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Moon Beam opened her eyes, and opened her wings almost immediately after. She was jolted upwards quickly, but it didn't seem to phase her. She simply flapped her wings a few times to propel herself forward a little, then slowly glided down towards the dull street below her.

Once her hooves hit the ground, she began walking. She looked around quickly, constantly staying vigilant and watching for guards. Moon had no intention of being caught by ' one of those stupid plot holes', as she called them.

Suddenly, just as she was about to turn a corner, she heard something. It sounded like a metal object being... dragged? She couldn't tell exactly what it was our how it was making the noise it was making, but she wasn't going to stick around to find out.

Quickly, she flapped get wings and flew to the nearest rooftop. As soon as she landed, she laid down flat, trying her best not to be seen. A little terrified, she shuffled towards the part of the roof that was farthest from the sound. She hoped she wasn't making any noise.

Soon, she was at the other end, and she finally stood up. She let out a sigh of relief, and smiled.

"The gardens." She said, remembering her favorite place to be in this stupid city.

Moon beat her wings once, with great force, and was in high in the air. She began flying to ' the gardens', a place somepony showed her a long time ago.

It didn't take long for the gardens to come into view, and she was soon at the back of the building. She crouched down, crawling into get secret entrance.

When she got inside, she heard something moving, and she froze. Slowly, she turned her head, trying to find the source of the sound. Finally, she found it.

"Dark Star?" She asked, surprised he still hung out at the gardens.

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The pony jumped and turned around startled. But calmed down before he even tried thinking of casting anything as he saw who spoke. 


"Moon Beam, nice to see a fellow Feather Pub member. I know your first question will be what I am doing here so I will just say it. I used one of the "secret" passages from the blocked off district to get into Guard controlled territory without being noticed. And just happened to come out in this old place. " He took off his cloak because of its dirtiness and levitated it over to a fountain of water, letting it moist. 

Suddenly a question hit his head.


"And may I ask, what are you doing here? In a guarded district? Haven't seen you in a while. Or is there something I forgot?" He found the last part very possible. 

Edited by TheDarkStar


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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OOC:  Not sure if Gareth is there or not, did you want me to replace Gareth with a guard? 

Oh, and @@dashian500 you can kill off that guard if you want, but whatever you do will have an effect on Stellars opinions and what not.  




Stellar was surprised when the knife at her throat was lowered, and then spat out clattering to the ground. Before, she could react however a knife that Steel had thrown, missing its intended target clattered against Stellars helmet, clattering harmlessly off, but the force knocked her to the ground. The other knife must've hit the vandal, or miss completely, because it didn't hit her. As she fell sideways, her helmet clanged against the solid surface of the pavement, causing the metal helmet to shiver, and ring. Her vision blurred, and swam, she heaved herself up groggily, swaying like a pony who'd drunk too much apple cider, then her legs failed her, and she collapsed again, this time hitting her head worst than before, and going out cold. 



Meanwhile, the Guard who'd Stellar had pulled out the sword at his side, with the grip of his teeth. He was unsure of Soundwave, Greel and Steels loyalties, but when he saw Steel hit Stellar accidentally with his knife, he charged at them instantly, swinging it at Steel in a large arc. 

Edited by Dovashy

Dovashy makes me think of soap xD.

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Lucky for Trench the other knife hit his prosthetic leg instead of one of his real ones. After seeing the guard mare fall Trench returned to his normal calm self. He kneeled down to the mare to take of her helmet so to see if she was alright. Even though she was after him, it was in his nature to help others. As he took off her helmet he couldn't help but stare at the rather stunning mare. He checks her head until he felt a rather large bump. When the other guards went after the thugs, Trench thought it was a good time to flee. But he couldn't leave the mare or the red pegasus.


 He puts his duster back on along with his bags and put his knife back in his bag. Then he put the mare on his back and want over to the Red stallion. "I am so sorry I got you hurt. I need to take you to a doctor right away. Just bare with the pain for now." He then picked up the stallion and put him on his back as well, making sure he was off his injured wing. He then took off running, picking up his trench club and putting it in its holster as he kept running. He made sure he wasn't followed by taking narrow alleys. When he got to the open street he head for what looked like where a doctor was. When he got there another stroke of luck helped him find a small clinic. When the staff saw the ponies in Trench's back they jumped right to action and got them to doctors right away to be see too. She mare was placed on the bed, luck for her she was just knocked out. But the Stallion wasn't in great shape.  They got to work on his wing and injured head.  As the two were seen too Trench took a seat in a chair to rest. Today was a looking to be just one of those days.



((I hope this ain't too godmody-ish. I just thought I would help your guys get better quicker. And it might make things a bit more interesting.))

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"Yes! Out of that horrible place!" Red quietly cheered after he was out of the alley.

Finally, he could go away from this dark death hole... away from this street... away from this city!

"But not in a shape like th- Hey, what the!?" Making future plans, Red got picked up by... something."No, no! It was the guards who did it!" He yelled in his confusion, thinking that the guards got him. The metal armor beneath him only added to that feeling. Finally taking the sensible option and looking under himself, he noticed the pony who saved him before carry him and a... guard?

Red was too tired and in too much pain to ask him what the hell was exactly going on, so he just focused on looking back, to see if any one followed them.

The heart inside Red's body jumped as suddenly shadows covered them inside the hospital and the next thing he knew, he was lying under a bright light. He felt his nose tickle for a second as one of the doctors cast a spell on him, making him sleep.


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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Steel dodged "hey watch it I'm jut a concerned citizen and your letting that thug get away" steel said normally he'd pull out his daggers and fight but he wasn't trying to get sent to jail "he's getting away look I'm sorry my aim was off I was aiming for his hoof not her I was just trying to help"

Grell watched ready to act he hadn't summons his scythe yet

Soundwave was ready he had a attack ready

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Stellar groaned as a doctor rubbed something into her head wound. Then her eyes shot open, and she pushed the doctor away. She jumped from the bed, and landed wonky on her hooves. Her head was throbbing, and the area of her wound stung with the ointment the doctor had rubbed into it. Her helmet had been removed, but at least her armour hadn't. As the doctor was still trying to recover from her shove, to took the few moments to survey her surroundings. There was the red pony she'd been tracking, and another group of doctors who were hunched over his bed, to busy operating on him to notice that she'd woken. In the few seconds she had she ran through all her options, her vision was still blurred, and her legs were slow and drunken. She had no idea where she was, but she knew that this was not friendly territory, she needed to get back to the City Guard. The doctor had recovered now, and made a grab for her. She dodged the grab, but only just, her vision was still a whirl, and her legs seemed to take an age to react to her thoughts. There was a door out of the clinic, and a small crack in it revealed the street outside, it was beginning to darken, and she realised she would have to hurry before all the gangs started to roam the streets. She'd have no hope of escaping after dark, she'd heard stories of City Guard ponies being separated from their patrol groups after dark, she flicked the ominous thought away, and made for the door in a wonky gallop. 



The guard chuckled through his gritted teeth at Steels excuse. All in all the guard couldn't care less about what Steel had to say at all, he'd seen Stellar get dragged away in the corner of his eye, and that had filled him with a lust for battle. Oh, he could see it now, the guard who saved a Captain of the City Guard. The praise he would get, not to mention the rewards he would reap, all he needed to do was kill a few of these pesky little ponies. He swung the sword again this time aiming directly for Steels neck, he was so blinded by his own blood lust that he didn't even consider the fact that he was only one pony against another three. 

Dovashy makes me think of soap xD.

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As Trench was just starting to nod off in his chair in the waiting room then he heard some yelling and a bang. That woke him right up. He stood and looked around to see the the yelling came from. It didn't take long till he saw the guard mare making a tired run for the door. He got in front of her to make sure she didn't leave. "Miss, please. The doctors say you have mild concussion. So you shouldn't be out of bed. Let alone running. Please, let me take you back to your room."

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OOC: I've assumed every time you said did you meant didn't. Correct me if my assumption is wrong.


Trench wobbled in Stellars vision, and his features were blurred.

"I'm fine," she slurred trying to side step him, but instead suceeded in losing her footing and tripping headfirst into Trench. The fall caused them both to fall out through the open door, out into the darkening alley.

Dovashy makes me think of soap xD.

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@@Dovashy, ((You're right. I really need to start double checking.))

Trench hold her head close to his chest so she wouldn't fall on it. He sits up and pulls her head away from his chest ti check her eyes. They where a little dilated. He picks her up and stood on his hind legs. He made his way back to her room, his metal prosthetic leg making a louder clanging sound then it normal did with each step. When he got to hers and Reds room. He gently put her back in bed and got back on all fours. He grabbed a chair and sat near the door to make sure she didn't leave again. "Miss, please don't try to leave again."

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@@Gloomfury, @@Dovashy,


The bed that the doctors carried Red on was soft and warm, Red was happy to get a bed like that. It felt like soft grass, or perhaps more like a cloud, that was perfect for naps. He could nearly see himself there... just like the old days. The wind gently brushed his hair, while the cloud moved onward.

Unfortunately for Red, that dream didn't last long either and he had been waken up by someone talking.

Red's eyes shot open, but quickly closed again, blinded by the light that hanged above him. He blinked his eyes quickly, trying to get the blurryness out. After he could actually see, he felt the pain in his head be a lot weaker than he remembered and his wing was bandaged.

*What the-? Where am I? I don't remember the hospital still being somewhere after the plague...*

After enjoying the extremely comfortable bed, Red sat up and saw the pony who saved him and the guard.

Have the guards finally pinned them down? Red looked outside the window. It was dark. Very dark. No one sensible would go out into this kind of darkness.

Looking back at the guard, he noticed that she was dizzy, so he decided to leave. But where? Lost in thought, Red made a loud squeak. The kind of squeak a scared filly would make after they saw a dragon. The best thing Red came up with now was to just hold still. Maybe they didn't hear it?


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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Trench's ear flicked when he heard the red stallion talk, then he made a squeak sound. Trenched turned to the stallion with a calm look. "I see your awake, the doctors say your wing is going to be fine, Just don't use it for about a week. The rest of your body is fine as well, just a few scratches and bruises. I am really sorry I got you into this. If I never bumped into you you wouldn't be hurt right now." His head goes downcast.

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