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open Life in Canterlot (romance/SOL)


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"Well..." Addie stated as she gathered some of her magic and made a nearby flower levitate. "...It started out as just a small form of telekinesis. I then taught myself the rest, taking a glance at books on magic along the way!" Addie said with a giggle as she put the flower back with her magic.


(OOC I'm so sorry for the long wait)


Mural thought that was fairly peculiar, but really cool so he didn't question it. "That's cool, I wonder if anypony can learn to do that" he said. "So did you get those cutie marks all at the same time or ,what?" He asked fairly curious about it.

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"Well...I actually got them in seperate times and locations. Once I got my last one, they merged into one! Magical right?!" Addie said with a silly giggle. "I got the first one, this musical note, when I taught myself how to play piano! I then got this beaker here, when I won the science fair. I then got this ball when I figured out how to play sports. Finally, before all these stars appeared, there was only one star, when I performed my first bit of magic!" Addie said with a giggle.  

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"I don't mind. Send him in. Also please bring some food and water. Thank you for telling me."

Creative Heart then went and sat on hed bed again, and began to write-


I never felt this way. I always felt a rush from flying, but maybe that was my problem. Every day I'd wake up late around ten. I would go eat lunch somewhere like The Hayburger or Sugercube Corner. Then I would see if my friends were avalible, and if they weren't? I would go flying. My morning routing had always been the same. Nothing had changed my whole life.

the pony nods as she soon brought hank back to the room "here he is. ill bring him food and water later." she said and rushes off


hank smiles "thanks." he sighed


The tin can rolled over to the other ponies hooves as the wind blew behind Dam as he smiled and chose another song to play. He didn't take too much notice of his tin can rolling around so he could collect bits. He remained silent and kept looking down with his aviators on so no pony colud see his eyes upon his keyboard until he chose another song. He made a quick tune in his head and decided to improvise, Dam is hoping he could get some money to support him since he does not have a proper job and began to play this tune: http://youtu.be/nYCvG3ofrvE

ponies put bits in the tin can as they listened. Soon enough a filly put a bag of bits and smiles "there.." 



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the pony nods as she soon brought hank back to the room "here he is. ill bring him food and water later." she said and rushes off


hank smiles "thanks." he sighed



ponies put bits in the tin can as they listened. Soon enough a filly put a bag of bits and smiled "there.."


"Hey, Hank." Creative Heart diddn't look up from her sketchpad when she firat greeted him. But then she put hwr sketchpad down on her lap, and looked at him. She was smiling.

"Look, I've never had a stallion in my room before, so you have to understand this is awkward for me. So here are some rules; You sleep on the couch. Never in my bed, Never disturb me while I'm writing. I will be writing alot so I won't get the chance to talk, You are free to open yourself up to me as long as that open up isn't in my bed, and if you need any money for anything just ask me or the inkeppers. You live here now, so we're here to help. Oh, and one more thing, I travel alot so I hope your good with constant change." Creative Heart looks back down to her sketchpad.

Edited by Emerald <3




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Dam sat still with a neutral expression on his face after he finished playing. He slowly moved his focus to the bag of bits that layed there by his tin can, filled with bits. With his dark, tinted aviators that only he can see through and other ponies can't see through, he turned his focus to the ponies that were gathered around him. He was quite surprised at how many there were crowded around him. He smiles weakly and turns to the filly and thanks her greatly.


As you can tell, Dam doesn't really talk as much because he has not got any friends or any marefriends for that matter. He has had no experience with any social kind of things.


Dam decides to play one more song before getting something to eat since he has not eaten in 2 days.


He plays this song:


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Dam sat still with a neutral expression on his face after he finished playing. He slowly moved his focus to the bag of bits that layed there by his tin can, filled with bits. With his dark, tinted aviators that only he can see through and other ponies can't see through, he turned his focus to the ponies that were gathered around him. He was quite surprised at how many there were crowded around him. He smiles weakly and turns to the filly and thanks her greatly.


As you can tell, Dam doesn't really talk as much because he has not got any friends or any marefriends for that matter. He has had no experience with any social kind of things.


Dam decides to play one more song before getting something to eat since he has not eaten in 2 days.


He plays this song:


the filly giggles "you are a really good player." she said as she hugs him and waved as she heads off to her orphanage


"Hey, Hank." Creative Heart diddn't look up from her sketchpad when she firat greeted him. But then she put hwr sketchpad down on her lap, and looked at him. She was smiling.

"Look, I've never had a stallion in my room before, so you have to understand this is awkward for me. So here are some rules; You sleep on the couch. Never in my bed, Never disturb me while I'm writing. I will be writing alot so I won't get the chance to talk, You are free to open yourself up to me as long as that open up isn't in my bed, and if you need any money for anything just ask me or the inkeppers. You live here now, so we're here to help. Oh, and one more thing, I travel alot so I hope your good with constant change." Creative Heart looks back down to her sketchpad.

hank smiles "okay i know. i was going to say i would sleep on the couch. and i used to travel a lot also so i am used to it." he smiles "thank you so much. How can i ever repay you?" he said as he bowed "you are the nicest pony i ever met!" he smiles and its on the couch as a pony brings him food and water. she looks at Creative Heart "Anything for you?"



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the filly giggles "you are a really good player." she said as she hugs him and waved as she heads off to her orphanage



hank smiles "okay i know. i was going to say i would sleep on the couch. and i used to travel a lot also so i am used to it." he smiles "thank you so much. How can i ever repay you?" he said as he bowed "you are the nicest pony i ever met!" he smiles and its on the couch as a pony brings him food and water. she looks at Creative Heart "Anything for you?"

"No problem, Hank. You're my friend. You don't need to repay me in any way. Everypony deserves a life. A real-real life."

When the pony comes in, Creative Heart is writing again. Creative Heart looks up at the mare, barley meeting her eyes. "Just a glass of water and-"

"-Dill Pickle chips?" The mare finished. Creative Heart looked up. "Do I know you?"

"Creative, it's me Glitter Pants! Your best friend since like, fourth grade?"

Creative Heart's eyes widened. She went over and hugged her friend tightly.

"What are you doing working here?" Creative Heart asked.

Glitter Pants sighed. "Well some of us aren't famous writers like you. But if you must know, I tried opening my own clothing store. But it diddn't work out."

Creative Heart "What?! Oh, Glitz that's aweful!"

Glitter Pants looked close to tears. "I guess, well I better go back to my office. Got some...paperwork to take care of."

Cteative Heart tilted her head. "Glitz, no..."

"I'm sorry, Crayola. I'm just not up to talking about it." Only ponies like Glitter Pants used this nickname for Creative Heart. But for some reason, they only used the nickname to prove their seriousness.




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Hank frowns as he listens "glitter pants. Can I ever help you out? If so just ask." He smiles and hungerily ate as he sighed "creative. I've had so many lives.. I never been treated this nicely before." He said with a smile and hugs her "I owe you so much." He said and bowed



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Hank frowns as he listens "glitter pants. Can I ever help you out? If so just ask." He smiles and hungerily ate as he sighed "creative. I've had so many lives.. I never been treated this nicely before." He said with a smile and hugs her "I owe you so much." He said and bowed

(Glitter Pants won't be a main OC. I just wanted to be silly and base her off one of my friends.)

Glitter Pants looks at Hank. "Not unless you can convince my landlord that two hours is not enough time to set up. 

Creative  Heart's heart felt like it had just broken in little tiny pieces. First Hank, and now Glitter Pants! 

"I'll be back here with your food in a couple minutes. See you later guys. Good luck, Hank.'' Glitter Pants exited the room, and Creative Hearts sighed. She looked close to tears.




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Hank frowns at creative "I have a secret. Your the first to know. I can help her. I can mess with time." He smiles as he walked to the middle of the room as the TARDIS appears next to him "this can bring us back or forward in time." He smiles "wanna see?" He asked her



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Hank frow. s at creative "I have a secret. Your the first to know. I can help her. I can mess with time." He smiles as he walked to the middle of the room as the TARDIS appears next to him "this can bring us back or forward in time." He smiles "wanna see?" He asked her

"But wouldn't that mess with the what's it called-the fabric of time?" A couple of tears flowed down her face.

"What if helping Glitter Pants with her store affects our friendship, affects me!" She was bawling by then.

"Please, tell me that everything will be OK!'




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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the filly giggles "you are a really good player." she said as she hugs him and waved as she heads off to her orphanage


He smiles and packs away his custom made keyboard into his saddle bag. He also takes the tin with bits and pours it in a free pocket in his saddle bag. He nods to the ponies and slowly trots away, looking at what places to eat at. He wasn't to sure on what to eat. But not too long later, he decides to go to a nice little cafe on the corner of several buildings. He goes and orders 1 Chai Lattee and 1 Hayburger. "I am sure that filly has a nice orphanage to go to..... hopefully I am right about that" He thought to himself.  

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Hank smiles "friendships stay strong even through time. It won't make a large impact. But a decent one in her life." He smiles


The pony gives him his chai lattee and hayburger "enjoy your meal okay?" He smiles and waves as he goes to take other customers orders



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He munches on the hayburger delicately, not like a savage, even though he has not eaten in 2 days straight, he gets his water supply from rivers. He sips his chai lattee and leaves the exact amount of bit needed to pay on the table. "I kind of wish I had friends... But who would want to be friends with me...." He thought to himself and he stared at his empty plate where the hayburger once was.

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Hank smiles "friendships stay strong even through time. It won't make a large impact. But a decent one in her life." He smiles

The pony gives him his chai lattee and hayburger "enjoy your meal okay?" He smiles and waves as he goes to take other customers orders

Creative Heart puts her saddlebags back on, and puts her sketchpad and pencil inside.

She looks over her shoulder at Hank, a look of determination on her face.

"Let's go. We can't let this happen again." Creative Heart said seriously.

I won't let it happen again. Creative Heart thought.




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Creative Heart puts her saddlebags back on, and puts her sketchpad and pencil inside.

She looks over her shoulder at Hank, a look of determination on her face.

"Let's go. We can't let this happen again." Creative Heart said seriously.

I won't let it happen again. Creative Heart thought.


hank smiles "wow. so eager and determine arent we." he opens the door for her "just dont see your past self in anyway or else you can mess up time." he sighs "lets do this!"

He munches on the hayburger delicately, not like a savage, even though he has not eaten in 2 days straight, he gets his water supply from rivers. He sips his chai lattee and leaves the exact amount of bit needed to pay on the table. "I kind of wish I had friends... But who would want to be friends with me...." He thought to himself and he stared at his empty plate where the hayburger once was.

the filly came running up to him and hugs him "hello. i told the orphanage about you and they would want to see if you can perform for the orphans! pleaseeeee" she said cutely



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the filly came running up to him and hugs him "hello. i told the orphanage about you and they would want to see if you can perform for the orphans! pleaseeeee" she said cutely


Dam was spooked by the filly from before as she came up and hugged him unexpectedly. "Oh, its just a little filly" He thought in relief. When the filly asked for Dam to play at the orphanage, he was a bit shocked and confused as to how this filly found him here. He ummed and errred for about 5 seconds until he made the decsion. "Err, sure kiddo, How many others will be there?" He replied to the filly with his deep Russian accent and got up from his chair along with his bags and what not.

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hank smiles "wow. so eager and determine arent we." he opens the door for her "just dont see your past self in anyway or else you can mess up time." he sighs "lets do this!"


the filly came running up to him and hugs him "hello. i told the orphanage about you and they would want to see if you can perform for the orphans! pleaseeeee" she said cutely

Creative Heart entered the TARDIS and was surprised by how big it was inside."I don't care what I have to do. Glitter Pants is my friend, and I'm not letting her life turn out this way." She walked a couple steps ahead and sat down in one of the chairs. "By the way, I don't know the date or anything. Isn't that usually a requerment in time mashines?"




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Creative Heart entered the TARDIS and was surprised by how big it was inside."I don't care what I have to do. Glitter Pants is my friend, and I'm not letting her life turn out this way." She walked a couple steps ahead and sat down in one of the chairs. "By the way, I don't know the date or anything. Isn't that usually a requerment in time mashines?"

hank smiles "well. i can easily figure that out. just dont worry." he said and hugs her "just relax and let me do everything." he said as he flips levers and spins dials


Dam was spooked by the filly from before as she came up and hugged him unexpectedly. "Oh, its just a little filly" He thought in relief. When the filly asked for Dam to play at the orphanage, he was a bit shocked and confused as to how this filly found him here. He ummed and errred for about 5 seconds until he made the decsion. "Err, sure kiddo, How many others will be there?" He replied to the filly with his deep Russian accent and got up from his chair along with his bags and what not.

the filly giggles "about 20 of us total.. please it would mean a lot." she said and hugs him "thank you.."



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the filly giggles "about 20 of us total.. please it would mean a lot." she said and hugs him "thank you.."


Dam was a bit nervous and felt a bit suspicious towards the filly as she kept hugging him. "Is she trying to steal from me?" He wondered to himself as he made his way to the orphanage. Once they got there, he felt a sudden chill down his pony spine as memories of his early childhood came to mind. During Dam's childhood, he would always see other kids like this as he peeped through the windows to see what they were learning and to gather the knowledge. "It can't be that hard to perform for kids.... right?" He thought to himself and he had a nervous look on his face.

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hank smiles "well. i can easily figure that out. just dont worry." he said and hugs her "just relax and let me do everything." he said as he flips levers and spins dials



the filly giggles "about 20 of us total.. please it would mean a lot." she said and hugs him "thank you.."

Creative Heart hugged him back. A feeling of excitement and nervousness bubbled up inside her stomech. "Thank you as well. I don't know any other guy who has been this understanding. " She looked into his eyes, and diddn't realize she had been staring until a couple minutes later. Creative Heart smiled, and said nothing. Then she pulled Hank closer to her, and kissed him.




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Creative Heart hugged him back. A feeling of excitement and nervousness bubbled up inside her stomech. "Thank you as well. I don't know any other guy who has been this understanding. " She looked into his eyes, and diddn't realize she had been staring until a couple minutes later. Creative Heart smiled, and said nothing. Then she pulled Hank closer to her, and kissed him.

hank blushes "um.. did you just.. kiss me?" he blushes "well.. thanks.. for that.. we are here now.. you ready?" he asked as he heads outside the tardis


Dam was a bit nervous and felt a bit suspicious towards the filly as she kept hugging him. "Is she trying to steal from me?" He wondered to himself as he made his way to the orphanage. Once they got there, he felt a sudden chill down his pony spine as memories of his early childhood came to mind. During Dam's childhood, he would always see other kids like this as he peeped through the windows to see what they were learning and to gather the knowledge. "It can't be that hard to perform for kids.... right?" He thought to himself and he had a nervous look on his face.

the filly giggles as she heads to all the fillies and colts "here he is! see!" she said as they all giggle and run up to him "will you be performing?"



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hank blushes "um.. did you just.. kiss me?" he blushes "well.. thanks.. for that.. we are here now.. you ready?" he asked as he heads outside the tardis



the filly giggles as she heads to all the fillies and colts "here he is! see!" she said as they all giggle and run up to him "will you be performing?"

"Sorry..." Creative Heart sounded just as surprised as Hank did. She blushed a deep red, and tried to avoid the subject of the kiss. "So, we're here?" Creative Heart said trying to disguise her nervousness. She exited the TARDIS and smiled longingly when she saw the scenery around her. "I miss it here so much. I hate traveling, I get to see the world-but never my family." She looks down at the ground, and a couple of tears slide down her face and plop onto the ground.




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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the filly giggles as she heads to all the fillies and colts "here he is! see!" she said as they all giggle and run up to him "will you be performing?"


"Errr, yeah!" He replies. "Just where exactly is the authority in this place anyways?" He wondered as he was being hugged by the colts and filles. He felt a little uncomfortable about all this hugging. He looked and tried to spot some sort of authority near by. "Is there any stallion or mare I could talk to?"

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"Errr, yeah!" He replies. "Just where exactly is the authority in this place anyways?" He wondered as he was being hugged by the colts and filles. He felt a little uncomfortable about all this hugging. He looked and tried to spot some sort of authority near by. "Is there any stallion or mare I could talk to?"


the filly nods and heads to a room where a mare is sitting in a chair "hello there." she said to dam "are you the stallion this filly talked about?"

"Sorry..." Creative Heart sounded just as surprised as Hank did. She blushed a deep red, and tried to avoid the subject of the kiss. "So, we're here?" Creative Heart said trying to disguise her nervousness. She exited the TARDIS and smiled longingly when she saw the scenery around her. "I miss it here so much. I hate traveling, I get to see the world-but never my family." She looks down at the ground, and a couple of tears slide down her face and plop onto the ground.

hank hugs her "we can visit your family next. we have all the time in the world. literally." he smiles and looks around "so we are here.. lets go see what we can do."



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