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About Me
Hello there!
-------Speedy Transition------

So, why dont i tell you a little about myself, My names Speedy Transition (my real name is Jamie) im 17 years old, and i live in the United Kingdom, England!
At the moment i am not taken (single) but i hope someday to meet my special somepony <3
Now on to how i became a brony, someone i knew on Skype messaged me about MLP because i had a MLP as my Skype picture, I asked him what it was he was talking about, because i had idea what he was talking about, he told me that he was a brony, i didn't really think much of it and didn't want to be one, but i googled MLP to find some cool pictures to have as my online thumbnails, the first pony i found was Rainbow Dash, so she was my favorite pony to start with, after not thinking about the show and i saw the whole thing as a new 4chan Meme, i carried on finding pony pictures to have on my Steam and Facebook etc.. thats when i found out about a cute little pony.. Fluttershy.. Just seeing her made me feel happy inside (I feel i should mention that my life was not going so well for me then) i felt a little warm light on the inside, i then turned into a Fluttershy fan boy but with no idea about the show and was still not a brony..
A week went by when a Steam friends messaged me and was like "Are you a brony?" i said, "no?" and she said, "well you sure do seem to like MLP FIM", and i was thinking to my self.. i have not ever seen any of the show.. only saw a little bit here and there from the old MLP show in the 90's. The same day my internet friend messaged me with a Dubstep remixed MLP video that he had found, i though it was the best thing i had ever seen! The colours, the voice's the animation, everything was so great! After that i could not hold it back anymore, i downloaded MLP Season 1, and watched it in about a week, i was not sure after the first episode if i should watch it, and if it was wrong for me to be doing so, with be being a guy and everything, but none the less i carried on..
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic, was THE best cartoon i had seen since the 90's i then looked up "how to be a brony" and soon found out i was already one without knowing it! So after many of my other internet friends saw i was a brony they came out, until i found out that over half of my online friends were Bronies!!
My friends then showed me this site, at first i didn't want to sign up, forums tent to be filled with trolls and i always seem to post things in the wrong place, but i was amazed to see how kind everyone is on here is, i felt at home, and happy, like never before... MLP has changed my life, for the better, Thank You.
I am very into music of all sorts, i dont like being pigeon holed, If it sounds good to me, ill listen to it. Ever since i was seven years old my dad taught me to play the guitar! the first style of music he taught me was "The Shadows" as be use to play LIVE alot covers alot of the songs by "The Shadows".
So the first guitar i was brought was a old guitar, and im still not sure of the make of it, but to my knowledge it was a "Kay" guitar. The first songs i ever learnt were surprisingly hard for someone my age, they were "Apache" "Cavatina" and "Walk don't Run".
After that i sold my first guitar and my dad brought me a 1987 Fender, which i still own today! After that i kinda lost interest in playing the guitar, and picked it back up some years later, where i was more into "The Beatles" and wanted a Rickenbacker 325, after some years later i brought a very good Rickenbacker 325 copy for around £300! Which i still also use today, also it needs come maintenance on the harmonics! these days i tat about on my guitar willy nilly, and still very much enjoy it!! Around 2009 i got into Dubstep, and then carried on to take a DJ-ing cause in my last year at school, which i passed so i also am a "qualified" DJ-er!
My top threads!
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Which pony are you most like?~
After taking the Pony personality test, i got Rarity and Pinkie Pie!

Well, since i have been here, i have met a lot of great Ponies!, i cant believe how many friends i have made, and here are some of them (in no order).
My Favorite Users!~
- ApocalyptiCchaos
- Swoop
- Bandana RaccoonBLee
- Swit Swat
- Shankveld
- Laydee Kaze
- MrMeep
- Mayuen
- Sylvanas Windrunner
- Dizzy Leeane Rage
- Flutter Pony
- Storm Dapple
Best Ponies!~