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WHY I love Applejack so much!



So... Applejack! :D




I love her character mostly for being so strong and dependable and I wish I'd be more liker her. She was a great motivation for me, when I went through a depression. I started to watch MLP a short while after my sickness started and it really helped me to forget about all of my worries. You know, it was something to distract myself from everything else. Heaven knows how much I needed it. Applejack caught my attention immediately, maybe because she was the bearer of the Element of Honesty.


Nowadays it's hard to be honest. I know, what I'm saying, because I'm quite a good liar and I spent years pretending that everything is alright. I was also betrayed by someone very close to me. My friend lied to me for more than a year and her only explanation in the end was something like "I didn't want to hurt your feelings". Because, you know, pleasant lie won't hurt me as much as brutal truth. All of these experiences were painful, of course, but thanks to them I learned just how importart it is to be sincere. Not only when it comes to communication with other people, but also with yourself. For years I was hiding who I really am. It isn't really important now why or how, but I did. And I'm not proud of it.


Applejack is representation of everything I ever wanted to be. She's strong, both physically and mentally. She's always ready to sacrifice for her friends and would never leave them. She shows that simple things, like family and passion can make you happy. You don't need to have a big goal in your life, because you can find happiness in something seemingly little. It's something what I really appreciate about her, maybe because we don't often see characters like that. Usually it's all about big goals and dreams, revenge, destroyed childhood, romance, etc. It's what used to make the character good. But Applejack's biggest strenght is fact that she doesn't need it. She knows how to enjoy the little things. For me, it was always very hard. People in general have a tendency to complain about... well, everything. Especially in my country. It's some kind of a hobby for many people here :P


But Applejack? She's a negation of this and I love it. Actually, I believe It's the reason enough to love her. I always wanted to be an artist. It's part of me - I live to create. Honestly, I'm more like Rarity, when it comes to things like that. But Applejack helped me to learn one thing: even if I won't become the artist I can still be happy. I don't need to be succesful, even if I'd like to. Who knows what future is going to bring? I want people to know my name and my art, but in the end it isn't as important as family, friends and simple happiness coming from doing what I love.

Besides, I always saw my passions as a little wierd. Applejack is the kind of character, which shows that you can be even just a simple farmer - if it makes you happy, then it's alright. You shouldn't be ashamed of who you are. You should think about yourself and people close to you and do everything in your power to make your dreams come true, no matter what others think. It's not about them. In the end only your happiness really matters.


Honestly, Applejack is much more valuable than many fans give her credit for.


People just need to give her a chance. That's all it takes.

  • Brohoof 10


Recommended Comments

Great blog entry. I initially gravitated toward Flutters for the same reasons everyone else does, but A.J is probably my favorite at this point. Glad you found strength through her example.

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Very heartfelt and sincere write-up on Applejack. I enjoyed this reading this. Like you, she has been a great source of inner strength and is very much a role model to me as well. :)

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That. Was. Brilliant.

I honestly (lol XD) could not have put it any better myself, I like how you drew upon the fact that Applejack's personality demonstrates the fact that we don't have to aspire to anything in order to be happy. I live a really lazy as hell lifestyle anyway so it's kinda good news for me :P


I find her such an endearing character for the fact that I think she's a very good role model too, I always try to be as responsible and caring as she is cause of the way I feel I can look up to her :)

  • Brohoof 1
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Great blog entry. I initially gravitated toward Flutters for the same reasons everyone else does, but A.J is probably my favorite at this point. Glad you found strength through her example.


Thanks, I'm glad you like it :) Applejack is probably the first character ever, which personality has such an impact on me. I never thought that I'd see a fictional character as my role model.

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Very heartfelt and sincere write-up on Applejack. I enjoyed this reading this. Like you, she has been a great source of inner strength and is very much a role model to me as well. :)


I'm glad you enjoyed reading this :D And you're right, I only wish more people would be able to see it!

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