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MLP Rewatch: Applebuck Season

This was the first instance of Applejack being EXTREMELY stubborn, which is one of the reasons why I really enjoy this episode. It's a comedy of errors brought on Applejack and her insistence to finish the harvest following the stampede of cows in the first segment of the episode. The episode is made that much better with each of the 6s (besides Twilight) things to do throughout the episode, which made her more and more loopy by the second. Plus... DASHFACE!   The second segment featured her doi

Patty Thundersnow

Patty Thundersnow

Walmart Words

(Or, words I will never ever use in a story) Spoopy Lit (as in “it was lit”) Fire (as in “this is fire”) Emojis (and the word emoji itself) Bae Boomer (“Ok boomer”) Low-key Yeet  Dead-ass   (to be continued too groggy to remember more banned words)

Stone Cold Steve Jobs

Stone Cold Steve Jobs

Suited For Success

That super awkward moment when somebody gives you a gift you don't like. Especially if they made it. Honesty be damned, I say shut up. Come on, Applejack. A pony might be able to go to the gala naked but even I know you don't wear "old work duds". 20% cooler  They never mentioned Fluttershy having an interest in sewing or fashion again. I guess because it's Rarity's thing.



MLP Rewatch: The Ticket Master

The Ticket Master is a good example of following up a great premiere with another good episode, even though it was fairly unnecessary. With the overarching storyline being the Grand Galloping Gala, this episode basically starts the season long. This was also Amy Keating Rogers first episode, and knowing what we know now... her episodes are good for the most part. Each of the 5 coming up with reasons why the should go (besides Rarity and RD) were pretty good. Pinkie's antics (and the typical earl

Patty Thundersnow

Patty Thundersnow

Random Game Post #10 - Septerra Core

How about a double shot today? The second entry for today? Septerra Core: Legacy of the Creator. First released in 1999 for Windows, it made it to Mac in 2013 and Linux in 2017, both from GOG! No, this title never made it to consoles. It's one of the few titles in its genre that was PC only and has remained that way! Based on the cover art and name alone, it's quite possible to guess what genre this belongs to: the JRPG. However, it was not made in the East but here in the United States! Ho

The Historian

The Historian

Random Game Post #9 - Dune

Today's random game is Dune, originally released in 1992. Released first for DOS, it started life as a 5.25" floppy but also has 3.5" diskette and CD releases. Interestingly, this title wasn't actually ported to Windows based on my research but did, for some reason, get a Sega CD release. It was also released for the Amiga platform. My particular copy is an early release, being on 5.25" floppies. The game itself is a mix of real time strategy elements and adventure game elements. The game i

The Historian

The Historian

MLP Rewatch: Series premiere

The rewatch starts today. Beginning back at the start... with the series review. Part 1: Seeing the book open up gave me chills. And of course I sang the theme when it played. The opening segment was peak Twi being Twi of course. Seeing pinkie appear on the screen put an instant smile on my face (best pony FTW!). Apple Bloom's puppydog eyes and expression... totally peak her. Rainbow's introduction is pretty much why I got interested in the show... the moment she started laughing is why I g

Patty Thundersnow

Patty Thundersnow

Winter Wrap Up

Such a great episode!  One of the best songs ever. "Come to life spell" I hope she didn't mean that literally or there's still a live plow running around the farm. Didn't it seem like they had five times the ponies once they got organized? And then they perpetuate the myth that you can catch a cold by getting wet. 



Bridal Gossip

Poor Zecora.  Of course this is an early episode before there were all kinds of creatures in Equestria but I've always thought prejudice is worse if the others seem really similar to you like ponies and zebras as opposed to griffins,



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