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Well all I can say is follow for heart warming friendship, a fabulous journey, or possibly RPing

Entries in this blog

Gonna be thin

Alright, posting this because I don't see this being a problem. I know it's a serious problem. I don't see it though. I have been dealing with annorexia and buliemia for a little over 8 years now. I am not a stick thing because I just couldn't commit. Well now I am commiting. A moment on the lips forever on the hips you know. So with that said I welcome you to join my journey. This isn't a cry for help, this is not for attention. I don't eat because I think I am fat I know I am fat. I will chang




Why must the stars be so far away? Why are the so close, so vibrant yet misleading? I just don't get why or how they exist. They hold unmeasurable expectations and in the end are giant let downs. A giant ball of explosive gas, decaying over a period of time.



Feeling Hopeless

So right now I feel like crap. I feel like I am going absolutly nowhere in life. I am almost 20 having a mid life crisis. I can't afford to pay my bills, I am stuck in a bad position and I am honestly thinking a drug dealer would be an excellent career choice. I know it's not and I won't do not worry I just feel like I can't do anything besides drugs and sex. I am just not happy where I am and I can't leave because I owe too much. But I hate being here, I hate being treated the way I am. I deser



Singin' To Myself :D

Alrighty So I did 3 songs today, just because I was bored. I do not think I am all that good. But hey, not the worst I have ever heard so no shame   I am also looking for a duet partner! Come on, someone sing with me!       http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tT2kTHV41VY&feature=em-upload_owner Call your girl friend   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RU6Eq_mSbas&feature=em-upload_owner Duet possibility* Picture   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6t7ubsPFIM&feature=em-upload_own



Broke Down

Hey guys, long time no talk eh? Welp I am sorry. There has been a lot going on lately and I can not afford to be hung up on my dad like I am. I have to get up and go. This being said, I think I need one more day. I just want a hug from my mommy. Just completly switched emotions and crying.. I want my mom.



My Short Stories <3

Alirghty guys than you for the inspiration. Once in a while I take words and make them into short stories. Feel free to rate them and tell me which ones you like I want to develop some writing skills so yeah, let me know what you think my readers I took one word from each person and made it into a story.. hope you like it           @ ForeverFrozen Your word- Banana   "Mmmmm...", She sat licking her lips. It sat before her, big and juicy. Looking up at him with big blue eyes she ask



Is there Interest

Alrighty so when I do get a shop I was wondering if there is any interest in what I do. I can do OC's as well, however no pic is available atm.. Don't worry about price I just want to know if there is interest.   Baby - 4 inches tall (you get 4) Each of these pinatas come filled with candy   Small- 9-11 inches tall, comes filled with candy and toys.   Medium- 16-18 inches tall comes filled with candy and toys,   Large- 24-28 inches tall, with out candy and toys , with it comes to   G



My Children Will Do it Differently

So I got to thinking again because I have yet to hit 20 and I am having yet another Mid life crisis. I remember the good ole days when it was ok to teach your 8 year old how to drive, when it was ok to ride down the road on the open tail gait. Shoot my whipper snappers wont even get the opportunity to play cowboys and Indians like I did! We got real guns and bows Best child hood memories are of the fat lips and bloody noses.   Things have gotten so safe. I dunno technology kinda sucks. It ju



Free Art :D

So I have done some free art... you know killing time. I really wish I had pencil crayon so until then I have closed the stuff down. I am posting the things tho that people requested Because I think it is worth a shout out   So this person asked me to draw charizard doing something with magnium... I thought they said seducing.... Bad mind I have hahaha xD   I got another request for an anthro, It was supposed to be Luna but I had no eraser so it became Celestia not bad though, first tim



Random Button Presents:

Random buttonwise words of wisdom for the day are Is everything ok? If not try checking your preconceptions of objective reality.   Wow this got me thinking thank you random button I have a blog post! lol But in all seriousness it is right I have been feeling useless, even down right stupid. It is my perception that needs to change. Not life itself. I need to stop fighting life and change my view. So the random button has taught me perception. Thank you random button.   What did you take f




I fell behind in writing my blogs.... I have been trying to find sites to put my work up for sale, I have zibet so far. Hopefully I will get a page here sometime soon. I have my fingers crossed.   You see I moved out, I used to help out my parents but I stopped after this. I pay for myself. I lost my job Dad passes Now I need to take care of myself and the girls (mom and sisters) more than ever.   Mom doesn't want to let me. She is going to have to.. She can't do this alone..   I still




Alrighty, so this is gonna be a quickie tonight ladies and gents, I apologize, but the long ones are sometimes tiring and I don't blame you for not reading them all.   I find myself frustrated I just can't get a job and keep it I really need to start getting my but in gear. This is something that has just been nagging at me since I lost my job a couple weeks ago...   I don't know really what else to write about right now. Truthfully I feel quite numb. I am not sad or upset, just numb and th



Today is Brought to You by The Letter "A"

Alrighty, So Let us take a brake from the sorrows my readers, I will have posts regarding the next few days for those who have been following me. I just feel like not being sad right now.   So this is another 15 min Rant brought to you today by the letter "A"   "A" stands for app. What do you need? There's an app to assist with that. There is an app for anything and everything. It boggles me this dangum technology. I feel like I am having a mid life crisis! For goodness sake technology is ad



Saying Good bye is Not Ever Easy

This is what I read to my daddy tonight. I am going to try and post again later tonight to say something else but I just don't know if I can.   ***So it is later. I am fine. I was really ok. I think I am going to be ok. I feel at peace. I got through the night with surprising grace. Below is the letter I read to my dad at the family viewing. I read it alone in private. This is something I wanted to do since I posted "My piggy" on a different blog. I couldn't think of a better time than tonight



Remembering My Dear Daddy <3

Today is the day of my fathers funeral. He passed away December 22. I love my daddy, he was my best friend. He was always there always by my side. I could be so wrong and both of us could know this but he would still support me and my choices. He was funny, caring, loving, a gamer, and he was a fellow pony fan.   I never really knew if he was big into ponies or just loved seeing the pinatas I made. Either way the ponies made him happy and he was so impressed with each one. He never could wrap




I apologize that my last posts are so sad and disheartened. I am usually not like that. It's just this is a really tough time for me. In all honesty I find it so hard to write these blogs, especially now. These will always be raw unedited emotion. Because since when are we always pretty? I promise to post pretty but if you wanna know me you gotta feel me at my worst. You gotta feel me as I walk back and forth pacing through the kitchen staring at the knives, the bleach, anything my imagination g



My Piggy

Before this entry I would like to thank every pony who took the time to read my last blog and current/future blogs. A special thanks @ TwistedShadow Thank you for the support man, even if you don't read them all (i don't expect that lol) it is nice to know others care and got your back in a moral support kindda way. So thank you all and on that note here is my next entry   This started out as a writing excersize it got really deep, really fast. All the things I wrote there looking back w



Stay calm

This post is from a while back... I still feel some of the frustrations but not all of them. It is a reminder to stop and breath. You only live today once, tomorrow is always a new day.   So I went to my mom's work to get a hug and she wasn't even working, so feeling discouraged I trudged home only to find the door open which freaked me out. Turns out my bf's sister came over with a couple little ones so I couldn't escape to my work. They are coming over in a couple of hours and I fear I will



Oh Facebook Opinions

So this one is a little more taboo I don't mean to offend anyone reading this. It is just my opinion. It was just something that bothered me.... I mean we are all entitled to our opinions right?   ok so before yall judge let me explain... My auntie posted that she wanted used sex toys on fb, i commented next thing i know i get this dumb thing..   Lol It's a game my Friend. Lol. You should have never commented/ or liked it!! TAG YOU ARE IT!!! You fell into the trap. This is a game. The person



A Fresh Start

Alrighty so welcome to my blog, I am going to start positing one entry a day (hopefully). I have a few premade on a different site. Those ones will be moved here and slowly trickle out. This should allow me time to keep up with posts as well as give me a break when I need it.   So this entire mission is now dedicated to my father. As I write this tears roll down my face, I gotta roll one to keep it going, this part of the post will be quite raw. This part is my current un edited emotions. I lo



My OC~ Aixi, she needs a story don't you think?

I haven't done a lot of role playing before but I would like to get into it.. So here is my pony. She needs more of a story, If this character interests you post your *potential (I will have say over who joins) character and lets get something going   So I am sorry, for this RP I will only accept 18+ not necessarily because of content but because I would rather RP with people closer to my age, and if serious content does show I would prefer it to be tasteful and carefuly written. I need a mini



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