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Just Jeric

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Personal musings, anecdotes, and mental potpourri will go here. It's a grab bag of goodies!

Entries in this blog

BabsCon Day -1 Home to MCO

This is my 25th convention and 5th Pony Con. It’s crazy to think back on the previous cons and consider how much has changed.    I wanted to create this blog to populate and communicate the interesting sights after the next five days.  My bags are packed and I’m ready to go!    I haven’t slept yet. What could possibly go wrong. 


Jeric in BABSCon 2023

All Good Things …

Effective April 10th, by 9th anniversary of jointing this forum, I will be permanently stepping down as a Community Administrator here, and quietly riding off into the sunset as a member of this wonderful community. I’m taking measures so that my discord account will be inaccessible to me. Only four people on here have my current one.    My time here as a member of MLPF was a remarkable one. I have met my closest friends, people who I will continue to engage long after I leave this site.


Jeric in Just Jeric

Jeric's Political Views

Abortion: I am completely in favor or abortion. Especially when a mission looks like a failure. If you don't abort lives could be lost. There was this one time I tried to abort a launch to Mars and I was told no. I lost my entire crew and am still floating in space. Abortion could have saved their lives. I also stink in this space suit. Send Axe please.  Death Penalty/Prison:  If you take one ... I mean ONE ... of my pistachios you go to jail. The jail will be located in an undisclosed pena



Mother's Day

I have no other words of wisdom or inspiration to share beyond that video save for this: I understand what it is to have a challenging relationship with a mother, and I know what it is to see a mother who deeply loves her children. If you are so inclined to do so, try and remember your mother today, or those who have filled that role in your life. Also, I am reminded of this older comic by Silver Quill.    Happy Mother's Day to all Mom's out there. 




Post Ponies > Meet Bronies This is the latest in a few observations  on my entry into this site. That first summer was a highly active one for me. A large amount of the people I call friends came from this area. A larger number of people who I never found the time to grow close too are still instrumental to my history here, and have earned my respect. Going back and reminiscing about the first time you noticed someone, or interacted with them, is a healthy way of trying to learn how frie



The Church of Celestia - Summer 2014

Continuing a daily blogs series covering some lighthearted moments in MLPF history, this one will mostly center on one specific member here that some will recall, and others should find the time to appreciate. @Kel_Grym. Also known as Minister Kel Grym of the Church of Celestia.   Summer 2014   During the MLPF World Cup pony picture posting poll (yes I forced alliteration on you all ... and I don't feel the least bit bad), I kept seeing a user who joined just a few weeks befo



Three Crazy Years!*

Three years I joined this community on April 10th 2014, just about three years ago. I don't recall ever doing a 'forumversary' blog here, and I suspect that the reason why was simple; outside of some form of self-congratulatory pat on the back it seemed rather pointless for me. Basically, I didn't think I had much to say other than, 'I have been here x years'. This year though, I have words. I think that taking stock of where you have been, where your are now, and where you are going helps



Postponing Entropy and other items of importance ...

No I'm not going to talk about the meaning behind my member title. I just needed a filler title and jumped at an old one act play title that was published long ago for high school use. Felt appropriate since I was being lazy. I haven't slept much since Friday so this may seem a bit off. I wasn't going to post anything publicly, but after receiving a PM with a question about my role ... I figured a blog may not be a bad idea.   I'm just posting this here instead of some big grand topic to quell



MLP Forumversary - MMMM Cake.

"MLP Forums"   That simple search on April 10th, 2014 led me to one of the more interesting, surprising, and rewarding experiences of my life. I said this on our BABSCon panel last week, but I would not have predicted that in a years time I would be on staff, have as many friends as I do, and coming off of an intensely satisfying experience meeting so many of them.   One year. I had to look up my own Welcome Post       Now that is interesting. There are three major differences these d



Unremarkable.me Submission 1.0

On people changing …   “Opening a blog with a famous quote may seem like my style, but it just simply isn’t.” ~ Jeric   "I Match the banner? Awww Yeah"     I kinda feel like I may have played my hand a bit early with that image. Should I say spoiler alert? Oh yeah, before I move on, while none of these blogs are specific to Ponies, this is a damn My Little Pony message board. If you think I am going to do a whole blog entry without a Pony reference - all of the shame to befall on you!



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