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Sporadic Thoughts

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MLP Gameloft Headcannons~

I do love those little town-building games, especially when they're lower key on the whole forcing you to use special, rare currencies to goad you into online purchases. My Little Pony does have one, and it helps me get creative, thinking of it like a special Alternate Universe timeline to Equestria, one where I meddle, hehe! Twilight, having both demanded my presence and sat me down at a desk in her library, sternly addressing me:  "...So. Because you, as you claim, 'got here late' yo

I.R: Incoming Rant, Topic: Hearthstone

Howdy Kiddos! We're starting a new topic around here! Because If I keep these rants in, they'll become a hernia. So. Incoming Rant here.  Do help me understand.  For those of you who don't know, Hearthstone is a virtual cardgame! See, while back they thought "Well, maybe just having the one function of having a card match and just playing cards that do an effect and then get done wit' isn't really that much to do." Y'know, just pressing a button then lights & sounds going off



Hydrophobic Propaganda

For some reason, I feel as if sentiment towards Water is notably lax around these forums. I just seem to be consistently reminded of it for some reason.  I surely don't know why. *Eye Flutter*  Now, now, I agree. Drinking some cool, refreshing water is quite enjoyable. It is the Lifeblood of the Planet Earth. *Blatant pause & clearly distinguishable cluck of the tongue.*  It's very important to Humans.  But that's sort of the... Thing.  You know the old adage: T



Infinity Acres

The wink of a television screen turns on from blackness as an awkward, warped, barely distinguishable jingle plays. The scene starts by a old wooden, rustic country post fence and pans over to Widdershins as a rather bulky, tall woman in obviously cloying suspenders. Leaning on a post and acting as blatantly country as possible, Widdershins is 'mostly' human with long grey hair around a madly grinning, chubby face with bright yellow eyes, two mismatched mittens hiding what clearly aren't hands a



Types of Fluffy & the Plushies I'm Proud of!

Warning! Excessive Fanboying & Very Specific Detailing   Because I know getting way too into specifics about something can come across a fair bit weird, but it's something important to me that I want to get off my chest.  ...or squeezed tightly onto it, as the case may be here!    See, I've posted the Rainbow Dash (Wainboo Daish~) plushie I ordered online in my status updates a long while ago. More recently I went to the "Pokémon Center" and got Evanescence, my Glaceon plushie



Before Before

Madness, risk-taking and high emotions run through the Ohms family. Both of his parents were a busy & extremely passionate couple. Between his loud, boisterous, monster-tamer of a mother that was famous among the Rhyhorn Racing sporting scenes and the nonsensical ravings of his father going on about imaginary wars & being a proud, manly "Lightning American" despite that not an actual nation in the Pokemon world, there never was a quiet moment in the family.    Glitch had been a trai



Spark of Hope

Sigh, well... it's a topic that really I'm not too embarrassed to bring up, clearly. But it is one that comes up enough times that perhaps it'd help to have a blog link to head to for reference when it does come up.        See, how this story begins...   I was, and still am, trying to find my place in the world at the time. I couldn't afford my own place so I was living at my sister's while working my first big job. At the time, my sister had to temporarily move out of state so I



Spoilers spoiling spoiled spoil-spoiler.

Never really got spoilers really. Like, merely the way its told can drastically affect the way you interpret a scene. Like yeah, you can tell me Snape kills Dumbledore, (Oh come  now, that's been around for ages! Don't think that was really all that important in the story anyhow. Now if I told you that literally just about everyone died...) but why, how, where, to what ends and the dramatic importance on the story can only be personally experienced. I could sit you down and tell you the entire s



My impressions on Top Bolt and... the "other" episode after it.

Well, as thou can probably tell, the two-parter after Top Bolt I am not particularly satisfied with. So much so that I'm not going to bother looking up what its actual name is. But, hopefully, going over the episode before that, Top Bolt, shall cool me off a little.    That's sort of the funny thing there. Admittedly, I've not touched the show in a good long while. Perhaps I'm a bit unused to it, rushing into perception maybe. I can't completely remember the other combinations the Cute Map



Alignment, Demons & Your advice on my Magic.

...of the Gathering. But we'll get to that.   First off, I wanted to introduce you to a certain something. I consider myself something like Chaotic Neutral, but everyone has their little angel and devil on their shoulder. I believe everybeing is fully capable of both good & evil, its up to you really. And if any of you have noticed, I do have this shtick of typing in different tones & colors, and that's what that is. Different personas if you will. Widdershins is sort of my angel...



New faces around the place!

So, on my excursion out of the house today, I felt some shopping was necessitated to ease recent stress. So, I went out to buy some new Yugioh cards, and good thing I did because it gave me some... just beautiful comedic material for you lovelies! Firstly I feel its important to post the whole card so that you all know, even those of you even less in the know of this Trading Card Game then I (and yes... I am pouring an awful lot of money into a game I don't understand how to play, Hey, I'm a sho



My First Trip to ComicCon!

So! Was gonna put this up in a Status, but I figured I was gonna go off on tangents more than enough anyhow, so I'll need this space!     Kind of a tiring trip there and back, at least its pretty simple directions, but quite a slog to get two towns over for what was really only about maybe three large rooms.   I guess, like I was joking about at the time a Con is pretty much paying money to get in to spend more money... on people who spent money to set up so you could give them money f



My thoughts on Episodes 23, 22 & 21

So! Recently when I needed to wake up in the middle of the night & get my minds on something much more wholesome n' nice, I finally caught up on the Pony Show! Who knew it only needed a horrifying nightmare to get me to actually pay attention to the show again! I'm so glad that after a dearth of quality in poor episodes like 28 Pranks Later & Applejack's "Day" Off we got some suitable episodes!    Now that's the thing we adults have to remember, this is still a kids' show after all.



A Confession of Sorts

There's something else about me I feel I have to bring up to you lot. Which I only do so in the knowledge that I'll more than likely never meet any of you, and in the rare case that I do, you would have likely forgotten about this blog by then.   I find that one of the most important things is to have a definition of yourself, a sort of hole to peg yourself into. Because when you know what you are, how you tend to react to things, both good & bad sides of you then you can come to terms



Pleas to my Lady.

I'm sorry... you know the old adage, that you don't know what you have till its gone...    You know as well as I do that I've been in a few bad relationships before... You've been with me all my life, maybe you even know me before that even. Heh, I won't lie, can't say I've never been attracted by the idea of an older woman, and your about as old as they come! But I kid. But because of that age difference, you wised up quicker than I did. ... I'm a weak man. I care so much about everything



You Might Be a Rainbow Dash If...

Whelp! Sorry for the delay! Combating my laziness has never been a quality I've kept up on! The inspiration comes & it goes, but I do fully promise I'll do one of these for the rest of the Main Six. As with the prior ones, these are just my interpretations of the qualities of the characters brought up to a semi-humorous extents.    Ah, what can be said of Rainbow Dashing? Can we just all agree that she's the closest character where we can say she's somehow managed to make rainbows manly



Let Me Count the Ways...

(Warning!: Some minor spoilers for a few of the more recent Fire Emblem games! Though those have been out for a while... but mostly, this will be a case of some rather major fanboying. This is a Waifu story!)     April First. Quite the ironic day for her birthday. But an important one to me all the same.   Some may say that having a Waifu is rather representative of the gaming culture... or a very lonely life. For those of you uninitiated in the term; A Waifu (Husbando, if your target



You Might be a Twilight If...

That's sort of the thing with me about Miss. Tryhard Spackle. She is a kind, quiet, studious & wise gal. Were it not for that one thing she could easily be my favorite of the Six. I've just never liked protagonists. Villains have backstory, some real deep, almost insanely so, Pathos. You can feel for a villain, you can sit there & see their thought process, see where they went off the deep end with the best of intentions. Even barring that, they can make for a good laugh. But heroines &a



You Might be a Pinkie Pie if...

For my second installment I'll be covering a mare that might very well be my favorite, of course, that depends as my tastes seem to vary wildly every time I come around to contemplating it and that does seem very like a Pinkie fan! Do keep in mind though, that which I bring up may not be something the character has actually done or never has been shown canonically doing, just what I feel seems very in spirit to them. Its observational, so humor may vary just as wildly. How very pink!   A



You Might be a Fluttershy If You...

Well, for our second blog installment I thought I'd do a little bit of a series of observational humor. As that special brand of humor has its own sort of reputation for not being especially funny, this will be a few things I've noticed, and just leave it up to you all whether or not its funny to you. So let's first take a look a pony I am rather like, but don't rather like: Fluttershy. You know, if...   You Might be a Fluttershy if You...   Have ever been out on a walk and



The Twelve Days of Crit-Mirth!

Huzzah! My first bloggy hoohah hooplah nonsense! Now you all are obligated to sit there and bask in my gibbering madness! And now, as the great Barnes once said! ON WITH THE SHOW!   Little known fact is that the twelve days of Christmas actually happen after the holiday as opposed to leading up to it! Or at least I was told that by somewheres I can no longer remember & I automatically believe everything I'm told! A more known fact is that I like to abuse words & punch them until



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