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My Thoughts on Hypocrisy in the Fandom (Please Read)

Harmonic Revelations


Here comes an actually serious blog post. It's an issue that affects everybody here in one way or another, so please take the time to read it.


I'm ashamed of the fandom for many reasons, and I'd like to walk you through them.


One of the big ones is how people respond to those who leave the fandom (Not the people who say that they are going to and don't, those people don't count).


They often says things like "Good riddance" or "Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out", without keeping in mind that the people they're talking to are in fact humans, with feelings and opinions, not just a name and a user icon, and that their actions might have driven them out of the fandom. Even if these people haven't left yet, they most likely want to, I am ashamed and down right saddened that Down With Molestia got as much support as it did. They drove a great and talented artist away because of their sensibilities. An artist who, mind you, they were not forced to look at the work of. This is hardly a one-time occurrence, it's become more and more common as time has worn on. Even on these forums.


That's a big problem in this fandom, people complain that the "Dark side" of the fandom is bad, and antagonize them. Well I have a shocking revelation for you: Usually the people who enjoy the adult content produced by the fandom are adults. When you start demonizing that, all you're left with are whiny children (Or people who act like whiny children). So after demonizing the adults of the fandom and forcing them, say, off of this forum, these same people who caused so many children to join the fandom complain when no mature people are left. That's just stupid.


You can disagree with the actions of others, but it is beyond wrong to try to force them to stop doing what you disagree with them about, especially since it does not affect you in any significant way. If you don't like what you see, close the page and move on.


Instead people end up grouping up and targeting people who are unfortunate enough to lack the means to defend themselves. Just like those outside the fandom tend to do to us.


It's hypocritical and disgusting, that's what it is. Every day we have to deal with people who hate us for the very fact that we watch ponies, and what do we do? We turn around and fight each other. That's not right, no matter which way you look at it. I'm not one of those people who says "Love and tolerate", or even that we should adhere to the messages of the show by default, but what I do understand is that since we all face the same troubles due to our shared interest, we should at least show each other a little bit of respect. No matter what your ideology, you should accept that not everybody will share your viewpoint and move on. There's no need to start a riot every time you see something you disagree with.


But you know when a good time to riot is? When the things you do agree with are taken down. Because that's censorship. Having things you enjoy censored is a fantastic reason to leave the fandom, in fact, it's made me consider doing that several times myself.


When it comes down to it, you have no reason or right to try to force other people out of the fandom because you disagree with their beliefs or the things they say and do. It's a show, not a religious cult.


These problems have become horrible on the forums lately. I've noticed, and so have many others.


So please try to treat your other users with at least some dignity and respect. If every post you make is inflammatory, dramatic, or immature in some way, this probably is not the forum for you. Everybody gets a little irritated and sometimes it's understandable to make a few posts like that, but what is not acceptable is when all of your posts are like that, because it doesn't contribute to the forums in any meaningful way and it makes your fellow users uncomfortable and upset. Note; It's okay to think these things, but not to post them. Nobody is forcing your opinion one way or the other, but you should take full responsibility for the things you say and do. On the other side of every username here is a human being, and it would do well to remember that.


It is not okay to target people and use mass opinion to bully them, it is despicable and makes those responsible just as bad as the people who harass us for our love of the show. You can't force others to be politically correct because what is politically correct is subjective. You don't have any knowledge of the beliefs of this other person or their experiences beyond what they've told you; they could very well have a great reason for thinking or believing what they do.


On the other side of the coin, it is not okay to antagonize people because they post things that the majority don't agree with. Their opinion is not any less valid than yours just because it's not commonly accepted. Ultimately, if what they say is not politically correct, you shouldn't care, because you choose who you talk to. If you don't like it, you can always turn the computer off and walk away, or talk to people who share your own beliefs. Imposing your own beliefs on others in an aggressive and hostile way makes the experience of posting here negative for everybody involved, and ultimately, if you try to express your opinion by yelling at everybody who doesn't agree, you won't change any minds, and just end up discrediting your own beliefs.


Hatred hurts everybody except for the person you actually hate, so it's best to keep it to yourself. At times even I myself forget this. What matters is that you do the absolutely best you can to keep it in mind, and take responsibility for and try to repair the damage you do cause.


The number of people who whole-heartedly disagree with this blog post proves my point about just how widespread this issue is, since all I'm really saying is that they should take the time to treat each other like human beings instead of emotional punching bags and to take responsibility for themselves.

Thanks for reading.

  • Brohoof 12


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I agree that people overreact to things sometimes (Especially when something is a joke and isn't meant to be taken seriously), but what I will not stand for are bigoted, sexist, racist, etc comments, which are against the site's rules and should be punished accordingly.

  • Brohoof 2
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I agree that people overreact to things sometimes (Especially when something is a joke and isn't meant to be taken seriously), but what I will not stand for are bigoted, sexist, racist, etc comments, which are against the site's rules and should be punished accordingly.

I never said that such things should be tolerated. Those generally count as the bullying I was describing not being acceptable. I did say that you should treat each other with human dignity and respect, which means that you shouldn't post bigoted, sexist, or racist things.


I am simply saying that people often overreact to things that they have no reason to be offended over, maybe because they simply like the drama it creates. Such drama does not belong in the fandom, but for a more reasonable expectation, it should at least be kept out of the forums.

  • Brohoof 1
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Sometimes I've caught myself expecting something more or different of the fandom at large, but in retrospect I never should. The fandom is a diverse and huge group of people, brought together by only one thing, and for just as diverse a number of reasons.


MLP is not a faith, we are not it's adherents, and the show isn't a sacred text. In short, there's no basis to believe that others within the fandom should or will behave in accordance with my, or your, or anyone's idea of how a [real fan who gets it] would act.


Losing hope in the fandom over perceived negative behaviors is, ultimately, the same thing as just losing hope in people in general, as the fandom is just a random sampling of people, notwithstanding the one non-essential trait that brings us together.


But like I said, I've made the mistake of expecting other people within the fandom to do things I didn't *really* have a reason to expect them to. So I've tried to remember what a fandom is: people you can start a conversation with based on what you're a fan of. Where it goes from there, and what kind of a person they will ultimately be is a crapshoot. But you'll meet a lot of good ones because the fandom gives you a way to just meet people in general.


And you'll meet some not so good ones. And that sucks, but so what? Lousy people are the norm. I wouldn't take my frustration over that out on the one group of people who've given me so much. I take them all as they are, as individuals on their own merits, for better for worse, and I've done my best not to think of the fandom as more than a meeting space.


What you say is good advice, and it's good because it's good for everyone, everywhere. And personally? .. the forum itself is just a meeting space within the meeting space of the fandom. I like to take my significant conversations, my one on ones, my really meaningful discussions .. into the PM system. Or here, replying to your blog.


Oh .. and even on a bad day, it's still better than chan imageboards. So there's that.

  • Brohoof 2
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"If you try to express your opinion by yelling at everybody who doesn't agree, you won't change any minds, and just end up discrediting your own beliefs."


Then why are you trying? No matter what one says, it isn't going to cause major cure-all repercussions across this fandom.

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I never said that such things should be tolerated. Those generally count as the bullying I was describing not being acceptable. I did say that you should treat each other with human dignity and respect, which means that you shouldn't post bigoted, sexist, or racist things.


I am simply saying that people often overreact to things that they have no reason to be offended over, maybe because they simply like the drama it creates.


Oh I didn't mean that. I worded that wrong. I'm not saying you support such comments, I'm just saying that comments & posts can only go so far before they become a problem. I do agree with you that overreacting to certain things is noticeably becoming more apparent around the forums and fandom as a whole.

  • Brohoof 1
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"If you try to express your opinion by yelling at everybody who doesn't agree, you won't change any minds, and just end up discrediting your own beliefs."


Then why are you trying? No matter what one says, it isn't going to cause major cure-all repercussions across this fandom.

I know it won't, but if it even changes one person a little bit, it was worth posting.


Not caring and not doing anything about it is why the problem exists in the first place. I happen to like and care about these forums, and the fandom as a whole, quite a lot. That's why I'm trying.


I don't happen to be a misanthrope or a pessimist, and I think that while the problem isn't possible to fix entirely, it can be less of a problem than it currently is.

  • Brohoof 1
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I don't understand the urge to promote explicit material. Whether or not its an adult that likes said explicit material or argues the fate of it doesn't make this situation any better either. These are exploits outsiders will constantly use against bronies as internet porn (especially ponies) is taboo to them.


In this case, what Howard Stern said about bronies in the first place isn't far at all from the truth.

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...internet porn...


You're acting like that isn't something every fandom creates. Bronies are the only fandom I know that makes such a big deal about it. Mainly because of the rampant immaturity running throughout.


Who cares what those outside the fandom think? If you joined the fandom for the public opinion, this post isn't relevant to you.

  • Brohoof 1
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Every fandom produces porn ..

And I know that's expected, and lots of people like it and sexuality isn't bad ..

but .. iunno ..

I still wish it would go away.

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Every fandom produces porn ..

And I know that's expected, and lots of people like it and sexuality isn't bad ..

but .. iunno ..

I still wish it would go away.

Well, there's always the option not to view it.

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Well I like to hop in stating that I have not been around forums for long but what do you mean over reacting I have not noticed anything.

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Well I like to hop in stating that I have not been around forums for long but what do you mean over reacting I have not noticed anything.

Overreacting to insignificant opinions?


The March Madness thread comes to mind.

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You're acting like that isn't something every fandom creates. Bronies are the only fandom I know that makes such a big deal about it. Mainly because of the rampant immaturity running throughout.

Every fandom creates internet porn! The Japanese Anime fanbase is one of the largest producers of it! ... and thanks for caring about the rest of my post.


The reason why it seems like we make a big deal about it is because everyone and anyone outside this fanbase will fight tooth and nail to get dirt on a group of men who watch a TV show geared towards little girls. When haters make such assumptions about bronies and bestiality regarding our pony pornography, it will result in bronies frowning upon cloppers in attempt to try to show to the world that this community is more than a bunch of perverts who want to see pony ass. Bronies who like adult content, also fail to be discreet about it when it comes to associating with their fellow herd members regarding clop, further angering their "non-cloppng" pony brethren. Which leads to more bronies labeling such people as 'cloppers' as a derogatory term for folks who masturbate to ponies.


All this because many bronies who believe that ostracizing such will make them better in the eyes of the public who constantly insults us. Embracing pony porn like its the best thing about this show will only result in more negative public opinions.

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Overreacting to insignificant opinions?


The March Madness thread comes to mind.

I am not familiar about that either I am sorry I joined a week ago.

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Every fandom creates internet porn! The Japanese Anime fanbase is one of the largest producers of it! ... and thanks for caring about the rest of my post.


The reason why it seems like we make a big deal about it is because everyone and anyone outside this fanbase will fight tooth and nail to get dirt on a group of men who watch a TV show geared towards little girls. When haters make such assumptions about bronies and bestiality regarding our pony pornography, it will result in bronies frowning upon cloppers in attempt to try to show to the world that this community is more than a bunch of perverts who want to see pony ass. Bronies who like adult content, also fail to be discreet about it when it comes to associating with their fellow herd members regarding clop, further angering them. Which leads to more bronies labeling such people as cloppers as a derogatory term for folks who masturbate to ponies.


All this because many bronies who believe that ostracizing such will make them better in the eyes of the public who constantly insults us. Embracing pony porn like its the best thing about this show will only result in more negative public opinions.

Your entire argument is based one one huge false assumption:


That a lack of legitimate reasons to insult us would cause the haters to stop.


It would not. They say these things even if they're ungrounded in order to upset and offend us. They do not care if it's actually true. So by ostracizing the other parts of the fandom, you're only making BOTH the haters AND the "dark side" of the fandom your enemies.


The world doesn't care if there is actually any basis to their claims as long as they get under our skin.


Thus, public opinion would be no different even if pony porn wasn't a thing. They'd still say it was a thing.

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Your entire argument is based one one huge false assumption:


That a lack of legitimate reasons to insult us would cause the haters to stop.


It would not. They say these things even if they're ungrounded in order to upset and offend us. They do not care if it's actually true. So by ostracizing the other parts of the fandom, you're only making BOTH the haters AND the "dark side" of the fandom your enemies.


The world doesn't care if there is actually any basis to their claims as long as they get under our skin.


Thus, public opinion would be no different even if pony porn wasn't a thing. They'd still say it was a thing.

I didn't say I agree with it, it's just the only logical way to explain why bronies stick to such initiative. Because that's the truth as there is no other reason why they do it, these occurrences happen frequently between the furry community and their attempt to cast out the yiff side of their fandom, to make themselves look better in the eyes of the people who insult them.


They don't care who is the enemy or how many there are of them, just how pure their slice of the pie is.

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I didn't say I agree with it, it's just the only logical way to explain why bronies stick to such initiative. Because that's the truth as there is no other reason why they do it, these occurrences happen frequently between the furry community and their attempt to cast out the yiff side of their fandom, to make themselves look better in the eyes of the people who insult them.


They don't care who is the enemy or how many there are of them, just how pure their slice of the pie is.

This conversation reminds me of how much I hate the idea of titles of a persons identity.

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I hope I haven't done any of this.


I do have one sore spot though. If someone is being a bigoted prick like certain unpopular users on here all bets are off when it comes to respecting their opinion. 

  • Brohoof 3
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The March Madness thread comes to mind.

If I had to do that over again I would have just left it at that one statement of disapproval quit while I was ahead and did what Thrashy did and started a redo (which contrary to your predictions has not become a shitstorm) and poured my energy into that or if it was already created support it like I am already doing now instead of taking the blatant bait set by the host. I was mad am still mad and had every right to be but I still could have handled things a lot better than I did. 



I have been in many fandoms and forums throughout the years and I am not going to claim this place is perfect and know stuff like this goes on here, but I don't let it discourage me because as bad as it can sometimes get this fandom is still far more civil than any of the others I have been in. While I am not excusing bad behavior and there are segments of the fandom that annoy me and you mentioned most of them in this post we all need to recognize that while things will never be completely perfect that are simple things we can do to contribute to a more positive environment.

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