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What are your mane 3?



There are many quizzes out there about which pony you are most like, but those might not present the full picture, with personalities being more or less multi-faceted. If someone asked me, I'd say I am Pinkie Pie first, then Fluttershy, then Twilight Sparkle.

Since I am somewhat versed in the theory of Eastern spiritual energy practices, I tend to view things from that perspective. The mane 6 are interesting anyway, since there are various polarities between them (TS vs. PP, R vs. AJ, RD vs FS).

The body has a lower energy center (the 'roots' if you will, where it's all about a source of very physical energy), a middle energy center (the 'heart', where it is all about emotion) and an upper energy center (the 'head', where it is all about thought).


Today I realized that there is a complementary setup based on that (which can of course be more or less extreme towards either side, but it seems to be a duality):


Some people draw their basic energy, their drive, from Pinkie's playfulness. Fun, unconventional, new, crazy, chaotic things provide a lot of motivation. For other people, this energy source is hard, honest labor, like Applejack, and being productive gives them meaning and driving purpose.


Then, some people's heart is filled with sensitivity and gentle kindness, like Fluttershy, and practicing this, seeing the effect of it in others, provides deep emotional satisfaction. For other people, that comes from boldness and very active interaction with people and the world in general, practicing courage and observing its effects, setting examples, pushing boundaries, like Rainbow Dash. The heart of a lion, so to speak.


Then, some people's mind is designed in a way to primarily appreciate facts and logic like Twilight Sparkle. Ratio-based behavior is what they consider 'valid'. Other people's minds are dominated more by the meaning we can give things - that for example beauty - something that can be quite subjective - is nevertheless very valid and that something of which you cannot evaluate its beauty or that is void of 'subjective charm' has little validity/relevance ... like Rarity sees the world.


This system also fits the three pony races quite well.



So... what would you say is your triforce? :) And what are your thoughts about this view?

  • Brohoof 2


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Then, some people's mind is designed in a way to primarily appreciate facts and logic like Twilight Sparkle. Ratio-based behavior is what they consider 'valid'. Other people's minds are dominated more by the meaning we can give things - that for example beauty - something that can be quite subjective - is nevertheless very valid and that something of which you cannot evaluate its beauty or that is void of 'subjective charm' has little validity/relevance ... like Rarity sees the world.



I dunno, I still find personality typing myself with ponies to be a square peg round hole sort of deal.  

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I dunno, I still find personality typing myself with ponies to be a square peg round hole sort of deal.  


Don't be a square. :lol:

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I was going to say my Mane 3 are Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack. And AJ and RD are virtually tied for second place. They are bar none my favorite ponies and I love them so much! :wub:


But your analysis is a little deeper than that. Which three are my tri-force? I would have to say some weird mishmash of Fluttershy, Twilight, and Rarity or Applejack. :huh:

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hmmm... my 3 favorites are Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Twilight


But if I understand this correctly I'd say I'm a mix of Twilight, Fluttershy, and a third one I can't think of....probably Spike

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I have made a draft of a more eloborate system, but it's not refined enough to be of public interest. It might be useful for figuring out how to change one's personality in order to attain success and what type of path that would represent. There seem to be certain archetypes.

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