To better expose my "bad life choices", I'll tell this one to you:
The school year was great, yeah? For me, I went to a new school. Private and Japanese with the occasional white-kid car fanatic from Alaska (not joking). So to "prove" myself to these "ruffians", I chose to eat all the wasabi they had on hand. Now, at the end of the day, that was equivalent to around... one teaspoon a day. Not bad, right? Well, one of those guys got smart, and issued a challenge that I was in no mood to deny. The very next day, he hands me a plastic tube of wasabi paste and tells me to down it in front of a camera. Now, being as ignorant as I was, I'd never seen wasabi paste. All I knew was that it was some kind of low-quality wasabi company that washed ashore Giligan's Island in search of selling to the locals. Reluctantly, I opened the tube, just a bit bigger than my hand (around five or six inches tall), and swallowed as much as I could without gagging. Of course, it was on tape, and everyone in the room (10 people tops) was just as shocked as the guy filming. No one would do it, but me. After I ingested the paste, I could only describe it as a chunky, watery, cheese dip-style... uh... well... all I know is that afterward, you'd be plagued with migraines, stomach aches, and a lingering flavor of rotten Matzo Ball soup in your mouth for longer than you'd ever wish for. Sure, I did get a good reputation at that school for... being myself... but... just don't do what I did.
So in short, I hated everything for about 2 days and wanted to throw up for a week. Lesson?
Don't eat plain, low-quality manure for recreation.
(I'll finish the story tomorrow with "real snorting")
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