Now this one has been going on for quite a while...
A few weeks ago, my computer, companion for 9 years, finally gave in and decided to flip me off and go to the afterlife of broken appliances. Now, just what exactly went wrong with him is beyond me. I booted it, slapped it around a couple times until not only it was broken, but I felt broken. The laptop was my life for the past half year and I'd grown so attached to it, I proposed that I even bury it under the backyard tree. Of course, no one would hear of it. Instead, I grew this sneaking suspicion that what ever was going on with it, it had to do with the internals. So, being the idiot I know and love today, I took each piece apart and laid it bare on a black table where it sits today, gnawing away through plastic tubes and install disks. After I lay the motherboard on the table, I reassembled it to look as though it were back in its rightful casing. Of course, wire and whatever were scattered all over the place, but I took no matter. I was determined to fix my broken love and mend my shattered heart using... luck.
Sheer cold luck. Nothing more than that. I booted it again and again, but still... nothing would become of this naked beast lying on my hard-wood badly painted black table. Finally, I got it to run, ONCE. Only once did it work and it was only long enough for me to pull out a few written pieces I had done over the last few months. Still, it was not enough; it would never be enough. I booted it again and again until, at last, they asked me for a Windows Installation disk. I was horrified, scrambling around until I realized that my beloved laptop had Windows 7 pre-installed. I was over.
Finally, (tonight, in fact), I was pulling through some old drawers of mine when I found, lo and behold, my very own copy of Windows 7 Home Premium. It was like striking gold and the only thing I could say was:
"I just want my clop."
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