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Wow! Making a post on an off-day? I must be really dedicated!


Actually... yeah. I am.




Anyway! I interrupted my break because I noticed a lot of drama popping up about the """NEW""" Equestria Daily Forums! Now, just a quick disclaimer, I have nothing against EQD even though they denied my month long's work of fanfic anthology galore...


But enough of me, let's talk about the situation at hand! For those who don't know, (which is about 2% of you) the famed "Equestria Daily" created a forum devoted to their one and only, MLP News site. What do I have against this? Nothing, but everything. Why make an extra forum site if the community already has one? We've got this site, and they've got their "Morning" and "Nightly Discussions" that take place every day. So why try to tap into the forum community? Growth and greed.


Maybe not greed, but it's pretty darn close. I get that they want to create a closer community for meetups and gaming hubs, but isn't that what we're here for? Why create a subdivision of an otherwise reputable network if you already have a prominent one sitting right here? It's like the Washington Post trying to develop games in order to promote their newspaper! Remember those old McDonald's games? The ones on the NES designed to make you purchase their big macs? That's exactly what this is!


Poniverse is a large community, spanning across several, dependable networks providing music, conversation, radio, streams, and gaming hubs. What does Equestria Forums have? The same thing minus the streaming, but that's beside the point. The fact that Equestria Daily wants to create a subdivision to promote an already solved problem is suspicious, and in my eyes, a bit greedy. As if dominating the news market wasn't enough, why the forums as well?


The design of the webpage is a bit premature, but that's expected. My main pet peeve is just how close EQF and EQD are. It's like they're all in one webpage. Wanna click on that blog page? Whoops! Back to EQD. There are just so many portals taking you back to EQD that it doesn't really feel like a solid forum. On MLPF, however, you barely know it's a part of Poniverse. It makes the whole experience seem more independent. Like Poniverse is just there for the extra support, unlike EQD where they breathe down your neck.


Will I be joining EQF? Unless this site gets shutdown for some reason, no. I find this whole situation extremely controversial and overall greedy. But if you want to run along to the other side, go right ahead; I won't look at you any differently.
(Again, I have nothing against Equestria Daily or their crumby forum site.)




(Tomorrow's Tale is still coming. Sit tight for some Adobe Flash Crash issues ;) )


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If EqD wants to open a forum, more power to them. They're at liberty to run their site as they see fit. Their success, moreover, isn't mutually exclusive to ours, and vice versa.

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