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Hello there little Ponycub

Mesme Rize



Ssssssssso small and walking all alone in thissssssssss forest...

Let me help you be lesssssss alone...

you can keep me company...

you jusssssssssst need to stare into my eyessssssss...

my big beautiful eyesssssssss...

that'sssssssss right...

jusssssssst stare...

back and forth...

back and forth...

don't worry anymore ponycub...

i will keep you sssssssafe here with me...

you can ssssssleep ssssssssafetly in my coilssssssss...

my comforting coilsssssssss...

you wanna sssssssleep in my coilssssssssss right?...

good little pony...

you feel sssssssso tired now...

your eyessssss are ssssssso heavy...

hard to keep them open...

hard to keep looking into my eyessssssss...

don't be afraid of me...

you can sssssssleep peacefully till morning...

jusssssssst let go of your fearssssssssss...

good ponycub...

you can trussssssssst in me...

ssssssssssweet dreamssssssssss. :)

  • Brohoof 6


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 (In a trance) Yes, I'm a little lost Changeling whose Unicorn host body and mind has fallen under an dark spell, so I have to take his place for both of us, but I'm so worried of not living up to his reputation. Help me, please!:(

  • Brohoof 1
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