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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Why I Might Not See the Movie



I have been avoiding all movie spoilers with a meticulous level of dedication.  As soon as the first teaser was released, I began avoiding most pony content.  I stayed away from the forums for the most part, and I avoided watching anything pony related on youtube except for older things.  I was determined to be completely surprised.  I didn't want to know anything about the movie.  Absolutely nothing.  I wanted to walk into the theater completely blind and just be totally surprised.  But earlier today, I accidentally saw a thumbnail for a trailer.  That was to be expected, since I'm not going to completely avoid the internet.  (I mean, without youtube, what would I do all day?)  Upon seeing the picture, I was immediately and greatly disturbed.  I wouldn't have been bothered by it, because you can't tell anything about the plot from a thumbnail, but it was the animation style that upset me.  I had no idea that they were changing the appearance of the characters.  I mean, I had heard something about a new animation studio being used, but I just figured that it would improve the quality, not alter the actual character models.  I needed to know if this was really how they look in the movie, or if the thumbnail was misleading, so I clicked the trailer, left the sound off, paused it, scrubbed through a bit, and just click a few still frames so I could see what they look like without spoiling the plot.  Honestly, I am devastated by this new style.  I am shocked and horrified that they would actually change them like this.  They don't look right.  Not at all.  These aren't the characters I know and love.  I expected the movie to be upgraded and look fancier.  In fact, I wanted that, but I didn't want the basic shapes and models to be altered!  I just wanted some fancier lighting and depth.  Characters shouldn't be altered this way.  Take the Simpsons, for instance.  Now, completely disregarding the drop of quality of the content, the show never changed the way the characters looked, not even for the movie, and that was the right call.  The movie stepped up the game for lighting and made it look fancier, but the characters were still the same.  When you watched the movie, you felt like, "Oh, yeah, this is the Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie that I've always known."  But the ponies in this movie trailer look all wrong.  I expect franchises to evolve, JUST LIKE MLP DID, but not mid-generation like this.  You can't (rather, shouldn't) alter characters that we've come to know and love.  These just aren't the same ponies anymore.  They're fan art interpretations.

Is this cool?




And this?



Again, absolutely.

How about this?



Heh, gotcha!  It's Ghostie!  (For all you old timers on the forums.) :lol: But seriously, again, it's awesome.  But I wouldn't want the actual show to look like any of these, because these are NOT THE ACTUAL CHARACTERS.  These are fan art interpretations.  And that's what this movie is.  Just a big fan-made youtube video.  And don't get me wrong, I love fan-made youtube videos.  But it's not the real characters.

I am actually very sick over this.  Upset enough, in fact, that I don't know if I even want to go anymore.  And today I was planning on working on my skirt to finish my EG Rainbow cosplay that I was planning on wearing to the movie.  Now I don't even know if I want to see it.  This animation style change feels like a complete betrayal, a travesty of MLP.  Now, I'm still sane enough and rational enough to admit that the only reason I feel this way is because I'm a sick, sick person.  And I don't mean sick as in twisted.  I mean sick as in ill.  I'm autistic and clinically depressed.  (Heh, there you go, anti-bronies.  Have some ammo.  A fucked up person who couldn't fit into real life was drawn to ponies.  Surprise, surprise, huh?)  Now, I'm not telling you this to try to get attention, or to brag in some sick way about how screwed up I am.  I'm simply stating the facts.  I realize that I'm such a sick, sick person who is so miserable that I've placed an extremely unhealthy level of importance on this franchise.  I've used FIM as a crutch, sometimes to the point of being the only thing to keep me alive.  I built walls of ponies around myself to try to shield myself from the pain of my own existence.  When one has no self-worth and no confidence, it becomes horrifying easy to let fictional franchises become a tether that you attach your life to, even when you actively try to prevent that from happening.  If you let yourself become dangerously attached as I have, then it can come crumbling down at the drop of hat.  Escapism is a house of cards.

I am pathetic, and this is my own pathetic problem.  I'm sure that my opinion is an incredibly unpopular one.  I just wanted to express it.  I am probably the only person who is bothered by this at all.  I just have to deal with this, and I don't know how.

  • Brohoof 1


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Well, I'm not in the slightest autistic nor depressed, but I had the exact same reaction to seeing the trailer. :(  I'm probably not quite as affected, due to the previous, but I certainly can see why you feel this way. You should feel glad you didn't watch the trailer, because it's far too long and shows far too much. A trailer should increase your desire to see the movie by hinting and teasing, not just showing virtually everything that happens. Anyhoo, tangent. tl;dr - I get ya, bro.

PS - Ghostie's avvie! Natsukashiiii! :pinkie:

  • Brohoof 1
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I can understand such stress coming from this. I have been having the same stress from another aspect of the movie. I am sure you already know about it but I just can't get away from the feeling that whole section could ruin the film for me and it is worrying me to no end.

  • Brohoof 1
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I have nothing to add to the discussion except it was nice to see Ghostie's avatar again lol

  • Brohoof 1
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I see no problem with that. They are pretty and that enough to me. I read one manga series (my favorite) with 6 different artists (few of them are worse than the others :scots:), this is nothing :orly: If this movie can somehow come to my country (i hope :adorkable:), i will buy the ticket :fiery: and i will do that again if that movie is good because Hasbro deserve my money :ph34r: Take my money motherfu...

I dont have problems with adaptations as long as they dont look ugly. :grin:

Edited by Lambdadelta
  • Brohoof 1
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Are you upset simply because they changed the style? Or because you don't like the new style?

I think you should still give it a chance honestly. In my opinion the new animation is amazing, almost disney-esque.

I think keeping the same style as the show for a big budget blockbuster release would have been lazy honestly, this isn't EQG, this is a movie releasing pretty much everywhere.

  • Brohoof 3
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 For me I was upset with the trailer I actually looked at it and to be honest it wasn't the pretty flashing colors that disturbed me I think that was mostly a distraction towards the disturbing story line that has been brought to my attention and the fact that they actually made a joke about friendship just makes me more disturb into making this comment that they know that this story line is probably a joke   But I'm trying to be optimistic I'm trying not to think that maybe the stars are not little bit overkill in the storyline makes absolutely no sense  and that this wasn't a  ploy for marketing to younger children oh God I hope it's not another monster high but they aren't really divulging anything so I'm trying to keep my flank held high  with cutie mark pride  so keep your horse shoes linked 

  • Brohoof 1
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Thanks, everypony.  It's nice to know that someone understands.

On 8/10/2017 at 0:36 AM, Celli said:

Are you upset simply because they changed the style? Or because you don't like the new style?

Kinda both, actually, but mostly the former.  Let me put it this way: if the ponies had looked the way they do in the movie from the very beginning, I'd probably love it.  I just don't think it's right to tamper with it.

On 8/10/2017 at 0:36 AM, Celli said:

I think you should still give it a chance honestly. In my opinion the new animation is amazing, almost disney-esque.

I think keeping the same style as the show for a big budget blockbuster release would have been lazy honestly, this isn't EQG, this is a movie releasing pretty much everywhere.

*Sigh*.  Yeah.  Yeah, I try to have that outlook at times.  I try to see an optimistic perspective and find something positive about it, but it doesn't really help too much, to be honest.  But thanks for trying.

On 8/9/2017 at 1:49 AM, Kyoshi said:

I have been having the same stress from another aspect of the movie. I am sure you already know about it but I just can't get away from the feeling that whole section could ruin the film for me and it is worrying me to no end.

Oh, lord of all f*ck, I don't know what you're talking about, and I probably don't want to know.  (Is there no nauseated emoticon?  Why is there no nauseated emoticon?  "Eeeww" just doesn't quite work.  I want a gagging, about to barf emoticon.)  Now I'm really worried.  I mean, damn, man, if friggin' Kyoshi is worried about some story element, then I'm REALLY worried!  (If the tone or implied meaning there was somehow lost in the text, I meant to imply that I really like and respect you, and I usually agree with your opinions regarding the show, so, y'know, if you're worried, then it must be bad.  Of course, the drawn-out explanation sort of kills the delivery. :/ )

Um, anyway, I still didn't watch the trailer, I just looked at some stills of the artwork.  I think I'd rather not watch the trailer.  Just more to upset me at this point, I imagine.

I'm kinda leaning towards going again, though.  I decided I'd probably be mad at myself if I missed this chance to wear my cosplay and support the community.  There's a much broader reason why I'm leaning towards going, and it encompasses my personal problems with depression as well as what's going on in the world.  I fully realize how completely out-of-whack it is that I get so upset over something as trivial as an art-style change when you compare that to all the carnage out there in the world.  Sometimes I feel like this movie premiere may be my last and only chance to go out, actually go out, in the real world, and show my support for something positive.  Yes, there's things I don't like about the movie, but at least it's something positive.  It's not a KKK rally, it's not a riot, it's not a white supremacist march, it's not a jihadist attack, it's not a raping or a beating, it's not the end of the f*cking internet, and it's not a nuclear war.  Because of these reasons, I feel like I would forever regret it if I didn't go to the movie to try to show my support for something, for one god damn thing in this world that isn't death, hatred, destruction, suffering, and misery.  (Oh, what a ray of sunshine I am!  :/ )  So, I'll probably go.  (And, knowing my luck, I'll probably get gunned down for wearing a Rainbow EG cosplay...)

  • Brohoof 2
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@Justin_Case001 Who knows, you may find it a great movie, it's still FiM and will have that lightheartedness and fun we all love (with some added darker elements. I am stoked for the movie and I am sure it will be good^^

5 minutes ago, Justin_Case001 said:

And, knowing my luck, I'll probably get gunned down for wearing a Rainbow EG cosplay...

Don't say things like that, man :(

  • Brohoof 1
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On 8/9/2017 at 1:00 AM, Sunny Fox said:

You should feel glad you didn't watch the trailer, because it's far too long and shows far too much. A trailer should increase your desire to see the movie by hinting and teasing, not just showing virtually everything that happens.

I forgot, I was gonna reply to this in my previous comment.  Yeah, yeah, I know, right?!  Most trailers spoil too much, but holy crap, FIM in particular is horrible about that.  That's why I don't watch any teasers or trailers or commercials of any kind.  Like, for example, Twilight's transformation to an alicorn was supposed to a surprise.  At least, that's how I see it.  It was suppose to be a shocker moment--as much of a shock to us as to the rest of the mane 6.  But in commercials for the episode, they revealed flipping EVERYTHING.  I mean, they showed the wings, they showed the coronation ceremony, and they even said, "Join all your pony friends next Saturday for the surprise coronation of Equestria's newest princess!"  F*cking ridiculous.  I don't even need to see the movie trailer to know that they showed pretty much everything.  I expect that they showed every villain, the climax battle, and probably the resolution as well.  After all, as we all know, we have to buy all the merch and write our reviews before we can see the movie.  Celestia forbid we are surprised.

  • Brohoof 1
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13 hours ago, Justin_Case001 said:

I forgot, I was gonna reply to this in my previous comment.  Yeah, yeah, I know, right?!  Most trailers spoil too much, but holy crap, FIM in particular is horrible about that.  That's why I don't watch any teasers or trailers or commercials of any kind.  Like, for example, Twilight's transformation to an alicorn was supposed to a surprise.  At least, that's how I see it.  It was suppose to be a shocker moment--as much of a shock to us as to the rest of the mane 6.  But in commercials for the episode, they revealed flipping EVERYTHING.  I mean, they showed the wings, they showed the coronation ceremony, and they even said, "Join all your pony friends next Saturday for the surprise coronation of Equestria's newest princess!"  F*cking ridiculous.  I don't even need to see the movie trailer to know that they showed pretty much everything.  I expect that they showed every villain, the climax battle, and probably the resolution as well.  After all, as we all know, we have to buy all the merch and write our reviews before we can see the movie.  Celestia forbid we are surprised.

No doubt it's a result of it being a cartoon. The advertisers obviously think, "Hey, it's for kids, and kids are dumb, right? So we need to spell out everything." :dry:

  • Brohoof 1
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As we roll on closer here, I'm still leaning towards going, for the reasons I described, but I still can't see this art style from any other point of view, despite trying.  I still absolutely hate it, and it feels like a complete betrayal.  But what upsets me the most is (and I apologize in advance if this sounds offensive) the fact that I seem to be the only one who cares.  I would have thought that many of my fellow fans would have been upset by the change, but instead, you go on youtube and look at the comments on the trailers, and it's just comment after comment like, "OMG!!!  AAAAMMMMAAAAZZZIIIINNNGGG!!!!"  I feel betrayed by my fellow fans.  I know it's just an opinion, and it's wrong of me to implicate others and put the blame on them like this.  After all, if someone else likes the new style, that doesn't make them a bad person, or a traitor or anything like that.  There's nothing wrong with liking it.  But I still can't help but feel extremely alone and betrayed.  I just thought that someone else would have been bothered by it.  (I do appreciate the support and understanding in this blog post, though.)

I kind of look at it like this: Remember when Han Solo first appeared on screen in The Force Awakens?  Disregarding whether the movie was good or not, or whether we can even technically consider it truly canon or not (I say the Disney trilogy is basically fanfic.), remember how excited everyone was when Han stepped onto the Falcon?  Well, imagine for a moment if they had done massive cosmetic surgery, or just digital surgery, on Harrison Ford to completely alter his appearance.  Not just a facelift, but imagine if they altered his face to make him virtually unrecognizable.  Like, he doesn't even look like Harrison Ford anymore.  Maybe they just digitally overlay some other actor's face because they like it better.  What do you think fans would have thought?  Do you think there would have been a flood of comments online saying, "LOVE the new Han!  Amazing!  He looks so good!  So much better than old Han!!"  Or do you think there might be a flood of comments saying, "This isn't our Han.  This isn't the Han we know and love.  This isn't Han at all.  Total bs."  Do you kind of think it might be the second one?  I do.  Well, that's how I feel about these ponies, and I feel like I am the only sane person left on Earth.  Again, I know that's crappy of me, and I apologize, and I don't actually think badly of someone who likes the new style.  I know this is insulting yet again, and I apologize, but it just feels like everyone has been bought, hook line and sinker, by a lie.  I just feel so alone.  This really is the most pure, unambiguous, unadulterated example of the cackadoodie car:


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