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Why I Hate Myself



Excerpt from "How Much of a Jerk is the Poster Above You?" forum game:



You can be a complete jerk to YOURSELF sometimes.



You're right. I'm a total asshole to myself. But why? Simple, really: Why would anyone like a lazy, insane nerd with an IQ of 134 who manages to squander every single one of those IQ points by pissing his life away playing video games? I have no skills, I'm terrible in school, and I have no ambition whatsoever. I'm not athletic, but I'm not particularly good at anything computer-related that I could build a career with. The only thing I even come close to being good at is snowboarding, but I'm not good enough to make a living doing that. I don't hate myself because I feel worthless, I hate myself because I AM worthless. I'm going to be stuck at dead-end jobs like the one I have now for the rest of my life, because I have no drive at all. I don't push myself, because I'm too afraid of failure to even attempt anything. The best outcome I could hope for is a greeter at Best Buy.


Sorry for yet another depressed blog...


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Well maybe try taking some classes at a local college or something, and maybe you will find that you enjoy a certain subject or something.

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wooooah sparky, hit the breaks for a second. You are not worthless or whatever else you think you are. It's just not possible to be worthless because everyone has a skill or can develop a skill at any time.


You choose to do nothing but that doesn't make you worthless. Every life matters every life has worth. 


I can understand why you are a jerk (which i am unaware of since I don't know you) and I understand why you think you're worthless. Everyone has reasons for why they are what they are. No one is born a jerk, or lazy, or anything else. Things play out in life over time and well it effects personally. 


You aren't worthless so hush about that. You are a better person then you realize you just have to start seeing things differently and try to change what you say and do.

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The one thing I don't like about you. You say "I'm bad at this, I'm bad at that, etc. etc. etc."


Sure, everybody is bad at everything before they start. I was honestly terrible with computers when I first got them, but after spending time getting to know it and doing my research and stuffs, I know this Windows computer inside and out. I can amaze people with the things I can do which are actually trivial for me to pull off, yet people wonder how I do it.



Now, what was the point of that? Tooting my own horn?


No! Of course not. It's just to prove a point, it's that you can't just be good at things you want to be good at. And just because you aren't good at it at the present moment, doesn't mean you won't be good at it in the future. Working at something that you want to achieve can be either fun or tiring depending on which career you are pursuing. There are countless thing that everybody in the world are bad at. It just takes the person to actually say, "I don't know the outcome of this, but I will try to accomplish it."


Sounds cheesy, but it's true. This relates to "I hate pushing myself because I'm afraid of being embarrassed if I mess up."


Well, that's normal. Completely normal. While there are those who are fearless to almost all aspects of life (I'm lying, there aren't), everybody hates the thought that they could fail at what they are trying. But think about it. The worse it can do is kill you, and the likelihood of that happening is close to nil.


"What can't kill you makes you stronger" is a famous phrase that actually proves itself to be true. Everything you do; from getting up in the morning to going to bed at night to trying new things, all these things harden you up and teach you what to do and what not to do. However, the concrete truth is, you will fail in your life at times. But then again, you also succeed.


We all have people we look up to because they're good at something. Great at something. Now, think about it. How did they get there?


Pushing themselves and trying new things. You are being too scared to commit yourself to something in fear that you will fail. EVERYBODY fails. Nobody is perfect. But seriously, whether you have the natural talent or not, working hard at something you want to pursue gets you somewhere far. You don't have to be great at something off the start. A violin teacher I knew said this: "I would rather teach someone with absolutely no talent who tries, failure or not, every day and works hard rather than somebody with natural talent who is lazy and uninterested."


Being a strong student in school is a choice, not something that you can just do automatically. I have a 3.9 or so in my honors classes ATM. In first grade I was a complete dumbass. But I decided that I really cared about my future; I wanted to actually go somewhere and get into a decent college. Though I struggle in school sometimes, I do succeed in most aspects.


That can be you. You said yourself you have a 134 IQ, which is great for a 15 year old as yourself. If you smack yourself in the face and say "I will be the person I want to be" and you actually try, then you can get there mate. Again, sounds cheesy, but those motives can really help in harder situations.


One thing I must note, however. If you do decide to someday push yourself harder in academics, career, whatever it may be, do not get discouraged if you fail at certain areas of whatever you are doing. Those failures can only teach you what not to do. And, as long as you pour your heart and soul into your activity and, with that 134 IQ of yours, you can probably go a long distance. It just takes you to make yourself a greater person than you think you are.


"Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."

Joshua 1:9

  • Brohoof 2
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I feel this way about myself quite often and im not just saying that. I havent been able to find a job since i was laid off from my last one almost 2 years ago. I am always compared to my siblings who have done more than me. It gets the better of me sometimes. I haven't had any real money in a very long time and even though i lost my job i am not eligible for unemployment for some odd reason. My mom gives me a "Talk" everytime i see her "when you gonna start family" "why you no working" and its draining. I do not excel in the classroom. The only thing i have a passion for is history, I would love to teach it but how can I teach if i cant even learn. I am taking the beginning of this year to get out of this slump in my life and start something new. I got a gym membership and even though i am not overweight or anything i am very lazy :D so its something to get me out of the house. I am a very reserved person i love video games and being inside. Nothing wrong with it but i have allowed it to take over a large portion of my life. I encourage you to get out and find something you like to do. Even if its just a group or something. You could even start one. Find people near you that like what you like. And before you know it something might come out of it :)

  • Brohoof 1
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With an attitude like that, you're gonna get nowhere. What you think rules your world.


You say you lack ambition, and aren't good at anything, then make your ambition finding out what you're good at. Try out new things, who knows, maybe you'll be good at it. Keep an open mind, and try new things.

  • Brohoof 1
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Woah woah woah. Chillax, friend.


First of all, you're 15. You're right in the middle of your most important years of self-discovery. It's WAY WAY WAY too early for you to be writing yourself off like that. Hell, I'm 19 and people tell me the that same thing when I faulter. In a way, life is one giant period of self discovery, so in a way, one should NEVER write themselves off.


Second. You're just caught in a rut is all. I'm in a bit of one myself, too. The important thing to remember about ruts is that you can pull yourself out of them with enough discipline and will power.


Can you honestly say you've tried enough things for long enough to say you are a failure? Honestly?! I'm guessing not. That's like making judgement about a piece of pizza before you even take a bite. You need to get out there and try new things, and I mean really TRY them, not make a judgement after a few half hazard attempts at something without really putting your heart into it. Push yourself! I see a lot of untapped potential in you, and a lot of passion underneath the surface, you just need to find a way to bring it out.


And I'm just going to say, you DO have a lot of drawing talent, based on that sketch of Twi that you drew.

  • Brohoof 1
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Please, you must understand that anything can be started at any age. The first thing you're going to want to Do is to start believing in yourself.




I knew quite a few people like you, and now they're having the times of their lives because they gave their lives a chance...

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  On 2013-01-05 at 9:57 AM, HylianTwilian said:

I'm a complete piece of shit. I should just go kill myself...


Don't say that. Refer to this and what I posted on this blog. Please.

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It took me a bit to find this. Especially considering, you know...


Anywho, onto where I try to convince you that you're not worthless. Dude, you've proven to me at least that you're an intelligent and fun guy. Don't let that go to waste. If you want to be good at something you  have to practice and keep perfecting your skills. Otherwise, you are most certainly not going to get any better at anything. By self-doubting and hating yourself, you are only making it harder on yourself.

  • Brohoof 2
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Damn homie thats some depressive shit right there, Like twiliscael said you are an interesting poster And no doubt a fun guy. Honestly now? Whats got you ll depressed and shit? Is it the winter talking? Cuz winter is fucking depressing. You stuck in a shitty routine?

Stupid dicks makin fun of you for being a brony?


I'm not gonna lie I'm not particularly good at anything, And my Iq is pretty high aswell. You are 15 Granted,I'm a year older than you but you need to look up man. Just start having fun, doing anything really. 


You say you lack motivation cuz you're afraid of failure?

People seem to forget that failure is the only way to find the way to succeed. Take for instance snowboarding. What can you do on your board? Alot I'd bet given where you live. You had to get on that damn board for the first time didn't you? That was trying. I know for a fact when you first tried you fell on your ass at least a few times, And guess what you got back up and went down that slope again. Well guess what you down on your ass now and its time to get yourself back up! Just try! Dont   Think like a Best buy greeter think like a beast!  Not athletic? Work out! thats something you can't fail at! 'cause you go at your own pace!

And when you see that one buff prick dont think "Why can't I look like that guy?" think "Im gonna get there and look like that guy eventually!"

Life is an uphill climb and if you're gonna Make it to the top of that summit you gotta look up to see where your goin! Before you know it your at the top where no one can bring you down.


You aren't worthless, You Are worth more than you'll ever know to somebody! I can guaran-fucking-tee it! You owe it to yourself to show them what you can do!

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Okay, thanks for all the replies, fellow forumites, but seriously, I'm fine. I think this all is a result of my bipolar (still haven't been to a shrink, so I'm not completely sure that I have bipolar, but I feel pretty certain that I do), so there's not much anyone can do for me at the moment. Like I said, I'm feeling fine right now, although I'll probably be depressed again in a few days. So just watch out for "depressed" sounding blogs of mine (and when I say "watch out", I mean avoid them like the plague, not be actively looking for said blogs), ignore them, and I'll be better in a few day's time. I'll try to go see a psychiatrist soon, but until then, don't worry about me.

  • Brohoof 1
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