Should I review each MLP Forums banner (from today onwards)?
Should I review each banner from here on out?
9 users have voted
Weekly banners are submitted to this Website, and the one most popular by staff is featured atop of the message board regardless of the location and time. Sometimes, they're uploaded on time, but sometimes they're tardy (like today ).
Throughout the status updates, people like myself comment on these banners with short comments and micro-reviews. They are either praised, snubbed, or looking at them critically (a.k.a., analytically).
What I want to do is something we haven't seen yet, but has been one of my fortes in this forum: reviewing them. My idea is to review each and every banner, starting with the most recent one (the Applejack banner here) and continuing forward with future ones. (No past banners will be reviewed without prior consent or recommendation from the designer him or herself.)
What do you think of the idea? Click on the poll and explain in detail why you chose your option in the comments below.
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