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For the Forums and Friends I Love and Cherish: A Thank You and an Apology




Well, now that I've got your attention, HELLO EVERYPONY, I'M BACK!!! :D Wow, been awhile hasn't it? So as you can see, no, I am not dead thankfully. The truth is, well, I said some not so nice things about Thereisnospoon's Bane cosplay, and, well... he didn't take it too kindly. Things happened...




Yeah, I'd rather not talk about i- wait, what am I saying, that's just the bad dream I had the other night after eating all those tacos. Anyways, where was I? :huh: Oh right, sorry, that's not what happened. I have two things for all you guys and gals today: a thank you and an apology.


First, to each and every one of you on the forums, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the company, laughs, and fellowship you gave me this summer. I'm not gonna lie, this was a long and oftentimes trying summer; for those who don't know, I was interning up in Northern Michigan with a small nonprofit group, and working part time with a grocery store to get some money since I only got a limited stipend from the nonprofit. I had long hours and was in a very isolated location, away from friends, family, and even home wi-fi or reliable phone service. Basically, for almost 3 months, my most reliable means of communication with anyone has been through these forums. I couldn't go on Xbox Live, and it was even difficult to get in touch at times with my family given the poor phone reception and our busy schedules. On top of these difficulties, I had a pretty lousy supervisor at my internship; she was nice enough, but she was a poor motivator, not very organized, and despite having a lot of good ideas, she was not very good at getting volunteers to help out with our group. What that meant was that I got loaded with a crap ton of busy-work and didn't get much appreciation for it; it was kinda like working for a cross of OCD Twilight and stubborn, "A'hm not gonna take no help from nopony" Applejack, if that helps any of you picture what I was dealing with. So basically, I had to deal with a lot of stress from my supervisor, the cabin fever given the isolated nature of where I was at, how busy my two jobs kept me, and also a feeling of helplessness concerning some struggles my family's going through back home that I just haven't been in a position to help with this summer.


That said, it's not like this was an entirely bad experience. I actually loved my second job at the grocery store; the coworkers and managers were great and actually appreciated my work, it was air conditioned, and I made some great friends. Heck, they even gave me a raise halfway through my stint! I also got a lot of great experience out of this whole thing, despite its difficulties. I think maybe another reason it was difficult was because I was coming down from my college graduation "the world's at my fingertips" high, but hey, that's life for ya.


Still, in spite of these admitted positives I have no doubt that one of the most important blessings God's kept in my life to get me through this whole experience has been you guys. Whenever I needed cheering up, a good laugh, and some virtual shoulders to lean on for support, you guys have always been here this summer. I cannot begin to express just how very much everything you guys have done for me this summer has meant nor how it's helped me get through any stress or hard times I've had to deal with. From the bottom of my heart, just, thank you guys for always being there and for being such great friends. I couldn't have gotten through this without the magic of your friendship! :muffins:


Come here you guys!!!






:huh: Huh, where did they come from? Darn kids, gotta stop leaving the door open... >_>


Anyways, now that that's said, on to the second part of this blog post: the apology.


"But Batbrony, what could you possibly be apologizing for?" you may ask. Good question random citizen, allow me to explain from the beginning. But in order to do so properly, I'm gonna need some help from the only man, or rather, anchorman more capable of doing so than me: Ron Burgundy.




:mellow: What? We dabble in jazz flute together.


Anywho, let's start from the beginning. Basically, I made a mistake last week. A BIG mistake. Like, ginormous, "Holy-cow-why-did-you-just-do-that?" mistake. It took two seconds stupidity to make, but hey, that's all that was needed for the damage to be done. Basically, it was tantamount to this:



And at the time, I was just as unaware I'd done anything wrong as Ron was. But what I did was wrong. It was stupid, inexcusable, crass, unchristian, and blatantly against the forum's rules, and I am truly ashamed for what I did. When I did finally learn just what a mistake I'd made, I was this shocked:



Despite the fact that this was a completely unintentional mistake, it was hardly innocent, and for any mistake there must be consequences. I'm not gonna sugarcoat it, so I'll just come out and say it; I was suspended. I won't say who suspended me, nor what for specifically, but it did definitely hurt. For about the first couple hours I fell pretty hard (brace yourselves people, we're going to some dark places ;) ):



Then after I got over the initial shock, I fell a little harder:



That was about... the first 12 hours or so. I couldn't get in touch with anyone, not even on FimFic, and I was just petrified that a few friendships had been jeopardized by all this. But, this is where the story takes a turn for the better. After going to God in prayer, and finally getting in touch with one of my best buddy's from the forums, I was able to considerably calm down and figure out the best course of action. I realized that there was no point in bitching and moaning about this; I made a mistake, and just because I've been around for awhile that does not put me above the rules. The forums have rules, I broke one, and for that I needed to suffer the consequences. I'm thankful to the moderators for cracking down on this, because it truly goes to show that nobody is above the rules in the slightest. More importantly for me personally, it humbled me in a good way; I think things had been going so well on the forums for awhile, that I actually may have developed a bit of a pride problem even. Not much, but I certainly didn't see something like this coming and should've known it would after the boneheaded mistake I made.


Anyways, once I realized just what a poor judgment I'd made and that this suspension was the right response to my poor decision, I concluded that the best thing to do would be, not come back angry, hotheaded, and full of bitterness, but rather, FIX IT, starting now.


And so, to Feld0, the staff, my friends and brony and pegasister companions, and the whole MLP Forums community, I say this: I'm sorry. I'm sorry for letting you all down, I'm sorry for breaking the rules and doing what I did, and overall I'm just sorry for doing something I shouldn't have done in the first place. It was wrong, and I am going to do my best to ensure that it never happens again. I pledge to more than ever be the best forum member I can possibly be, to spread friendship and fellowship to as many of you as I can, and to do my best to uphold and promote the principles and virtues that both MLP and the forums strive to embody and promote themselves, namely, pure, sincere friendship. I'm going to try my best to tone down however crass my humor may have gotten, given the younger ages of some forum goers; after all, the last thing I'd ever want to do is reflect badly on these forums, especially as such an old, longtime member.


All I can ask of you is that you might accept this apology and have me back. The best thing I can do at this point is put this all behind me, move on and learn from my mistake, and get back to the way things were before, but only better.


Before I sign off, I'd like to thank a few notable names. I'd like to thank Feld0 and the staff for always upholding and enforcing the rules of the forums; these guys rock and we should all appreciate the fine job they do to maintain this site. I'd like to thank anyone, particularly in the Christian Brony Group, who kept me in your thoughts and prayers. Your support was much appreciated. And finally I'd like to thank DashForever for being about the best friend a guy could be through all this. Dude helped me get over my initial shock and determine to come back ready to be the best brony I can be, and also gave me some much needed company online during the past week. Also, as a thank you to the forums for all your support this summer, I'm going to dedicate the next chapter of my fanfic, "Batmare Begins" to all you guys! My friends, the moderators, anyone on the forums, Chapter 3 (which is currently being edited) will be dedicated to you and anyone else who helped get me through the summer!


Finally, I'd like to ask that none of you delve further into this warning matter, because there's nothing more that need be said and publicly discussing warnings is strictly against forum rules. I made a mistake, I recognize that I made a mistake, and I rightfully suffered a consequence for that mistake; there is no controversy or complaint to be made here. All I intend to do as a result of this episode is learn from my mistake and correct my behavior in whatever ways I must. The rest of you should learn from this as well and just always strive to do your best to follow the rules in turn. After all, the rules are only there to help us build and maintain the absolutely best and most harmonious forum we possibly can have; they're there for our benefit and nothing else, and so just go and follow them guys, or at least do your best to.


So, all that said, let's do what we do best and get back to some fun, friendly, forum shenanigans! :muffins:



Thank you everypony for your friendship, and by my muffiny fists of justice I swear that I will do my best not to let any of you down like this ever again. I'm off! *cue dramatic exit... to the forums... so really it's more like a return to the forums if you think about it, but, oh buck, you know what, buck it, I'm just off*




Here's to more pony fun and shenanigans with all my friends on MLP Forums. Cheers!!!


  • Brohoof 16


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Very touching! :( Well, Bat I'm pretty glad to have you as a friend, and I could say for everyone here that we do appreciate you. So, if you have any issues or problems we will be right here to help you. Cheers! :P



  • Brohoof 6
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From what I've seen of you about the forum and in more personal interactions, I've always greatly admired you as both a member and a man. We all make mistakes from time to time, and I've made more than a few of my own. Hit me up if something is ever weighing on you and I'll do whatever I can.

  • Brohoof 7
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We all make mistakes, nobody is above doing so, and yet, in turn, nobody is above the consequences caused by said mistakes. Accepting the responsibility for your actions is admirable, mature, and even rare in this day and age, and I admire the calm and collected way you addressed them.


Good on you, and welcome back.

  • Brohoof 7
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After a similar incident a few weeks ago, that unfortunately ended on a sour note, yours has really gone the opposite direction. I think it's really admirable how you're taking this like the responsible adult you are.


I've rarely had any direct interactions with you, but it's easy to tell that you're a key part of this community. That was plain for everyone to see in the week that you were gone. The downers threatened to overrun the site :P


I just want you to know that I've gained a lot of respect for you, Batbrony. Welcome back!

  • Brohoof 4
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Hey Bat, probably you don´t even remember, but you were one of the first persons I talked to, longer than a year ago, when I first joined. You were very nice and friendly, and knowing you was what probably made me stay for longer than just a short stint ( and who knows my first name will maybe know that it wasn´t all that seriously, or seemed so).

Like many people I appreciate I haven´t talked to you much, what is a bad mistake I just seem to make very often.

Whatever troubles you go through, I wanna thank you, and I wanna let you know I appreciate you. :)

You are awesome.

  • Brohoof 4
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You are probably one of the last people I would have suspected of getting a suspension, while I am not a trouble maker I have probably screwed up more than you have but I am yet to be suspended and I hope I can keep it that way. I suppose it does mean that even the best of us can fall short every now and then, I will bet even most of the mods have gotten at least one warning.


I am pleased you had a good experience these last few months and it is nice to see you back as a regular.

  • Brohoof 3
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Whatever you did certainly has been erased with the mature and kind way that you have dealt with it. All of us make slip-ups from time to time, but very few (sadly) return to areas such as these with an attitude of regret over anger. Here's hoping that you have a long and happy stay.

  • Brohoof 3
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I don't know what a well-respected member such as yourself could've done to merit an outright suspension, but it's not my place to ask, so I will just say that it's very awesome of you to own up to your mistake like a boss. You do seem genuinely good-natured, and I don't doubt that many of the friendships you've formed here are strong enough to have put you in a really depressed state when you got the news of your suspension, and so for that, I give you the biggest virtual hug I can muster.




Although I must say, I'd feel very awkward accepting your forum-wide apology, since regardless of what rule you may have broken, you have never personally affronted me in any way. But if it makes you feel any better, I'll accept it anyway. :)

  • Brohoof 3
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Kind of surprised to read that you were suspended. I know we don't talk much, but I've seen you around and often like you posts.

First off, major kudos for the Anchorman clips. 


Second - What ever you did, time has been served. You screwed up, paid the price, matter is closed.

I don't know what happened, so I am no judging you in any way. Hell, I think you are being harder on yourself over your crime than anyone else.

Hate to say this, but before you are a Christian, you are human. And I don't know if anyone ever told you this, so I'll let you in on the big secret.

Humans make mistakes. Constantly.

It's all part of the being alive thing.

  • Brohoof 2
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Very touching! :( Well, Bat I'm pretty glad to have you as a friend, and I could say for everyone here that we do appreciate you. So, if you have any issues or problems we will be right here to help you. Cheers! :P




Thanks very much Scootalove!  Don't worry, got no problems going, was just an honest mistake, but a good learning experience all the same!  Can't wait to have some more fun with ya! :)


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