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Gonna be thin



Alright, posting this because I don't see this being a problem. I know it's a serious problem. I don't see it though. I have been dealing with annorexia and buliemia for a little over 8 years now. I am not a stick thing because I just couldn't commit. Well now I am commiting. A moment on the lips forever on the hips you know. So with that said I welcome you to join my journey. This isn't a cry for help, this is not for attention. I don't eat because I think I am fat I know I am fat. I will change this with little caloric intake and daily excersizes... I average about 2 pound loss a day sometimes more. I am happy seeing it fall off, so please don't give me the it's bad for you speech. I know it is, doesn't mean I am not going to do it.

My daddy died of cholesteral he left me before I turned 20, before I could get married, have babbies. I am not leaving my lovelies behind because of food and smoking.. So I am quiting food, and eventually I will quit smoking as well. One step at a time.


My heaviest weight- 297 pounds

Lowest weight- 141 pounds

Current weight- 149 pounds

Goal weight- 120 pounds


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It's funny... I'm not very big, but I weigh about 200 and something pounds. I'm rapidly losing weight without body image changing. I'm guessing it's because muscle is heavier and I'm just losing muscle. I don't really know though.

  • Brohoof 1
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Yup, that will do it to you. That's why it's important to keep up at least some form of excersize.. So you lose more body fat and less of that muscle mass

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My mother had the same "problems" I have now. I am so proud of her for getting healthier, and then getting into a normal reutine, sometimes drastic measures need to happen inorder for change to occure. I will forever be proud of my mommy and nothing less. If I can raise my kids half as good as my mom then balls I did a great job! And yes they will respect me

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You'd encourage your mother to continue what you said was a bad habit? "I know it's a serious problem". Grow up then and solve your problem like an adult. It won't make you healthy. I almost laughed at that.

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Not ever did I say it was a bad habbit, people persieve it to be bad, I was quoting sorry to confuse you. I do not consider this to be bad. That would be why it was in quotes, sorry to confuse you.


That is not my oppinion though. I want to shed a bunch of weight and excersize. I am reducing my caloric intake and excersizing lmao, what other percieve to be "a bad habbit." I percieve to be a start to a healthier life.  I am solving my problem like the adult I am. I am taking the problem and making it no more. I will be the resolve because no one else can do it for me. And you know what I would and do encourage her. My mother needs to lose a few pounds, just as I do, not a dmaned thing wrong with that either. Drastic change is needed sometimes. You know why? So she doesn't fucking die like my dad did 2 days before Christmas. So yeah, why don't you go laugh at someone else's dead father? 

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Jesus Christ Bohtty....I remembered you to be a decent one. Now in my opinion you've kinda become...well, would you like me to tell you in your way of speaking?



I'm not a doctor, so I don't know if this is possible, but I just ask you to please not go below 120. I've never heard of fasting/starving as a way of losing weight, but as long as you don't suffer from it, I guess it's alright. I'm just worried for you.

  • Brohoof 1
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Definatly not, I am eating enough to properly get by in a day without dropping dead and I do have standards. I am even uping vitamins so my body doesn't erode. Thank you for the concern Erika Itsumi (~HI~)

I realize it's dangerous and drastic.. but if done properly it can lead to a very healthy life in which I hope to lead

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I'm not very convinced if this is a good way for you to lose weight. One thing I learned during my years of keeping my weight down is how it's more important to be thin and healthy — especially for a long stretch of time — than simply to be thin. It's just as possible to be thin and very unhealthy, and it sounds like you're doing a crash diet. If that's the case, you should look at alternatives to losing weight.


I don't eat because I think I am fat I know I am fat.

Not eating is one of the worst things you can do. You need food so you stay energetic throughout the day. It's extremely dangerous to skip a meal. In fact, fasting is dangerous, period. There have been many reports of people fasting or crash dieting to lose weight, only to worsen their health and even die. If you're going to stay healthy, fasting is the wrong way to do it.


What you should do is eat correctly with the right portion, vitamins and minerals, fruits and vegetables, good carbs (from who grain), and a ton of organic if it's available for you. Instead of eating three big portions every several hours, eat smaller portions every three to four hours, totaling up to about five to six meals per day.


Breakfast is your most important meal in the entire day. Eat a good, healthy breakfast, like organic yogurt or organic fruit, possibly blended into a smoothie. Fruit gives you the sugar intake you need, but also the essential vitamins and minerals. If your fruit is organic, they shouldn't have pesticides. Apples, for one, are rich in nutrients, and the peel of the apple gives you a lot of fiber (plus keep you full). Vegetables like carrots and broccoli will also help you with your energy; raw broccoli gives you calcium.


Three to four hours later, you should have a healthy snack, like whole-grain granola bars (usually one or two) with water. Then have a good, healthy lunch, like a salad with some lean, white chicken and a light vinaigrette. Don't go heavy on the salad dressing, because they'll kill the lettuce, cabbage, and cucumbers, but also add up empty calories. Then after another small snack, have dinner, but keep it a light-calorie dinner and one that should settle into stomach like whole-grain granola with fresh fruit.


Eat breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack in between. But make them all consistently small, and never skip a meal. Eat your fruits, veggies, whole grain wisely.


When I buy food, I always check the ingredient labels on the back, as they give you the ingredients listed to make the products. Make sure the ingredients are healthy and as minimal as possible. If they're to preserve freshness, make sure it uses a healthy preservative like Vitamin E or an organic food dye like beta carotene (carrot juice) or beet juice. If you live in America, find products with the USDA Organic label on the front.


And go after some very healthy oils in small quantities. Go after certified extra virgin olive oil, certified canola oil, sunflower oil, or safflower oil.


Simultaneously, there are some ingredients to avoid. Here's a short list:

  • High-fructose corn syrup/glucose-fructose syrup. Many products like soda, sweetened bread, canned goods, jams, cookies, sauce, and juice (including Gatorade) contain this artificial ingredient. It blocks leptim, which tells your brain that you're full. Linked to Type II diabetes. Not long ago, some products with HFCS contained mercury.
  • Hydrogenated oil. This means trans fats, which reduce your good cholesterol, yet raise your bad cholesterol. Any product with "(partially) hydrogenated vegetable oil" should stay on the shelf. That means products like margarine, Crisco, crackers, snacks, packaged bread that was fried, and dry/fried pasta/powder gravy contain this preservative.
  • Brominated vegetable oil. This ingredient is what gives so many sodas and energy drinks its neon yellow/green color. Linked to cancer, banned in several countries.
  • Sodium nitrite/nitrate (also called "pink salt"). Preserves shelf life. Gives its luncheon meats and packaged meats like Boar's Head its pink color. Linked to cancer.
  • Artificial food dye. These are made out of patroleum, which you can find in your car. Linked to various disorders, including ADHD.
  • Sodium benzoate. A preservative to increase shelf life for food. When connected to vitamin C, it create benzene, a cnacerous compound. Although the FDA declares it safe, you should stay away from it.
  • Aspertame. This is an artificial sweetener found in many diet sodas. While it hasn't been linked to any diseases yet, there are still many suspicions of this ingredient, and the findings have been very inconsistent.
  • Brohoof 5
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There are no quotes in this blog post. On top of that you say you've been dealing with eating disorders and that you were going to do things that encourage your supposed eating disorder? You don't "deal" with things that are good for you. You "deal" with things that are bad for you like a broken bone, hard classes or a fucking eating disorder.


2 lbs loss a day is not good in anyway. Solving your problem like an adult means solving it the right way not the easy way. I could become incredibly rich by robbing a bank.


You stomp on your fathers grave by switching one bad habit for another. A habit YOU YOURSELF say is not good. The fact that anyone would support you in this endeavor is disgusting.

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That's sad to hear, and for your diet, I hope you reach your goal.


I am young, but on the chubby side, no doubt. I'm about 125, at 13. But, I am willing to make a difference. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Thank you for the concern, I will clear up a couple things. Yes I am going on a sort of crash diet, you would be right in saying this. However what makes this different from the others I have done is that I am supplimenting many vitamins into my routine to help keep my body from eroding. I am also very careful with what I consume.. mainly just fruits and veg. For myslef personally I need to make a drastic change so when I revert back slightly it would be healthier choices over binge eating. I am making sure I get enough to not drop dead as well as supplimenting what I am not eating, so I get the nutrients without eating a bunch of stuff I don't need. It is not a healthy start but it's a good start for me.. It will affectivly remove sugars and many carbs from my diet... that way when I "break" It will not be breaking but portioning... I dunno if it makes sense but the plan makes sense in my head lol.Thank you again for the kind words and info. Not many people who do this are educated so I understand your concern, I assure you though I am well prepared and I do know the do's and don't's. 

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Thanks Cyan! love love the support! If you ever need help and support because there are really wrong ways to go about doing this PM me I can tell you what to avoid and what to do inorder to keep yourself safe :)

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Well I can see you're a lost cause. I guess we should just let natural selection do it's work. 


Your poor father...

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Yup indeed you should. My father is not poor you ignorant fool, he is in a much better place you fucking son of a bitch! Go to hell I will meet you there Bohtty

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Just leave and please stop, seriously. I am Canadian so it is my first language. I would appreciate if you took your veiw and ass hole like behavior somewhere else. What you are doing is seriously not cool. 

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Thank you for the concern, I will clear up a couple things. Yes I am going on a sort of crash diet, you would be right in saying this. However what makes this different from the others I have done is that I am supplimenting many vitamins into my routine to help keep my body from eroding. I am also very careful with what I consume.. mainly just fruits and veg. For myslef personally I need to make a drastic change so when I revert back slightly it would be healthier choices over binge eating. I am making sure I get enough to not drop dead as well as supplimenting what I am not eating, so I get the nutrients without eating a bunch of stuff I don't need. It is not a healthy start but it's a good start for me.. It will affectivly remove sugars and many carbs from my diet... that way when I "break" It will not be breaking but portioning... I dunno if it makes sense but the plan makes sense in my head lol.Thank you again for the kind words and info. Not many people who do this are educated so I understand your concern, I assure you though I am well prepared and I do know the do's and don't's.

No matter what you're calling your new routine, it still doesn't change the fact that it's still a crash diet. Crash diets are the worst kind of diet, and this new routine puts you in serious risk of worse health than now.


Plus, it's a VERY bad idea to lose that many pounds per day, especially at your weight. I don't know your height, but by losing that much weight so quickly, I guarantee you, you won't be 120 to 125 very long. In fact, this tactic could put you at risk at not just gaining the weight you lost back, but also add more pounds to you because your body is saying, "I need food and energy."


Instead, you should ease into a healthy routine and lose your weight slowly so you can manage it. Don't be afraid to eat and eat heartily. But eat smart, and never skip one, especially breakfast.


If there's a gym club nearby, sign up to it and practice exercises both there and at home. If you're not used to it, start slowly (i.e., fifteen minutes) and gently. Then build up from there. Start at fifteen minutes and build it up to twenty, thirty, forty, forty-five, and then sixty. Mix your routine with aerobic exercises and strength training. As important as "being thin" is, it's more important to be healthy, and muscles help burn the bad fat and get you in proper shape via dense muscle mass. Hearty, whole-grain carbs can help you get through the routine.

  • Brohoof 2
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Nope I eat breakfast and skip lunch substituting it with an apple instead. I don't count veggies or fruits as calories... They are my healthy get away so I can eat as many carrots or celery sticks as I like... I should have metioned that... My bad sowie. So it's the other food groups I count and suppliment for if that makes sense :)


I am like midget short.. lmao I am the cutest little beach ball <3 

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