
Spiral Spell
106 -
Last visited
Unicorn Pony -
33 -
Female -
Hayfling -
Canterlot -
Mage -
Character Images
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Physical Description
Seen above.
Spiral Spell is from a long family line that descends back to one of Star Swirl's first student. The Spell family is wealthy and had connections to various parts of academia and wizardry across Equestria. Spiral Spell's parents were of a fairly respectable stature and based out of Canterlot. In her early years the young Spiral was especially interested in the great Wizards of the past and wanted to become just like them. Her childish wonder lead into academic pursuits of notable character. She attended the School for Gifted Unicorns in Canterlot but had been expelled for performing dark spells that she had stolen from the Canterlot Archives.
Not only was she expelled from the school, her family had given her a stern warning to never perform those spells again or she would no longer be considered apart of the family. Having connections elsewhere she would abandon her own family in favor of her ambition. Being kicked out of the school made her come to the conclusion that most ponies in the world are unfair, and that would lead to a further drive in her selfish nature. They just couldn't understand the promise and ability that Spiral had, they were afraid of what she was capable of and she enjoyed that. At least that is what she imagined. Feeling quite wronged by her family and those who brought her up, her ambition grew to a selfish desire to prove herself as the most powerful and most worthy of the family line.
She would leave her homeland and seek a new place of residence in the town of Hayfling at the edge of the far north amongst the purple mountains. Occasionally she would journey back to Canterlot and other locations to steal spell books for her purposes and would amass her own private library hidden within the purple mountains.
Due to the intensity of her work, any friendships she would have had would fade away into nothing as well as her remaining connections. Her ambition hardened, her heart grew considerably more selfish - she came to the conclusion that she would right the wrongs of the world. The Silver School for Necromancy and other purities would be a stepping stone to achieve that goal, granting her the idea that she should be immortal so she could master all forms of magic and then take her rightful place upon the world and grant upon the world forbidden knowledge. -
Spiral Spell is quite a conniving, scheming and deceitful mare. She is the type to scrape the bottom of the barrel even if its a 1% or .01% over someone else. Her intense hunger for magical knowledge, power, and control over others is what dominates her. That stems from being wronged by the power structures of the world. Spiral Spell is also charming and has good wit in social situations which stems from persuading others in the past. She isn't completely heartless and in her mind her tasks are for the benefit of the world. Spiral Spell wants to better the world with her ambitions by revealing hidden knowledge to anyone no matter who they are, nor their walks of life. She doesn't seek revenge upon her family at this point due to her goal being immortality. All those who wronged her will eventually all be dead.
Connections, Friends, Studying, Necromancy, Dark spells -
Dying, pain, disgusting smells, laziness, status quo -
Magic Spells
She can also consume the power of light to use it to fuel her dark arts at small amounts. Large amounts of light power will overwhelm, and even counteract her magic. Spiral can conceal herself using dark magic. Like one may think, this form of magic has m -
Shadow sneaking and minor dark crystallization -
Void, Monsoon, Thamani -
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