Pipp Petals
92 -
Last visited
Pegasus Pony -
Female -
Zephyr Heights -
Social Media Influencer -
Physical Description
Pipp is a light pink pegasus with golden hooves, and her legs have a slight gradation into lighter pink feathering. Her wings are fluffy and white and are made of large, soft feathers. Her violet mane is wavy and swept to one side, and her tail is of average length. She has kiwi green eyes and violet eyebrows.
Her cutie mark is a deep magenta music note with white bulbs. A yellow crown motif is featured on the interior of the music note.
She wears a gold headdress/tiara with a green jewel and golden wheat.
Pipp is somewhat shorter and chubbier than other ponies. She is the smallest out of the Mane 5.
Pipp is confident, stylish, and glamorous. She is a talented pop star who treats the world as a stage and loves performing, singing, and engaging with her fans on social media on her mobile phone. Her performances mean a lot to her and she wants to lift others up with her songs. She is very close with her mother, Queen Haven, and tells her everything. However, her relationship with her sister is more strained as they disagree on whether or not it's okay to lie to other pegasi about the Royal Family's inability to fly.
She is slightly spoiled, and complacent in keeping secrets from the general public. She doesn't always think about consequences or the bigger picture, such as when she livestreamed Sunny and Izzy despite the fear it could cause.
Other Characters by this Player
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