Starlight Glimmer
103 -
Last visited
Unicorn Pony -
28 -
Female -
Our Town -
Sire's Hollow -
Cutie Mark Collector -
Character Images
Cutie Mark Image
Physical Description
Starlight is a purplish-pink unicorn mare with violet eyes. She has a dark purple mane with violet and mint green streaks running through it that is styled with bangs on her forehead and a wavy texture going down her back. Her Cutie Mark on the surface is a black equal sign, but underneath the makeup, it is two mint green waves with a magenta glimmer underneath.
As a filly, Starlight Glimmer’s best friend was a unicorn named Sunburst. They did absolutely everything together and spent any time they could get away from their parents with each other. One day, however, their bond was torn apart when Sunburst got his Cutie Mark and was immediately sent to Magic School. Starlight Glimmer harbored a bitterness towards Cutie Marks after this day, believing they were the sole reason that her friendship with Sunburst ended.
When Starlight was old enough, she moved from Sire’s Hollow and began a new life in a small and deserted part of Equestria. There, she brought with her a collection of books to study dark magic relating to Cutie Marks. Once ponies began discovering this part of Equestria for themselves, she learned how to take the Cutie Marks from others and replace them with equal signs. She instilled false beliefs within her village that true equality was possible within friendship if ponies were willing to sacrifice everything, including their identities.
Starlight ran a quiet village of about 25-30 ponies. Although this number was comfortable, she sought more. She wanted attention for her cause, and she believed the only way to get attention was to become an Alicorn. After all, according to her, Alicorns got everything they asked for. Starlight’s mission was to find something or somepony to give her the wings she felt she deserved so she could become the “Princess of Equality”. In her eyes, being a princess would represent the ultimate identity sacrifice.
Now, after learning of the dark intentions behind Ascension, Starlight has come to realize that perhaps alicornation is not what she wants. What she really wants is friendship and for someone to understand her. She seems to have found that in a unicorn named Moonlight, a pony who had also fallen for Ascension before she discovered its true nature. In order to protect themselves and become better ponies, the two agreed to abandon their original plans and focus on their friendship and making up for past mistakes.
Key Moments
- Starlight lost her best and only true friend after he received his Cutie Mark. This led her to believe that Cutie Marks are evil and destructive
- Starlight discovered how to contain Cutie Marks in a cave thanks to the help of Maud Pie
- One of the books Starlight read promised the power of an Alicorn if she ventured to a specific location. There, she met two types of ponies: those who were interested in her ideals and those who heavily opposed them due to their own levels of power
- Starlight discovered the errors of her ways after Moonlight made her realize that her delusions could never be obtainable
On the outside, Starlight appears very friendly and kind. To those more observant, it is clear to see that deep down, she is bitter, manipulative, and delusional. Starlight is so driven by the pain of her past that she will do anything to control the ponies around her. She seeks friendship but does not understand what friendship truly is. She is too blinded by her own fears and insecurities to understand that ponies don’t need to change who they are to get along.
Harmony, friendship, control, obedience, simplicity, magic -
Confrontations, dark magic, deceit -
Magic Spells
Cutie Mark Collecting, Teleportation, Levitation, Heavy-Lifting -
Manipulation, Leadership, Socialization -
Night Glider, Sugar Belle, Double Diamond, Party Favor, Octavia Melody, Moonlight Sparkle -
Sunburst, Silver Tongue, Limbo Dreams
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