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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by ReGen

  1. Workin' on some musics.

  2. Science's theme song.

  3. Hey, um... so who's Maud Pie? I haven't been able to watch S4 yet. :s

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ReGen


      Lemme guess, her personality totally contrasts Pinkie's?

    3. ghostfacekiller39
    4. ReGen


      And hijinks ensue!

  4. Member: @Kyoshi I don't know, he was a cool guy.
  5. http://www.16personalities.com/
  6. Actually, no, I don't think it does.
  7. Ecch, but milk and me do not mix well, or dairy products in general. I think I may be a bit lactose-intolerant, but I can't be sure.
  8. I register as an INTP. To me, it seems to be a good thing, from the way it's described!
  9. Thank you for the advice, friend!
  10. This is a genuine curiosity. Here's the skinny (Aw... dammit): I am 5 feet and 8 inches tall and I only weigh 105 pounds. I've had people comment on my weight, criticizing me for being too skinny, and that I should eat more or work out. I've asked my mother and she says it's normal for my age, and that my older brother has also had it. But now, because of peoples' comments, i've gotten a bit self-concious about my body image. It's 80-something degrees out and i'll wear a sweatshirt just to cover up my arms. Has any one else dealt with this issue before? And would you say i'm dangerously thin? Thank you!
  11. Maybe I should stop wearing a lifeguard jacket if I hate people asking me if I am that... Nah. It's my only red one. :P

  12. I'm going to sleep now... Nighters!

    1. Zygen



  13. I wish. It's been much more tame than you'd think. :comeatus:
  14. Bad touch, bad touch, bad touch, bad touch
  15. "'Cause we were never being boring, we had too much time to find for ourselves."

  16. Won't it get stronger if it is repressed? Oh, and did you know? Masturbating at least five times a week can reduce your chances of developing prostate cancer by 1/3. There. Porn does good for the world.
  17. Yes, because literaly the rest of the world uses it and it makes more sense.
  18. This really sums up my thoughts. And isn't it ironic? Like I said before, bronies as a whole have dealt with this, with people trying to deny us the right to enjoy the show, and here's one trying to do that to others. Um.... Sexual purity? A genuine "wut". But this thread doesn't have any of that content... it's simply discussing it.
  19. Then by that logic, people should stop making music, shooting movies and baking cookies. They don't do anyone any real good!
  20. I legitimately want to read some of those. And what's wrong with that? If it doesn't harm anyone and it feels good, then it is fine.
  21. I'm just nice to people. Sometimes we become good friends, other times I don't ever see them again. Really depends.
  22. I believe that he meant that people should acknowledge rule 34 and ignore wherever it is brought up, unless I misread it, in which case I apologize.
  23. Who the heck are you hanging around? Maybe stop being around those people? I can totally understand if you do not like R34 and if it makes you unconfortable, but that doesn't give you the right to shame anyone who does enjoy these things. Yeah, sorry about that. I think we should stay on topic. But do make a topic yourself about this if you want to discuss it.
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