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About EcstaticWind

  • Birthday 1993-06-25


  • Title
    The Dreamer

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  1. Merry Birthiversary!

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  4. Merry Birthiversary!

  5. "I can understand that. I can only imagine what impression I've left on you two." Velvet said, standing aside for the large Diamond Dog to move past him. He wasn't sure what to make of them. He was almost ready to panic, though he was starting to think he just did that in any situation he met somepony for the first time and was in such proximity. The story made him aware they could be dangerous, though his rational mind told him that worrying about them attacking him was silly. He took a moment to breathe and calm himself before resuming the conversation. "So, do either of you drink coffee? I'm not too familiar with dietary habits and requirements of your kind, despite my attempts to look into them. And, uh, my apologies for the choice of words. I should get out more..." He said, muttering the last part mostly to himself. It seemed he wasn't immune to the tendencies of those around him, despite attempts to be open-minded. (Sorry for the wait. Uni started up again >.< )
  6. "Uh no, no. But I am surprised to see you both here so soon. I was given to understand adventuring was a long process. At least, that's what I got from many of the stories and biographies I read. Aside from it being dangerous but potentially rewarding. To be honest, I had figured it would take you another week or two to arrive, but I guess I underestimated transport and how long it actually takes, didn't I?" He was glad that they came, though he wondered if his house was big enough for the two of them. He only had one bed and one couch, after all. Would they be comfortable sharing? Or would he need to buy a sleeping bag? The conundrum only deepened, since he only had pony food and nothing for meat eaters or changelings, not that shops around the area would stock things for changelings anyway. "Would you like to come in? It's a bit small, but I hope it's cozy enough."
  7. Velvet opened the door with a confused expression. "Hello. Can I help you?" He didn't recognize either of these two, but they seemed to know him, though he couldn't begin to place where. Then it occurred to him that these two, being unusual sights in civilized society, could be the adventurers he'd been writing to for the past several weeks. One way to be sure, really. "Lulu and Flaxxy, I presume?" He asked, hoping he'd got it right. If he didn't, he would be out of ideas.
  8. It took Velvet some time to muster up the courage to write back to Lulu and Flaxxy, though he wished Briar and Brittle well and expressed how he was looking forward to seeing them again after the time away. To the other two, he would eventually write back and share his own experiences, even if he felt they were not so grand and exciting as their adventures, and ask many questions about adventuring and what it's like out there beyond the borders of pony civilization. He'd write back often once he crossed the threshold and communicated with them in earnest. He had done much thinking since Brittle and Briar left, and the more he considered it, the more his curiosity burned. He would pour over the information they provided until finally, he began to study books on medicine, outdoor survival, bestiaries and self-defense. He practiced his healing touch talent to get better at it and looked into hiring a storehand he could trust to look after the little nursery while he was gone. The road beckoned to him, promising knowledge, adventure and, most surprising to him, a way to better himself. Remorse and lingering guilt over his extreme and immature response compelled him to at least try it and see if he could be a better pony somehow. But even still, be it fear or wisdom, he was hesitant to face the trip alone.
  9. Velvet was about to step in on Brittle's behalf when Briar reacted. While it saddened him that such action took place, he could see why Briar resorted to it. Not that he felt any better for at least trying to understand. He gave Brittle a sad look, as if to silently apologize for the rude stallion's actions, even though he knew it was too late to salvage anything with her at this time. At least he could hope Briar would see he tried to reach out and remind her that not all ponies seek to hurt her, hoping that when she calmed, such a thought might help bring some positivity to her. "Yes, I think a swift exit is for the best. Take care, Briar. And you as well, Brittle. Best of luck to you both. And don't forget to write to me, if only to say you're safe. I don't want to forget my new friends." Of course, he was sad to see them go so soon, but it couldn't be helped. Letters, he hoped, would be an acceptable compromise. Assuming Brittle could write, if not her, then perhaps a friend Briar trusted.
  10. "Perhaps I should. It would be nice to have another friend, at the very least. When I'm ready, I'll see about heading out on an adventure. For the meantime, a friend sounds pretty swell." Velvet smiled at the pair, brushing his mane aside a little. It seemed he'd have a fair bit of learning to do, and perhaps finding someone to help manage the shop for him while he was out on his trips once he was mentally and physically prepared for an adventure. He gave a little bow towards them, with a friendly wink toward Brittle to be polite. "You're welcome for the ice cream. Next time you come by, we hang out again. I'll try not to melt down next time, too." He'd heard her, barely, but it was enough to know she was appreciative. He'd press a little, but he didn't want to scare her. He figured even this was testing the limits of her courage and he dared not cause her to retreat with his misguided good will.
  11. "Payment isn't necessary. It was a treat for new friends. That and I feel kinda guilty about how I acted in regards to your offer of adventure. It was hardly mature of me to act the way I did and I was a bit too eager in trying to prove to Brittle that I don't mean her any harm." Velvet had been thinking about it little by little, and came to that conclusion. He should have been calmer and more patient, thinking the situation over more carefully and not becoming upset the way he had. Even if his decision remained the same, and it likely would. But there was always the chance he might have chosen differently. He thought about it a little longer, his gaze starting to drift like he was daydreaming, the issue raised in his mind once again as he mulled over how he should approach similar situations in the future, until snapping himself back to reality with a sheepish expression. "Sorry. Anyway, don't worry about the bits. It's my treat to you both. And, about that offer... I may reconsider in the future. For now, though, I don't believe I'm ready to embark on an adventure worth telling. As I am, I'd be a hindrance more than a help. But perhaps someday, maybe sooner rather than later, I may be of more use to someone looking for a helping hoof out in the wild."
  12. Velvet smiled at the pair. "Hazelnuts would be a separate topping or flavor and soy is an alternative for ponies with allergies to your usual dairy products. I won't be long." He said, pushing the door open and entering the shop. He addressed the pony at the counter warmly and politely as he usually did, placing the order for his new friends. It wouldn't take long to be served on a good day, he hoped, rejoining Briar and Brittle with the ice cream. Briar's was topped with maple syrup, a common topping in Vanhoover, owing to the maple trees that grew there in abundance.
  13. "Well, they have raspberries, blueberries, cherries, blackberries, and mulberries. Mulberries in particular aren't super common around these parts, but they are quite sweet when they're fully ripe and they're related to raspberries. but look closer to blackberries. The tree is actually deciduous, so it sheds its leaves around Winter Wrap Up time and...oh, sorry. It's probably not that interesting to hear about the tree itself right now. But anyway, they're perfectly safe, but if you have an allergy to raspberries, it might be best to avoid them. Cherries are probably safest, so long as you don't mind the cherry pit in the middle. The pit being the seed of the cherry." Velvet looked over the options, starting to think they'd be better off trying something else. "Hey, uh, do either of you have a chocolate allergy, perhaps? Cookie dough is always popular with the little fillies and colts."
  14. "Hmmm...What about berries aside from strawberries? It sounds like poor Brittle is allergic to strawberries. There's a few ponies like that around the place, so you aren't alone there." Velvet said, starting to wonder if he was pushing a bit too hard. But then, it was his nature to want to help others, and he was showing them around the place before they left. "Then what about other types of berries? Are there any you tried that you remember liking and didn't upset your tummy?" He didn't want to guess too randomly. It was a poor time to go too crazy with experimentation when the pair were due to leave that day. "I'm sorry i don't know too much about what changelings can or can't digest aside from love. It'd be easier not to overthink, like I tend to do..."
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