"Well, they have raspberries, blueberries, cherries, blackberries, and mulberries. Mulberries in particular aren't super common around these parts, but they are quite sweet when they're fully ripe and they're related to raspberries. but look closer to blackberries. The tree is actually deciduous, so it sheds its leaves around Winter Wrap Up time and...oh, sorry. It's probably not that interesting to hear about the tree itself right now. But anyway, they're perfectly safe, but if you have an allergy to raspberries, it might be best to avoid them. Cherries are probably safest, so long as you don't mind the cherry pit in the middle. The pit being the seed of the cherry."
Velvet looked over the options, starting to think they'd be better off trying something else. "Hey, uh, do either of you have a chocolate allergy, perhaps? Cookie dough is always popular with the little fillies and colts."